21 years |
athos |
Started minlengthpaths_test, but it should not be here
21 years |
athos |
Test file xy_test.cc finished. Really.
21 years |
athos |
Test file xy_test.cc finished.
21 years |
Alpar Juttner |
To be compatible with gcc-3.4.0 …
21 years |
athos |
An awful mistake found and corrected.
21 years |
athos |
xy_test added: it was not entirely useless, I found a mistake in xy.h
21 years |
marci |
bip matching…
21 years |
athos |
getPath() function implemented.
21 years |
marci |
matching, flows
21 years |
Alpar Juttner |
21 years |
Alpar Juttner |
21 years |
Alpar Juttner |
A "related pages" about Hugo Coding Style.
To be improved.
21 years |
Alpar Juttner |
Now it sucks the whole src/include and src/include/skeletons
instead …
21 years |
athos |
I changed it to correspond changing requirements
21 years |
Alpar Juttner |
One more test case with minor importance.
21 years |
Alpar Juttner |
test/graph_test.cc added.
It discovered several bugs and warnings in …
21 years |
marci |
static const bool BipartiteGraphWrapper?<Graph>::S_CLASS, T_CLASS
21 years |
marci |
21 years |
marci |
21 years |
marci |
A bipartite graph template can be used as BipartiteGraph?<ListGraph?>.
21 years |
marci |
bipartite graphs
21 years |
marci |
bipartite graph in bipartite_graph_wrapper.h
21 years |
marci |
21 years |
marci |
21 years |
jacint |
Felkesz kod!
21 years |
Mihaly Barasz |
DirPath? fejlodes.
Kiserleti struktura a forditasi idoben kapcsolhato …
21 years |
Mihaly Barasz |
spell checking
21 years |
Mihaly Barasz |
ingroup bug
21 years |
Mihaly Barasz |
The -W gcc option _does_ matter even if you use -Wall!
Minor changes.
21 years |
Mihaly Barasz |
Basic error handling facilities
(and possibly a g++-3.4.0 bug)
21 years |
marci |
21 years |
marci |
some documentation
21 years |
marci |
21 years |
marci |
Some docu in MaxFlow? class, jacint/max_flow.h
21 years |
beckerjc |
Move unionfind.h in Doxyfile too
21 years |
beckerjc |
UnionFind? moved to include. Test compiles and runs cleanly.
* …
21 years |
marci |
corrections for leda matching files
21 years |
beckerjc |
Three new methods in UnionFindEnum?.
UnionFindEnum? completed.
21 years |
marci |
21 years |
Alpar Juttner |
Main page added.
21 years |
marci |
preflow.f -> max_flow.h
21 years |
Alpar Juttner |
21 years |
marci |
preflow, maxflow
21 years |
marci |
21 years |
marci |
21 years |
marci |
21 years |
marci |
preflow, maxflow
21 years |
marci |
21 years |
jacint |
Comparison == changed to <=
21 years |
marci |
21 years |
marci |
nem irunk olyat hogy "void resetTarget(const Node _t) {t=_t;}" mert az …
21 years |
marci |
preflow maxflow …
21 years |
marci |
preflow, maxflow comp
21 years |
marci |
mods implied by preflow mods
21 years |
Alpar Juttner |
It breaks my heart to say them goodbye…
21 years |
Alpar Juttner |
21 years |
beckerjc |
Doc for the union-find structures.
21 years |
marci |
bug ellen
21 years |
marci |
test makefile hiba
21 years |
marci |
dijstra const ref, misc
21 years |
Alpar Juttner |
21 years |
Alpar Juttner |
\author's added
21 years |
Alpar Juttner |
Doxygen options changed.
\author's added.
21 years |
marci |
for checking bipartiteness
21 years |
marci |
makefile: nem veletlenul commit-oltam
21 years |
jacint |
21 years |
jacint |
21 years |
jacint |
Changes in the interface and new test program added.
21 years |
Mihaly Barasz |
21 years |
jacint |
21 years |
marci |
bfs, dfs, bfsiterator, dfsiterator for alpar's sake of being much more …
21 years |
marci |
21 years |
marci |
comparison for matchings with leda
21 years |
Mihaly Barasz |
Egy helyes (warning nelkuli) megvalositasa az operator<< -nek az …
21 years |
jacint |
21 years |
Mihaly Barasz |
* list_graph.h:
- node_item and edge_item are structs and not …
21 years |
Mihaly Barasz |
21 years |
marci |
makefile improvement in work/jacint
21 years |
Alpar Juttner |
doc trimming.
21 years |
marci |
21 years |
Alpar Juttner |
The long description is now the description of the module.
21 years |
jacint |
Testing preprocess.
21 years |
marci |
21 years |
marci |
21 years |
Alpar Juttner |
Some more docs.
DirPath::Builder::setFist() added. (It is empty.)
21 years |
marci |
g++-3.4.0, misc
21 years |
Alpar Juttner |
xy.h went to src/include.
21 years |
Alpar Juttner |
21 years |
Alpar Juttner |
Many new modules (groups) in the documentation.
21 years |
Alpar Juttner |
Path of time_measure.h fixed.
21 years |
Alpar Juttner |
time_measure.h went to src/include.
21 years |
Mihaly Barasz |
Minor doc corrections
21 years |
Alpar Juttner |
Some more tests.
21 years |
Alpar Juttner |
Some more docs.
Put it into the 'misc' group.
21 years |
Alpar Juttner |
'misc' group added to the documentation
21 years |
marci |
21 years |
jacint |
macro erase
21 years |
marci |
For working with undirected graphs, head is changed to aNode.
Some …
21 years |
marci |
leda comparison files
21 years |
marci |
comparison with leda algorithms, wrapper for leda graphs