Szoftver Menedzsment ¶
Fordítás, linkelés ¶
- source, header, object, futtatható file-ok.
- statikus libek,
- Dinamikus libek, .so, .dll
- Cross compiling
Build environmentek ¶
Célok ¶
- szoftver build
- testing
- install
- release
- Source release
- Package, intaller
- Source package
Autotools ¶
- ./configure; make; make install
- autoconf
- automake
Függő csomagok, config management ¶
Verzió-kezelés ¶
Alapfogalmak ¶
- Diff, patch
- Buta, de néha elég
- 3-way merge
- Okos(abb)
SCM rendszerek ¶
- Lokális:
- Centralized
- Lock Model
- Commit/Update/Merge? Model
- Lock Model
- Distributed
- HG, Git, Bazaar
SVN használata ¶
- checkout, update, commit, log, diff
- cp/move
- branching, tagging
HG használata ¶
- felépítes, alapelvek
- "NEVER _copy_ between versions. Use patch or (better) merge stead."
- clone, log, diff, pull, update
- commit, push
- update vs. revert
- merge
- export/import
- changeset-ek módosítása
- commitok összevonása
- bisect
- MQ
Developping Workflows (from hg-book) ¶
- Pull-only versus shared-push collaboration
- Usual models
- A single central repository
- Working with multiple branches
- Informal anarchy
- Feature branches
- The release train
- The Linux kernel model
- Controlled working practice (typical in corporate settings)
- production branch, a development branch, and a future branch
Release management ¶
- Feature releases
- Bugfix releases
- Bugfix/feature backports
Documentation ¶
- User Guides
- Tutorials
- Doxygen
Last modified 16 years ago
Last modified on 05/26/09 22:56:20