Update NEWS file
authorAlpar Juttner <alpar@cs.elte.hu>
Sun, 12 Oct 2008 19:35:48 +0100 (2008-10-12)
changeset 3226dbd5184c6a9
parent 321 a412d990f043
child 333 58f1a3144134
child 335 94b832d461f7
child 336 e05633b02e40
child 338 64ad48007fb2
child 360 96f7cc46c91c
child 382 00c8843d491d
child 391 c4aa9f097ef1
child 464 4f7224faf3bd
Update NEWS file
     1.1 --- a/NEWS	Sun Oct 12 19:59:06 2008 +0100
     1.2 +++ b/NEWS	Sun Oct 12 19:35:48 2008 +0100
     1.3 @@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
     1.4 -20XX-XX-XX Version 1.0 released
     1.5 +2008-10-13 Version 1.0 released
     1.7  	This is the first stable release of LEMON. Compared to the 0.x
     1.8  	release series, it features a considerably smaller but more
     1.9  	matured set of tools. The API has also completely revised and
    1.10  	changed in several places.
    1.12 -	* The major name changes compared to the 0.x series
    1.13 +	* The major name changes compared to the 0.x series (see the
    1.14 +          Migration Guide in the doc for more details)
    1.15            * Graph -> Digraph, UGraph -> Graph
    1.16            * Edge -> Arc, UEdge -> Edge
    1.17  	  * source(UEdge)/target(UEdge) -> u(Edge)/v(Edge)