Bug List

Class AbsMap< M >
We need a unified way to handle the situation below:

Member lemon::LpCplex::_getColName (int col, std::string &name) const

Member lemon::LpCplex::_getColName (int col, std::string &name) const
return code unchecked for error

Member lemon::LpCplex::_setColName (int col, const std::string &name)

Member lemon::LpCplex::_setColName (int col, const std::string &name)
return code unchecked for error

Member lemon::LpSkeleton::_solve ()
Wrong interface

Member lemon::LpSkeleton::_getPrimal (int i) const
Wrong interface

Member lemon::LpSkeleton::_getDual (int i) const
Wrong interface

Member lemon::LpSkeleton::_getPrimalValue () const
Wrong interface

Member lemon::LpSkeleton::_getPrimalStatus () const
Wrong interface

Member lemon::LpSolverBase::row (Row r, Value l, const Expr &e, Value u)
This is a temporary function. The interface will change to a better one.

Member lemon::LpSolverBase::addRow (Value l, const Expr &e, Value u)
This is a temporary function. The interface will change to a better one.

Member lemon::concepts::ReadMap::operator[] (const Key &) const
Value shouldn't need to be default constructible.

Generated on Thu Jun 4 04:03:12 2009 for LEMON by  doxygen 1.5.9