Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AbsMap< M >Absolute value of a map
ActiveItLemon iterator for get the active nodes
AddMap< M1, M2 >Sum of two maps
AdvancedControllerA controller with preset running time for the simulated annealing class
AllEdgeLookUp< G >Fast look up of all edges between given endpoints
AlterableBpUGraphComponent< _Base >An empty alteration notifier bipartite undirected graph class
AlterableGraphComponent< _Base >An empty alteration notifier graph class
AlterableUGraphComponent< _Base >An empty alteration notifier undirected graph class
AlterationNotifier< _Container, _Item >Notifier class to notify observes about alterations in a container
AlteringListPivotRuleImplementation of the "Altering Candidate List" pivot rule for the network simplex algorithm
ANodeHelper class for ANodes
ANodeHelper class for A-nodes
ANodeItThis iterator goes through each ANode
ANodeMap< T >Read write map of the ANodes to type T
ANodeMap< _Value >
ArgParserCommand line arguments parser
ArrayMap< _Graph, _Item, _Value >Graph map based on the array storage
AttributeReader< _Traits >SectionReader for attributes
AttributeWriter< _Traits >SectionWriter for attributes
BackInserterBoolMap< Container, Functor >Writable bool map for logging each true assigned element in a back insertable container
BackwardMap< Graph >Returns the "backward" directed edge view of an undirected edge
BadParameterErrorThrown by setting the size of the tabu-set and the given size is less than 2
BaseBpUGraphComponentAn empty base bipartite undirected graph class
BaseGraphComponentAn empty base graph class
BaseUGraphComponentAn empty base undirected graph class
BellmanFord< _Graph, _LengthMap, _Traits >BellmanFord algorithm class
BellmanFordDefaultOperationTraits< Value, has_infinity >Default OperationTraits for the BellmanFord algorithm class
BellmanFordDefaultTraits< _Graph, _LengthMap >Default traits class of BellmanFord class
BellmanFordWizard< _Traits >A class to make the usage of BellmanFord algorithm easier
BellmanFordWizardBase< _Graph, _LengthMap >Default traits used by BellmanFordWizard
BellmanFordWizardDefaultTraits< _Graph, _LengthMap >Default traits class of BellmanFord function
BestEligiblePivotRuleImplementation of the "Best Eligible" pivot rule for the network simplex algorithm
Bfs< GR, TR >BFS algorithm class
BfsDefaultTraits< GR >Default traits class of Bfs class
BfsVisit< _Graph, _Visitor, _Traits >BFS Visit algorithm class
BfsVisitDefaultTraits< _Graph >Default traits class of BfsVisit class
BfsVisitor< _Graph >Visitor class for bfs
BfsWizard< TR >A class to make the usage of Bfs algorithm easier
BfsWizardBase< GR >Default traits used by BfsWizard
BfsWizardDefaultTraits< GR >Default traits class of Bfs function
BinHeap< _Prio, _ItemIntMap, _Compare >A Binary Heap implementation
BiVariant< _First, _Second >Simple Variant type for two types
BlockSearchPivotRuleImplementation of the "Block Search" pivot rule for the network simplex algorithm
BlossomItLemon iterator for get the items of the blossom
BlossomItLemon iterator for get the items of the blossom
BNodeHelper class for BNodes
BNodeHelper class for B-nodes
BNodeItThis iterator goes through each BNode
BNodeMap< T >Read write map of the BNodes to type T
BNodeMap< _Value >ReadWrite map of the B-nodes
BoundingBox< T >A class to calculate or store the bounding box of plainvectors
BpNodeSetReader< _Graph, _Traits >SectionReader for reading a bipartite graph's nodeset
BpNodeSetWriter< _Graph, _Traits >SectionWriter for writing a bipartite graph's nodeset
BpUGraphClass describing the concept of Bipartite Undirected Graphs
BpUGraphAdaptor< _BpUGraph >Trivial Bipartite Undirected Graph Adaptor
BpUGraphAdaptorBase< _BpUGraph >Base type for the Bipartite Undirected Graph Adaptors
BpUGraphAdaptorExtender< Base >Extender for the BpUGraphAdaptors
BpUGraphCopy< To, From >Class to copy a bipartite undirected graph
BpUGraphExtender< Base >Extender for the BpUGraphs
BpUGraphReader< _Graph, _ReaderTraits >The bipartite graph reader class
BpUGraphWriter< _Graph, _WriterTraits >The bipartite graph writer class
BucketHeap< _ItemIntMap, minimize >A Bucket Heap implementation
CancelAndTighten< Graph, LowerMap, CapacityMap, CostMap, SupplyMap >Implementation of the Cancel and Tighten algorithm for finding a minimum cost flow
CandidateListPivotRuleImplementation of the "Candidate List" pivot rule for the network simplex algorithm
CapacityScaling< Graph, LowerMap, CapacityMap, CostMap, SupplyMap >Implementation of the capacity scaling algorithm for finding a minimum cost flow
Circulation< _Graph, _LCapMap, _UCapMap, _DeltaMap, _Traits >Push-relabel algorithm for the Network Circulation Problem
CirculationDefaultTraits< _Graph, _LCapMap, _UCapMap, _DeltaMap >Default traits class of Circulation class
ClassItLemon style iterator for the classes
ClassItLemon style iterator for the representant items
ClassItClass iterator
ClearableBpUGraphComponent< _Base >An empty clearable base bipartite undirected graph class
ClearableGraphComponent< _Base >An empty clearable base graph class
ClearableUGraphComponent< _Base >An empty clearable base undirected graph class
ColRefer to a column of the LP
CombinedEdgeMap< _ForwardMap, _BackwardMap >EdgeMap combined from two original EdgeMap
CombinedEdgeMap< GraphEdgeMap, GraphNodeMap >EdgeMap combined from an original EdgeMap and NodeMap
CombinedNodeMap< InNodeMap, OutNodeMap >NodeMap combined from two original NodeMap
CombineMap< M1, M2, F, V >Combine of two maps using an STL (binary) functor
CombinePolicies< CP1, CP2, COMBINATION >CombinePolicies
ComposeMap< M1, M2 >Composition of two maps
ConEdgeIt< _Graph >Iterator for iterating on edges connected the same nodes
ConstMap< K, T >Constant map
ConstMap< K, Const< V, v > >Constant map with inlined constant value
ConstMapIt< Graph, Item, Map >
ConstMatrixColMap< _MatrixMap >
ConstMatrixRowMap< _MatrixMap >
ConstrLinear constraint
ConstrainedShortestPath< Graph, CM, DM >Algorithms for the Resource Constrained Shortest Path Problem
ConstXMap< M >Constant (read only) version of XMap
ConstYMap< M >Constant (read only) version of YMap
ContentReaderSectionReader for retrieve what is in the file
ControllerBaseA base class for controllers
ConUEdgeIt< _Graph >Iterator for iterating on uedges connected the same nodes
ConvertMap< M, T >Convert the Value of a map to another type using the default conversion
CostScaling< Graph, LowerMap, CapacityMap, CostMap, SupplyMap >Implementation of the cost scaling algorithm for finding a minimum cost flow
CounterA counter class
CycleCanceling< Graph, LowerMap, CapacityMap, CostMap, SupplyMap >Implementation of a cycle-canceling algorithm for finding a minimum cost flow
DagLongestPathOperationTraits< Value, has_infinity >Inverse OperationTraits for the DagShortestPath algorithm class
DagLongestPathTraits< _Graph, _LengthMap >Inverse traits class of DagShortestPath class
DagShortestPath< _Graph, _LengthMap, _Traits >DagShortestPath algorithm class
DagShortestPathDefaultOperationTraits< Value, has_infinity >Default OperationTraits for the DagShortestPath algorithm class
DagShortestPathDefaultTraits< _Graph, _LengthMap >Default traits class of DagShortestPath class
DagShortestPathWizard< _Traits >A class to make the usage of DagShortestPath algorithm easier
DagShortestPathWizardBase< _Graph, _LengthMap >Default traits used by DagShortestPathWizard
DagShortestPathWizardDefaultTraits< _Graph, _LengthMap >Default traits class of DagShortestPath function
DebugMap< _Graph, _Item, _Value >Graph map based on the std::vector storage
DefArborescenceMap< T >
DefaultGraphToEpsTraits< G >Default traits class of GraphToEps
DefaultMap< _Graph, _Item, _Value >
DefaultReader< _Value >The default item reader template class
DefaultReaderTraitsStandard ReaderTraits for the GraphReader class
DefaultSkipperThe default item reader for skipping a value in the stream
DefaultWriter< _Value >The default item writer template class
DefaultWriterTraitsStandard WriterTraits for the section writers
DefCardinalityMap< T >
DefDistMap< T >
DefDistMap< T >
DefDistMap< T >
DefDistMap< T >
DefDistMap< T >
DefDistMap< T >
DefDistMap< T >
DefElevator< _Elevator >
DefElevator< _Elevator >
DefElevator< _Elevator >
DefFlowMap< _FlowMap >
DefFlowMap< _FlowMap >
DefFlowMap< _FlowMap >
DefFlowMap< _FlowMap >
DefFlowMap< _FlowMap >
DefHeap< H, CR >
DefHeap< H, CR >
DefHeap< H, CR >
DefHeap< H, CR >
DefHeap< H, CR >
DefHeap< H, CR >
DefHeap< H, CR >
DefOperationTraits< T >
DefOperationTraits< T >Named parameter for setting OperationTraits type
DefOperationTraits< T >
DefOperationTraits< T >
DefOperationTraits< T >
DefPredMap< T >Named parameter for setting PredMap type Named parameter for setting PredMap type
DefPredMap< T >
DefPredMap< T >
DefPredMap< T >
DefPredMap< T >
DefPredMap< T >Named parameter for setting PredMap type Named parameter for setting PredMap type
DefPredMap< T >
DefPredMap< T >Named parameter for setting PredMap type Named parameter for setting PredMap type
DefPredMap< T >Named parameter for setting PredMap type Named parameter for setting PredMap type
DefProcessedMap< T >
DefProcessedMap< T >
DefProcessedMap< T >
DefProcessedMap< T >
DefProcessedMap< T >
DefProcessedMapToBeDefaultMap< T >Named parameter for setting the ProcessedMap type to be Graph::NodeMap<bool>
DefProcessedMapToBeDefaultMap< T >Named parameter for setting the ProcessedMap type to be Graph::NodeMap<bool>
DefProcessedMapToBeDefaultMap< T >Named parameter for setting the ProcessedMap type to be Graph::NodeMap<bool>
DefRadixSortNamed parameter for setting the sort function to radix sort
DefReachedMap< T >
DefReachedMap< T >
DefReachedMap< T >
DefReachedMap< T >
DefSortCompare< Comp >
DefStandardElevator< _Elevator >Named parameter for setting Elevator type
DefStandardElevator< _Elevator >Named parameter for setting Elevator type
DefStandardElevator< _Elevator >Named parameter for setting Elevator type
DefStandardHeap< H, CR >Named parameter for setting heap and cross reference type with automatic allocation
DefStandardHeap< H, CR >Named parameter for setting heap and cross reference type with automatic allocation
DefStandardHeap< H, CR >Named parameter for setting heap and cross reference type with automatic allocation
DefStandardHeap< H, CR >Named parameter for setting heap and cross reference type with automatic allocation
DefStandardHeap< H, CR >Named parameter for setting heap and cross reference type with automatic allocation
DefStandardHeap< H, CR >Named parameter for setting heap and cross reference type with automatic allocation
DefStandardHeap< H, CR >Named parameter for setting heap and cross reference type with automatic allocation
DefTreeMap< TM >
DefTreeMap< TM >
DefTreeMap< TM >
DescriptorMap< _Graph, _Item >Provides a mutable, continuous and unique descriptor for each item in the graph
Dfs< GR, TR >DFS algorithm class
DfsDefaultTraits< GR >Default traits class of Dfs class
DfsVisit< _Graph, _Visitor, _Traits >DFS Visit algorithm class
DfsVisitDefaultTraits< _Graph >Default traits class of DfsVisit class
DfsVisitor< _Graph >Visitor class for dfs
DfsWizard< TR >A class to make the usage of the Dfs algorithm easier
DfsWizardBase< GR >Default traits used by DfsWizard
DfsWizardDefaultTraits< GR >Default traits class of Dfs function
Dijkstra< GR, LM, TR >Dijkstra algorithm class
DijkstraDefaultOperationTraits< Value >Default OperationTraits for the Dijkstra algorithm class
DijkstraDefaultTraits< GR, LM >Default traits class of Dijkstra class
DijkstraWidestPathOperationTraits< Value >Widest path OperationTraits for the Dijkstra algorithm class
DijkstraWizard< TR >A class to make the usage of Dijkstra algorithm easier
DijkstraWizardBase< GR, LM >Default traits used by DijkstraWizard
DijkstraWizardDefaultTraits< GR, LM >Default traits class of Dijkstra function
DinitzSleatorTarjan< _Graph, _CapacityMap, _Traits >Dinitz-Sleator-Tarjan algorithms class
DinitzSleatorTarjanDefaultTraits< _Graph, _CapacityMap >Default traits class of DinitzSleatorTarjan class
DirUGraphAdaptor< _Graph, DirectionMap >A directed graph is made from an undirected graph by an adaptor
DirUGraphAdaptorBase< _UGraph, _DirectionMap >Base of direct undirected graph adaptor
DistLogMeasure a distribution
DistLog2Measure a two dimensional distribution
DivMap< M1, M2 >Quotient of two maps
DualExprLinear expression of rows
DualItLemon iterator for get a dual variable
DynamicAsymMatrixMap< _FirstContainer, _FirstContainerItem, _SecondContainer, _SecondContainerItem, _Value >Dynamic Asymmetric Matrix Map
DynamicMatrixMap< _Graph, _Item, _Value >Container for store values for each ordered pair of graph items
DynamicSymMatrixMap< _Graph, _Item, _Value >Container for store values for each unordered pair of graph items
DynamicTree< _Value, _ItemIntMap, _Tolerance, _enableSize >The dynamic tree data structure of Sleator and Tarjan
DynEdgeLookUp< G >Dynamic edge look up between given endpoints
EdgeThe directed edge type
EdgeClass for identifying an edge of the graph
EdgeThe directed edge type
EdgeItThis iterator goes through each directed edge
EdgeItThis iterator goes through each edge
EdgeItLemon style iterator for path edges
EdgeItLemon style iterator for path edges
EdgeItThis iterator goes through each directed edge
EdgeItLemon style iterator for path edges
EdgeItIterator class to iterate on the edges of the paths
EdgeItIterator class to iterate on the edges of the paths
EdgeItIterator class to iterate on the edges of the paths
EdgeLookUp< G >Fast edge look up between given endpoints
EdgeMap< T >Read write map of the directed edges to type T
EdgeMap< T >Read write map of the edges to type T
EdgeMap< _Value >
EdgeMap< T >Read write map of the directed edges to type T
EdgeMapReader< _Graph, _Traits >SectionReader for reading extra edge maps
EdgeMapWriter< _Graph, _Traits >SectionWriter for writing extra edge maps
EdgeReader< _Graph >SectionReader for reading labeled edges
EdgeSetExtender< Base >Extender for the EdgeSets
EdgeSetReader< _Graph, _Traits >SectionReader for reading a graph's edgeset
EdgeSetWriter< _Graph, _Traits >SectionWriter for writing a graph's edgesets
EdgeSubGraph< Graph >Graph which uses a subset of another graph's edges
EdgeSubGraphAdaptor< Graph, EdgeFilterMap >An adaptor for hiding edges from a graph
EdgeSubGraphBase< _Graph >
EdgeSubUGraphAdaptor< _UGraph, UEdgeFilterMap >An adaptor for hiding undirected edges from an undirected graph
EdgeWriter< _Graph >SectionWriter for writing named edges
EdmondsKarp< _Graph, _CapacityMap, _Traits >Edmonds-Karp algorithms class
EdmondsKarpDefaultTraits< _Graph, _CapacityMap >Default traits class of EdmondsKarp class
Elevator< Graph, Item >Class for handling "labels" in push-relabel type algorithms
EntityBaseSkeleton of an entity class
EpsDrawerA simple tool to create .eps files
ErasableBpUGraphComponent< _Base >An empty erasable base bipartite undirected graph class
ErasableGraphComponent< _Base >An empty erasable graph class
ErasableUGraphComponent< _Base >An empty erasable base undirected graph class
ErasingFirstGraphAdaptor< _Graph, FirstOutEdgesMap >For blocking flows
ErrorMessageException-safe convenient "error message" class
EulerIt< Graph >Euler iterator for directed graphs
ExceptionGeneric exception class
ExceptionMember< _Type >Exception safe wrapper class
ExprLinear expression of variables and a constant component
ExtendableBpUGraphComponent< _Base >An empty extendable base undirected graph class
ExtendableGraphComponent< _Base >An empty extendable graph class
ExtendableUGraphComponent< _Base >An empty extendable base undirected graph class
ExtendFindEnum< _ItemIntMap >A Extend-Find data structure implementation which is able to enumerate the components
FalseBasic type for defining "tags". A "NO" condition for enable_if
FalseItIterator for the keys mapped to false
FibHeap< _Prio, _ItemIntMap, _Compare >Fibonacci Heap
FillBoolMap< Map >Writable bool map for filling each true assigned element with a given value
FilterMapIt< Graph, Item, Map >Iterator for maps which filters items by the values
FirstEligiblePivotRuleImplementation of the "First Eligible" pivot rule for the network simplex algorithm
FirstKeyProxyProxy class for the first key type
FloydWarshall< _Graph, _LengthMap, _Traits >FloydWarshall algorithm class
FloydWarshallDefaultOperationTraits< Value, has_infinity >Default OperationTraits for the FloydWarshall algorithm class
FloydWarshallDefaultTraits< _Graph, _LengthMap >Default traits class of FloydWarshall class
ForkMap< M1, M2 >Just readable version of ForkWriteMap
ForkWriteMap< M1, M2 >Applies all map setting operations to two maps
ForwardMap< Graph >Returns the "forward" directed edge view of an undirected edge
FredmanTarjan< GR, CM, TR >FredmanTarjan algorithm class to find a minimum spanning tree
FredmanTarjanDefaultTraits< GR, CM >Default traits class of FredmanTarjan class
FrontInserterBoolMap< Container, Functor >Writable bool map for logging each true assigned element in a front insertable container
FullBpUGraphAn undirected full bipartite graph class
FullGraphA full graph class
FullUGraphAn undirected full graph class
FunctorMap< F, K, V >Converts an STL style functor to a map
GoldbergTarjan< _Graph, _CapacityMap, _Traits >Goldberg-Tarjan algorithms class
GoldbergTarjanDefaultTraits< _Graph, _CapacityMap >Default traits class of GoldbergTarjan class
GomoryHuTree< _UGraph, _Capacity >Gomory-Hu cut tree algorithm
GraphClass describing the concept of Directed Graphs
GraphAdaptor< _Graph >Trivial Graph Adaptor
GraphAdaptorBase< _Graph >Base type for the Graph Adaptors
GraphAdaptorExtender< _Graph >Extender for the GraphAdaptors
GraphCopy< To, From >Class to copy a graph
GraphExtender< Base >Extender for the Graphs
GraphIncIt< _Graph, _Item, _Base, _selector >Skeleton class for graph InEdgeIt and OutEdgeIt
GraphItemSkeleton class for graph Node and Edge types
GraphItemIt< _Graph, _Item >
GraphMap< _Graph, _Item, _Value >Class describing the concept of graph maps
GraphReader< _Graph, _ReaderTraits >The graph reader class
GraphToEps< T >Helper class to implement the named parameters of graphToEps()
GraphWriter< _Graph, _WriterTraits >The graph writer class
GridUGraphGrid graph class
HaoOrlin< _Graph, _CapacityMap, _Tolerance >Hao-Orlin algorithm to find a minimum cut in directed graphs
Heap< Prio, ItemIntMap >
HeapUnionFind< _Value, _ItemIntMap, _Comp >A Union-Find data structure implementation which is able to store a priority for each item and retrieve the minimum of each class
HeightPolicy< TS >HeightPolicy stops the search when a given height is reached or exceeds
HyperCubeGraphHyperCube graph class
HyperMap< T, BF >Linear combination map
IDableBpUGraphComponent< _Base >An empty idable base bipartite undirected graph class
IDableGraphComponent< _Base >An empty idable base graph class
IDableUGraphComponent< _Base >An empty idable base undirected graph class
IdentityMap< T >Identity map
IdMap< _Graph, _Item >Provides an immutable and unique id for each item in the graph
ImmediateDetachException which can be called from clear() and erase()
IncEdgeItThis iterator goes trough the incident undirected edges of a node
IncEdgeItThis iterator goes trough the incident undirected edges of a node
InDegMap< _Graph >Map of the node in-degrees
InEdgeItThis iterator goes trough the incoming directed edges of a node
InEdgeItThis iterator goes trough the incoming directed edges of a node
InEdgeItThis iterator goes trough the incoming edges of a node
InserterBoolMap< Container, Functor >Writable bool map for storing each true assigned element in an insertable container
InsertReader< _Container, _ItemReader >Reader for standard containers
IntegerMap< T >Map for storing values for keys from the range [0..size-1]
InvalidDummy type to make it easier to make invalid iterators
InvalidArgumentException for the case when s=t
InverseMapThe class represents the inverse of its owner (IdMap)
InverseMapThe inverse map type
InvertableMap< _Graph, _Item, _Value >General invertable graph-map type
ItemItIterator for the keys mapped to a given value
ItemItIterator for the keys with the same value
ItemItIterator for the keys with the same value
ItemItLemon style iterator for the items of a component
ItemItLemon style iterator for the items of a component
ItemItLemon style iterator for the items of a class
IterableBoolMap< _Graph, _Item >Dynamic iterable bool map
IterableBpUGraphComponent< _Base >An empty iterable bipartite undirected graph class
IterableGraphComponent< _Base >An empty iterable graph class
IterableIntMap< _Graph, _Item >Dynamic iterable integer map
IterableUGraphComponent< _Base >An empty iterable undirected graph class
IterableValueMap< _Graph, _Item, _Value >Dynamic iterable map for comparable values
IterableWriter< _Container, _ItemWriter >Writer for standard containers
IterationPolicy< TS >IterationPolicy limits the number of iterations and the number of iterations without improvement
Johnson< _Graph, _LengthMap, _Traits >Johnson algorithm class
JohnsonDefaultOperationTraits< Value, has_infinity >Default OperationTraits for the Johnson algorithm class
JohnsonDefaultTraits< _Graph, _LengthMap >Default traits class of Johnson class
Kruskal< _UGraph, _CostMap, _Traits >Kruskal's algorithm to find a minimum cost tree of a graph
KruskalDefaultTraits< _UGraph, _CostMap >Default traits class of Kruskal class
LemonReaderLemon Format reader class
LemonWriterLemon Format writer class
LineReaderReader for read the whole line
LinkedElevator< Graph, Item >Class for handling "labels" in push-relabel type algorithms
ListBpUGraphA smart bipartite undirected graph class
ListEdgeSet< _Graph >Graph using a node set of another graph and an own edge set
ListGraphA list graph class
ListPath< _Graph >A structure for representing directed paths in a graph
ListUEdgeSet< _Graph >Graph using a node set of another graph and an own uedge set
ListUGraphAn undirected list graph class
LogicErrorOne of the two main subclasses of Exception
LpColReaderLp variable item reader for Lemon IO
LpColWriterLp variable item writer for Lemon IO
LpCplexInterface for the CPLEX solver
LpGlpkInterface for the GLPK LP solver
LpReaderLp section reader for lemon IO
LpSkeletonA skeleton class to implement LP solver interfaces
LpSolverBaseCommon base class for LP solvers
LpSoplexInterface for the SOPLEX solver
LpWriterLp section writer for lemon IO
MapBase< K, T >Base class of maps
MapExtender< _Map >Extender for maps
MapFunctor< M >Converts a map to an STL style (unary) functor
MapIt< Graph, Item, Map >
MappableBpUGraphComponent< _Base >An empty mappable base bipartite undirected graph class
MappableGraphComponent< _Base >An empty mappable graph class
MappableUGraphComponent< _Base >An empty mappable base bipartite undirected graph class
MatchingBpUGraphAdaptor< _BpUGraph, _ANMatchingMap, _BNMatchingMap >Bipartite graph adaptor to implement matching algorithms
MatrixColMap< _MatrixMap >
MatrixRowMap< _MatrixMap >
MaxBipartiteMatching< BpUGraph >Bipartite Max Cardinality Matching algorithm
MaxCardinalitySearch< _Graph, _CapacityMap, _Traits >Maximum Cardinality Search algorithm class
MaxCardinalitySearchDefaultTraits< _Graph, _CapacityMap >Default traits class of MaxCardinalitySearch class
MaxMatching< Graph >Edmonds' alternating forest maximum matching algorithm
MaxWeightedBipartiteMatching< _BpUGraph, _WeightMap, _Traits >Bipartite Max Weighted Matching algorithm
MaxWeightedBipartiteMatchingDefaultTraits< _BpUGraph, _WeightMap >Default traits class for weighted bipartite matching algoritms
MaxWeightedMatching< _UGraph, _WeightMap >Weighted matching in general undirected graphs
MaxWeightedPerfectMatching< _UGraph, _WeightMap >Weighted perfect matching in general undirected graphs
MinCostArborescence< _Graph, _CostMap, _Traits >MinCostArborescence algorithm class
MinCostArborescenceDefaultTraits< _Graph, _CostMap >Default traits class of MinCostArborescence class
MinCostFlow< Graph, LowerMap, CapacityMap, CostMap, SupplyMap >An efficient algorithm for finding a minimum cost flow
MinCostMaxBipartiteMatching< _BpUGraph, _CostMap, _Traits >Bipartite Min Cost Matching algorithm
MinCostMaxBipartiteMatchingDefaultTraits< _BpUGraph, _CostMap >Default traits class for minimum cost bipartite matching algoritms
MinCostMaxFlow< Graph, CapacityMap, CostMap >An efficient algorithm for finding a minimum cost maximum flow
MinMeanCycle< Graph, LengthMap >Implementation of Howard's algorithm for finding a minimum mean directed cycle
MipCplexInterface for the CPLEX MIP solver
MipGlpkInterface for the GLPK MIP solver
MipSolverBaseCommon base class for MIP solvers
MulMap< M1, M2 >Product of two maps
NagamochiIbaraki< _Graph, _CapacityMap, _Traits >Calculates the minimum cut in an undirected graph
NagamochiIbarakiDefaultTraits< _Graph, _CapacityMap >Default traits class of NagamochiIbaraki class
NegMap< M >Negative value of a map
NegWriteMap< M >Negative value of a map (ReadWrite version)
NetworkSimplex< Graph, LowerMap, CapacityMap, CostMap, SupplyMap >Implementation of the primal network simplex algorithm for finding a minimum cost flow
NoCounter'Do nothing' version of Counter
NodeThe base type of node iterators, or in other words, the trivial node iterator
NodeClass for identifying a node of the graph
NodeThe base type of node iterators, or in other words, the trivial node iterator
NodeItThis iterator goes through each node
NodeItThis iterator goes through each node
NodeItThis iterator goes through each node
NodeMap< T >Read write map of the nodes to type T
NodeMap< T >Read write map of the nodes to type T
NodeMap< T >Read write map of the nodes to type T
NodeMap< _Value >
NodeMapReader< _Graph, _Traits >SectionReader for reading extra node maps
NodeMapWriter< _Graph, _Traits >SectionWriter for writing extra node maps
NodeReader< _Graph >SectionReader for reading labeled nodes
NodeSetReader< _Graph, _Traits >SectionReader for reading a graph's nodeset
NodeSetWriter< _Graph, _Traits >SectionWriter for writing a graph's nodeset
NodeSubGraphAdaptor< Graph, NodeFilterMap, checked >An adaptor for hiding nodes from a graph
NodeSubUGraphAdaptor< _UGraph, NodeFilterMap, checked >An adaptor for hiding nodes from an undirected graph
NodeWriter< _Graph >SectionWriter for writing named nodes
NormSquareMap< M >
NoTimeReport'Do nothing' version of TimeReport
NotMap< M >Logical 'not' of a map
NotWriteMap< M >Logical 'not' of a map (ReadWrie version)
NullMap< K, T >Null map. (a.k.a. DoNothingMap)
ObserverBaseObserverBase is the base class for the observers
OutDegMap< _Graph >Map of the node out-degrees
OutEdgeItThis iterator goes trough the outgoing directed edges of a node
OutEdgeItThis iterator goes trough the outgoing edges of a node
OutEdgeItThis iterator goes trough the outgoing directed edges of a node
PairReader< _Pair, _FirstReader, _SecondReader >Reader for std::pair
PairWriter< _Pair, _FirstWriter, _SecondWriter >Writer for standard pairs
PaletteMap ints to different Colors
ParsedStringReaderReader for parsed string
Path< _Graph >A skeleton structure for representing directed paths in a graph
Path< _Graph >A structure for representing directed paths in a graph
PathDumper< _Graph >A skeleton structure for path dumpers
PathNodeIt< Path >Class which helps to iterate the nodes of a path
PathReader< Path >Item reader for paths
PathWriter< Path >Item writer for paths
PetStruct< Graph >
PlanarColoring< UGraph >Coloring planar graphs
PlanarDrawing< UGraph >Schnyder's planar drawing algorithms
PlanarEmbedding< UGraph >Planar embedding of an undirected simple graph
PlanarityChecking< UGraph >Planarity checking of an undirected simple graph
Point< T >A simple two dimensional vector (plainvector) implementation
PolicyAndCombinationSome basic methode, how tow Policies can be combined
Polynomial< T >Simple polinomial class
PotentialDifferenceMap< Graph, NodeMap >Potential difference map
PrBipartiteMatching< Graph >Max cardinality matching algorithm based on push-relabel principle
Preflow< _Graph, _CapacityMap, _Traits >Preflow algorithms class
PreflowDefaultTraits< _Graph, _CapacityMap >Default traits class of Preflow class
Prim< GR, CM, TR >Prim algorithm class to find a minimum spanning tree
PrimDefaultTraits< GR, CM >Default traits class of Prim class
PushBackReader< _Container, _ItemReader >Reader for standard containers
QuotedCharArrayWriterWriter class for quoted char array
QuotedCharReaderReader class for quoted strings
QuotedCharWriterWriter class for quoted chars
QuotedStringReaderReader class for quoted strings
QuotedStringWriterWriter class for quoted strings
RadixHeap< _ItemIntMap >A Radix Heap implementation
RandomMersenne Twister random number generator
ReadMap< K, T >
ReadMatrixMap< K1, K2, V >Readable matrix map concept
ReadWriteMap< K, T >
ReadWriteMatrixMap< K1, K2, V >Read/Writable map concept
ReferenceRefernce to the value of the map
ReferenceRefernce to the value of the map
ReferenceMap< K, T, R, CR >Dereferable map concept
ReferenceMatrixMap< K1, K2, V, R, CR >Dereferable matrix map concept
RefPtr< T >Reference counted pointer
RefTypeMagic type for operator[]
ResCapResidual capacity map
ResGraphAdaptor< Graph, Number, CapacityMap, FlowMap, Tol >An adaptor for composing the residual graph for directed flow and circulation problems
ResidualCostMap< Map >
ResidualDijkstraSpecial implementation of the Dijkstra algorithm for finding shortest paths in the residual network
ResidualDijkstraSpecial implementation of the Dijkstra algorithm for finding shortest paths in the residual network
RevEdgeItLemon style iterator for path edges
RevGraphAdaptor< _Graph >A graph adaptor which reverses the orientation of the edges
RowRefer to a row of the LP
RuntimeErrorOne of the two main subclasses of Exception
ScaleMap< M, C >Scales a map with a constant
ScaleWriteMap< M, C >Scales a map with a constant (ReadWrite version)
SecondKeyProxyProxy class for the second key type
SectionReaderAbstract base class for reading a section
SectionWriterAbstract base class for writing a section
SettingOrderBoolMap< Map >Writable bool map for storing the sequence number of true assignments
ShiftMap< M, C >Shift a map with a constant
ShiftWriteMap< M, C >Shift a map with a constant (ReadWrite version)
SimAnnSimulated annealing class
SimAnnBaseSimulated annealing abstract base class
SimpleBucketHeap< _ItemIntMap, minimize >A Simplified Bucket Heap implementation
SimpleControllerA simple controller for the simulated annealing class
SimpleMap< M >Simple wrapping of a map
SimplePath< _Graph >A structure for representing directed paths in a graph
SimpleWriteMap< M >Simple writable wrapping of a map
SmartBpUGraphA smart bipartite undirected graph class
SmartEdgeSet< _Graph >Graph using a node set of another graph and an own edge set
SmartGraphA smart graph class
SmartGraphBaseBase of SmartGraph
SmartUEdgeSet< _Graph >Graph using a node set of another graph and an own uedge set
SmartUGraphA smart undirected graph class
SnapshotClass to make a snapshot of the graph and to restrore to it later
SnapshotClass to make a snapshot of the graph and to restrore to it later
SnapshotClass to make a snapshot of the graph and restore to it later
SnapshotClass to make a snapshot of the graph and to restrore to it later
SnapshotClass to make a snapshot of the graph and restore to it later
SnapshotClass to make a snapshot of the graph and restore to it later
SourceMap< Graph >Returns the source of the given edge
SplitGraphAdaptor< _Graph >Split graph adaptor class
SplitGraphAdaptorBase< _Graph >Base class for split graph adaptor
StaticPath< _Graph >A structure for representing directed paths in a graph
StdMap< K, T, Compare >Map based on std::map
SteinerTree< UGraph, CostMap >Algorithm for the 2-approximation of Steiner Tree problem
StoreBoolMap< _Iterator, _Functor >Writable bool map for logging each true assigned element
SubGraph< Graph >Graph which uses a subset of another graph's nodes and edges
SubGraphAdaptor< _Graph, NodeFilterMap, EdgeFilterMap, checked >A graph adaptor for hiding nodes and edges from a graph
SubGraphBase< _Graph >
SubMap< M1, M2 >Difference of two maps
SubMapExtender< _Graph, _Map >Extender for maps which use a subset of the items
SubUGraphAdaptor< _UGraph, NodeFilterMap, UEdgeFilterMap, checked >A graph adaptor for hiding nodes and edges from an undirected graph
Suurballe< Graph, LengthMap >Implementation of an algorithm for finding edge-disjoint paths between two nodes having minimum total length
SwapBpUGraphAdaptor< _BpUGraph >Bipartite graph adaptor which swaps the two nodeset
TabuSearch< GRAPH, VALUE, POLICY, TRAITS >TabuSearch main class
TabuSearchDefaultTraits< GRAPH, VALUE, HEIGHTMAP, BETTER, UNDIR >Default Traits for TabuSearch class
TabuSearchPolicyConcept< TS >Policy hierarchy to controll the search algorithm
TargetMap< Graph >Returns the target of the given edge
TightEdgeFilterMap< Graph, NodePotentialMap, EdgeDistanceMap >A map for filtering the edge-set to those edges which are tight w.r.t. a node-potential and edge-distance
TimePolicy< TS >TimePolicy limits the time for searching
TimerClass for measuring the cpu time and real time usage of the process
TimeReportSame as Timer but prints a report on destruction
TimeStampA class to store (cpu)time instances
Tolerance< T >A class to provide a basic way to handle the comparison of numbers that are obtained as a result of a probably inexact computation
Tolerance< double >Double specialization of Tolerance
Tolerance< float >Float specialization of Tolerance
Tolerance< int >Integer specialization of Tolerance
Tolerance< long double >Long double specialization of Tolerance
Tolerance< long int >Long integer specialization of Tolerance
Tolerance< unsigned int >Unsigned integer specialization of Tolerance
Tolerance< unsigned long int >Unsigned long integer specialization of Tolerance
TrueBasic type for defining "tags". A "YES" condition for enable_if
TrueItIterator for the keys mapped to true
UEdgeUndirected edge class of the graph
UEdgeItThis iterator goes through each undirected edge
UEdgeItThis iterator goes through each undirected edge
UEdgeMap< T >Read write map of the undirected edges to type T
UEdgeMap< T >Read write map of the undirected edges to type T
UEdgeMap< _Value >
UEdgeMapReader< _Graph, _Traits >SectionReader for reading extra undirected edge maps
UEdgeMapWriter< _Graph, _Traits >SectionWriter for writing extra undirected edge maps
UEdgeReader< _Graph >SectionReader for reading labeled undirected edges
UEdgeSetExtender< Base >Extender for the UEdgeSets
UEdgeSetReader< _Graph, _Traits >SectionReader for reading a undirected graph's edgeset
UEdgeSetWriter< _Graph, _Traits >SectionWriter for writing a undirected edgeset
UEdgeWriter< _Graph >SectionWriter for writing named undirected edges
UEulerIt< Graph >Euler iterator for undirected graphs
UGraphClass describing the concept of Undirected Graphs
UGraphAdaptor< _UGraph >Trivial undirected graph adaptor
UGraphAdaptorBase< _UGraph >Base type for the Graph Adaptors
UGraphAdaptorExtender< _UGraph >Extender for the UGraphAdaptors
UGraphCopy< To, From >Class to copy an undirected graph
UGraphExtender< Base >Extender for the UGraphs
UGraphReader< _Graph, _ReaderTraits >The undirected graph reader class
UGraphWriter< _Graph, _WriterTraits >The undirected graph writer class
UnderFlowPriorityErrorException thrown by RadixHeap
UndirGraphAdaptor< _Graph >An undirected graph is made from a directed graph by an adaptor
UndirGraphExtender< Base >BaseGraph to BaseUGraph extender
UnformattedReaderReader class for unformatted strings
UnformattedWriterWriter class for quoted strings
UninitializedParameterException for uninitialized parameters
UninitializedParameterException for uninitialized parameters
UninitializedParameterException for uninitialized parameters
UninitializedParameterException for uninitialized parameters
UninitializedParameterException for uninitialized parameters
UninitializedParameterException for uninitialized parameters
UninitializedParameterException for uninitialized parameters
UninitializedParameterException for uninitialized parameters
UninitializedParameterException for uninitialized parameters
UninitializedParameterException for uninitialized parameters
UninitializedParameterException for uninitialized parameters
UninitializedParameterException for uninitialized parameters
UninitializedParameterException for uninitialized parameters
UninitializedParameterException for uninitialized parameters
UninitializedParameterException for uninitialized parameters
UninitializedParameterException for uninitialized parameters
UninitializedParameterException for uninitialized parameters
UninitializedParameterException for uninitialized parameters
UnionFind< _ItemIntMap >A Union-Find data structure implementation
UnionFindEnum< _ItemIntMap >A Union-Find data structure implementation which is able to enumerate the components
UPetStruct< Graph >
ValueIteratorForward iterator for values
ValueIteratorForward iterator for values
Variant< _num, _TypeMap >Variant type
VariantTypeMap< _T0, _T1, _T2, _T3, _T5, _T4, _T6, _T7, _T8, _T9 >Helper class for Variant
VectorMap< _Graph, _Item, _Value >Graph map based on the std::vector storage
VMapBase< K, V >Base class of the virtual maps
VReadMap< M, K, V >Makes a virtual map from a ReadMap
VReadWriteMap< M, K, V >Makes a virtual map from a ReadWriteMap
VRefMapBase< K, V >Base class of the virtual reference maps
VWriteMap< M, K, V >Makes a virtual map from a WriteMap
WriteMap< K, T >
WriteMatrixMap< K1, K2, V >Writable map concept
XMap< M >
YMap< M >

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