Location: LEMON/LEMON-official/lemon/arg_parser.h

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SmartGraph addEdge bug fix (ticket #88)
/* -*- C++ -*-
* This file is a part of LEMON, a generic C++ optimization library
* Copyright (C) 2003-2008
* Egervary Jeno Kombinatorikus Optimalizalasi Kutatocsoport
* (Egervary Research Group on Combinatorial Optimization, EGRES).
* Permission to use, modify and distribute this software is granted
* provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies. For
* precise terms see the accompanying LICENSE file.
* This software is provided "AS IS" with no warranty of any kind,
* express or implied, and with no claim as to its suitability for any
* purpose.
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <lemon/assert.h>
///\ingroup misc
///\brief A tool to parse command line arguments.
namespace lemon {
///Command line arguments parser
///\ingroup misc
///Command line arguments parser.
///For a complete example see the \ref arg_parser_demo.cc demo file.
class ArgParser {
static void _showHelp(void *p);
int _argc;
const char **_argv;
enum OptType { UNKNOWN=0, BOOL=1, STRING=2, DOUBLE=3, INTEGER=4, FUNC=5 };
class ParData {
union {
bool *bool_p;
int *int_p;
double *double_p;
std::string *string_p;
struct {
void (*p)(void *);
void *data;
} func_p;
std::string help;
bool mandatory;
OptType type;
bool set;
bool ingroup;
bool has_syn;
bool syn;
bool self_delete;
ParData() : mandatory(false), type(UNKNOWN), set(false), ingroup(false),
has_syn(false), syn(false), self_delete(false) {}
typedef std::map<std::string,ParData> Opts;
Opts _opts;
class GroupData
typedef std::list<std::string> Opts;
Opts opts;
bool only_one;
bool mandatory;
GroupData() :only_one(false), mandatory(false) {}
typedef std::map<std::string,GroupData> Groups;
Groups _groups;
struct OtherArg
std::string name;
std::string help;
OtherArg(std::string n, std::string h) :name(n), help(h) {}
std::vector<OtherArg> _others_help;
std::vector<std::string> _file_args;
std::string _command_name;
//Bind a function to an option.
//\param name The name of the option. The leading '-' must be omitted.
//\param help A help string.
//\retval func The function to be called when the option is given. It
// must be of type "void f(void *)"
//\param data Data to be passed to \c func
ArgParser &funcOption(const std::string &name,
const std::string &help,
void (*func)(void *),void *data);
ArgParser(int argc, const char **argv);
///Add a new integer type option
///\param name The name of the option. The leading '-' must be omitted.
///\param help A help string.
///\param value A default value for the option.
///\param obl Indicate if the option is mandatory.
ArgParser &intOption(const std::string &name,
const std::string &help,
int value=0, bool obl=false);
///Add a new floating point type option
///\param name The name of the option. The leading '-' must be omitted.
///\param help A help string.
///\param value A default value for the option.
///\param obl Indicate if the option is mandatory.
ArgParser &doubleOption(const std::string &name,
const std::string &help,
double value=0, bool obl=false);
///Add a new bool type option
///\param name The name of the option. The leading '-' must be omitted.
///\param help A help string.
///\param value A default value for the option.
///\param obl Indicate if the option is mandatory.
///\note A mandatory bool obtion is of very little use.
ArgParser &boolOption(const std::string &name,
const std::string &help,
bool value=false, bool obl=false);
///Add a new string type option
///\param name The name of the option. The leading '-' must be omitted.
///\param help A help string.
///\param value A default value for the option.
///\param obl Indicate if the option is mandatory.
ArgParser &stringOption(const std::string &name,
const std::string &help,
std::string value="", bool obl=false);
///\name Options with external storage
///Using this functions, the value of the option will be directly written
///into a variable once the option appears in the command line.
///Add a new integer type option with a storage reference
///\param name The name of the option. The leading '-' must be omitted.
///\param help A help string.
///\param obl Indicate if the option is mandatory.
///\retval ref The value of the argument will be written to this variable.
ArgParser &refOption(const std::string &name,
const std::string &help,
int &ref, bool obl=false);
///Add a new floating type option with a storage reference
///\param name The name of the option. The leading '-' must be omitted.
///\param help A help string.
///\param obl Indicate if the option is mandatory.
///\retval ref The value of the argument will be written to this variable.
ArgParser &refOption(const std::string &name,
const std::string &help,
double &ref, bool obl=false);
///Add a new bool type option with a storage reference
///\param name The name of the option. The leading '-' must be omitted.
///\param help A help string.
///\param obl Indicate if the option is mandatory.
///\retval ref The value of the argument will be written to this variable.
///\note A mandatory bool obtion is of very little use.
ArgParser &refOption(const std::string &name,
const std::string &help,
bool &ref, bool obl=false);
///Add a new string type option with a storage reference
///\param name The name of the option. The leading '-' must be omitted.
///\param help A help string.
///\param obl Indicate if the option is mandatory.
///\retval ref The value of the argument will be written to this variable.
ArgParser &refOption(const std::string &name,
const std::string &help,
std::string &ref, bool obl=false);
///\name Option Groups and Synonyms
///Boundle some options into a group
/// You can group some option by calling this function repeatedly for each
/// option to be grouped with the same groupname.
///\param group The group name.
///\param opt The option name.
ArgParser &optionGroup(const std::string &group,
const std::string &opt);
///Make the members of a group exclusive
///If you call this function for a group, than at most one of them can be
///given at the same time
ArgParser &onlyOneGroup(const std::string &group);
///Make a group mandatory
///Using this function, at least one of the members of \c group
///must be given.
ArgParser &mandatoryGroup(const std::string &group);
///Create synonym to an option
///With this function you can create a synonym \c syn of the
///option \c opt.
ArgParser &synonym(const std::string &syn,
const std::string &opt);
///Give help string for non-parsed arguments.
///With this function you can give help string for non-parsed arguments.
///The parameter \c name will be printed in the short usage line, while
///\c help gives a more detailed description.
ArgParser &other(const std::string &name,
const std::string &help="");
///Give back the non-option type arguments.
///Give back a reference to a vector consisting of the program arguments
///not starting with a '-' character.
std::vector<std::string> &files() { return _file_args; }
///Give back the command name (the 0th argument)
const std::string &commandName() { return _command_name; }
void show(std::ostream &os,Opts::iterator i);
void show(std::ostream &os,Groups::iterator i);
void showHelp(Opts::iterator i);
void showHelp(std::vector<OtherArg>::iterator i);
void shortHelp();
void showHelp();
void unknownOpt(std::string arg);
void requiresValue(std::string arg, OptType t);
void checkMandatories();
///Start the parsing process
ArgParser &parse();
/// Synonym for parse()
ArgParser &run()
return parse();
///Check if an opion has been given to the command.
bool given(std::string op)
Opts::iterator i = _opts.find(op);
return i!=_opts.end()?i->second.set:false;
///Magic type for operator[]
///This is the type of the return value of ArgParser::operator[]().
///It automatically converts to \c int, \c double, \c bool or
///\c std::string if the type of the option matches, otherwise it
///throws an exception (i.e. it performs runtime type checking).
class RefType
ArgParser &_parser;
std::string _name;
RefType(ArgParser &p,const std::string &n) :_parser(p),_name(n) {}
operator bool()
Opts::iterator i = _parser._opts.find(_name);
std::string()+"Unkown option: '"+_name+"'");
std::string()+"'"+_name+"' is a bool option");
return *(i->second.bool_p);
operator std::string()
Opts::iterator i = _parser._opts.find(_name);
std::string()+"Unkown option: '"+_name+"'");
std::string()+"'"+_name+"' is a string option");
return *(i->second.string_p);
operator double()
Opts::iterator i = _parser._opts.find(_name);
std::string()+"Unkown option: '"+_name+"'");
LEMON_ASSERT(i->second.type==ArgParser::DOUBLE ||
std::string()+"'"+_name+"' is a floating point option");
return i->second.type==ArgParser::DOUBLE ?
*(i->second.double_p) : *(i->second.int_p);
operator int()
Opts::iterator i = _parser._opts.find(_name);
std::string()+"Unkown option: '"+_name+"'");
std::string()+"'"+_name+"' is an integer option");
return *(i->second.int_p);
///Give back the value of an option
///Give back the value of an option.
///\sa RefType
RefType operator[](const std::string &n)
return RefType(*this, n);