The first version of new path test program. The old became old_path_test.
Sun, 12 Sep 2004 21:46:26 +0000 (2004-09-12)
changeset 831b6ae3446098a
parent 830 89dfa3bece81
child 832 fbee94295d75
The first version of new path test program. The old became old_path_test.
     1.1 --- a/src/hugo/path.h	Sun Sep 12 19:32:21 2004 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/src/hugo/path.h	Sun Sep 12 21:46:26 2004 +0000
     1.3 @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
     1.5  #include <hugo/invalid.h>
     1.6  #include <hugo/error.h>
     1.7 -#include <hugo/debug.h>
     1.8 +//#include <hugo/debug.h>
    1.10  namespace hugo {
    1.12 @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
    1.13    //! and \c Edge of the original graph.
    1.14    //!
    1.15    //! \todo Thoroughfully check all the range and consistency tests.
    1.16 -  template<typename Graph, typename DM = DefaultDebugMode>
    1.17 +  template<typename Graph>
    1.18    class DirPath {
    1.19    public:
    1.20      /// Edge type of the underlying graph.
    1.21 @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
    1.22      /// Subpath defined by two nodes.
    1.23      /// \warning It is an error if the two edges are not in order!
    1.24      DirPath(const DirPath &P, const NodeIt &a, const NodeIt &b) {
    1.25 -      if( DM::range_check && (!a.valid() || !b.valid) ) {
    1.26 +      if(!a.valid() || !b.valid) {
    1.27  	// FIXME: this check should be more elaborate...
    1.28  	fault("DirPath, subpath ctor: invalid bounding nodes");
    1.29        }
    1.30 @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
    1.31      /// Subpath defined by two edges. Contains edges in [a,b)
    1.32      /// \warning It is an error if the two edges are not in order!
    1.33      DirPath(const DirPath &P, const EdgeIt &a, const EdgeIt &b) {
    1.34 -      if( DM::range_check && (!a.valid() || !b.valid) ) {
    1.35 +      if (!a.valid() || !b.valid) {
    1.36  	// FIXME: this check should be more elaborate...
    1.37  	fault("DirPath, subpath ctor: invalid bounding nodes");
    1.38        }
    1.39 @@ -107,14 +107,14 @@
    1.40      ///
    1.41      /// Starting point of the path.
    1.42      /// Returns INVALID if the path is empty.
    1.43 -    GraphNode from() const {
    1.44 +    GraphNode tail() const {
    1.45        return empty() ? INVALID : gr->tail(edges[0]);
    1.46      }
    1.47      /// \brief End point of the path.
    1.48      ///
    1.49      /// End point of the path.
    1.50      /// Returns INVALID if the path is empty.
    1.51 -    GraphNode to() const {
    1.52 +    GraphNode head() const {
    1.53        return empty() ? INVALID : gr->head(edges[length()-1]);
    1.54      }
    1.56 @@ -127,14 +127,14 @@
    1.58      /// \brief Initializes node iterator to point to the node of a given index.
    1.59      NodeIt& nth(NodeIt &i, int n) const {
    1.60 -      if( DM::range_check && (n<0 || n>int(length())) )
    1.61 +      if(n<0 || n>int(length())) 
    1.62  	fault("DirPath::nth: index out of range");
    1.63        return i=NodeIt(*this, n);
    1.64      }
    1.66      /// \brief Initializes edge iterator to point to the edge of a given index.
    1.67      EdgeIt& nth(EdgeIt &i, int n) const {
    1.68 -      if( DM::range_check && (n<0 || n>=int(length())) )
    1.69 +      if(n<0 || n>=int(length())) 
    1.70  	fault("DirPath::nth: index out of range");
    1.71        return i=EdgeIt(*this, n);
    1.72      }
    1.73 @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
    1.74      template<typename It>
    1.75      static
    1.76      It& next(It &e) {
    1.77 -      if( DM::range_check && !e.valid() )
    1.78 +      if( !e.valid() )
    1.79  	fault("DirPath::next() on invalid iterator");
    1.80        return ++e;
    1.81      }
    1.82 @@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
    1.83      /// \brief Returns node iterator pointing to the head node of the
    1.84      /// given edge iterator.
    1.85      NodeIt head(const EdgeIt& e) const {
    1.86 -      if( DM::range_check && !e.valid() )
    1.87 +      if( !e.valid() )
    1.88  	fault("DirPath::head() on invalid iterator");
    1.89        return NodeIt(*this, e.idx+1);
    1.90      }
    1.91 @@ -164,7 +164,7 @@
    1.92      /// \brief Returns node iterator pointing to the tail node of the
    1.93      /// given edge iterator.
    1.94      NodeIt tail(const EdgeIt& e) const {
    1.95 -      if( DM::range_check && !e.valid() )
    1.96 +      if( !e.valid() )
    1.97  	fault("DirPath::tail() on invalid iterator");
    1.98        return NodeIt(*this, e.idx);
    1.99      }
   1.100 @@ -252,7 +252,7 @@
   1.101        ///Conversion to Graph::Node
   1.102        operator const GraphNode& () const {
   1.103  	if(idx >= p->length())
   1.104 -	  return p->to();
   1.105 +	  return p->head();
   1.106  	else if(idx >= 0)
   1.107  	  return p->gr->tail(p->edges[idx]);
   1.108  	else
   1.109 @@ -312,7 +312,7 @@
   1.110        ///Push a new edge to the front of the path.
   1.111        ///\sa setStartNode
   1.112        void pushFront(const GraphEdge& e) {
   1.113 -	if( DM::consistensy_check && !empty() &&>head(e)!=from() ) {
   1.114 +	if( !empty() &&>head(e)!=tail() ) {
   1.115  	  fault("DirPath::Builder::pushFront: nonincident edge");
   1.116  	}
   1.117  	front.push_back(e);
   1.118 @@ -323,7 +323,7 @@
   1.119        ///Push a new edge to the back of the path.
   1.120        ///\sa setStartNode
   1.121        void pushBack(const GraphEdge& e) {
   1.122 -	if( DM::consistensy_check && !empty() &&>tail(e)!=to() ) {
   1.123 +	if( !empty() &&>tail(e)!=head() ) {
   1.124  	  fault("DirPath::Builder::pushBack: nonincident edge");
   1.125  	}
   1.126  	back.push_back(e);
   1.127 @@ -355,12 +355,15 @@
   1.128  	back.reserve(r);
   1.129        }
   1.131 +      void reserveFront(size_t r) {}
   1.132 +      void reserveBack(size_t r) {}
   1.133 +
   1.134      private:
   1.135        bool empty() {
   1.136  	return front.empty() && back.empty() && P.empty();
   1.137        }
   1.139 -      GraphNode from() const {
   1.140 +      GraphNode tail() const {
   1.141  	if( ! front.empty() )
   1.142  	  return>tail(front[front.size()-1]);
   1.143  	else if( ! P.empty() )
   1.144 @@ -370,7 +373,7 @@
   1.145  	else
   1.146  	  return INVALID;
   1.147        }
   1.148 -      GraphNode to() const {
   1.149 +      GraphNode head() const {
   1.150  	if( ! back.empty() )
   1.151  	  return>head(back[back.size()-1]);
   1.152  	else if( ! P.empty() )
   1.153 @@ -411,7 +414,7 @@
   1.154    //! and \c Edge of the original graph.
   1.155    //!
   1.156    //! \todo Thoroughfully check all the range and consistency tests.
   1.157 -  template<typename Graph, typename DM = DefaultDebugMode>
   1.158 +  template<typename Graph>
   1.159    class UndirPath {
   1.160    public:
   1.161      /// Edge type of the underlying graph.
   1.162 @@ -437,7 +440,7 @@
   1.163      /// Subpath defined by two nodes.
   1.164      /// \warning It is an error if the two edges are not in order!
   1.165      UndirPath(const UndirPath &P, const NodeIt &a, const NodeIt &b) {
   1.166 -      if( DM::range_check && (!a.valid() || !b.valid) ) {
   1.167 +      if(!a.valid() || !b.valid) {
   1.168  	// FIXME: this check should be more elaborate...
   1.169  	fault("UndirPath, subpath ctor: invalid bounding nodes");
   1.170        }
   1.171 @@ -450,7 +453,7 @@
   1.172      /// Subpath defined by two edges. Contains edges in [a,b)
   1.173      /// \warning It is an error if the two edges are not in order!
   1.174      UndirPath(const UndirPath &P, const EdgeIt &a, const EdgeIt &b) {
   1.175 -      if( DM::range_check && (!a.valid() || !b.valid) ) {
   1.176 +      if(!a.valid() || !b.valid) {
   1.177  	// FIXME: this check should be more elaborate...
   1.178  	fault("UndirPath, subpath ctor: invalid bounding nodes");
   1.179        }
   1.180 @@ -470,14 +473,14 @@
   1.181      ///
   1.182      /// Starting point of the path.
   1.183      /// Returns INVALID if the path is empty.
   1.184 -    GraphNode from() const {
   1.185 +    GraphNode tail() const {
   1.186        return empty() ? INVALID : gr->tail(edges[0]);
   1.187      }
   1.188      /// \brief End point of the path.
   1.189      ///
   1.190      /// End point of the path.
   1.191      /// Returns INVALID if the path is empty.
   1.192 -    GraphNode to() const {
   1.193 +    GraphNode head() const {
   1.194        return empty() ? INVALID : gr->head(edges[length()-1]);
   1.195      }
   1.197 @@ -490,14 +493,14 @@
   1.199      /// \brief Initializes node iterator to point to the node of a given index.
   1.200      NodeIt& nth(NodeIt &i, int n) const {
   1.201 -      if( DM::range_check && (n<0 || n>int(length())) )
   1.202 +      if(n<0 || n>int(length()))
   1.203  	fault("UndirPath::nth: index out of range");
   1.204        return i=NodeIt(*this, n);
   1.205      }
   1.207      /// \brief Initializes edge iterator to point to the edge of a given index.
   1.208      EdgeIt& nth(EdgeIt &i, int n) const {
   1.209 -      if( DM::range_check && (n<0 || n>=int(length())) )
   1.210 +      if(n<0 || n>=int(length()))
   1.211  	fault("UndirPath::nth: index out of range");
   1.212        return i=EdgeIt(*this, n);
   1.213      }
   1.214 @@ -511,7 +514,7 @@
   1.215      template<typename It>
   1.216      static
   1.217      It& next(It &e) {
   1.218 -      if( DM::range_check && !e.valid() )
   1.219 +      if( !e.valid() )
   1.220  	fault("UndirPath::next() on invalid iterator");
   1.221        return ++e;
   1.222      }
   1.223 @@ -519,7 +522,7 @@
   1.224      /// \brief Returns node iterator pointing to the head node of the
   1.225      /// given edge iterator.
   1.226      NodeIt head(const EdgeIt& e) const {
   1.227 -      if( DM::range_check && !e.valid() )
   1.228 +      if( !e.valid() )
   1.229  	fault("UndirPath::head() on invalid iterator");
   1.230        return NodeIt(*this, e.idx+1);
   1.231      }
   1.232 @@ -527,7 +530,7 @@
   1.233      /// \brief Returns node iterator pointing to the tail node of the
   1.234      /// given edge iterator.
   1.235      NodeIt tail(const EdgeIt& e) const {
   1.236 -      if( DM::range_check && !e.valid() )
   1.237 +      if( !e.valid() )
   1.238  	fault("UndirPath::tail() on invalid iterator");
   1.239        return NodeIt(*this, e.idx);
   1.240      }
   1.241 @@ -613,7 +616,7 @@
   1.242        ///Conversion to Graph::Node
   1.243        operator const GraphNode& () const {
   1.244  	if(idx >= p->length())
   1.245 -	  return p->to();
   1.246 +	  return p->head();
   1.247  	else if(idx >= 0)
   1.248  	  return p->gr->tail(p->edges[idx]);
   1.249  	else
   1.250 @@ -673,7 +676,7 @@
   1.251        ///Push a new edge to the front of the path.
   1.252        ///\sa setStartNode
   1.253        void pushFront(const GraphEdge& e) {
   1.254 -	if( DM::consistensy_check && !empty() &&>head(e)!=from() ) {
   1.255 +	if( !empty() &&>head(e)!=tail() ) {
   1.256  	  fault("UndirPath::Builder::pushFront: nonincident edge");
   1.257  	}
   1.258  	front.push_back(e);
   1.259 @@ -684,7 +687,7 @@
   1.260        ///Push a new edge to the back of the path.
   1.261        ///\sa setStartNode
   1.262        void pushBack(const GraphEdge& e) {
   1.263 -	if( DM::consistensy_check && !empty() &&>tail(e)!=to() ) {
   1.264 +	if( !empty() &&>tail(e)!=head() ) {
   1.265  	  fault("UndirPath::Builder::pushBack: nonincident edge");
   1.266  	}
   1.267  	back.push_back(e);
   1.268 @@ -716,12 +719,15 @@
   1.269  	back.reserve(r);
   1.270        }
   1.272 +      void reserveFront(size_t r) {}
   1.273 +      void reserveBack(size_t r) {}
   1.274 +
   1.275      private:
   1.276        bool empty() {
   1.277  	return front.empty() && back.empty() && P.empty();
   1.278        }
   1.280 -      GraphNode from() const {
   1.281 +      GraphNode tail() const {
   1.282  	if( ! front.empty() )
   1.283  	  return>tail(front[front.size()-1]);
   1.284  	else if( ! P.empty() )
   1.285 @@ -731,7 +737,7 @@
   1.286  	else
   1.287  	  return INVALID;
   1.288        }
   1.289 -      GraphNode to() const {
   1.290 +      GraphNode head() const {
   1.291  	if( ! back.empty() )
   1.292  	  return>head(back[back.size()-1]);
   1.293  	else if( ! P.empty() )
   1.294 @@ -791,8 +797,8 @@
   1.295      DynamicPath(const DynamicPath &P, const EdgeIt &a, const EdgeIt &b);
   1.297      size_t length() const { return edges.size(); }
   1.298 -    GraphNode from() const { return _first; }
   1.299 -    GraphNode to() const { return _last; }
   1.300 +    GraphNode tail() const { return _first; }
   1.301 +    GraphNode head() const { return _last; }
   1.303      NodeIt& first(NodeIt &n) const { return nth(n, 0); }
   1.304      EdgeIt& first(EdgeIt &e) const { return nth(e, 0); }
     2.1 --- a/src/hugo/skeletons/path.h	Sun Sep 12 19:32:21 2004 +0000
     2.2 +++ b/src/hugo/skeletons/path.h	Sun Sep 12 21:46:26 2004 +0000
     2.3 @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
     2.4 -#define SKELETON
     2.5  // -*- c++ -*- //
     2.7  ///\ingroup skeletons
     2.8  ///\file
     2.9  ///\brief Classes for representing paths in graphs.
    2.11 -#ifndef HUGO_PATH_H
    2.12 -#define HUGO_PATH_H
    2.13 +#ifndef HUGO_SKELETON_PATH_H
    2.14 +#define HUGO_SKELETON_PATH_H
    2.16  #include <hugo/invalid.h>
    2.18 @@ -14,38 +13,38 @@
    2.19    namespace skeleton {
    2.20      /// \addtogroup skeletons
    2.21      /// @{
    2.22 -    
    2.23 -    
    2.24 +
    2.25 +
    2.26      //! \brief A skeletom structure for representing directed paths in a graph.
    2.27      //!
    2.28      //! A skeleton structure for representing directed paths in a graph.
    2.29      //! \param GR The graph type in which the path is.
    2.30 -    //! 
    2.31 +    //!
    2.32      //! In a sense, the path can be treated as a graph, for is has \c NodeIt
    2.33      //! and \c EdgeIt with the same usage. These types converts to the \c Node
    2.34      //! and \c Edge of the original graph.
    2.35      template<typename GR>
    2.36      class Path {
    2.37      public:
    2.38 -      
    2.39 +
    2.40        /// Type of the underlying graph.
    2.41        typedef /*typename*/ GR Graph;
    2.42        /// Edge type of the underlying graph.
    2.43 -      typedef typename Graph::Edge GraphEdge; 
    2.44 +      typedef typename Graph::Edge GraphEdge;
    2.45        /// Node type of the underlying graph.
    2.46       typedef typename Graph::Node GraphNode;
    2.47        class NodeIt;
    2.48        class EdgeIt;
    2.49 -      
    2.50 +
    2.51        /// \param _G The graph in which the path is.
    2.52        ///
    2.53        Path(const Graph &_G) {}
    2.54 -      
    2.55 +
    2.56        /// Length of the path.
    2.57        size_t length() const {return 0;}
    2.58        /// Returns whether the path is empty.
    2.59 -      bool empty() const {}
    2.60 -      
    2.61 +      bool empty() const { return true;}
    2.62 +
    2.63        /// Resets the path to an empty path.
    2.64        void clear() {}
    2.66 @@ -71,25 +70,25 @@
    2.67        ///
    2.68        /// Returns node iterator pointing to the head node of the
    2.69        /// given edge iterator.
    2.70 -      NodeIt head(const EdgeIt& e) const {}
    2.71 +      NodeIt head(const EdgeIt& e) const {return INVALID;}
    2.73        /// \brief The tail of an edge.
    2.74        ///
    2.75        /// Returns node iterator pointing to the tail node of the
    2.76        /// given edge iterator.
    2.77 -      NodeIt tail(const EdgeIt& e) const {}
    2.78 +      NodeIt tail(const EdgeIt& e) const {return INVALID;}
    2.81        /* Iterator classes */
    2.83        /**
    2.84         * \brief Iterator class to iterate on the edges of the paths
    2.85 -       * 
    2.86 +       *
    2.87         * \ingroup skeletons
    2.88         * This class is used to iterate on the edges of the paths
    2.89         *
    2.90         * Of course it converts to Graph::Edge
    2.91 -       * 
    2.92 +       *
    2.93         */
    2.94        class EdgeIt {
    2.95        public:
    2.96 @@ -103,7 +102,7 @@
    2.97  	operator GraphEdge () const {}
    2.99  	/// Next edge
   2.100 -	EdgeIt& operator++() {}
   2.101 +	EdgeIt& operator++() {return *this;}
   2.103  	/// Comparison operator
   2.104  	bool operator==(const EdgeIt& e) const {return true;}
   2.105 @@ -117,12 +116,12 @@
   2.107        /**
   2.108         * \brief Iterator class to iterate on the nodes of the paths
   2.109 -       * 
   2.110 +       *
   2.111         * \ingroup skeletons
   2.112         * This class is used to iterate on the nodes of the paths
   2.113         *
   2.114         * Of course it converts to Graph::Node.
   2.115 -       * 
   2.116 +       *
   2.117         */
   2.118        class NodeIt {
   2.119        public:
   2.120 @@ -136,23 +135,23 @@
   2.121  	///Conversion to Graph::Node
   2.122  	operator const GraphNode& () const {}
   2.123  	/// Next node
   2.124 -	NodeIt& operator++() {}
   2.125 +	NodeIt& operator++() {return *this;}
   2.127  	/// Comparison operator
   2.128 -	bool operator==(const NodeIt& e) const {}
   2.129 +	bool operator==(const NodeIt& e) const {return true;}
   2.130  	/// Comparison operator
   2.131 -	bool operator!=(const NodeIt& e) const {}
   2.132 +	bool operator!=(const NodeIt& e) const {return true;}
   2.133  // 	/// Comparison operator
   2.134  //      /// \todo It is not clear what is the "natural" ordering.
   2.135  // 	bool operator<(const NodeIt& e) const {}
   2.137        };
   2.139 -      friend class Builder;    
   2.140 +      friend class Builder;
   2.142        /**
   2.143         * \brief Class to build paths
   2.144 -       * 
   2.145 +       *
   2.146         * \ingroup skeletons
   2.147         * This class is used to fill a path with edges.
   2.148         *
   2.149 @@ -174,7 +173,7 @@
   2.150  	Builder(Path &_P) : P(_P) {}
   2.152  	/// Sets the starting node of the path.
   2.153 -      
   2.154 +
   2.155  	/// Sets the starting node of the path. Edge added to the path
   2.156  	/// afterwards have to be incident to this node.
   2.157  	/// You \em must start building an empry path with this functions.
   2.158 @@ -217,7 +216,7 @@
   2.160    ///@}
   2.161    }
   2.162 -  
   2.163 +
   2.164  } // namespace hugo
   2.166 -#endif // HUGO_PATH_H
   2.167 +#endif // HUGO_SKELETON_PATH_H
     3.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     3.2 +++ b/src/test/	Sun Sep 12 21:46:26 2004 +0000
     3.3 @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
     3.4 +#include <string>
     3.5 +#include <iostream>
     3.6 +//#include <hugo/skeletons/path.h>
     3.7 +#include <hugo/path.h>
     3.8 +#include <hugo/list_graph.h>
     3.9 +
    3.10 +using namespace std;
    3.11 +using namespace hugo;
    3.12 +#ifdef HUGO_SKELETON_PATH_H
    3.13 +using namespace skeleton;
    3.14 +#endif
    3.15 +
    3.16 +bool passed = true;
    3.17 +
    3.18 +void check(bool rc) {
    3.19 +  passed = passed && rc;
    3.20 +  if(!rc) {
    3.21 +    cout << "Test failed!" << endl;
    3.22 +  }
    3.23 +}
    3.24 +
    3.25 +#ifdef DEBUG
    3.26 +const bool debug = true;
    3.27 +#else
    3.28 +const bool debug = false;
    3.29 +#endif
    3.30 +
    3.31 +
    3.32 +int main() {
    3.33 +
    3.34 +  try {
    3.35 +
    3.36 +    typedef ListGraph::Node Node;
    3.37 +    typedef ListGraph::Edge Edge;
    3.38 +
    3.39 +    ListGraph G;
    3.40 +
    3.41 +    Node s=G.addNode();
    3.42 +    Node v1=G.addNode();
    3.43 +    Node v2=G.addNode();
    3.44 +    Node v3=G.addNode();
    3.45 +    Node v4=G.addNode();
    3.46 +    Node t=G.addNode();
    3.47 +  
    3.48 +    Edge e1 = G.addEdge(s, v1);
    3.49 +    Edge e2 = G.addEdge(s, v2);
    3.50 +    Edge e3 = G.addEdge(v1, v2);
    3.51 +    Edge e4 = G.addEdge(v2, v1);
    3.52 +    Edge e5 = G.addEdge(v1, v3);
    3.53 +    Edge e6 = G.addEdge(v3, v2);
    3.54 +    Edge e7 = G.addEdge(v2, v4);
    3.55 +    Edge e8 = G.addEdge(v4, v3);
    3.56 +    Edge e9 = G.addEdge(v3, t);
    3.57 +    Edge e10 = G.addEdge(v4, t);
    3.58 +
    3.59 +#ifdef DEBUG
    3.60 +    bool rc;
    3.61 +#endif
    3.62 +
    3.63 +    {
    3.64 +      cout << "\n\n\nDirPath tesztelese...\n";
    3.65 +
    3.66 +
    3.67 +      cout << "Ures path letrehozasa" << endl;
    3.68 +
    3.69 +#ifndef HUGO_SKELETON_PATH_H
    3.70 +      typedef DirPath<ListGraph> DPath;
    3.71 +#else
    3.72 +      typedef Path<ListGraph> DPath;
    3.73 +#endif
    3.74 +
    3.75 +      DPath P(G);
    3.76 +
    3.77 +      cout << "P.length() == " << P.length() << endl;
    3.78 +      check(P.length() == 0);
    3.79 +
    3.80 +      cout << "P.tail() valid? " << (P.tail()!=INVALID) << endl;
    3.81 +      check(! (P.tail()!=INVALID));
    3.82 +      {
    3.83 +	cout << "Builder objektum letrehozasa" << endl;
    3.84 +	DPath::Builder B(P);
    3.85 +
    3.86 +	cout << "Hozzaadunk az elejehez ket elet..." << endl;
    3.87 +	B.pushFront(e6);
    3.88 +	B.pushFront(e5);
    3.89 +	cout << "P.length() == " << P.length() << endl;
    3.90 +	check(P.length() == 0);
    3.91 +      
    3.92 +	cout << "Commitolunk..." << endl;
    3.93 +	B.commit();
    3.94 +
    3.95 +	cout << "P.length() == " << P.length() << endl;
    3.96 +	check(P.length() == 2);
    3.97 +
    3.98 +	cout << "P.tail() valid? " << (P.tail()!=INVALID) << endl;
    3.99 +	check(P.tail()!=INVALID);
   3.100 +	cout << "P.tail()==v1 ? " << (P.tail()==v1) << endl;
   3.101 +	check(P.tail() == v1);
   3.102 +
   3.103 +	// Na ja, ez igy nem igazi, mindket esetet le kene tesztelni,
   3.104 +	// de legalabb valami:
   3.105 +#ifdef DEBUG
   3.106 +	cout << "Hozzaadunk az elejehez egy nem illeszkedo elet..." << endl;
   3.107 +	rc = false;
   3.108 +	try {
   3.109 +	  B.pushFront(e3);
   3.110 +	}
   3.111 +	catch(const Exception &e) {
   3.112 +	  cout << "E: " << e.what() << endl;
   3.113 +	  rc = true;
   3.114 +	}
   3.115 +	check(rc);
   3.116 +#endif
   3.117 +
   3.118 +	cout << "Hozzaadunk a vegehez ket elet..." << endl;
   3.119 +	B.pushBack(e7);
   3.120 +	B.pushBack(e8);
   3.121 +	cout << "P.length() == " << P.length() << endl;
   3.122 +	check(P.length() == 2);
   3.123 +      
   3.124 +	cout << "Es commitolunk...\n";
   3.125 +	B.commit();
   3.126 +      }
   3.127 +      cout << "P.length() == " << P.length() << endl;
   3.128 +      check(P.length() == 4);
   3.129 +
   3.130 +      cout << "P.head()==v3 ? " << (P.head()==v3) << endl;
   3.131 +      check(P.head() == v3);
   3.132 +
   3.133 +#ifndef HUGO_SKELETON_PATH_H
   3.134 +      cout << "Vegigiteralunk az eleken." << endl;
   3.135 +      typedef DPath::NodeIt NodeIt;
   3.136 +      typedef DPath::EdgeIt EdgeIt;
   3.137 +      EdgeIt e;
   3.138 +      int i=1;
   3.139 +      for(P.first(e); e!=INVALID; ++e, ++i) {
   3.140 +	cout << i << ". el: " <</* e << */endl;
   3.141 +      }
   3.142 +#endif
   3.143 +
   3.144 +      // Na ja, ez igy nem igazi, mindket esetet le kene tesztelni,
   3.145 +      // de legalabb valami:
   3.146 +
   3.147 +#ifdef DEBUG
   3.148 +      rc = false;
   3.149 +      try {
   3.150 +	cout << "Setting an edgeiter to a nonexistant edge." << endl;
   3.151 +	//P.nth(e,134);
   3.152 +	rc = !debug;
   3.153 +      }
   3.154 +      catch(const Exception &e) {
   3.155 +	cout << "E: " << e.what() << endl;
   3.156 +	rc = debug;
   3.157 +      }
   3.158 +      check(rc);
   3.159 +#endif
   3.160 +    }
   3.161 +
   3.162 +  }
   3.163 +  catch(const std::exception &e) {
   3.164 +    cout << "Uncaught exception: " << e.what() << endl;
   3.165 +    return 1;
   3.166 +  }
   3.167 +  catch(...) {
   3.168 +    cout << "Something horrible happened: an exception which isn't "
   3.169 +	 << "std::exception" << endl;
   3.170 +    return 2;
   3.171 +  }
   3.172 +
   3.173 +
   3.174 +  cout << (passed ? "All tests passed." : "Some of the tests failed!!!")
   3.175 +       << endl;
   3.176 +
   3.177 +  return passed ? 0 : 1;
   3.178 +}
     4.1 --- a/src/test/	Sun Sep 12 19:32:21 2004 +0000
     4.2 +++ b/src/test/	Sun Sep 12 21:46:26 2004 +0000
     4.3 @@ -1,190 +1,84 @@
     4.4  #include <string>
     4.5  #include <iostream>
     4.6 -//#include <hugo/path.h>
     4.7  #include <hugo/skeletons/path.h>
     4.8 +#include <hugo/path.h>
     4.9  #include <hugo/list_graph.h>
    4.11  using namespace std;
    4.12  using namespace hugo;
    4.13 -#ifdef SKELETON
    4.14  using namespace skeleton;
    4.15 -#endif
    4.17 -bool passed = true;
    4.18 +template<class Path> void checkCompilePath(Path &P) 
    4.19 +{
    4.20 +  typedef typename Path::EdgeIt EdgeIt;
    4.21 +  typedef typename Path::NodeIt NodeIt;
    4.22 +  typedef typename Path::GraphNode GraphNode;
    4.23 +  typedef typename Path::GraphEdge GraphEdge;
    4.24 +  //typedef typename Path::Builder Builder;
    4.25 +  //??? ha csinalok ilyet es siman Builderrel peldanyositok, akkor warningol. Talan friend miatt? De ki az?
    4.27 -void check(bool rc) {
    4.28 -  passed = passed && rc;
    4.29 -  if(!rc) {
    4.30 -    cout << "Test failed!" << endl;
    4.31 -  }
    4.32 +  EdgeIt ei;
    4.33 +  NodeIt ni;
    4.34 +  GraphNode gn;
    4.35 +  GraphEdge ge;
    4.36 +
    4.37 +  size_t st;
    4.38 +  bool b;
    4.39 +
    4.40 +  //Path(const Graph &_G) {}      //the constructor has been already called
    4.41 +
    4.42 +  st=P.length();                  //size_t length() const {return 0;}
    4.43 +  b=P.empty();                    //bool empty() const {}
    4.44 +  P.clear();                      //void clear() {}
    4.45 +
    4.46 +  gn=P.head();                    //GraphNode/*It*/ head() const {return INVALID;}
    4.47 +  gn=P.tail();                    //GraphNode/*It*/ tail() const {return INVALID;}
    4.48 +
    4.49 +  ei=P.first(ei);                 //It& first(It &i) const { return i=It(*this); }
    4.50 +
    4.51 +  ni=P.head(ei);                  //NodeIt head(const EdgeIt& e) const {}
    4.52 +  ni=P.tail(ei);                  //NodeIt tail(const EdgeIt& e) const {}
    4.53 +
    4.54 +
    4.55 +  ListGraph lg;
    4.56 +  Path p(lg);
    4.57 +
    4.58 +  EdgeIt i;	                  //EdgeIt() {}
    4.59 +  EdgeIt j(INVALID);	          //EdgeIt(Invalid) {}
    4.60 +  EdgeIt k(p);	                  //EdgeIt(const Path &_p) {}
    4.61 +
    4.62 +  //??? operator GraphEdge () const {}
    4.63 +
    4.64 +  //INVALIDra megy a ++????
    4.65 +  i=++j;	                  //EdgeIt& operator++() {}
    4.66 +  b=(i==j);	                  //bool operator==(const EdgeIt& e) const {return true;}
    4.67 +  b=(i!=j);	                  //bool operator!=(const EdgeIt& e) const {return true;}
    4.68 +
    4.69 +
    4.70 +  NodeIt l;                       //NodeIt() {}
    4.71 +  NodeIt m(INVALID);	          //NodeIt(Invalid) {}
    4.72 +  NodeIt n(p);	                  //NodeIt(const Path &_p) {}
    4.73 +
    4.74 +  //operator const GraphNode& () const {}
    4.75 +
    4.76 +  l=++m;                          //NodeIt& operator++() {}
    4.77 +  b=(m==n);                       //bool operator==(const NodeIt& e) const {}
    4.78 +  b=(m!=n);                   	  //bool operator!=(const NodeIt& e) const {}
    4.79 +
    4.80 +  typename Path::Builder builder(p);     //Builder(Path &_P) : P(_P) {}
    4.81 +  builder.setStartNode(gn);     	 //void setStartNode(const GraphNode &) {}
    4.82 +  builder.pushFront(ge);	         //void pushFront(const GraphEdge& e) {}
    4.83 +  builder.pushBack(ge);	                 //void pushBack(const GraphEdge& e) {}
    4.84 +  builder.commit();	                 //void commit() {}
    4.85 +  builder.reserveFront(st);	         //void reserveFront(size_t r) {}
    4.86 +  builder.reserveBack(st);	         //void reserveBack(size_t r) {}
    4.87 +
    4.88  }
    4.90 -#ifdef DEBUG
    4.91 -const bool debug = true;
    4.92 -#else
    4.93 -const bool debug = false;
    4.94 -#endif
    4.95 +template void checkCompilePath< skeleton::Path<ListGraph> >(skeleton::Path<ListGraph> &);
    4.96 +template void checkCompilePath< DirPath<ListGraph> >(DirPath<ListGraph> &);
    4.97 +template void checkCompilePath< UndirPath<ListGraph> >(UndirPath<ListGraph> &);
    4.99 -
   4.100 -int main() {
   4.101 -
   4.102 -  try {
   4.103 -
   4.104 -    typedef ListGraph::Node Node;
   4.105 -    typedef ListGraph::Edge Edge;
   4.106 -
   4.107 -    ListGraph G;
   4.108 -
   4.109 -    Node s=G.addNode();
   4.110 -    Node v1=G.addNode();
   4.111 -    Node v2=G.addNode();
   4.112 -    Node v3=G.addNode();
   4.113 -    Node v4=G.addNode();
   4.114 -    Node t=G.addNode();
   4.115 -  
   4.116 -    Edge e1 = G.addEdge(s, v1);
   4.117 -    Edge e2 = G.addEdge(s, v2);
   4.118 -    Edge e3 = G.addEdge(v1, v2);
   4.119 -    Edge e4 = G.addEdge(v2, v1);
   4.120 -    Edge e5 = G.addEdge(v1, v3);
   4.121 -    Edge e6 = G.addEdge(v3, v2);
   4.122 -    Edge e7 = G.addEdge(v2, v4);
   4.123 -    Edge e8 = G.addEdge(v4, v3);
   4.124 -    Edge e9 = G.addEdge(v3, t);
   4.125 -    Edge e10 = G.addEdge(v4, t);
   4.126 -
   4.127 -#ifdef DEBUG
   4.128 -    bool rc;
   4.129 -#endif
   4.130 -
   4.131 -    {
   4.132 -      cout << "\n\n\nDirPath tesztelese...\n";
   4.133 -
   4.134 -
   4.135 -      cout << "Ures path letrehozasa" << endl;
   4.136 -#ifdef SKELETON
   4.137 -      typedef Path <ListGraph> DPath;
   4.138 -#else
   4.139 -      typedef DirPath<ListGraph> DPath;
   4.140 -#endif
   4.141 -      DPath P(G);
   4.142 -
   4.143 -      cout << "P.length() == " << P.length() << endl;
   4.144 -      check(P.length() == 0);
   4.145 -
   4.146 -#ifdef SKELETON
   4.147 -      cout << "P.tail() valid? " << (P.tail()!=INVALID) << endl;
   4.148 -      check(! (P.tail()!=INVALID));
   4.149 -#else
   4.150 -      cout << "P.tail() valid? " << (P.from()!=INVALID) << endl;
   4.151 -      check(! (!=INVALID));
   4.152 -#endif
   4.153 -      {
   4.154 -	cout << "Builder objektum letrehozasa" << endl;
   4.155 -	DPath::Builder B(P);
   4.156 -
   4.157 -	cout << "Hozzaadunk az elejehez ket elet..." << endl;
   4.158 -	B.pushFront(e6);
   4.159 -	B.pushFront(e5);
   4.160 -	cout << "P.length() == " << P.length() << endl;
   4.161 -	check(P.length() == 0);
   4.162 -      
   4.163 -	cout << "Commitolunk..." << endl;
   4.164 -	B.commit();
   4.165 -
   4.166 -	cout << "P.length() == " << P.length() << endl;
   4.167 -	check(P.length() == 2);
   4.168 -
   4.169 -#ifdef SKELETON
   4.170 -	cout << "P.tail() valid? " << (P.tail()!=INVALID) << endl;
   4.171 -	check(P.tail()!=INVALID);
   4.172 -	cout << "P.tail()==v1 ? " << (P.tail()==v1) << endl;
   4.173 -	check(P.tail() == v1);
   4.174 -#else
   4.175 -	cout << "P.tail() valid? " << (P.from()!=INVALID) << endl;
   4.176 -	check(P.from()!=INVALID);
   4.177 -	cout << "P.tail()==v1 ? " << (P.from()==v1) << endl;
   4.178 -	check(P.from() == v1);
   4.179 -#endif
   4.180 -
   4.181 -	// Na ja, ez igy nem igazi, mindket esetet le kene tesztelni,
   4.182 -	// de legalabb valami:
   4.183 -#ifdef DEBUG
   4.184 -	cout << "Hozzaadunk az elejehez egy nem illeszkedo elet..." << endl;
   4.185 -	rc = false;
   4.186 -	try {
   4.187 -	  B.pushFront(e3);
   4.188 -	}
   4.189 -	catch(const Exception &e) {
   4.190 -	  cout << "E: " << e.what() << endl;
   4.191 -	  rc = true;
   4.192 -	}
   4.193 -	check(rc);
   4.194 -#endif
   4.195 -
   4.196 -	cout << "Hozzaadunk a vegehez ket elet..." << endl;
   4.197 -	B.pushBack(e7);
   4.198 -	B.pushBack(e8);
   4.199 -	cout << "P.length() == " << P.length() << endl;
   4.200 -	check(P.length() == 2);
   4.201 -      
   4.202 -	cout << "Es commitolunk...\n";
   4.203 -	B.commit();
   4.204 -      }
   4.205 -      cout << "P.length() == " << P.length() << endl;
   4.206 -      check(P.length() == 4);
   4.207 -
   4.208 -#ifdef SKELETON
   4.209 -      cout << "P.head()==v3 ? " << (P.head()==v3) << endl;
   4.210 -      check(P.head() == v3);
   4.211 -#else
   4.212 -      cout << "P.head()==v3 ? " << ( << endl;
   4.213 -      check( == v3);
   4.214 -#endif
   4.215 -
   4.216 -#ifndef SKELETON
   4.217 -      cout << "Vegigiteralunk az eleken." << endl;
   4.218 -      typedef DPath::NodeIt NodeIt;
   4.219 -      typedef DPath::EdgeIt EdgeIt;
   4.220 -      EdgeIt e;
   4.221 -      int i=1;
   4.222 -      for(P.first(e); e!=INVALID; ++e, ++i) {
   4.223 -	cout << i << ". el: " <</* e << */endl;
   4.224 -      }
   4.225 -#endif
   4.226 -
   4.227 -      // Na ja, ez igy nem igazi, mindket esetet le kene tesztelni,
   4.228 -      // de legalabb valami:
   4.229 -
   4.230 -#ifdef DEBUG
   4.231 -      rc = false;
   4.232 -      try {
   4.233 -	cout << "Setting an edgeiter to a nonexistant edge." << endl;
   4.234 -	//P.nth(e,134);
   4.235 -	rc = !debug;
   4.236 -      }
   4.237 -      catch(const Exception &e) {
   4.238 -	cout << "E: " << e.what() << endl;
   4.239 -	rc = debug;
   4.240 -      }
   4.241 -      check(rc);
   4.242 -#endif
   4.243 -    }
   4.244 -
   4.245 -  }
   4.246 -  catch(const std::exception &e) {
   4.247 -    cout << "Uncaught exception: " << e.what() << endl;
   4.248 -    return 1;
   4.249 -  }
   4.250 -  catch(...) {
   4.251 -    cout << "Something horrible happened: an exception which isn't "
   4.252 -	 << "std::exception" << endl;
   4.253 -    return 2;
   4.254 -  }
   4.255 -
   4.256 -
   4.257 -  cout << (passed ? "All tests passed." : "Some of the tests failed!!!")
   4.258 -       << endl;
   4.259 -
   4.260 -  return passed ? 0 : 1;
   4.261 +int main() 
   4.262 +{
   4.263  }