COIN-OR::LEMON - Graph Library

Custom Query (545 matches)


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Results (136 - 138 of 545)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#509 invalid Unstable NetworkSimplex Algorithm Alpar Juttner Chassein

Hey everyone, i was using the NetworkSimplex? algorithm from Lemon to solve min cost flow Problems. I encountered the following problem. I have two different objective functions (c_1 and c_2) for the same minimum cost flow Problem (same graph, same supply, same bounds). Let x_i be the solution that I obtain by calling the NetworkSimplex? with the objective function c_i. (i=1,2) My problem is that x_2 performs about 2% better under objective function c_1 as x_1 does! (c_1(x_2) < c_1(x_1)). Note that c_1 and c_2 are very similar and defined by double values. I cannot solve the problem by making c_1 and c_2 integral after scaling them. Is this 2% inaccuracy just a normal unavoidable effect or is there something I can do to get more accuracy? I'm using Version 1.3.1.

Best Regards Andre Chassein

#463 done Unify the usage of e and m in the doc Peter Kovacs Peter Kovacs

Some parts of the doc denote the number of arcs (or edges) of a graph as e, while other parts denote it as m.

I think a uniform notation would be better. Which one should we prefer? (As far as I see, the number of nodes is always denoted as n).

#25 fixed Unify the output of the test programs Peter Kovacs Alpar Juttner

The rules on thumb:

  • Print something to the output only if it really seems necessary. Check the validity of the results of the algorithms instead (using the check() macro).
  • Do not print a message saying all test passed at the end of the output.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.