COIN-OR::LEMON - Graph Library

Changeset 49:c8c5a2a4ec71 in lemon-tutorial for maps.dox

02/22/10 02:03:25 (15 years ago)
Peter Kovacs <kpeter@…>

Port the remaining 0.x tutorial contents from SVN -r 3524

1 edited


  • maps.dox

    r46 r49  
    2323\todo This page is under construction.
     25\todo The following contents are ported from the LEMON 0.x tutorial,
     26thus they have to thouroughly revised, reorganized and reworked.
     28The LEMON maps are not only just storage classes, but also
     29they are %concepts of any key--value based data access.
     30Beside the standard digraph maps, LEMON contains several "lightweight"
     31\e map \e adaptor \e classes, which perform various operations on the
     32data of the adapted maps when their access operations are called,
     33but without actually copying or modifying the original storage.
     34These classes also conform to the map %concepts, thus they can be used
     35like standard LEMON maps.
     37Let us suppose that we have a traffic network stored in a LEMON digraph
     38structure with two arc maps \c length and \c speed, which
     39denote the physical length of each arc and the maximum (or average)
     40speed that can be achieved on the corresponding road-section,
     41respectively. If we are interested in the best traveling times,
     42the following code can be used.
     45  dijkstra(g, divMap(length, speed)).distMap(dist).run(s);
     49Maps play a central role in LEMON. As their name suggests, they map a
     50certain range of \e keys to certain \e values. Each map has two
     51<tt>typedef</tt>'s to determine the types of keys and values, like this:
     54  typedef Arc Key;
     55  typedef double Value;
     58A map can be
     59\e readable (\ref lemon::concepts::ReadMap "ReadMap", for short),
     60\e writable (\ref lemon::concepts::WriteMap "WriteMap") or both
     61(\ref lemon::concepts::ReadWriteMap "ReadWriteMap").
     62There also exists a special type of
     63ReadWrite map called \ref lemon::concepts::ReferenceMap "reference map".
     64In addition that you can
     65read and write the values of a key, a reference map
     66can also give you a reference to the
     67value belonging to a key, so you have a direct access to the memory address
     68where it is stored.
     70Each digraph structure in LEMON provides two standard map templates called
     71\c ArcMap and \c NodeMap. Both are reference maps and you can easily
     72assign data to the nodes and to the arcs of the digraph. For example if you
     73have a digraph \c g defined as
     75  ListDigraph g;
     77and you want to assign a floating point value to each arc, you can do
     78it like this.
     80  ListDigraph::ArcMap<double> length(g);
     82Note that you must give the underlying digraph to the constructor.
     84The value of a readable map can be obtained by <tt>operator[]</tt>.
     86  d=length[e];
     88where \c e is an instance of \c ListDigraph::Arc.
     89(Or anything else
     90that converts to \c ListDigraph::Arc, like  \c ListDigraph::ArcIt or
     91\c ListDigraph::OutArcIt etc.)
     93There are two ways to assign a new value to a key
     95- In case of a <em>reference map</em> <tt>operator[]</tt>
     96gives you a reference to the
     97value, thus you can use this.
     99  length[e]=3.5;
     101- <em>Writable maps</em> have
     102a member function \c set(Key,const Value &)
     103for this purpose.
     105  length.set(e,3.5);
     108The first case is more comfortable and if you store complex structures in your
     109map, it might be more efficient. However, there are writable but
     110not reference maps, so if you want to write a generic algorithm, you should
     111insist on the second way.
     113\section how-to-write-your-own-map How to Write Your Own Maps
     115\subsection read-maps Readable Maps
     117Readable maps are very frequently used as the input of an
     118algorithm.  For this purpose the most straightforward way is the use of the
     119default maps provided by LEMON's digraph structures.
     120Very often however, it is more
     121convenient and/or more efficient to write your own readable map.
     123You can find some examples below. In these examples \c Digraph is the
     124type of the particular digraph structure you use.
     127This simple map assigns \f$\pi\f$ to each arc.
     130struct MyMap
     132  typedef double Value;
     133  typedef Digraph::Arc Key;
     134  double operator[](Key e) const { return PI;}
     138An alternative way to define maps is to use \c MapBase
     141struct MyMap : public MapBase<Digraph::Arc,double>
     143  Value operator[](Key e) const { return PI;}
     147Here is a bit more complex example.
     148It provides a length function obtained
     149from a base length function shifted by a potential difference.
     152class ReducedLengthMap  : public MapBase<Digraph::Arc,double>
     154  const Digraph &g;
     155  const Digraph::ArcMap<double> &orig_len;
     156  const Digraph::NodeMap<double> &pot;
     159  Value operator[](Key e) const {
     160    return orig_len[e]-(pot[]-pot[g.source(e)]);
     161  }
     163  ReducedLengthMap(const Digraph &_g,
     164                   const Digraph::ArcMap &_o,
     165                   const Digraph::NodeMap &_p)
     166    : g(_g), orig_len(_o), pot(_p) {};
     170Then, you can call e.g. Dijkstra algoritm on this map like this:
     172  ...
     173  ReducedLengthMap rm(g,len,pot);
     174  Dijkstra<Digraph,ReducedLengthMap> dij(g,rm);
     176  ...
     180In the previous section we discussed digraph topology. That is the skeleton a complex
     181digraph represented data-set needs. But how to assign the data itself to that skeleton?<br>
     182Here come the \b maps in.
     184\section maps_intro Introduction to maps
     185Maps play a central role in LEMON. As their name suggests, they map a certain range of <i>keys</i> to certain <i>values</i>.
     186In LEMON there is many types of maps. Each map has two typedef's to determine the types of keys and values, like this:
     188  typedef Arc Key;
     189  typedef double Value;
     191(Except matrix maps, they have two key types.)
     193To make easy to use them - especially as template parameters - there are <i>map concepts</i> like by digraph classes.
     195<li>\ref concepts::ReadMap "ReadMap" - values can be read out with the \c operator[].
     196\code value_typed_variable = map_instance[key_value]; \endcode
     198<li>\ref concepts::WriteMap "WriteMap" - values can be set with the \c set() member function.
     199\code map_instance.set(key_value, value_typed_expression); \endcode
     201<li>\ref concepts::ReadWriteMap "ReadWriteMap" - it's just a shortcut to indicate that the map is both
     202readable and writable. It is delivered from them.
     204<li>\ref concepts::ReferenceMap "ReferenceMap" - a subclass of ReadWriteMap. It has two additional typedefs
     205<i>Reference</i> and <i>ConstReference</i> and two overloads of \c operator[] to
     206providing you constant or non-constant reference to the value belonging to a key,
     207so you have a direct access to the memory address where it is stored.
     209<li>And there are the Matrix version of these maps, where the values are assigned to a pair of keys.
     210The keys can be different types. (\ref concepts::ReadMatrixMap "ReadMatrixMap",
     211\ref concepts::WriteMatrixMap "WriteMatrixMap", \ref concepts::ReadWriteMatrixMap "ReadWriteMatrixMap",
     212\ref concepts::ReferenceMatrixMap "ReferenceMatrixMap")
     216\section maps_graph Digraphs' maps
     217Every \ref MappableDigraphComponent "mappable" digraph class has two public templates: NodeMap<VALUE> and ArcMap<VALUE>
     218satisfying the \ref DigraphMap concept.
     219If you want to assign data to nodes, just declare a NodeMap with the corresponding
     220type. As an example, think of a arc-weighted digraph.
     221\code ListDigraph::ArcMap<int>  weight(digraph); \endcode
     222You can see that the map needs the digraph whose arcs will mapped, but nothing more.
     224If the digraph class is extendable or erasable the map will automatically follow
     225the changes you make. If a new node is added a default value is mapped to it.
     226You can define the default value by passing a second argument to the map's constructor.
     227\code ListDigraph::ArcMap<int>  weight(digraph, 13); \endcode
     228But keep in mind that \c VALUE has to have copy constructor.
     230Of course \c VALUE can be a rather complex type.
     232For practice let's see the following template function (from \ref maps_summary "" in the \ref demo directory)!
     234\skip template
     235\until }
     236The task is simple. We need the summary of some kind of data assigned to a digraph's nodes.
     237(Whit a little trick the summary can be calculated only to a sub-digraph without changing
     238this code. See \ref SubDigraph techniques - that's LEMON's true potential.)
     240And the usage is simpler than the declaration suggests. The compiler deduces the
     241template specialization, so the usage is like a simple function call.
     242\skip std
     243\until ;
     245Most of the time you will probably use digraph maps, but keep in mind, that in LEMON maps are more general and can be used widely.
     247If you want some 'real-life' examples see the next page, where we discuss \ref algorithms
     248(coming soon) and will use maps hardly.
     249Or if you want to know more about maps read these \ref maps2 "advanced map techniques".
     251Here we discuss some advanced map techniques. Like writing your own maps or how to
     252extend/modify a maps functionality with adaptors.
     254\section custom_maps Writing Custom ReadMap
     255\subsection custom_read_maps Readable Maps
     257Readable maps are very frequently used as the input of an
     258algorithm.  For this purpose the most straightforward way is the use of the
     259default maps provided by LEMON's digraph structures.
     260Very often however, it is more
     261convenient and/or more efficient to write your own readable map.
     263You can find some examples below. In these examples \c Digraph is the
     264type of the particular digraph structure you use.
     267This simple map assigns \f$\pi\f$ to each arc.
     270struct MyMap
     272  typedef double Value;
     273  typedef Digraph::Arc Key;
     274  double operator[](const Key &e) const { return PI;}
     278An alternative way to define maps is to use MapBase
     281struct MyMap : public MapBase<Digraph::Arc,double>
     283  Value operator[](const Key& e) const { return PI;}
     287Here is a bit more complex example.
     288It provides a length function obtained
     289from a base length function shifted by a potential difference.
     292class ReducedLengthMap  : public MapBase<Digraph::Arc,double>
     294  const Digraph &g;
     295  const Digraph::ArcMap<double> &orig_len;
     296  const Digraph::NodeMap<double> &pot;
     299  Value operator[](Key e) const {
     300    return orig_len[e]-(pot[]-pot[g.source(e)]);
     301  }
     303  ReducedLengthMap(const Digraph &_g,
     304                   const Digraph::ArcMap &_o,
     305                   const Digraph::NodeMap &_p)
     306    : g(_g), orig_len(_o), pot(_p) {};
     310Then, you can call e.g. Dijkstra algoritm on this map like this:
     312  ...
     313  ReducedLengthMap rm(g,len,pot);
     314  Dijkstra<Digraph,ReducedLengthMap> dij(g,rm);
     316  ...
    25320[SEC]sec_map_concepts[SEC] Map Concepts
    39334[SEC]sec_algs_with_maps[SEC] Using Algorithms with Special Maps
    41 ...
     336The basic functionality of the algorithms can be highly extended using
     337special purpose map types for their internal data structures.
     338For example, the \ref Dijkstra class stores a
     339ef ProcessedMap,
     340which has to be a writable node map of \ref bool value type.
     341The assigned value of each node is set to \ref true when the node is
     342processed, i.e., its actual distance is found.
     343Applying a special map, \ref LoggerBoolMap, the processed order of
     344the nodes can easily be stored in a standard container.
     346Such specific map types can be passed to the algorithms using the technique of
     347named template parameters. Similarly to the named function parameters,
     348they allow specifying any subset of the parameters and in arbitrary order.
     351  typedef vector<ListDigraph::Node> Container;
     352  typedef back_insert_iterator<Container> InsertIterator;
     353  typedef LoggerBoolMap<InsertIterator> ProcessedMap;
     354  Dijkstra<ListDigraph>
     355    ::SetProcessedMap<ProcessedMap>
     356    ::Create dijktra(g, length);
     358  Container container;
     359  InsertIterator iterator(container);
     360  ProcessedMap processed(iterator);
     362  dijkstra.processedMap(processed).run(s);
     365The function-type interfaces are considerably simpler, but they can be
     366used in almost all practical cases. Surprisingly, even the above example
     367can also be implemented using the \ref dijkstra() function and
     368named parameters, as follows.
     369Note that the function-type interface has the major advantage
     370that temporary objects can be passed as parameters.
     373  vector<ListDigraph::Node> process_order;
     374  dijkstra(g, length)
     375    .processedMap(loggerBoolMap(back_inserter(process_order)))
     376    .run(s);
     379LEMON also contains visitor based algorithm classes for
     380BFS and DFS.
     382Skeleton visitor classes are defined for both BFS and DFS, the concrete
     383implementations can be inherited from them.
     385  template <typename GR>
     386  struct DfsVisitor {
     387    void start(const typename GR::Node& node) {}
     388    void stop(const typename GR::Node& node) {}
     389    void reach(const typename GR::Node& node) {}
     390    void leave(const typename GR::Node& node) {}
     391    void discover(const typename GR::Arc& arc) {}
     392    void examine(const typename GR::Arc& arc) {}
     393    void backtrack(const typename GR::Arc& arc) {}
     394  };
     397In the following example, the \ref discover()} and \code{examine()
     398events are processed and the DFS tree is stored in an arc map.
     399The values of this map indicate whether the corresponding arc
     400reaches a new node or its target node is already reached.
     402  template <typename GR>
     403  struct TreeVisitor : public DfsVisitor<GR> {
     404    TreeVisitor(typename GR::ArcMap<bool>& tree)
     405      : _tree(tree) {}
     406    void discover(const typename GR::Arc& arc)
     407      { _tree[arc] = true; }
     408    void examine(const typename GR::Arc& arc)
     409      { _tree[arc] = false; }
     410    typename GR::ArcMap<bool>& _tree;
     411  };
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