Documentation is developing itself, but is not ready yet.
Fri, 04 Feb 2005 15:32:11 +0000 (2005-02-04)
changeset 1123a2e93889a604
parent 1122 3ce7fc516cca
child 1124 12623f7ecb37
Documentation is developing itself, but is not ready yet.
     1.1 --- a/src/work/alpar/dijkstra.h	Thu Feb 03 19:31:37 2005 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/src/work/alpar/dijkstra.h	Fri Feb 04 15:32:11 2005 +0000
     1.3 @@ -72,7 +72,8 @@
     1.4      typedef typename Graph::template NodeMap<typename GR::Edge> PredMap;
     1.5      ///Instantiates a PredMap.
     1.7 -    ///\todo Please document...
     1.8 +    ///This function instantiates a \ref PredMap. 
     1.9 +    ///\param G is the graph, to which we would like to define the PredMap.
    1.10      ///\todo The graph alone may be insufficient for the initialization
    1.11      static PredMap *createPredMap(const GR &G) 
    1.12      {
    1.13 @@ -86,8 +87,8 @@
    1.14      typedef typename Graph::template NodeMap<typename GR::Node> PredNodeMap;
    1.15      ///Instantiates a PredNodeMap.
    1.17 -    ///\todo Please document...
    1.18 -    ///
    1.19 +    ///This function instantiates a \ref PredNodeMap. 
    1.20 +    ///\param G is the graph, to which we would like to define the \ref PredNodeMap
    1.21      static PredNodeMap *createPredNodeMap(const GR &G)
    1.22      {
    1.23        return new PredNodeMap(G);
    1.24 @@ -102,8 +103,8 @@
    1.25      typedef NullMap<typename Graph::Node,bool> ReachedMap;
    1.26      ///Instantiates a ReachedMap.
    1.28 -    ///\todo Please document...
    1.29 -    ///
    1.30 +    ///This function instantiates a \ref ReachedMap. 
    1.31 +    ///\param G is the graph, to which we would like to define the \ref ReachedMap
    1.32      static ReachedMap *createReachedMap(const GR &G)
    1.33      {
    1.34        return new ReachedMap();
    1.35 @@ -115,8 +116,8 @@
    1.36      typedef typename Graph::template NodeMap<typename LM::Value> DistMap;
    1.37      ///Instantiates a DistMap.
    1.39 -    ///\todo Please document...
    1.40 -    ///
    1.41 +    ///This function instantiates a \ref DistMap. 
    1.42 +    ///\param G is the graph, to which we would like to define the \ref DistMap
    1.43      static DistMap *createDistMap(const GR &G)
    1.44      {
    1.45        return new DistMap(G);
    1.46 @@ -506,6 +507,12 @@
    1.48    };
    1.50 +  /// Default traits used by \ref DijkstraWizard
    1.51 +
    1.52 +  /// To make it easier to use Dijkstra algorithm we created a wizard class.
    1.53 +  /// This \ref DijkstraWizard class also needs default traits.
    1.54 +  /// The \ref DijkstraWizardBase is a class to be the default traits of the
    1.55 +  /// \ref DijkstraWizard class.
    1.56    template<class GR,class LM>
    1.57    class DijkstraWizardBase : public DijkstraDefaultTraits<GR,LM>
    1.58    {
    1.59 @@ -525,28 +532,52 @@
    1.60      ///Pointer to the source node.
    1.61      void *_source;
    1.63 +    /// Type of the nodes in the graph.
    1.64      typedef typename Base::Graph::Node Node;
    1.66      public:
    1.67 +    /// Constructor.
    1.68 +    
    1.69 +    /// This constructor does not require parameters, therefore it initiates
    1.70 +    /// all of the attributes to default values (0, INVALID).
    1.71      DijkstraWizardBase() : _g(0), _length(0), _pred(0), _predNode(0),
    1.72  		       _dist(0), _source(INVALID) {}
    1.74 +    /// Constructor.
    1.75 +    
    1.76 +    /// This constructor requires some parameters, listed in the parameters list.
    1.77 +    /// Others are initiated to 0.
    1.78 +    /// \param g is the initial value of  \ref _g
    1.79 +    /// \param l is the initial value of  \ref _length
    1.80 +    /// \param s is the initial value of  \ref _source
    1.81      DijkstraWizardBase(const GR &g,const LM &l, Node s=INVALID) :
    1.82        _g((void *)&g), _length((void *)&l), _pred(0), _predNode(0),
    1.83  		  _dist(0), _source((void *)&s) {}
    1.85    };
    1.87 -  ///\e
    1.88 +  /// A class to make easier the usage of Dijkstra algorithm
    1.90 -  ///\e
    1.91 +  /// This class is created to make it easier to use Dijkstra algorithm.
    1.92 +  /// It uses the functions and features of the plain \ref Dijkstra,
    1.93 +  /// but it is much more simple to use it.
    1.94    ///
    1.95 +  /// Simplicity means that the way to change the types defined
    1.96 +  /// in the traits class is based on functions that returns the new class
    1.97 +  /// and not on templatable built-in classes. When using the plain \Dijkstra
    1.98 +  /// the new class with the modified type comes from the original by using the ::
    1.99 +  /// operator. In this case only a function have to be called and it will
   1.100 +  /// return the needed class.
   1.101 +  ///
   1.102 +  /// It does not have own \ref run method. When its \ref run method is called
   1.103 +  /// it initiates a plain \ref Dijkstra class, and calls the \ref Dijkstra::run
   1.104 +  /// method of it.
   1.105    template<class TR>
   1.106    class DijkstraWizard : public TR
   1.107    {
   1.108      typedef TR Base;
   1.110 -    //The type of the underlying graph.
   1.111 +    ///The type of the underlying graph.
   1.112      typedef typename TR::Graph Graph;
   1.113      //\e
   1.114      typedef typename Graph::Node Node;
   1.115 @@ -557,32 +588,39 @@
   1.116      //\e
   1.117      typedef typename Graph::OutEdgeIt OutEdgeIt;
   1.119 -    //The type of the map that stores the edge lengths.
   1.120 +    ///The type of the map that stores the edge lengths.
   1.121      typedef typename TR::LengthMap LengthMap;
   1.122 -    //The type of the length of the edges.
   1.123 +    ///The type of the length of the edges.
   1.124      typedef typename LengthMap::Value Value;
   1.125 -    //\brief The type of the map that stores the last
   1.126 -    //edges of the shortest paths.
   1.127 +    ///\brief The type of the map that stores the last
   1.128 +    ///edges of the shortest paths.
   1.129      typedef typename TR::PredMap PredMap;
   1.130 -    //\brief The type of the map that stores the last but one
   1.131 -    //nodes of the shortest paths.
   1.132 +    ///\brief The type of the map that stores the last but one
   1.133 +    ///nodes of the shortest paths.
   1.134      typedef typename TR::PredNodeMap PredNodeMap;
   1.135 -    //The type of the map that stores the dists of the nodes.
   1.136 +    ///The type of the map that stores the dists of the nodes.
   1.137      typedef typename TR::DistMap DistMap;
   1.139 -    //The heap type used by the dijkstra algorithm.
   1.140 +    ///The heap type used by the dijkstra algorithm.
   1.141      typedef typename TR::Heap Heap;
   1.142  public:
   1.143 +    /// Constructor.
   1.144      DijkstraWizard() : TR() {}
   1.146 +    /// Constructor that requires parameters.
   1.147 +    /// These parameters will be the default values for the traits class.
   1.148      DijkstraWizard(const Graph &g,const LengthMap &l, Node s=INVALID) :
   1.149        TR(g,l,s) {}
   1.151 +    ///Copy constructor
   1.152      DijkstraWizard(const TR &b) : TR(b) {}
   1.154      ~DijkstraWizard() {}
   1.156 -    ///\e
   1.157 +    ///Runs Dijkstra algorithm from a given node.
   1.158 +    
   1.159 +    ///Runs Dijkstra algorithm from a given node.
   1.160 +    ///The node can be given by the \ref source function.
   1.161      void run()
   1.162      {
   1.163        if(_source==0) throw UninitializedData();
   1.164 @@ -593,7 +631,10 @@
   1.166      }
   1.168 -    ///\e
   1.169 +    ///Runs Dijkstra algorithm from a given node.
   1.170 +
   1.171 +    ///Runs Dijkstra algorithm from a given node.
   1.172 +    ///\param s is the given source.
   1.173      void run(Node s)
   1.174      {
   1.175        _source=(void *)&s;
   1.176 @@ -607,7 +648,9 @@
   1.177        DefPredMapBase(const Base &b) : Base(b) {}
   1.178      };
   1.180 -    ///\e
   1.181 +    /// \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" function for setting PredMap type
   1.182 +
   1.183 +    /// \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" function for setting PredMap type
   1.184      template<class T>
   1.185      DijkstraWizard<DefPredMapBase<T> > predMap(const T &t) 
   1.186      {
   1.187 @@ -623,7 +666,9 @@
   1.188        DefPredNodeMapBase(const Base &b) : Base(b) {}
   1.189      };
   1.191 -    ///\e
   1.192 +    /// \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" function for setting PredNodeMap type
   1.193 +
   1.194 +    /// \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" function for setting PredNodeMap type
   1.195      template<class T>
   1.196      DijkstraWizard<DefPredNodeMapBase<T> > predNodeMap(const T &t) 
   1.197      {
   1.198 @@ -638,7 +683,9 @@
   1.199        DefDistMapBase(const Base &b) : Base(b) {}
   1.200      };
   1.202 -    ///\e
   1.203 +    /// \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" function for setting DistMap type
   1.204 +
   1.205 +    /// \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" function for setting DistMap type
   1.206      template<class T>
   1.207      DijkstraWizard<DefDistMapBase<T> > distMap(const T &t) 
   1.208      {
   1.209 @@ -646,7 +693,10 @@
   1.210        return DijkstraWizard<DefDistMapBase<T> >(*this);
   1.211      }
   1.213 -    ///\e
   1.214 +    /// Sets the source node, from which the Dijkstra algorithm runs.
   1.215 +
   1.216 +    /// Sets the source node, from which the Dijkstra algorithm runs.
   1.217 +    /// \param s is the source node.
   1.218      DijkstraWizard<TR> &source(Node s) 
   1.219      {
   1.220        source=(void *)&s;