COIN-OR::LEMON - Graph Library

Custom Query (545 matches)


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Results (124 - 126 of 545)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#423 duplicate CPLEX LP slow problem build-up Peter Kovacs Alpar Juttner

In an internal project we came across a situation when building-up an LP program was very slow compared to using CPLEX's native interface. The problem occurs on some special problems, only. The reasons are still unknown.

#424 duplicate CPLEX LP slow problem build-up Peter Kovacs Alpar Juttner

In an internal project we came across a situation when building-up an LP program was very slow compared to using CPLEX's native interface. The problem occurs on some special problems, only. The reasons are still unknown.

#458 duplicate Invalid use of unqualified lookup Alpar Juttner Krzysztof Ciebiera

I was trying to compile my code with clang and gcc.4.7.2 and it didn't work. I have found solution to my problems at

I didn't read C++ specification, but since it doesn't work in both gcc and clang maybe they have the point.

So there are at least two places in lemon code where this-> keyword is missing. In /include/lemon/bits/edge_set_extender.h (probably more). Patch that fixed my problem is following:

<       return e.direction ? this->u(e) : this->v(e);
>       return e.direction ? u(e) : v(e);
<       return e.direction ? this->v(e) : this->u(e);
>       return e.direction ? v(e) : u(e);
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