author Alpar Juttner <>
Sun, 11 Dec 2011 18:43:33 +0100
changeset 13 0ab493e5250e
parent 6 a3ef33a8694a
permissions -rw-r--r--
Add build id field to running time logs

Configurable by BENCHMARK_BUILD_ID cmake variable,
which defaults to the last component of the build directory.
     1 /*** Copyright 1989 Norbert Schlenker.  All rights reserved.
     3  *** This software is distributed subject to the following provisions:
     4  ***    - this notice may not be removed;
     5  ***    - you may modify the source code, as long as redistributed
     6  ***      versions have their modifications clearly marked;
     7  ***    - no charge, other than a nominal copying fee, may be made
     8  ***      when providing copies of this source code to others;
     9  ***    - if this source code is used as part of a product which is
    10  ***      distributed only as a binary, a copy of this source code
    11  ***      must be included in the distribution.
    12  ***
    13  *** Unlike the GNU GPL, use of this code does not obligate you to
    14  *** disclose your own proprietary source code.
    16  *** The author of this software provides no warranty, express or
    17  *** implied, as to its utility or correctness.  That said, reports
    18  *** of bugs or compatibility problems will be gladly received by
    19  ***, and fixes will be attempted.
    20  ***/
    23 /*** netgen - C version of the standard NETGEN network generator 
    24  ***          This program is a functional equivalent of the
    25  ***          standard network generator NETGEN described in:
    26  ***		Klingman, D., A. Napier, and J. Stutz, "NETGEN:  A Program
    27  ***		  for Generating Large Scale Capacitated Assignment,
    28  ***		  Transportation, and Minimum Cost Flow Network Problems",
    29  ***		  Management Science 20, 5, 814-821 (1974)
    30  ***
    31  ***	      This software provides a number of interfaces for use by
    32  ***	      network solvers.  Standard call interfaces are supplied for
    33  ***	      use by (Unix) C and Fortran solvers, with generation parameters
    34  ***	      passed into the generator and the flow network passed back to
    35  ***	      the solver via large external (COMMON in Fortran) arrays.
    36  ***	      For the DIMACS challenge, this code will produce output files
    37  ***	      in the appropriate format for later reading by solvers.
    38  ***          Undefine the symbol DIMACS when using the call interface.
    39  ***
    40  ***          The generator produces exact duplicates of the networks
    41  ***          made by the Fortran code (even though that means bugs
    42  ***          are being perpetuated). It is faster by orders of magnitude
    43  ***          in generating large networks, primarily by imposing the
    44  ***          notion of the abstract data type INDEX_LIST and implementing
    45  ***          the type operations in a reasonably efficient fashion.
    46  ***/
    48 /*** Generates transportation problems if:
    50  ***
    51  *** Generates assignment problems if above conditions are satisfied, and:
    53  ***
    54  *** Generates maximum flow problems if not an assignment problem and:
    55  ***	MINCOST == MAXCOST == 1
    57  *** Implementation notes:
    58  ***
    59  ***	This file contains both a Fortran and a C interface. The
    60  ***	Fortran interface is suffixed with an underscore to make it
    61  ***	callable in the normal fashion from Fortran (a Unix convention).
    62  ***
    63  ***    Because Fortran has no facility for pointers, the common arrays
    64  ***    are statically allocated.  Static allocation has nothing to recommend
    65  ***    it except for the need for a Fortran interface.
    66  ***
    67  ***    This software expects input parameters to be long integers
    68  ***    (in the sense of C); that means no INTEGER*2 from Fortran callers.
    69  ***
    70  ***	Compiling with -DDIMACS produces a program that reads problem
    71  ***	parameters, generates the appropriate problem, and prints it.
    72  ***
    73  ***	Compiling with -DDEBUG produces code with externally visible
    74  ***	procedure names, useful for debugging and profiling.
    75  ***/
    78 /*** System interfaces */
    80 #include <stdio.h>
    83 /*** Public interfaces */
    85 #define ALLOCATE_NETWORK
    86 #include "netgen.h"
    88 #include "main.h"
    90 /*** Private interfaces */
    92 #ifdef DEBUG
    93 #define PRIVATE
    94 #else
    95 #define PRIVATE static
    96 #endif
    98 #ifdef __STDC__
    99 PRIVATE void create_supply(NODE, CAPACITY); /* create supply nodes */
   100 PRIVATE void create_assignment(long*);	/* create assignment problem */
   101 PRIVATE void sort_skeleton(int);	/* sorts skeleton chains */
   102 PRIVATE void pick_head(long*, int, NODE); /* choose destination nodes for rubbish arcs */
   103 PRIVATE void error_exit(long);		/* print error message and exit */
   104 #else
   105 PRIVATE void create_supply();		/* create supply nodes */
   106 PRIVATE void create_assignment();	/* create assignment problem */
   107 PRIVATE void sort_skeleton();		/* sorts skeleton chains */
   108 PRIVATE void pick_head();		/* chooses destination nodes for rubbish arcs */
   109 PRIVATE void error_exit();		/* print error message and exit */
   110 #endif
   112 /*** Private variables */
   114 static NODE nodes_left;
   115 static ARC arc_count;
   116 static NODE pred[MAXARCS];
   117 static NODE head[MAXARCS];
   118 static NODE tail[MAXARCS];
   121 /*** Local macros */
   123 #define MIN(x, y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
   124 #define MAX(x, y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
   125 #define SAVE_ARC(tail, head, cost, capacity)	/* records an arc where our caller can get it */ \
   126   {				\
   127     FROM[arc_count] = tail;	\
   128     TO  [arc_count] = head;	\
   129     C   [arc_count] = cost;	\
   130     U   [arc_count] = capacity; \
   131     arc_count++;		\
   132   }
   135 /*** Fortran callable interface routine */
   137 void netgen_(seed, parms, generated_nodes, generated_arcs)
   138 long* seed;			/* pointer to random seed */
   139 long parms[PROBLEM_PARMS];	/* problem parameters */
   140 long* generated_nodes;		/* number of generated nodes */
   141 long* generated_arcs;		/* number of generated arcs */
   142 {
   143   *generated_nodes = NODES;
   144   if ((*generated_arcs = netgen(*seed, parms)) < 0)
   145     error_exit(*generated_arcs);
   146 }
   149 /*** C callable interface routine */
   151 ARC netgen(seed, parms)
   152 long seed;			/* random seed */
   153 long parms[];			/* problem parameters */
   154 {
   155   register NODE i,j,k;
   156   NODE source;
   157   NODE node;
   158   NODE sinks_per_source;
   159   NODE* sinks;
   160   NODE it;
   161   int chain_length;
   162   COST cost;
   163   CAPACITY cap;
   164   INDEX_LIST handle;
   165   int supply_per_sink;
   166   int partial_supply;
   167   int sort_count;
   170 /*** Perform sanity checks on the input */
   172   if (seed <= 0)
   173     return BAD_SEED;
   175     return TOO_BIG;
   176   if ((NODES <= 0) ||
   177       (NODES > DENSITY) ||
   178       (SOURCES <= 0) ||
   179       (SINKS <= 0) ||
   180       (SOURCES + SINKS > NODES) ||
   181       (MINCOST > MAXCOST) ||
   182       (SUPPLY < SOURCES) ||
   183       (TSOURCES > SOURCES) ||
   184       (TSINKS > SINKS) ||
   185       (HICOST < 0 || HICOST > 100) ||
   186       (CAPACITATED < 0 || CAPACITATED > 100) ||
   187       (MINCAP > MAXCAP))
   188     return BAD_PARMS;
   191 /*** Do a little bit of setting up. */
   193   set_random(seed);
   195   arc_count = 0;
   196   nodes_left = NODES - SINKS + TSINKS;
   199       (SOURCES-TSOURCES) == (SINKS-TSINKS) &&
   200        SOURCES == SUPPLY) {
   201     create_assignment(parms);
   202     return arc_count;
   203   }
   205   (void)memset((void *)B, 0, sizeof(B));/* set supplies and demands to zero */
   207   create_supply((NODE)SOURCES, (CAPACITY)SUPPLY);
   210 /*** Form most of the network skeleton.  First, 60% of the transshipment
   211  *** nodes are divided evenly among the various sources; the remainder
   212  *** are chained onto the end of the chains belonging to random sources.
   213  ***/
   215   for (i = 1; i <= SOURCES; i++)	/* point SOURCES at themselves */
   216     pred[i] = i;
   217   handle = make_index_list((INDEX)(SOURCES + 1), (INDEX)(NODES - SINKS));
   218   source = 1;
   219   for (i = NODES-SOURCES-SINKS; i > (4*(NODES-SOURCES-SINKS)+9)/10; i--) {
   220     node = choose_index(handle, (INDEX)ng_random(1L, (long)index_size(handle)));
   221     pred[node] = pred[source];
   222     pred[source] = node;
   223     if (++source > SOURCES)
   224       source = 1;
   225   }
   226   for ( ; i > 0; --i) {
   227     node = choose_index(handle, (INDEX)ng_random(1L, (long)index_size(handle)));
   228     source = ng_random(1L, SOURCES);
   229     pred[node] = pred[source];
   230     pred[source] = node;
   231   }
   232   free_index_list(handle);
   235 /*** For each source chain, hook it to an "appropriate" number of sinks,
   236  *** place capacities and costs on the skeleton edges, and then call
   237  *** pick_head to add a bunch of rubbish edges at each node on the chain.
   238  ***/
   240   for (source = 1; source <= SOURCES; source++) {
   241     sort_count = 0;
   242     node = pred[source];
   243     while (node != source) {
   244       sort_count++;
   245       head[sort_count] = node;
   246       node = tail[sort_count] = pred[node];
   247     }
   248     if ((NODES-SOURCES-SINKS) == 0)
   249       sinks_per_source = SINKS/SOURCES + 1;
   250     else
   251 /* changing to handle overflows with large n; Mar 18 -- jc */
   252       sinks_per_source = ((double) 2*sort_count*SINKS) / ((double) NODES-SOURCES-SINKS);
   253     sinks_per_source = MAX(2, MIN(sinks_per_source, SINKS));
   254     sinks = (NODE*) malloc(sinks_per_source * sizeof(NODE));
   255     handle = make_index_list((INDEX)(NODES - SINKS), (INDEX)(NODES - 1));
   256     for (i = 0; i < sinks_per_source; i++) {
   257       sinks[i] = choose_index(handle, (INDEX)ng_random(1L, (long)index_size(handle)));
   258     }
   259     if (source == SOURCES && index_size(handle) > 0) {
   260       sinks = (NODE*) realloc((void *)sinks, (sinks_per_source + index_size(handle)) * sizeof(NODE));
   261       while (index_size(handle) > 0) {
   262 	j = choose_index(handle, 1);
   263 	if (B[j] == 0)
   264 	  sinks[sinks_per_source++] = j;
   265       }
   266     }
   267     free_index_list(handle);
   269     chain_length = sort_count;
   270     supply_per_sink = B[source-1] / sinks_per_source;
   271     k = pred[source];
   272     for (i = 0; i < sinks_per_source; i++) {
   273       sort_count++;
   274       partial_supply = ng_random(1L, (long)supply_per_sink);
   275       j = ng_random(0L, (long)sinks_per_source - 1);
   276       tail[sort_count] = k;
   277       head[sort_count] = sinks[i] + 1;
   278       B[sinks[i]] -= partial_supply;
   279       B[sinks[j]] -= (supply_per_sink - partial_supply);
   280       k = source;
   281       for (j = ng_random(1L, (long)chain_length); j > 0; j--)
   282 	k = pred[k];
   283     }
   284     B[sinks[0]] -= (B[source-1] % sinks_per_source);
   285     free((void *)sinks);
   287     sort_skeleton(sort_count);
   288     tail[sort_count+1] = 0;
   289     for (i = 1; i <= sort_count; ) {
   290       handle = make_index_list((INDEX)(SOURCES - TSOURCES + 1), (INDEX)NODES);
   291       remove_index(handle, (INDEX)tail[i]);
   292       it = tail[i];
   293       while (it == tail[i]) {
   294 	remove_index(handle, (INDEX)head[i]);
   295 	cap = SUPPLY;
   296 	if (ng_random(1L, 100L) <= CAPACITATED)
   297 	  cap = MAX(B[source-1], MINCAP);
   298 	cost = MAXCOST;
   299 	if (ng_random(1L, 100L) > HICOST)
   300 	  cost = ng_random(MINCOST, MAXCOST);
   301 	SAVE_ARC(it,head[i],cost,cap);
   302 	i++;
   303       }
   304       pick_head(parms, handle, it);
   305       free_index_list(handle);
   306     }
   307   }
   310 /*** Add more rubbish edges out of the transshipment sinks. */
   312   for (i = NODES - SINKS + 1; i <= NODES - SINKS + TSINKS; i++) {
   313     handle = make_index_list((INDEX)(SOURCES - TSOURCES + 1), (INDEX)NODES);
   314     remove_index(handle, (INDEX)i);
   315     pick_head(parms, handle, i);
   316     free_index_list(handle);
   317   }
   319   return arc_count;
   320 }
   323 PRIVATE void create_supply(sources, supply)
   324 NODE sources;
   325 CAPACITY supply;
   326 {
   327   CAPACITY supply_per_source = supply / sources;
   328   CAPACITY partial_supply;
   329   NODE i;
   331   for (i = 0; i < sources; i++) {
   332     B[i] += (partial_supply = ng_random(1L, (long)supply_per_source));
   333     B[ng_random(0L, (long)(sources - 1))] += supply_per_source - partial_supply;
   334   }
   335   B[ng_random(0L, (long)(sources - 1))] += supply % sources;
   336 }
   339 PRIVATE void create_assignment(parms)
   340 long parms[];
   341 {
   342   INDEX_LIST skeleton, handle;
   343   INDEX index;
   344   NODE source;
   346   for (source = 0; source < NODES/2; source++)
   347     B[source] = 1;
   348   for ( ; source < NODES; source++)
   349     B[source] = -1;
   351   skeleton = make_index_list((INDEX)(SOURCES + 1), (INDEX)NODES);
   352   for (source = 1; source <= NODES/2; source++) {
   353     index = choose_index(skeleton, (INDEX)ng_random(1L, (long)index_size(skeleton)));
   354     SAVE_ARC(source, index, ng_random(MINCOST, MAXCOST), 1);
   355     handle = make_index_list((INDEX)(SOURCES + 1), (INDEX)NODES);
   356     remove_index(handle, index);
   357     pick_head(parms, handle, source);
   358     free_index_list(handle);
   359   }
   360   free_index_list(skeleton);
   361 }
   364 PRIVATE void sort_skeleton(sort_count) 		/* Shell sort */
   365 int sort_count;
   366 {
   367   int m,i,j,k;
   368   int temp;
   370   m = sort_count;
   371   while ((m /= 2) != 0) {
   372     k = sort_count - m;
   373     for (j = 1; j <= k; j++) {
   374       i = j;
   375       while (i >= 1 && tail[i] > tail[i+m]) {
   376 	temp = tail[i];
   377 	tail[i] = tail[i+m];
   378 	tail[i+m] = temp;
   379 	temp = head[i];
   380 	head[i] = head[i+m];
   381 	head[i+m] = temp;
   382 	i -= m;
   383       }
   384     }
   385   }
   386 }
   389 PRIVATE void pick_head(parms, handle, desired_tail)
   390 long parms[];
   391 INDEX_LIST handle;
   392 NODE desired_tail;
   393 {
   394   NODE non_sources = NODES - SOURCES + TSOURCES;
   396 /* changing Aug 29 -- jc
   397   ARC remaining_arcs = DENSITY - arc_count;
   398 */
   399   int  remaining_arcs = (int) DENSITY - (int) arc_count;
   401   INDEX index;
   402   int limit;
   403   long upper_bound;
   404   CAPACITY cap;
   406 /* changing Aug 29 -- jc
   407 */
   408   nodes_left--;
   409   if ((2 * (int) nodes_left) >= (int) remaining_arcs)
   410     return;
   412   if ((remaining_arcs + non_sources - pseudo_size(handle) - 1) / (nodes_left + 1) >= non_sources - 1) {
   413     limit = non_sources;
   414   } else {
   415     upper_bound = 2 * (remaining_arcs / (nodes_left + 1) - 1);
   416     do {
   417       limit = ng_random(1L, upper_bound);
   418       if (nodes_left == 0)
   419 	limit = remaining_arcs;
   420 /* changing to handle overflows with large n; Mar 18 -- jc */
   421     } while ( ((double) nodes_left * (non_sources - 1)) < ((double) remaining_arcs - limit));
   422   }
   424   for ( ; limit > 0; limit--) {
   425     index = choose_index(handle, (INDEX)ng_random(1L, (long)pseudo_size(handle)));
   426     cap = SUPPLY;
   427     if (ng_random(1L, 100L) <= CAPACITATED)
   428       cap = ng_random(MINCAP, MAXCAP);
   430 /* adding Aug 29 -- jc */
   431 if ((1 <= index) && (index <= NODES)) {
   432     SAVE_ARC(desired_tail, index, ng_random(MINCOST, MAXCOST), cap);
   433     }
   435   }
   436 }
   439 /*** Print an appropriate error message and then exit with a nonzero code. */
   441 PRIVATE void error_exit(rc)
   442 long rc;
   443 {
   444   switch (rc) {
   445     case BAD_SEED:
   446       fprintf(stderr, "NETGEN requires a positive random seed\n");
   447       break;
   448     case TOO_BIG:
   449       fprintf(stderr, "Problem too large for generator\n");
   450       break;
   451     case BAD_PARMS:
   452       fprintf(stderr, "Inconsistent parameter settings - check the input\n");
   453       break;
   454     case ALLOCATION_FAILURE:
   455       fprintf(stderr, "Memory allocation failure\n");
   456       break;
   457     default:
   458       fprintf(stderr, "Internal error\n");
   459       break;
   460   }
   461   exit(1000 - (int)rc);
   462 }
   464 #ifdef DIMACS			/* generates network on standard output */
   466 #define READ(v) 		     	/* read one variable using scanf */	\
   467 	switch( scanf("%ld", &v) ) {						\
   468 		case 1:								\
   469 			break;							\
   470 		default:							\
   471 			exit(0);						\
   472 		}
   474 int orig_main(long seed,long problem,long *parms)
   475 {
   476   long arcs;
   477   int i;
   479 /*** Read problem parameters and generate networks */
   480   {
   481     printf("c NETGEN flow network generator (C version)\n");
   482     printf("c  Problem %2ld input parameters\n", problem);
   483     printf("c  ---------------------------\n");
   484     printf("c   Random seed:          %10ld\n",   seed);
   485     printf("c   Number of nodes:      %10ld\n",   NODES);
   486     printf("c   Source nodes:         %10ld\n",   SOURCES);
   487     printf("c   Sink nodes:           %10ld\n",   SINKS);
   488     printf("c   Number of arcs:       %10ld\n",   DENSITY);
   489     printf("c   Minimum arc cost:     %10ld\n",   MINCOST);
   490     printf("c   Maximum arc cost:     %10ld\n",   MAXCOST);
   491     printf("c   Total supply:         %10ld\n",   SUPPLY);
   492     printf("c   Transshipment -\n");
   493     printf("c     Sources:            %10ld\n",   TSOURCES);
   494     printf("c     Sinks:              %10ld\n",   TSINKS);
   495     printf("c   Skeleton arcs -\n");
   496     printf("c     With max cost:      %10ld%%\n", HICOST);
   497     printf("c     Capacitated:        %10ld%%\n", CAPACITATED);
   498     printf("c   Minimum arc capacity: %10ld\n",   MINCAP);
   499     printf("c   Maximum arc capacity: %10ld\n",   MAXCAP);
   501     if ((arcs = netgen(seed, parms)) < 0)
   502       error_exit(arcs);
   505 	 SOURCES == SUPPLY) {
   506       printf("c\n");
   507       printf("c  *** Assignment ***\n");
   508       printf("c\n");
   509       printf("p asn %ld %ld\n", NODES, arcs);
   510       for (i = 0; i < NODES; i++) {
   511 	if (B[i] > 0)
   512 	  printf("n %ld\n", i + 1);
   513       }
   514       for (i = 0; i < arcs; i++) {
   515 	printf("a %ld %ld %ld\n", FROM[i], TO[i], C[i]);
   516       }
   517     } else
   518     if (MINCOST == 1 && MAXCOST == 1) {
   519       printf("c\n");
   520       printf("c  *** Maximum flow ***\n");
   521       printf("c\n");
   522       printf("p max %ld %ld\n", NODES, arcs);
   523       for (i = 0; i < NODES; i++) {
   524 	if (B[i] > 0)
   525 	  printf("n %ld s\n", i + 1);
   526 	else
   527 	if (B[i] < 0)
   528 	  printf("n %ld t\n", i + 1);
   529       }
   530       for (i = 0; i < arcs; i++) {
   531 	printf("a %ld %ld %ld\n", FROM[i], TO[i], U[i]);
   532       }
   533     } else {
   534       printf("c\n");
   535       printf("c  *** Minimum cost flow ***\n");
   536       printf("c\n");
   537       printf("p min %ld %ld\n", NODES, arcs);
   538       for (i = 0; i < NODES; i++) {
   539 	if (B[i] != 0)
   540 	  printf("n %ld %ld\n", i + 1, B[i]);
   541       }
   542       for (i = 0; i < arcs; i++) {
   543 	printf("a %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld\n", FROM[i], TO[i], 0, U[i], C[i]);
   544       }
   545     }
   546   }
   547   return 0;
   548 }
   550 #endif