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AlterableDigraphComponent< BAS > Class Template Reference

Detailed Description

template<typename BAS = BaseDigraphComponent>
class lemon::concepts::AlterableDigraphComponent< BAS >

This class describes the interface of alterable directed graphs. It extends BaseDigraphComponent with the alteration notifier interface. It implements an observer-notifier pattern for each digraph item. More obsevers can be registered into the notifier and whenever an alteration occured in the digraph all the observers will be notified about it.

#include <lemon/concepts/graph_components.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for AlterableDigraphComponent< BAS >:

Public Types

typedef AlterationNotifier
< AlterableDigraphComponent,
Node > 
 Node alteration notifier class.
typedef AlterationNotifier
< AlterableDigraphComponent,
Arc > 
 Arc alteration notifier class.

Public Member Functions

NodeNotifiernotifier (Node) const
 Return the node alteration notifier. More...
ArcNotifiernotifier (Arc) const
 Return the arc alteration notifier. More...

Member Function Documentation

NodeNotifier& notifier ( Node  ) const

This function gives back the node alteration notifier.

ArcNotifier& notifier ( Arc  ) const

This function gives back the arc alteration notifier.