2004-03-21 klao Reszutas konstruktorok
2004-03-21 klao Ut struktura. Elso valtozat.
2004-03-21 alpar Some doc added
2004-03-21 alpar Dijkstra, bin_heap, fib_heap added to the doc.
2004-03-20 alpar Aprosagok...
2004-03-20 jacint map.get(v) <- map[v] csere
2004-03-20 jacint *** empty log message ***
2004-03-20 jacint *** empty log message ***
2004-03-20 beckerjc unionfind: componentSize tagfv
2004-03-20 alpar Several bugfixes
2004-03-20 alpar .
2004-03-20 alpar bool map problems solved.
2004-03-20 klao Feluton az uj map stilus fele.
2004-03-20 marci .
2004-03-20 marci .
2004-03-19 jacint updating
2004-03-19 alpar get() -> operator[]()
2004-03-19 alpar get() -> operator[]()
2004-03-19 marci warnings
2004-03-19 athos M?g ?rtam bele 2 dolgot, meg a tesztelot is kibovitettem.
2004-03-19 marci .
2004-03-19 alpar .
2004-03-19 alpar .
2004-03-19 alpar .
2004-03-19 alpar Documentation page for maps.
2004-03-18 athos Alp?r javaslat?ra k?sz?tettem egy strukt?r?t 2 dimenzi?s vektorok (s?kvektorok) t?rol?s?ra. Olyasmiket tud, amiket s?kvektorokt?l szeretn?nk. A neve: xy, a hasonl? nevu .h file-ban tal?lhat?.
2004-03-18 marci .
2004-03-18 marci .
2004-03-17 marci max cardinality bipartite matching demo, something to play with it
2004-03-17 marci .
2004-03-17 marci .
2004-03-17 marci .
2004-03-17 marci .
2004-03-17 marci .
2004-03-17 marci .
2004-03-17 marci .
2004-03-16 marci leda_graph_wrapper.h
2004-03-16 marci LedaGraph -> LedaGraphWrapper
2004-03-16 marci .
2004-03-15 alpar .
2004-03-15 alpar .
2004-03-13 alpar Dynamic maps became the defaults.
2004-03-13 alpar .
2004-03-13 alpar put the namespace into the main #ifdef
2004-03-13 alpar More comments, bug fixes, and copy constructors
2004-03-12 marci leda graph wrapper
2004-03-12 marci .
2004-03-12 marci const
2004-03-12 marci Node <-> NodeIt correction in next
2004-03-12 alpar Marci's changes accepted.
2004-03-12 marci .
2004-03-12 marci correcting implicit typenames
2004-03-12 marci towards on ListGraph, SmartGraph compatibility
2004-03-11 jacint *** empty log message ***
2004-03-11 klao Uj kupac nevezektan
2004-03-11 klao hurokeles bug
2004-03-11 jacint *** empty log message ***
2004-03-11 klao egy kicsit szebb INVALID
2004-03-11 marci graph wrapper improvements, blocking flow on fly
2004-03-11 jacint *** empty log message ***