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HowardMmcDefaultTraits< GR, CM > Struct Template Reference

Detailed Description

template<typename GR, typename CM>
struct lemon::HowardMmcDefaultTraits< GR, CM >

Default traits class of HowardMmc class.

Template Parameters
GRThe type of the digraph.
CMThe type of the cost map. It must conform to the ReadMap concept.

#include <lemon/howard_mmc.h>

Public Types

typedef GR Digraph
 The type of the digraph.
typedef CM CostMap
 The type of the cost map.
typedef CostMap::Value Cost
 The type of the arc costs.
typedef double LargeCost
 The large cost type used for internal computations.
typedef lemon::Tolerance
< LargeCost
 The tolerance type used for internal computations.
typedef lemon::Path< DigraphPath
 The path type of the found cycles.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef double LargeCost

The large cost type used for internal computations. It is long long if the Cost type is integer, otherwise it is double. Cost must be convertible to LargeCost.

The path type of the found cycles. It must conform to the Path concept and it must have an addBack() function.