2004-08-23 stGraphWrapper modifications
2004-08-17 technical corrections
2004-05-14 To avoid confusion my old ListGraph is can be used under name SageGraph, work/sage_graph.h contains it.
2004-05-14 for_each_macros.h in include
2004-05-10 bfs_iterator -> bfs_dfs.h, some docs
2004-05-06 (none)
2004-05-06 #include <hugo/ > modifications
2004-04-30 gw
2004-04-29 corrections
2004-04-29 preflow, maxflow
2004-04-26 stGraphWrapper is almost working
2004-04-24 misc
2004-04-24 modifications for better compatibility with gcc 3.4.0
2004-04-23 .
2004-04-21 experimental bipartite graph wrapper