Public Member Functions

DfsVisitor< GR > Struct Template Reference

Detailed Description

template<typename GR>
struct lemon::DfsVisitor< GR >

This class defines the interface of the DfsVisit events, and it could be the base of a real visitor class.

#include <lemon/dfs.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void start (const Node &node)
 Called for the source node of the DFS.
void stop (const Node &node)
 Called when the source node is leaved.
void reach (const Node &node)
 Called when a node is reached first time.
void discover (const Arc &arc)
 Called when an arc reaches a new node.
void examine (const Arc &arc)
 Called when an arc is examined but its target node is already discovered.
void leave (const Node &node)
 Called when the DFS steps back from a node.
void backtrack (const Arc &arc)
 Called when the DFS steps back on an arc.

Member Function Documentation

void start ( const Node &  node) [inline]

This function is called for the source node of the DFS.

void stop ( const Node &  node) [inline]

This function is called when the source node is leaved.

void reach ( const Node &  node) [inline]

This function is called when a node is reached first time.

void discover ( const Arc &  arc) [inline]

This function is called when the DFS finds an arc whose target node is not reached yet.

void examine ( const Arc &  arc) [inline]

This function is called when an arc is examined but its target node is already discovered.

void leave ( const Node &  node) [inline]

This function is called when the DFS steps back from a node.

void backtrack ( const Arc &  arc) [inline]

This function is called when the DFS steps back on an arc.

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