2004-05-07 alpar EdgeSet is more or less working.
2004-05-07 alpar src/work/alpar/list_graph.h moved to /src/hugo.
2004-05-07 marci top-sort, dimacs mods.
2004-05-07 marci (none)
2004-05-07 jacint Docs added
2004-05-07 alpar *** empty log message ***
2004-05-07 marci (none)
2004-05-07 marci Edge opposite(const Edge&) in BidirGaphWrapper<Graph>
2004-05-07 deba (none)
2004-05-07 alpar Compile checks added.
2004-05-07 marci BidirGraphWrapper<Graph>, the map values are different for the opposite edges.
2004-05-07 alpar An alternative dijkstra_test.cc
2004-05-07 alpar time_measure.cc was renamed to time_measure_test.cc
2004-05-07 alpar Exit with correct return value
2004-05-07 marci ResGraphWrapper mods.
2004-05-07 alpar skeleton tests turned on again.
2004-05-06 ladanyi We need to distribute the headers in 'skeletons' too.
2004-05-06 ladanyi No automatic doc generation.
2004-05-06 marci (none)
2004-05-06 marci (none)
2004-05-06 marci A max bipartite matching class in src/work/marci/max_bipartite_matching.h
2004-05-06 marci random graph, random bipartite graph in jacint/graph_gen.h
2004-05-06 marci (none)
2004-05-06 marci graph_wrapper.h in hugo
2004-05-06 marci #include <hugo/ > modifications
2004-05-06 athos Method checkSolution() added.
2004-05-06 marci SubGraphWrapper bug ok
2004-05-06 marci top-sort, for fezso's sake
2004-05-06 athos Written hugo/ into includes.
2004-05-06 alpar Some tests must have been commented out temporarily.
2004-05-06 marci (none)
2004-05-06 marci (none)
2004-05-06 athos Modified a little bit
2004-05-06 alpar No automatic doc generation.
2004-05-06 alpar Test cases for time_measure.h
2004-05-06 marci (none)
2004-05-06 marci an experimental topsort
2004-05-06 ladanyi Set up automake environment.
2004-05-06 marci (none)
2004-05-06 marci (none)
2004-05-06 ladanyi Rename 'include' to 'hugo' (for automake)
2004-05-06 jacint (none)
2004-05-05 jacint Contains Edmonds' matching algorithm in a plain and in a heuristical form.
2004-05-05 jacint tests max_matching.h
2004-05-05 jacint (none)
2004-05-05 jacint primitive random graph generator
2004-05-05 alpar Minor bugfix.
2004-05-05 alpar Compiles also with icc.
2004-05-05 alpar Compiles with are icc, as well.
2004-05-04 athos Minimum cost flows of small values: algorithm from Andras Frank's lecture notes (approximately)
2004-05-04 jacint Adding update() to NullMap
2004-05-04 jacint Able to read min cost flow, max flow, shortest path, matching testgraphs
2004-05-04 athos Nem tudom, a hugo-n miert nem megy.
2004-05-04 marci bool forward(Edge), bool backward(Edge)
2004-05-04 marci misc
2004-05-04 marci An undirected graph template UndirGraph<Graph> can be used.
2004-05-04 athos Started.
2004-05-04 athos Nothing special.
2004-05-04 athos Ezt mintha mar toroltem volna.
2004-05-04 athos Created minlengthpaths_test.cc. Compiles with: g++-3.0 -Wall -I. -I../{klao,jacint,marci} -I.. -I../../include minlengthpaths_test.cc -o min | & less