author deba
Wed, 08 Sep 2004 12:06:45 +0000 (2004-09-08)
changeset 822 88226d9fe821
parent 762 511200bdb71f
child 902 309d81806228
permissions -rw-r--r--
The MapFactories have been removed from the code because
if we use macros then they increases only the complexity.

The pair iterators of the maps are separeted from the maps.

Some macros and comments has been changed.
     1 // -*- c++ -*-
     2 #include <iostream>
     3 #include <fstream>
     4 #include <vector>
     6 #include <sage_graph.h>
     7 //#include <smart_graph.h>
     8 //#include <dimacs.h>
     9 #include <hugo/time_measure.h>
    10 #include <for_each_macros.h>
    11 #include <bfs_dfs.h>
    12 #include <hugo/graph_wrapper.h>
    13 #include <bipartite_graph_wrapper.h>
    14 #include <hugo/maps.h>
    15 #include <hugo/max_flow.h>
    16 #include <augmenting_flow.h>
    18 using namespace hugo;
    20 int main() {
    21   typedef UndirSageGraph Graph; 
    22   typedef Graph::Node Node;
    23   typedef Graph::NodeIt NodeIt;
    24   typedef Graph::Edge Edge;
    25   typedef Graph::EdgeIt EdgeIt;
    26   typedef Graph::OutEdgeIt OutEdgeIt;
    28   Graph g;
    29 //   std::vector<Graph::Node> s_nodes;
    30 //   std::vector<Graph::Node> t_nodes;
    31 //   for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) s_nodes.push_back(g.addNode());
    32 //   for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) t_nodes.push_back(g.addNode());
    33 //   g.addEdge(s_nodes[0], t_nodes[2]);
    34 //   g.addEdge(t_nodes[1], s_nodes[2]);
    35 //   g.addEdge(s_nodes[0], t_nodes[1]);
    37 //   Graph::NodeMap<int> ref_map(g, -1);
    38 //   IterableBoolMap< Graph::NodeMap<int> > bipartite_map(ref_map);
    39 //   for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) bipartite_map.insert(s_nodes[i], false);
    40 //   for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) bipartite_map.insert(t_nodes[i], true);
    42   std::vector<Graph::Node> nodes;
    43   for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) nodes.push_back(g.addNode());
    44   for (int i=3; i<6; ++i) nodes.push_back(g.addNode());
    45   g.addEdge(nodes[0], nodes[3+2]);
    46   g.addEdge(nodes[3+1], nodes[2]);
    47   g.addEdge(nodes[0], nodes[3+1]);
    49   Graph::NodeMap<int> ref_map(g, -1);
    50   IterableBoolMap< Graph::NodeMap<int> > bipartite_map(ref_map);
    51   for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) bipartite_map.insert(nodes[i], false);
    52   for (int i=3; i<6; ++i) bipartite_map.insert(nodes[i], true);
    54   Graph::Node u;
    55   std::cout << "These nodes will be in S:\n";
    56   //FIXME azert kellene ++, es invalid vizsgalat u-bol, hogy ezt le lehessen 
    57   //irni 1etlen FOR_EACH-csel.
    58   for (bipartite_map.first(u, false); g.valid(u); 
    59     std::cout << u << " ";
    60   std::cout << "\n";
    61   std::cout << "These nodes will be in T:\n";
    62   for (bipartite_map.first(u, true); g.valid(u); 
    63     std::cout << u << " ";
    64   std::cout << "\n";
    66   typedef BipartiteGraphWrapper<Graph> BGW;
    67   BGW bgw(g, bipartite_map);
    69   std::cout << "Nodes by NodeIt:\n";
    70   FOR_EACH_LOC(BGW::NodeIt, n, bgw) {
    71     std::cout << n << " ";
    72   }
    73   std::cout << "\n";
    74   std::cout << "Nodes in S by ClassNodeIt:\n";
    75   FOR_EACH_INC_LOC(BGW::ClassNodeIt, n, bgw, bgw.S_CLASS) {
    76     std::cout << n << " ";
    77   }
    78   std::cout << "\n";
    79   std::cout << "Nodes in T by ClassNodeIt:\n";
    80   FOR_EACH_INC_LOC(BGW::ClassNodeIt, n, bgw, bgw.T_CLASS) {
    81     std::cout << n << " ";
    82   }
    83   std::cout << "\n";
    84   std::cout << "Edges of the bipartite graph:\n";
    85   FOR_EACH_LOC(BGW::EdgeIt, e, bgw) {
    86     std::cout << bgw.tail(e) << "->" << bgw.head(e) << std::endl;
    87   }
    89   BGW::NodeMap<int> dbyj(bgw);
    90   BGW::EdgeMap<int> dbyxcj(bgw);
    92   typedef stBipartiteGraphWrapper<BGW> stGW;
    93   stGW stgw(bgw);
    94   ConstMap<stGW::Edge, int> const1map(1);
    95   stGW::NodeMap<int> ize(stgw);
    96   stGW::EdgeMap<int> flow(stgw);
    98   BfsIterator< BGW, BGW::NodeMap<bool> > bfs(bgw);
    99   Graph::NodeIt si;
   100   Graph::Node s; 
   101   s=g.first(si);
   102   bfs.pushAndSetReached(BGW::Node(s));
   103   while (!bfs.finished()) { ++bfs; }
   105   FOR_EACH_LOC(stGW::NodeIt, n, stgw) { 
   106     std::cout << "out-edges of " << n << ":\n"; 
   107     FOR_EACH_INC_LOC(stGW::OutEdgeIt, e, stgw, n) { 
   108       std::cout << " " << e << "\n";
   109       std::cout << " aNode: " << stgw.aNode(e) << "\n";
   110       std::cout << " bNode: " << stgw.bNode(e) << "\n";      
   111     }
   112     std::cout << "in-edges of " << n << ":\n"; 
   113     FOR_EACH_INC_LOC(stGW::InEdgeIt, e, stgw, n) { 
   114       std::cout << " " << e << "\n";
   115       std::cout << " aNode: " << stgw.aNode(e) << "\n";
   116       std::cout << " bNode: " << stgw.bNode(e) << "\n";     
   117     }
   118   }
   119   std::cout << "Edges of the stGraphWrapper:\n"; 
   120   FOR_EACH_LOC(stGW::EdgeIt, n, stgw) { 
   121     std::cout << " " << n << "\n";
   122   }
   124   stGW::NodeMap<bool> b(stgw);
   125   FOR_EACH_LOC(stGW::NodeIt, n, stgw) { 
   126     std::cout << n << ": " << b[n] <<"\n";
   127   }
   129   std::cout << "Bfs from s: \n";
   130   BfsIterator< stGW, stGW::NodeMap<bool> > bfs_stgw(stgw);
   131   bfs_stgw.pushAndSetReached(stgw.S_NODE);
   132   while (!bfs_stgw.finished()) { 
   133     std::cout << " " << stGW::OutEdgeIt(bfs_stgw) << "\n";
   134     ++bfs_stgw; 
   135   }
   137   AugmentingFlow<stGW, int, ConstMap<stGW::Edge, int>, stGW::EdgeMap<int> > 
   138     max_flow_test(stgw, stgw.S_NODE, stgw.T_NODE, const1map, flow);
   139   while (max_flow_test.augmentOnShortestPath()) { }
   141   std::cout << max_flow_test.flowValue() << std::endl;
   143   return 0;
   144 }