* This file is a part of LEMON, a generic C++ optimization library
* Copyright (C) 2003-2008
* Egervary Jeno Kombinatorikus Optimalizalasi Kutatocsoport
* (Egervary Research Group on Combinatorial Optimization, EGRES).
* Permission to use, modify and distribute this software is granted
* provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies. For
* precise terms see the accompanying LICENSE file.
* This software is provided "AS IS" with no warranty of any kind,
* express or implied, and with no claim as to its suitability for any
#include <lemon/preflow.h>
#include <lemon/concept_check.h>
#include <lemon/concepts/maps.h>
/// \brief Gomory-Hu cut tree in graphs.
/// \brief Gomory-Hu cut tree algorithm
/// The Gomory-Hu tree is a tree on the node set of the graph, but it
/// may contain edges which are not in the original digraph. It has the
/// property that the minimum capacity edge of the path between two nodes
/// in this tree has the same weight as the minimum cut in the digraph
/// between these nodes. Moreover the components obtained by removing
/// this edge from the tree determine the corresponding minimum cut.
/// Therefore once this tree is computed, the minimum cut between any pair
/// of nodes can easily be obtained.
/// The algorithm calculates \e n-1 distinct minimum cuts (currently with
/// the \ref Preflow algorithm), therefore the algorithm has
/// \f$(O(n^3\sqrt{e})\f$ overall time complexity. It calculates a
/// rooted Gomory-Hu tree, its structure and the weights can be obtained
/// by \c predNode(), \c predValue() and \c rootDist().
/// The members \c minCutMap() and \c minCutValue() calculate
/// the minimum cut and the minimum cut value between any two node
/// in the digraph. You can also list (iterate on) the nodes and the
/// edges of the cuts using MinCutNodeIt and MinCutEdgeIt.
/// \tparam GR The undirected graph data structure the algorithm will run on
/// \tparam CAP type of the EdgeMap describing the Edge capacities.
/// it is typename GR::template EdgeMap<int> by default.
typename CAP = typename GR::template EdgeMap<int>
/// The type if the edge capacity map
/// The value type of capacities
typedef typename Capacity::Value Value;
const Capacity& _capacity;
typename Graph::template NodeMap<Node>* _pred;
typename Graph::template NodeMap<Value>* _weight;
typename Graph::template NodeMap<int>* _order;
void createStructures() {
_pred = new typename Graph::template NodeMap<Node>(_graph);
_weight = new typename Graph::template NodeMap<Value>(_graph);
_order = new typename Graph::template NodeMap<int>(_graph);
void destroyStructures() {
/// \param graph The graph the algorithm will run on.
/// \param capacity The capacity map.
GomoryHu(const Graph& graph, const Capacity& capacity)
: _graph(graph), _capacity(capacity),
_pred(0), _weight(0), _order(0)
checkConcept<concepts::ReadMap<Edge, Value>, Capacity>();
// \brief Initialize the internal data structures.
// This function initializes the internal data structures.
for (NodeIt n(_graph); n != INVALID; ++n) {
_pred->set(_root, INVALID);
_weight->set(_root, std::numeric_limits<Value>::max());
// \brief Start the algorithm
// This function starts the algorithm.
// \pre \ref init() must be called before using this function.
Preflow<Graph, Capacity> fa(_graph, _capacity, _root, INVALID);
for (NodeIt n(_graph); n != INVALID; ++n) {
if (n == _root) continue;
_weight->set(n, fa.flowValue());
for (NodeIt nn(_graph); nn != INVALID; ++nn) {
if (nn != n && fa.minCut(nn) && (*_pred)[nn] == pn) {
if ((*_pred)[pn] != INVALID && fa.minCut((*_pred)[pn])) {
_pred->set(n, (*_pred)[pn]);
_weight->set(n, (*_weight)[pn]);
_weight->set(pn, fa.flowValue());
for (NodeIt n(_graph); n != INVALID; ++n) {
while ((*_order)[nn] == -1) {
_order->set(st.back(), index++);
///\name Execution Control
/// \brief Run the Gomory-Hu algorithm.
/// This function runs the Gomory-Hu algorithm.
///The results of the algorithm can be obtained using these
///The \ref run() "run()" should be called before using them.\n
///See also MinCutNodeIt and MinCutEdgeIt
/// \brief Return the predecessor node in the Gomory-Hu tree.
/// This function returns the predecessor node in the Gomory-Hu tree.
/// the root of the Gomory-Hu tree, then it returns \c INVALID.
Node predNode(const Node& node) {
/// \brief Return the distance from the root node in the Gomory-Hu tree.
/// This function returns the distance of \c node from the root node
/// in the Gomory-Hu tree.
int rootDist(const Node& node) {
/// \brief Return the weight of the predecessor edge in the
/// This function returns the weight of the predecessor edge in the
/// Gomory-Hu tree. If the node is the root, the result is undefined.
Value predValue(const Node& node) {
/// \brief Return the minimum cut value between two nodes
/// This function returns the minimum cut value between two nodes. The
/// algorithm finds the nearest common ancestor in the Gomory-Hu
/// tree and calculates the minimum weight arc on the paths to
Value minCutValue(const Node& s, const Node& t) const {
Value value = std::numeric_limits<Value>::max();
if ((*_order)[sn] < (*_order)[tn]) {
if ((*_weight)[tn] <= value) value = (*_weight)[tn];
if ((*_weight)[sn] <= value) value = (*_weight)[sn];
/// \brief Return the minimum cut between two nodes
/// This function returns the minimum cut between the nodes \c s and \c t
/// the \r cutMap parameter by setting the nodes in the component of
/// \c \s to true and the other nodes to false.
/// The \c cutMap should be \ref concepts::ReadWriteMap
/// For higher level interfaces, see MinCutNodeIt and MinCutEdgeIt
template <typename CutMap>
Value minCutMap(const Node& s, ///< Base node
///< The node you want to separate from Node s.
///< The cut will be return in this map.
/// It must be a \c bool \ref concepts::ReadWriteMap
/// "ReadWriteMap" on the graph nodes.
Value value = std::numeric_limits<Value>::max();
if ((*_order)[sn] < (*_order)[tn]) {
if ((*_weight)[tn] <= value) {
if ((*_weight)[sn] <= value) {
typename Graph::template NodeMap<bool> reached(_graph, false);
reached.set(_root, true);
cutMap.set(_root, !s_root);
for (NodeIt n(_graph); n != INVALID; ++n) {
cutMap.set(st.back(), cutMap[nn]);
friend class MinCutNodeIt;
/// Iterate on the nodes of a minimum cut
/// This iterator class lists the nodes of a minimum cut found by
/// GomoryHu. Before using it, you must allocate a GomoryHu class,
/// and call its \ref GomoryHu::run() "run()" method.
/// This example counts the nodes in the minimum cut separating \c s from
/// GomoruHu<Graph> gom(g, capacities);
/// for(GomoruHu<Graph>::MinCutNodeIt n(gom,s,t);n!=INVALID;++n) ++sum;
typename Graph::NodeIt _node_it;
typename Graph::template NodeMap<bool> _cut;
MinCutNodeIt(GomoryHu const &gomory,
///< The GomoryHu class. You must call its
/// before initializing this iterator
const Node& s, ///< Base node
///< The node you want to separate from Node s.
///< If it is \c true (default) then the iterator lists
/// the nodes of the component containing \c s,
/// otherwise it lists the other component.
/// \note As the minimum cut is not always unique,
/// MinCutNodeIt(gomory, s, t, true);
/// MinCutNodeIt(gomory, t, s, false);
/// does not necessarily give the same set of nodes.
/// However it is ensured that
/// MinCutNodeIt(gomory, s, t, true);
/// MinCutNodeIt(gomory, s, t, false);
/// together list each node exactly once.
: _side(side), _cut(gomory._graph)
for(_node_it=typename Graph::NodeIt(gomory._graph);
_node_it!=INVALID && _cut[_node_it]!=_side;
operator typename Graph::Node() const
bool operator==(Invalid) { return _node_it==INVALID; }
bool operator!=(Invalid) { return _node_it!=INVALID; }
MinCutNodeIt &operator++()
for(++_node_it;_node_it!=INVALID&&_cut[_node_it]!=_side;++_node_it) {}
/// Postfix incrementation
/// Postfix incrementation
/// \warning This incrementation
/// returns a \c Node, not a \ref MinCutNodeIt, as one may
typename Graph::Node operator++(int)
typename Graph::Node n=*this;
friend class MinCutEdgeIt;
/// Iterate on the edges of a minimum cut
/// This iterator class lists the edges of a minimum cut found by
/// GomoryHu. Before using it, you must allocate a GomoryHu class,
/// and call its \ref GomoryHu::run() "run()" method.
/// This example computes the value of the minimum cut separating \c s from
/// GomoruHu<Graph> gom(g, capacities);
/// for(GomoruHu<Graph>::MinCutEdgeIt e(gom,s,t);e!=INVALID;++e)
/// value+=capacities[e];
/// the result will be the same as it is returned by
/// \ref GomoryHu::minCostValue() "gom.minCostValue(s,t)"
typename Graph::NodeIt _node_it;
typename Graph::OutArcIt _arc_it;
typename Graph::template NodeMap<bool> _cut;
while(_node_it!=INVALID && _arc_it==INVALID)
for(++_node_it;_node_it!=INVALID&&!_cut[_node_it];++_node_it) {}
_arc_it=typename Graph::OutArcIt(_graph,_node_it);
MinCutEdgeIt(GomoryHu const &gomory,
///< The GomoryHu class. You must call its
/// before initializing this iterator
const Node& s, ///< Base node
///< The node you want to separate from Node s.
///< If it is \c true (default) then the listed arcs
/// will be oriented from the
/// the nodes of the component containing \c s,
/// otherwise they will be oriented in the opposite
: _graph(gomory._graph), _cut(_graph)
for(typename Graph::NodeIt n(_graph);n!=INVALID;++n)
for(_node_it=typename Graph::NodeIt(_graph);
_node_it!=INVALID && !_cut[_node_it];
_arc_it = _node_it!=INVALID ?
typename Graph::OutArcIt(_graph,_node_it) : INVALID;
while(_node_it!=INVALID && _arc_it == INVALID)
for(++_node_it; _node_it!=INVALID&&!_cut[_node_it]; ++_node_it) {}
_arc_it= typename Graph::OutArcIt(_graph,_node_it);
while(_arc_it!=INVALID && _cut[_graph.target(_arc_it)]) step();
operator typename Graph::Arc() const
operator typename Graph::Edge() const
bool operator==(Invalid) { return _node_it==INVALID; }
bool operator!=(Invalid) { return _node_it!=INVALID; }
MinCutEdgeIt &operator++()
while(_arc_it!=INVALID && _cut[_graph.target(_arc_it)]) step();
/// Postfix incrementation
/// Postfix incrementation
/// \warning This incrementation
/// returns a \c Arc, not a \ref MinCutEdgeIt, as one may
typename Graph::Arc operator++(int)
typename Graph::Arc e=*this;