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LpBase::DualExpr Class Reference

Detailed Description

This data structure represents a column of the matrix, thas is it strores a linear expression of the dual variables (Rows).

There are several ways to access and modify the contents of this container.


or you can also iterate through its elements.

       double s=0;
       for(LpBase::DualExpr::ConstCoeffIt i(e);i!=INVALID;++i)

(This code computes the sum of all coefficients).

See also:

#include <lemon/lp_base.h>

List of all members.


class  CoeffIt
 Iterator over the expression. More...
class  ConstCoeffIt
 Iterator over the expression. More...

Public Types

typedef LpBase::Row Key
 The key type of the expression.
typedef LpBase::Value Value
 The value type of the expression.

Public Member Functions

 DualExpr ()
 Default constructor.
 DualExpr (const Row &r)
 Construct an expression from a row.
Value operator[] (const Row &r) const
 Returns the coefficient of the row.
Valueoperator[] (const Row &r)
 Returns the coefficient of the row.
void set (const Row &r, const Value &v)
 Sets the coefficient of the row.
void simplify (Value epsilon=0.0)
 Removes the coefficients which's absolute value does not exceed epsilon.
void clear ()
 Sets all coefficients to 0.
DualExproperator+= (const DualExpr &e)
 Compound assignment.
DualExproperator-= (const DualExpr &e)
 Compound assignment.
DualExproperator*= (const Value &v)
 Multiply with a constant.
DualExproperator/= (const Value &v)
 Division with a constant.

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)
LpBase::DualExpr operator+ (const LpBase::DualExpr &a, const LpBase::DualExpr &b)
LpBase::DualExpr operator- (const LpBase::DualExpr &a, const LpBase::DualExpr &b)
LpBase::DualExpr operator* (const LpBase::DualExpr &a, const LpBase::Value &b)
 Multiply with constant.
LpBase::DualExpr operator* (const LpBase::Value &a, const LpBase::DualExpr &b)
 Multiply with constant.
LpBase::DualExpr operator/ (const LpBase::DualExpr &a, const LpBase::Value &b)
 Divide with constant.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

DualExpr ( ) [inline]

Construct an empty expression, the coefficients are initialized to zero.

DualExpr ( const Row r) [inline]

Construct an expression, which has a term with r dual variable and 1.0 coefficient.

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