2004-09-01 Changes in the doc.
2004-05-28 Added a short tutorial on using graphs.
2004-05-08 From now on 'work in progress' files are not in /doc/Doxyfile.
2004-05-07 src/work/alpar/list_graph.h moved to /src/hugo.
2004-05-07 was renamed to
2004-05-06 (none)
2004-05-06 Set up automake environment.
2004-05-03 docfix.
2004-05-03 A "related pages" about Hugo Coding Style.
2004-05-03 Now it sucks the whole src/include and src/include/skeletons
2004-04-29 misc
2004-04-29 Move unionfind.h in Doxyfile too
2004-04-29 Main page added.
2004-04-28 Doc for the union-find structures.
2004-04-28 Doxygen options changed.
2004-04-27 Some more docs.
2004-04-26 xy.h went to src/include.
2004-04-26 Path of time_measure.h fixed.
2004-04-26 misc
2004-04-26 Docs are now divided into modules.
2004-04-16 time_measure.h has been added to the doc.
2004-04-16 graph_wrapper.h, kicsi doksi. erdekes dolgokat rak az abrakadabra, nem is ertem
2004-04-14 kiserletezek a concept-leirassal, skeleton kereteben, ha kesz lesz majd szolok
2004-04-14 .
2004-04-05 + suurballe.h
2004-04-04 Some improvements and proposals in map.doc.
2004-04-01 bin_heap merge-olva
2004-03-30 bin_heap.hh -> bin_heap.h
2004-03-29 dijkstra.h and fib_heap.h has moved to include.
2004-03-29 Move invalid.h smart_graph.h maps.h emptygraph.h to include
2004-03-26 New project name.
2004-03-26 .
2004-03-24 DocFixes
2004-03-21 Dijkstra, bin_heap, fib_heap added to the doc.
2004-03-19 .
2004-03-15 .