Semi-Adaptor Classes for Graphs
[Graph Structures]

Detailed Description

This group describes some graph types between real graphs and graph adaptors. These classes wrap graphs to give new functionality as the adaptors do it. On the other hand they are not light-weight structures as the adaptors.


class  ListEdgeSet< _Graph >
 Graph using a node set of another graph and an own edge set. More...
class  ListUEdgeSet< _Graph >
 Graph using a node set of another graph and an own uedge set. More...
class  SmartEdgeSet< _Graph >
 Graph using a node set of another graph and an own edge set. More...
class  SmartUEdgeSet< _Graph >
 Graph using a node set of another graph and an own uedge set. More...
class  SubGraph< Graph >
 Graph which uses a subset of another graph's nodes and edges. More...
class  EdgeSubGraph< Graph >
 Graph which uses a subset of another graph's edges. More...


file  edge_set.h
 EdgeSet classes.
file  sub_graph.h

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