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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
oCBellmanFord< GR, LEN, TR >::ActiveItLEMON iterator for getting the active nodes
oCAlterableDigraphComponent< BAS >Skeleton class for alterable directed graphs
oCBpGraph::ArcThe arc type of the graph
oCDigraph::ArcThe arc type of the digraph
oCGraph::ArcThe arc type of the graph
oCPath< GR >::ArcItLEMON style iterator for enumerating the arcs of a path
oCPathDumper< GR >::ArcItLEMON style iterator for enumerating the arcs of a path
oCPath< GR >::ArcItLEMON style iterator for path arcs
oCSimplePath< GR >::ArcItIterator class to iterate on the arcs of the paths
oCListPath< GR >::ArcItIterator class to iterate on the arcs of the paths
oCStaticPath< GR >::ArcItIterator class to iterate on the arcs of the paths
oCArcLookUp< GR >Fast arc look-up between given endpoints
oCArgParserCommand line arguments parser
oCBackwardMap< GR >Map of the "backward" directed arc view of edges in a graph
oCBaseDigraphComponentBase skeleton class for directed graphs
oCBellmanFord< GR, LEN, TR >BellmanFord algorithm class
oCBellmanFord< Digraph, LengthMap, SetDistMapTraits< T > >
oCBellmanFord< Digraph, LengthMap, SetOperationTraitsTraits< T > >
oCBellmanFord< Digraph, LengthMap, SetPredMapTraits< T > >
oCBellmanFordDefaultOperationTraits< V, has_inf >Default OperationTraits for the BellmanFord algorithm class
oCBellmanFordDefaultTraits< GR, LEN >Default traits class of BellmanFord class
oCBellmanFordWizard< TR >Auxiliary class for the function-type interface of the Bellman-Ford algorithm
oCBellmanFordWizardDefaultTraits< GR, LEN >Default traits class of bellmanFord() function
oCBfs< GR, TR >BFS algorithm class
oCBfs< Digraph, SetDistMapTraits< T > >
oCBfs< Digraph, SetPredMapTraits< T > >
oCBfs< Digraph, SetProcessedMapTraits< T > >
oCBfs< Digraph, SetReachedMapTraits< T > >
oCBfs< Digraph, SetStandardProcessedMapTraits >
oCBfsDefaultTraits< GR >Default traits class of Bfs class
oCBfsVisit< GR, VS, TR >BFS algorithm class with visitor interface
oCBfsVisit< Digraph, Visitor, SetReachedMapTraits< T > >
oCBfsVisitDefaultTraits< GR >Default traits class of BfsVisit class
oCBfsVisitor< GR >Visitor class for BFS
oCBfsVisitor< Digraph >
oCBfsWizard< TR >Auxiliary class for the function-type interface of BFS algorithm
oCBfsWizardDefaultTraits< GR >Default traits class of bfs() function
oCBinHeap< PR, IM, CMP >Binary heap data structure
oCBinHeap< Value, IntArcMap >
oCBinHeap< Value, IntEdgeMap >
oCBinHeap< Value, IntIntMap >
oCBinHeap< Value, IntNodeMap >
oCBinomialHeap< PR, IM, CMP >Binomial heap data structure
oCMaxWeightedMatching< GR, WM >::BlossomItIterator for obtaining the nodes of a blossom
oCMaxWeightedPerfectMatching< GR, WM >::BlossomItIterator for obtaining the nodes of a blossom
oCBox< T >Bounding box of plain vectors (points)
oCBpGraphClass describing the concept of undirected bipartite graphs
oCBpGraphCopy< From, To >Class to copy a bipartite graph
oCBpGraphReader< BGR >LGF reader for bipartite graphs
oCBpGraphWriter< BGR >LGF writer for undirected bipartite graphs
oCBucketHeap< IM, MIN >Bucket heap data structure
oCCapacityScaling< GR, V, C, TR >Implementation of the Capacity Scaling algorithm for finding a minimum cost flow
oCCapacityScaling< GR, V, C, SetHeapTraits< T > >
oCCapacityScalingDefaultTraits< GR, V, C >Default traits class of CapacityScaling algorithm
oCChristofidesTsp< CM >Christofides algorithm for symmetric TSP
oCCirculation< GR, LM, UM, SM, TR >Push-relabel algorithm for the network circulation problem
oCCirculation< Digraph, LowerMap, UpperMap, SupplyMap, SetElevatorTraits< T > >
oCCirculation< Digraph, LowerMap, UpperMap, SupplyMap, SetFlowMapTraits< T > >
oCCirculation< Digraph, LowerMap, UpperMap, SupplyMap, SetStandardElevatorTraits< T > >
oCCirculationDefaultTraits< GR, LM, UM, SM >Default traits class of Circulation class
oCUnionFindEnum< IM >::ClassItLEMON style iterator for the representant items
oCExtendFindEnum< IM >::ClassItLEMON style iterator for the classes
oCHeapUnionFind< V, IM, Comp >::ClassItClass iterator
oCClearableDigraphComponent< BAS >Skeleton class for clearable directed graphs
oCGrossoLocatelliPullanMc< GR >::CliqueNodeItIterator to list the nodes of the found clique
oCLpBase::Expr::CoeffItIterator over the expression
oCLpBase::DualExpr::CoeffItIterator over the expression
oCLpBase::ColRefer to a column of the LP
oCUndirector< DGR >::CombinedArcMap< FW, BK >Arc map combined from two original arc maps
oCSplitNodes< DGR >::CombinedArcMap< AM, NM >Arc map combined from an arc map and a node map of the original digraph
oCSplitNodes< DGR >::CombinedNodeMap< IN, OUT >Node map combined from two original node maps
oCConArcIt< GR >Iterator for iterating on parallel arcs connecting the same nodes
oCConEdgeIt< GR >Iterator for iterating on parallel edges connecting the same nodes
oCLpBase::Expr::ConstCoeffItConst iterator over the expression
oCLpBase::DualExpr::ConstCoeffItIterator over the expression
oCLpBase::ConstrLinear constraint
oCConstXMap< M >
oCConstYMap< M >
oCCostScaling< GR, V, C, TR >Implementation of the Cost Scaling algorithm for finding a minimum cost flow
oCCostScaling< GR, V, C, SetLargeCostTraits< T > >
oCCostScalingDefaultTraits< GR, V, C >Default traits class of CostScaling algorithm
oCCounterA counter class
oCCplexEnvReference counted wrapper around cpxenv pointer
oCCrossRefMap< GR, K, V >General cross reference graph map type
oCCycleCanceling< GR, V, C >Implementation of cycle-canceling algorithms for finding a minimum cost flow
oCDefaultGraphToEpsTraits< GR >Default traits class of GraphToEps
oCDfs< GR, TR >DFS algorithm class
oCDfs< Digraph, SetDistMapTraits< T > >
oCDfs< Digraph, SetPredMapTraits< T > >
oCDfs< Digraph, SetProcessedMapTraits< T > >
oCDfs< Digraph, SetReachedMapTraits< T > >
oCDfs< Digraph, SetStandardProcessedMapTraits >
oCDfsDefaultTraits< GR >Default traits class of Dfs class
oCDfsVisit< GR, VS, TR >DFS algorithm class with visitor interface
oCDfsVisit< Digraph, Visitor, SetReachedMapTraits< T > >
oCDfsVisitDefaultTraits< GR >Default traits class of DfsVisit class
oCDfsVisitor< GR >Visitor class for DFS
oCDfsVisitor< Digraph >
oCDfsVisitor< Graph >
oCDfsWizard< TR >Auxiliary class for the function-type interface of DFS algorithm
oCDfsWizardDefaultTraits< GR >Default traits class of dfs() function
oCDHeap< PR, IM, D, CMP >D-ary heap data structure
oCDiEulerIt< GR >Euler tour iterator for digraphs
oCDigraphClass describing the concept of directed graphs
oCDigraphCopy< From, To >Class to copy a digraph
oCDigraphReader< DGR >LGF reader for directed graphs
oCDigraphWriter< DGR >LGF writer for directed graphs
oCDijkstra< GR, LEN, TR >Dijkstra algorithm class
oCDijkstra< Digraph, LengthMap, SetDistMapTraits< T > >
oCDijkstra< Digraph, LengthMap, SetHeapTraits< H, CR > >
oCDijkstra< Digraph, LengthMap, SetOperationTraitsTraits< T > >
oCDijkstra< Digraph, LengthMap, SetPredMapTraits< T > >
oCDijkstra< Digraph, LengthMap, SetProcessedMapTraits< T > >
oCDijkstra< Digraph, LengthMap, SetStandardHeapTraits< H, CR > >
oCDijkstra< Digraph, LengthMap, SetStandardProcessedMapTraits >
oCDijkstraDefaultOperationTraits< V >Default operation traits for the Dijkstra algorithm class
oCDijkstraDefaultTraits< GR, LEN >Default traits class of Dijkstra class
oCDijkstraWizard< TR >Auxiliary class for the function-type interface of Dijkstra algorithm
oCDijkstraWizardDefaultTraits< GR, LEN >Default traits class of dijkstra() function
oCDimacsDescriptorDIMACS file type descriptor
oCLpBase::DualExprLinear expression of rows
oCMinCostArborescence< GR, CM, TR >::DualItLEMON iterator for getting a dual variable
oCDynArcLookUp< GR >Dynamic arc look-up between given endpoints
oCBpGraph::EdgeThe edge type of the graph
oCGraph::EdgeThe edge type of the graph
oCEdmondsKarp< GR, CAP, TR >Edmonds-Karp algorithms class
oCEdmondsKarp< Digraph, CapacityMap, SetFlowMapTraits< T > >
oCEdmondsKarpDefaultTraits< GR, CAP >Default traits class of EdmondsKarp class
oCElevator< GR, Item >Class for handling "labels" in push-relabel type algorithms
oCErasableDigraphComponent< BAS >Skeleton class for erasable directed graphs
oCErasableGraphComponent< BAS >Skeleton class for erasable undirected graphs
oCEulerIt< GR >Euler tour iterator for graphs
oCexception [external]STL class
oCLpBase::ExprLinear expression of variables and a constant component
oCExtendableBpGraphComponent< BAS >Skeleton class for extendable undirected bipartite graphs
oCExtendableDigraphComponent< BAS >Skeleton class for extendable directed graphs
oCExtendableGraphComponent< BAS >Skeleton class for extendable undirected graphs
oCExtendFindEnum< IM >A Extend-Find data structure implementation which is able to enumerate the components
oCIterableBoolMap< GR, K >::FalseItIterator for the keys mapped to false
oCFibHeap< PR, IM, CMP >Fibonacci heap data structure
oCFilterArcs< DGR, AF >Adaptor class for hiding arcs in a digraph
oCFilterEdges< GR, EF >Adaptor class for hiding edges in a graph
oCFilterNodes< GR, NF >Adaptor class for hiding nodes in a digraph or a graph
oCForwardMap< GR >Map of the "forward" directed arc view of edges in a graph
oCFullBpGraphAn undirected full bipartite graph class
oCFullDigraphA directed full graph class
oCFullGraphAn undirected full graph class
oCGomoryHu< GR, CAP >Gomory-Hu cut tree algorithm
oCGraphClass describing the concept of undirected graphs
oCGraphCopy< From, To >Class to copy a graph
oCGraphIncIt< GR, Item, Base, sel >Concept class for InArcIt, OutArcIt and IncEdgeIt types
oCGraphItemConcept class for Node, Arc and Edge types
oCGraphItemIt< GR, Item >Concept class for NodeIt, ArcIt and EdgeIt types
oCGraphReader< GR >LGF reader for undirected graphs
oCGraphToEps< T >Auxiliary class to implement the named parameters of graphToEps()
oCGraphWriter< GR >LGF writer for undirected graphs
oCGreedyTsp< CM >Greedy algorithm for symmetric TSP
oCGridGraphGrid graph class
oCGrossoLocatelliPullanMc< GR >Implementation of the iterated local search algorithm of Grosso, Locatelli, and Pullan for the maximum clique problem
oCHaoOrlin< GR, CAP, TOL >Hao-Orlin algorithm for finding a minimum cut in a digraph
oCHartmannOrlinMmc< GR, CM, TR >Implementation of the Hartmann-Orlin algorithm for finding a minimum mean cycle
oCHartmannOrlinMmc< GR, CM, SetLargeCostTraits< T > >
oCHartmannOrlinMmc< GR, CM, SetPathTraits< T > >
oCHartmannOrlinMmcDefaultTraits< GR, CM >Default traits class of HartmannOrlinMmc class
oCHeap< PR, IM, CMP >The heap concept
oCHeapUnionFind< V, IM, Comp >A Union-Find data structure implementation which is able to store a priority for each item and retrieve the minimum of each class
oCHowardMmc< GR, CM, TR >Implementation of Howard's algorithm for finding a minimum mean cycle
oCHowardMmc< GR, CM, SetLargeCostTraits< T > >
oCHowardMmc< GR, CM, SetPathTraits< T > >
oCHowardMmcDefaultTraits< GR, CM >Default traits class of HowardMmc class
oCHypercubeGraphHypercube graph class
oCHypercubeGraph::HyperMap< T, BF >Linear combination map
oCIDableDigraphComponent< BAS >Skeleton class for idable directed graphs
oCInDegMap< GR >Map of the in-degrees of nodes in a digraph
oCInsertionTsp< CM >Insertion algorithm for symmetric TSP
oCInvalidDummy type to make it easier to create invalid iterators
oCIdMap< GR, K >::InverseMapThe inverse map type of IdMap
oCCrossRefMap< GR, K, V >::InverseMapThe inverse map type of CrossRefMap
oCRangeIdMap< GR, K >::InverseMapThe inverse map type of RangeIdMap
oCIterableBoolMap< GR, K >::ItemItIterator for the keys mapped to a given value
oCIterableIntMap< GR, K >::ItemItIterator for the keys with the same value
oCIterableValueMap< GR, K, V >::ItemItIterator for the keys with the same value
oCUnionFindEnum< IM >::ItemItLEMON style iterator for the items of a component
oCExtendFindEnum< IM >::ItemItLEMON style iterator for the items of a component
oCHeapUnionFind< V, IM, Comp >::ItemItLEMON style iterator for the items of a class
oCIterableBoolMap< GR, K >Dynamic iterable bool map
oCIterableDigraphComponent< BAS >Skeleton class for iterable directed graphs
oCIterableIntMap< GR, K >Dynamic iterable integer map
oCIterableValueMap< GR, K, V >Dynamic iterable map for comparable values
oCiterator< std::forward_iterator_tag, Value > [external]
oCKarpMmc< GR, CM, TR >Implementation of Karp's algorithm for finding a minimum mean cycle
oCKarpMmc< GR, CM, SetLargeCostTraits< T > >
oCKarpMmc< GR, CM, SetPathTraits< T > >
oCKarpMmcDefaultTraits< GR, CM >Default traits class of KarpMmc class
oCLgfContentsReader for the contents of the LGF file
oCLinkedElevator< GR, Item >Class for handling "labels" in push-relabel type algorithms
oCListArcSet< GR >Digraph using a node set of another digraph or graph and an own arc set
oCListBpGraphA general undirected graph structure
oCListDigraphA general directed graph structure
oCListEdgeSet< GR >Graph using a node set of another digraph or graph and an own edge set
oCListGraphA general undirected graph structure
oCListPath< GR >A structure for representing directed paths in a digraph
oCLpBaseCommon base class for LP and MIP solvers
oCMapBase< K, V >Base class of maps
oCMapBase< GR::Edge, Const< bool, true > >
oCMapBase< int, BlossomData >
oCMapBase< int, Color >
oCMapBase< int, NodeData >
oCMapBase< int, V >
oCMapBase< K, bool >
oCMapBase< K, int >
oCMapBase< KEY, bool >
oCMapBase< M1::Key, bool >
oCMapBase< M1::Key, M1::Value >
oCMapBase< M1::Key, V >
oCMapBase< M2::Key, M1::Value >
oCMapBase< M::Key, bool >
oCMapBase< M::Key, M::Value >
oCMapBase< M::Key, V >
oCMapBase< T, T >
oCMapBase< typename DGR::Node, Const< bool, true > >
oCMapBase< typename Digraph::Arc, Const< bool, true > >
oCMapBase< typename GR::Edge, Const< bool, true > >
oCMapBase< typename GR::Node, Const< bool, true > >
oCMapBase< typename Graph::Arc, Color >
oCMapBase< typename Graph::Arc, double >
oCMapBase< typename Graph::Node, bool >
oCMapBase< typename Graph::Node, Color >
oCMapBase< typename Graph::Node, dim2::Point< double > >
oCMapBase< typename Graph::Node, double >
oCMapBase< typename Graph::Node, int >
oCMappableDigraphComponent< BAS >Skeleton class for mappable directed graphs
oCMaxCardinalitySearch< GR, CAP, TR >Maximum Cardinality Search algorithm class
oCMaxCardinalitySearch< Digraph, CapacityMap, DefCapacityMapTraits< T > >
oCMaxCardinalitySearch< Digraph, CapacityMap, DefCardinalityMapTraits< T > >
oCMaxCardinalitySearch< Digraph, CapacityMap, DefHeapTraits< H, CR > >
oCMaxCardinalitySearch< Digraph, CapacityMap, DefProcessedMapTraits< T > >
oCMaxCardinalitySearch< Digraph, CapacityMap, DefStandardHeapTraits< H, CR > >
oCMaxCardinalitySearchDefaultTraits< GR, CAP >Default traits class of MaxCardinalitySearch class
oCMaxFractionalMatching< GR, TR >Max cardinality fractional matching
oCMaxFractionalMatching< Graph, SetElevatorTraits< T > >
oCMaxFractionalMatching< Graph, SetMatchingMapTraits< T > >
oCMaxFractionalMatching< Graph, SetStandardElevatorTraits< T > >
oCMaxFractionalMatchingDefaultTraits< GR >Default traits class of MaxFractionalMatching class
oCMaxMatching< GR >Maximum cardinality matching in general graphs
oCMaxWeightedFractionalMatching< GR, WM >Weighted fractional matching in general graphs
oCMaxWeightedMatching< GR, WM >Weighted matching in general graphs
oCMaxWeightedPerfectFractionalMatching< GR, WM >Weighted fractional perfect matching in general graphs
oCMaxWeightedPerfectMatching< GR, WM >Weighted perfect matching in general graphs
oCMinCostArborescence< GR, CM, TR >Minimum Cost Arborescence algorithm class
oCMinCostArborescence< Digraph, CostMap, SetArborescenceMapTraits< T > >
oCMinCostArborescence< Digraph, CostMap, SetPredMapTraits< T > >
oCMinCostArborescenceDefaultTraits< GR, CM >Default traits class for MinCostArborescence class
oCGomoryHu< GR, CAP >::MinCutEdgeItIterate on the edges of a minimum cut
oCGomoryHu< GR, CAP >::MinCutNodeItIterate on the nodes of a minimum cut
oCNagamochiIbaraki< GR, CM, TR >Calculates the minimum cut in an undirected graph
oCNagamochiIbaraki< Graph, CapacityMap, SetHeapTraits< H, CR > >
oCNagamochiIbaraki< Graph, CapacityMap, SetStandardHeapTraits< H, CR > >
oCNagamochiIbaraki< Graph, CapacityMap, SetUnitCapacityTraits >
oCNagamochiIbarakiDefaultTraits< GR, CM >Default traits class for NagamochiIbaraki class
oCNearestNeighborTsp< CM >Nearest neighbor algorithm for symmetric TSP
oCNetworkSimplex< GR, V, C >Implementation of the primal Network Simplex algorithm for finding a minimum cost flow
oCNoCounter'Do nothing' version of Counter
oCBpGraph::NodeThe node type of the graph
oCDigraph::NodeThe node type of the digraph
oCGraph::NodeThe node type of the graph
oCNormSquareMap< M >Map of the normSquare() of a Point-map
oCNoTimeReport'Do nothing' version of TimeReport
oCOpt2Tsp< CM >2-opt algorithm for symmetric TSP
oCOrienter< GR, DM >Adaptor class for orienting the edges of a graph to get a digraph
oCOutDegMap< GR >Map of the out-degrees of nodes in a digraph
oCPairingHeap< PR, IM, CMP >Pairing Heap
oCPath< GR >A skeleton structure for representing directed paths in a digraph
oCPath< GR >A structure for representing directed paths in a digraph
oCPathDumper< GR >A skeleton structure for path dumpers
oCPathNodeIt< Path >Class which helps to iterate through the nodes of a path
oCPlanarColoring< Graph >Coloring planar graphs
oCPlanarDrawing< Graph >Schnyder's planar drawing algorithm
oCPlanarEmbedding< Graph >Planar embedding of an undirected simple graph
oCPoint< T >Two dimensional vector (plain vector)
oCPoint< double >
oCPotentialDifferenceMap< GR, POT >Potential difference map
oCPreflow< GR, CAP, TR >Preflow algorithm class
oCPreflow< Digraph, CapacityMap, SetElevatorTraits< T > >
oCPreflow< Digraph, CapacityMap, SetFlowMapTraits< T > >
oCPreflow< Digraph, CapacityMap, SetStandardElevatorTraits< T > >
oCPreflowDefaultTraits< GR, CAP >Default traits class of Preflow class
oCQuadHeap< PR, IM, CMP >Fourary (quaternary) heap data structure
oCRadixHeap< IM >Radix heap data structure
oCRandomMersenne Twister random number generator
oCRangeIdMap< GR, K >Provides continuous and unique id for the items of a graph
oCReadMap< K, T >
oCReadMap< Arc, T >
oCReadMap< Arc, V >
oCReadMap< Edge, T >
oCReadMap< Edge, V >
oCReadMap< K, V >
oCReadMap< Node, T >
oCReadMap< Node, V >
oCIterableIntMap< GR, K >::ReferenceReference to the value of the map
oCIterableBoolMap< GR, K >::ReferenceReference to the value of the map
oCArgParser::RefTypeMagic type for operator[]
oCResidualDigraph< DGR, CM, FM, TL >::ResidualCapacityResidual capacity map
oCResidualDigraph< DGR, CM, FM, TL >Adaptor class for composing the residual digraph for directed flow and circulation problems
oCPathDumper< GR >::RevArcItLEMON style iterator for enumerating the arcs of a path in reverse direction
oCReverseDigraph< DGR >Adaptor class for reversing the orientation of the arcs in a digraph
oCLpBase::RowRefer to a row of the LP
oCSectionReaderSection reader class
oCSectionWriterSection writer class
oCSimpleBucketHeap< IM, MIN >Simplified bucket heap data structure
oCSimplePath< GR >A structure for representing directed paths in a digraph
oCSmartArcSet< GR >Digraph using a node set of another digraph or graph and an own arc set
oCSmartBpGraphA smart undirected bipartite graph class
oCSmartDigraphA smart directed graph class
oCSmartEdgeSet< GR >Graph using a node set of another digraph or graph and an own edge set
oCSmartGraphA smart undirected graph class
oCSmartDigraph::SnapshotClass to make a snapshot of the digraph and to restore it later
oCListDigraph::SnapshotClass to make a snapshot of the digraph and restore it later
oCListGraph::SnapshotClass to make a snapshot of the graph and restore it later
oCSmartGraph::SnapshotClass to make a snapshot of the graph and to restore it later
oCListBpGraph::SnapshotClass to make a snapshot of the graph and restore it later
oCSmartBpGraph::SnapshotClass to make a snapshot of the graph and to restore it later
oCSourceMap< GR >Map of the source nodes of arcs in a digraph
oCSplitNodes< DGR >Adaptor class for splitting the nodes of a digraph
oCStaticDigraphA static directed graph class
oCStaticPath< GR >A structure for representing directed paths in a digraph
oCSubDigraph< DGR, NF, AF >Adaptor class for hiding nodes and arcs in a digraph
oCSubGraph< GR, NF, EF >Adaptor class for hiding nodes and edges in an undirected graph
oCSuurballe< GR, LEN, TR >Algorithm for finding arc-disjoint paths between two nodes having minimum total length
oCSuurballe< GR, LEN, SetFlowMapTraits< T > >
oCSuurballe< GR, LEN, SetHeapTraits< H, CR > >
oCSuurballe< GR, LEN, SetPathTraits< T > >
oCSuurballe< GR, LEN, SetPotentialMapTraits< T > >
oCSuurballeDefaultTraits< GR, LEN >Default traits class of Suurballe algorithm
oCTargetMap< GR >Map of the target nodes of arcs in a digraph
oCTimerClass for measuring the cpu time and real time usage of the process
oCTimeStampA class to store (cpu)time instances
oCTolerance< T >A class to provide a basic way to handle the comparison of numbers that are obtained as a result of a probably inexact computation
oCTolerance< double >Double specialization of Tolerance
oCTolerance< float >Float specialization of Tolerance
oCTolerance< long double >Long double specialization of Tolerance
oCIterableBoolMap< GR, K >::TrueItIterator for the keys mapped to true
oCUndirector< DGR >Adaptor class for viewing a digraph as an undirected graph
oCUndirector< const Digraph >
oCUnionFind< IM >A Union-Find data structure implementation
oCUnionFindEnum< IM >A Union-Find data structure implementation which is able to enumerate the components
oCWriteMap< K, T >
oCWriteMap< Arc, T >
oCWriteMap< Arc, V >
oCWriteMap< Edge, T >
oCWriteMap< Edge, V >
oCWriteMap< K, V >
oCWriteMap< Node, T >
oCWriteMap< Node, V >
oCXMap< M >Map of x-coordinates of a Point-map
\CYMap< M >Map of y-coordinates of a Point-map