Quick Tour to LEMON

Let us first answer the question "What do I want to use LEMON for?". LEMON is a C++ library, so you can use it if you want to write C++ programs. What kind of tasks does the library LEMON help to solve? It helps to write programs that solve optimization problems that arise frequently when designing and testing certain networks, for example in telecommunication, computer networks, and other areas that I cannot think of now. A very natural way of modelling these networks is by means of a graph (we will always mean a directed graph by that and say undirected graph otherwise). So if you want to write a program that works with graphs then you might find it useful to use our library LEMON. LEMON defines various graph concepts depending on what you want to do with the graph: a very good description can be found in the page about graphs.

You will also want to assign data to the edges or nodes of the graph, for example a length or capacity function defined on the edges. You can do this in LEMON using so called maps. You can define a map on the nodes or on the edges of the graph and the value of the map (the range of the function) can be practically almost of any type. Read more about maps here.

In this quick tour we want to show you some facilities LEMON library can provide through examples (simple demo programs). The examples will only show part of the functionality, but links will always be given to reach complete details. You will find links next to the code fragments that help to download full demo programs: save them on your computer and compile them according to the description in the page about How to start using LEMON.

Have fun!

Generated on Thu Jun 4 04:03:12 2009 for LEMON by  doxygen 1.5.9