ObserverBase Member List

This is the complete list of members for ObserverBase, including all inherited members.

add(const Item &)=0ObserverBase [protected, pure virtual]
add(const std::vector< Item > &items)=0ObserverBase [protected, pure virtual]
attach(AlterationNotifier &nf)ObserverBase [inline, protected]
attached() const ObserverBase [inline, protected]
build()=0ObserverBase [protected, pure virtual]
clear()=0ObserverBase [protected, pure virtual]
detach()ObserverBase [inline, protected]
erase(const Item &)=0ObserverBase [protected, pure virtual]
erase(const std::vector< Item > &items)=0ObserverBase [protected, pure virtual]
notifier() const ObserverBase [inline, protected]
ObserverBase()ObserverBase [inline, protected]
ObserverBase(AlterationNotifier &nf)ObserverBase [inline, protected]
ObserverBase(const ObserverBase &copy)ObserverBase [inline, protected]
~ObserverBase()ObserverBase [inline, protected, virtual]

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