COIN-OR::LEMON - Graph Library

Custom Query (545 matches)


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Results (139 - 141 of 545)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#108 Akos Ladanyi Alpar Juttner fixed Lemon can't find glpk installed from rpm

openSuse 11.0 now provides packages for glpk in it main repository. However, LEMON does not recognize glpk installed from these packages.

This problem exists in [33e45a9b868c].

#110 Alpar Juttner Peter Kovacs fixed graphToEps() improvements
  1. The members of GraphToEps should be grouped in the documentation since there are so many functions. E.g. Node Options, Arc Options, Scaling etc.
  2. The GraphToEps::run() function should be revised. There are \todo commands recommending better epsilon and other improvements.
  3. The demo file should also be revised. It does not conforms to #27.
    • It should read the graph and all the maps from an LGF file.
    • It would be nice, if it created only one EPS file using options that can be set with command line parameters. However it would be difficult since the graphToEps() function interface does not support incremental option setting as class interfaces do.
#111 Peter Kovacs Peter Kovacs fixed Web page design
  1. I think it is annoying that the links are not underlined when they are in "hover" state. It would be much better inversely, or if they were always underlined as on the old page.
  2. There should be a News applet window on the mian page.
  3. The side menu bar should be larger (more dominant).
  4. Lemon/LEMON should be used consistently. See #103. It should be fixed e.g. in the copyright text in the footer.
  5. Nicer font and color settings should be used for the text on the image of the header.
  6. Do we really need the lemons on the background? It is not so nice, and it makes harder to read the text of the pages. Maybe a simple white background would be better.
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