COIN-OR::LEMON - Graph Library

Custom Query (545 matches)


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Results (103 - 105 of 545)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#1 Balazs Dezso Alpar Juttner fixed random.h emits warnings

When compiling on openSUSE 10.3 (using gcc 4.2.1) with the standard configuration settings, it says the following:

./lemon/random.h: In function ‘int main()’:
./lemon/random.h:257: warning: array subscript is below array bounds
./lemon/random.h:257: warning: array subscript is below array bounds
./lemon/random.h:257: warning: array subscript is below array bounds

The warning disappears when compile option '-O2' is not used.

The problem exists in [9bd0d6e0c279] and all preceding changesets.

#2 Balazs Dezso Alpar Juttner fixed _newLp() and _copyLp() implementation in CPLEX

_newLp() and _copyLp() creates a completely new CPLEX environment and put the new problem into it. It should rather go into the same environment.

This ticket is a copy of report #2 of the old bug tracking system. It refers to svn trunk -r2424.

#16 Akos Ladanyi Alpar Juttner fixed Automatic doc generation for the main hg repo

It should be done similarly to the way how the documentation is generated from the svn repository.

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