COIN-OR::LEMON - Graph Library



15:00 Ticket #461 (Bug in assert.h) created by Peter Kovacs
The attached patch [c043988e7973] solves a bug in assert.h.


07:26 Ticket #460 (SoPlex CMAKE support) created by Alpar Juttner
ax487's email on lemon-devel. […]


14:52 Changeset in lemon [1264:4000b7ef4e01] by Alpar Juttner <alpar@…>
Add cmake config to find SoPlex? (#460) Based on the patch sent by ax487


08:45 Ticket #456 (Use doxygen's own bibtex support insead of our home brewed one) reopened by Peter Kovacs
As far as I see, this solution does not work in the automatically …


15:49 Ticket #456 (Use doxygen's own bibtex support insead of our home brewed one) closed by Alpar Juttner
done: [1c978b5bcc65] is merged to the main branch.
15:48 Ticket #442 (New features in time_report.h) closed by Alpar Juttner
done: Merged to the main branch, see [c40a9d94442d].
15:46 Ticket #177 (Port the Edmonds-Karp max. flow alg.) closed by Alpar Juttner
done: I rebased the above patches to the current tip and pushed to the main …


16:50 Changeset in lemon, lemon-1.1, lemon-1.2 [1242:0e30f63d45d0] by Peter Kovacs <kpeter@…>
Bugfix in assert.h (#461)
16:20 Changeset in lemon [1240:ee9bac10f58e] by Peter Kovacs <kpeter@…>
Debug checking for capacity bounds in min cost flow algorithms (#454)
13:13 Ticket #459 (Various improvements in the doc) created by Peter Kovacs
The attached patches contain various doc fixes and improvements.


17:20 Ticket #411 (Better image for stronglyConnectedComponents()) closed by Alpar Juttner
done: [4e8787627db3] and [387483bf0a56] are in the main branch now.
17:05 Ticket #408 (Extend closed by Alpar Juttner
done: [15d7c5eadaca] has been pushed to the main branch.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.