COIN-OR::LEMON - Graph Library

Install Instructions on Windows


Optional Tools

  • If you want to keep track of the latest development of LEMON or even contribute to it, you need the Mercurial distributed version control system. We strongly recommend to use TortoiseHg, which provides a simple installer for Mercurial, a nice GUI and also an integration to the MS Windows Explorer. A local copy can be found here:

Obtaining the Source

Configure CMake

The compilation must be done in a separate folder. We suggest to create a subfolder called build in the root of the source code repository.

Then start the CMake GUI and browse the source code and the build folders.

It is even better to start the "Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt" from the Start menu. Then, in the command prompt, step into the build folder and type

cmake-gui ..

then it will usually set the right source and build folder. (But check it!)

Now click on the "Configure" button. Here choose

  • either Visual Studio 9 2008 to create project files and an .sln file usable from the Visual Studio IDE.
  • or NMake Makefiles to create makefiles and compile from command line. In this case you must start cmake-gui from the "Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt"

Now, you can review and modify several configure options (change to "Advanced" or "Grouped" view in order to see all of them). For example

  • CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX tells where LEMON will finally be installed.
  • CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE determines the build modes. The possible values are Debug, Release, MinSizeRel and RelWithDebInfo.
  • CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS* sets the compiler flags used by the different build modes.
  • GLPK_INCLUDE_DIR, GLPK_LIBRARY, DOXYGEN_* and GHOSTSCRIPT_EXECUTABLE set the path of the dependencies.

Then click again on "Configure" and finally on "Generate".

The configuration is done.

Build and Install

With NMake

  • Start the "Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt".
  • Step into the build folder
  • To compile the source and build the library, type
  • For executing the self tests, run
    nmake check
  • To generate the HTML documentation (see the prerequisites above), type
    nmake html
  • Finally, to install LEMON, type
    nmake install

With IDE

Open the generated LEMON.sln file in Visual Studio (or just click on it in the Windows Explorer), then select Build->Build Solution F7 in the menu to build everything. You can also build any target - such as dimacs-solver, dimacs-to-lgf etc. - individually. There are also some special targets:

  • ALL_BUILD builds everything including the library, the tools, the tests and the documentation. But does not execute the tests,
  • RUN_TESTS executes all the self-test,
  • BUILD_DOC generates the HTML doc,
  • INSTALL installs the headers, the lib, the tools etc. under the specified folder.

Simply right click and choose "Build" for any of the above target.

Last modified 9 years ago Last modified on 03/01/15 18:24:46