xy -> dim2::Point
Thu, 07 Sep 2006 13:27:16 +0000 (2006-09-07)
changeset 220775a29ac69c19
parent 2206 c3ff11b0025c
child 2208 37b5c870a953
xy -> dim2::Point
     1.1 --- a/benchmark/swap_bipartite_bench.cc	Wed Sep 06 11:39:22 2006 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/benchmark/swap_bipartite_bench.cc	Thu Sep 07 13:27:16 2006 +0000
     1.3 @@ -3,12 +3,13 @@
     1.4  #include <sstream>
     1.6  #include <lemon/smart_graph.h>
     1.7 +#include <lemon/list_graph.h>
     1.9  #include <lemon/bpugraph_adaptor.h>
    1.10  #include <lemon/bipartite_matching.h>
    1.12  #include <lemon/graph_utils.h>
    1.13 -#include <lemon/xy.h>
    1.14 +#include <lemon/dim2.h>
    1.15  #include <lemon/graph_to_eps.h>
    1.17  #include <lemon/time_measure.h>
    1.18 @@ -17,6 +18,7 @@
    1.19  using namespace lemon;
    1.21  typedef SmartBpUGraph Graph;
    1.22 +typedef ListBpUGraph LGraph;
    1.23  BPUGRAPH_TYPEDEFS(Graph);
    1.25  int _urandom_init() {
    1.26 @@ -41,24 +43,36 @@
    1.27      int s = 100;
    1.29      Timer nt(false), st(false);
    1.30 +    Timer lnt(false), lst(false);
    1.32      for (int i = 0; i < s; ++i) {
    1.33        Graph graph;
    1.34 +      LGraph lgraph;
    1.35        vector<Node> aNodes;
    1.36        vector<Node> bNodes;  
    1.37 +      vector<LGraph::Node> laNodes;
    1.38 +      vector<LGraph::Node> lbNodes;  
    1.40        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    1.41          Node node = graph.addANode();
    1.42          aNodes.push_back(node);
    1.43 +        LGraph::Node lnode = lgraph.addANode();
    1.44 +        laNodes.push_back(lnode);
    1.45        }
    1.46        for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
    1.47          Node node = graph.addBNode();
    1.48          bNodes.push_back(node);
    1.49 +        LGraph::Node lnode = lgraph.addBNode();
    1.50 +        lbNodes.push_back(lnode);
    1.51        }
    1.52        for (int i = 0; i < e; ++i) {
    1.53 -        Node aNode = aNodes[urandom(n)];
    1.54 -        Node bNode = bNodes[urandom(m)];
    1.55 +        int a,b;
    1.56 +	Node aNode = aNodes[a=urandom(n)];
    1.57 +        Node bNode = bNodes[b=urandom(m)];
    1.58          graph.addEdge(aNode, bNode);
    1.59 +	LGraph::Node laNode = laNodes[a];
    1.60 +        LGraph::Node lbNode = lbNodes[b];
    1.61 +        lgraph.addEdge(laNode, lbNode);
    1.62        }
    1.64        {
    1.65 @@ -81,11 +95,32 @@
    1.66          bpmatch.start();
    1.67          st.stop();
    1.69 +      }                 
    1.70 +      {
    1.71 +        MaxBipartiteMatching<LGraph> bpmatch(lgraph);
    1.72 +        
    1.73 +        lnt.start();
    1.74 +        bpmatch.init();
    1.75 +        bpmatch.start();
    1.76 +        lnt.stop();
    1.77 +        
    1.78        }
    1.79 -                  
    1.80 -    }
    1.82 -    cout << k * 100 << ' ' << nt.realTime() << ' ' << st.realTime() << endl;
    1.83 +      {
    1.84 +        typedef SwapBpUGraphAdaptor<LGraph> SGraph;
    1.85 +        SGraph sgraph(lgraph);
    1.86 +        MaxBipartiteMatching<SGraph> bpmatch(sgraph);
    1.87 +
    1.88 +        lst.start();
    1.89 +        bpmatch.init();
    1.90 +        bpmatch.start();
    1.91 +        lst.stop();
    1.92 +        
    1.93 +      }
    1.94 +     }
    1.95 +
    1.96 +    cout << k * 100 << ' ' << nt.realTime() << ' ' << st.realTime()
    1.97 +	 << ' ' << lnt.realTime() << ' ' << lst.realTime()<< endl;
    1.99    }
     2.1 --- a/demo/coloring.cc	Wed Sep 06 11:39:22 2006 +0000
     2.2 +++ b/demo/coloring.cc	Thu Sep 07 13:27:16 2006 +0000
     2.3 @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
     2.4    Graph graph;
     2.6    UGraphReader<Graph> reader("coloring.lgf", graph);
     2.7 -  Graph::NodeMap<xy<double> > coords(graph);
     2.8 +  Graph::NodeMap<dim2::Point<double> > coords(graph);
     2.9    reader.readNodeMap("coords", coords);
    2.11    reader.run();
     3.1 --- a/demo/descriptor_map_demo.cc	Wed Sep 06 11:39:22 2006 +0000
     3.2 +++ b/demo/descriptor_map_demo.cc	Thu Sep 07 13:27:16 2006 +0000
     3.3 @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
     3.4  #include <lemon/list_graph.h>
     3.5  #include <lemon/graph_utils.h>
     3.6  #include <lemon/graph_writer.h>
     3.7 -#include <lemon/xy.h>
     3.8 +#include <lemon/dim2.h>
     3.9  #include <lemon/graph_to_eps.h>
    3.11  #include <iostream>
    3.12 @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
    3.14  using namespace lemon;
    3.16 -// Special xy<double> map type 
    3.17 +// Special dim2::Point<double> map type 
    3.18  //
    3.19  // It gives back a position for each node. The position of the nodes
    3.20  // are on the circle with the given center and radius.
    3.21 @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
    3.22  class CircleMap {
    3.23  public:
    3.25 -  typedef xy<double> Value;
    3.26 +  typedef dim2::Point<double> Value;
    3.27    typedef typename Graph::Node Key;
    3.29    CircleMap(const Graph& _graph, 
    3.30 @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
    3.32    // Make postscript from the graph.
    3.34 -  CircleMap<Graph> coords(graph, xy<double>(0.0, 0.0), 10.0);
    3.35 +  CircleMap<Graph> coords(graph, dim2::Point<double>(0.0, 0.0), 10.0);
    3.37    graphToEps(graph,"descriptor_map_demo.eps").scaleToA4().
    3.38      title("Generated graph").
     4.1 --- a/demo/disjoint_paths_demo.cc	Wed Sep 06 11:39:22 2006 +0000
     4.2 +++ b/demo/disjoint_paths_demo.cc	Thu Sep 07 13:27:16 2006 +0000
     4.3 @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
     4.5    Graph graph;
     4.7 -  Graph::NodeMap<xy<double> > coords(graph);
     4.8 +  Graph::NodeMap<dim2::Point<double> > coords(graph);
     4.9    Graph::Node source, target;
    4.10    GraphReader<Graph>("disjoint_paths_demo.lgf", graph).
    4.11      readNodeMap("coords", coords).
    4.12 @@ -98,7 +98,9 @@
    4.13    graphToEps(sgraph, "node_disjoint_paths.eps").
    4.14      title("node disjoint path").copyright("(C) 2006 LEMON Project").drawArrows().
    4.15      edgeColors(composeMap(functorMap(color), sflow)).
    4.16 -    coords(SGraph::combinedNodeMap(coords, shiftMap(coords, xy<double>(5, 0)))).
    4.17 +    coords(SGraph::combinedNodeMap(coords,
    4.18 +				   shiftMap(coords,
    4.19 +					    dim2::Point<double>(5, 0)))).
    4.20      autoNodeScale().run();
    4.22    cout << "The paths are written into node_disjoint_paths.eps" << endl;
     5.1 --- a/demo/graph_orientation.cc	Wed Sep 06 11:39:22 2006 +0000
     5.2 +++ b/demo/graph_orientation.cc	Thu Sep 07 13:27:16 2006 +0000
     5.3 @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
     5.4  #include <lemon/list_graph.h>
     5.5  #include <lemon/graph_reader.h>
     5.6  #include <lemon/iterable_maps.h>
     5.7 -#include <lemon/xy.h>
     5.8 +#include <lemon/dim2.h>
     5.9  #include <lemon/graph_to_eps.h>
    5.12 @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
    5.14    ListGraph::NodeMap<int> f(g); //in-deg requirement;
    5.15    ListGraph::NodeMap<int> label(g);
    5.16 -  ListGraph::NodeMap<xy<double> > coords(g);
    5.17 +  ListGraph::NodeMap<dim2::Point<double> > coords(g);
    5.19    try {
    5.20      GraphReader<ListGraph> reader(argv[1],g);
     6.1 --- a/demo/graph_to_eps_demo.cc	Wed Sep 06 11:39:22 2006 +0000
     6.2 +++ b/demo/graph_to_eps_demo.cc	Thu Sep 07 13:27:16 2006 +0000
     6.3 @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
     6.4    typedef ListGraph::Node Node;
     6.5    typedef ListGraph::NodeIt NodeIt;
     6.6    typedef ListGraph::Edge Edge;
     6.7 -  typedef xy<int> Xy;
     6.8 +  typedef dim2::Point<int> Point;
    6.10    Node n1=g.addNode();
    6.11    Node n2=g.addNode();
    6.12 @@ -56,18 +56,18 @@
    6.13    Node n4=g.addNode();
    6.14    Node n5=g.addNode();
    6.16 -  ListGraph::NodeMap<Xy> coords(g);
    6.17 +  ListGraph::NodeMap<Point> coords(g);
    6.18    ListGraph::NodeMap<double> sizes(g);
    6.19    ListGraph::NodeMap<int> colors(g);
    6.20    ListGraph::NodeMap<int> shapes(g);
    6.21    ListGraph::EdgeMap<int> ecolors(g);
    6.22    ListGraph::EdgeMap<int> widths(g);
    6.24 -  coords[n1]=Xy(50,50);  sizes[n1]=1; colors[n1]=1; shapes[n1]=0;
    6.25 -  coords[n2]=Xy(50,70);  sizes[n2]=2; colors[n2]=2; shapes[n2]=2;
    6.26 -  coords[n3]=Xy(70,70);  sizes[n3]=1; colors[n3]=3; shapes[n3]=0;
    6.27 -  coords[n4]=Xy(70,50);  sizes[n4]=2; colors[n4]=4; shapes[n4]=1;
    6.28 -  coords[n5]=Xy(85,60);  sizes[n5]=3; colors[n5]=5; shapes[n5]=2;
    6.29 +  coords[n1]=Point(50,50);  sizes[n1]=1; colors[n1]=1; shapes[n1]=0;
    6.30 +  coords[n2]=Point(50,70);  sizes[n2]=2; colors[n2]=2; shapes[n2]=2;
    6.31 +  coords[n3]=Point(70,70);  sizes[n3]=1; colors[n3]=3; shapes[n3]=0;
    6.32 +  coords[n4]=Point(70,50);  sizes[n4]=2; colors[n4]=4; shapes[n4]=1;
    6.33 +  coords[n5]=Point(85,60);  sizes[n5]=3; colors[n5]=5; shapes[n5]=2;
    6.35    Edge e;
    6.37 @@ -183,12 +183,12 @@
    6.39    ListGraph h;
    6.40    ListGraph::NodeMap<int> hcolors(h);
    6.41 -  ListGraph::NodeMap<Xy> hcoords(h);
    6.42 +  ListGraph::NodeMap<Point> hcoords(h);
    6.44    int cols=int(sqrt(double(palette.size())));
    6.45    for(int i=0;i<int(paletteW.size());i++) {
    6.46      Node n=h.addNode();
    6.47 -    hcoords[n]=Xy(i%cols,i/cols);
    6.48 +    hcoords[n]=Point(i%cols,i/cols);
    6.49      hcolors[n]=i;
    6.50    }
     7.1 --- a/demo/grid_ugraph_demo.cc	Wed Sep 06 11:39:22 2006 +0000
     7.2 +++ b/demo/grid_ugraph_demo.cc	Thu Sep 07 13:27:16 2006 +0000
     7.3 @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
     7.4  #include <lemon/graph_adaptor.h>
     7.5  #include <lemon/graph_to_eps.h>
     7.6  #include <lemon/bfs.h>
     7.7 -#include <lemon/xy.h>
     7.8 +#include <lemon/dim2.h>
    7.10  #include <iostream>
    7.11  #include <fstream>
     8.1 --- a/demo/min_route.cc	Wed Sep 06 11:39:22 2006 +0000
     8.2 +++ b/demo/min_route.cc	Thu Sep 07 13:27:16 2006 +0000
     8.3 @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
     8.4  #include <lemon/smart_graph.h>
     8.5  #include <lemon/dijkstra.h>
     8.6  #include <lemon/maps.h>
     8.7 -#include <lemon/xy.h>
     8.8 +#include <lemon/dim2.h>
     8.9  #include <lemon/graph_reader.h>
    8.11  #include <lemon/time_measure.h>
    8.12 @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
    8.13    typedef double Value;
    8.14    typedef typename CoordMap::Key Key;
    8.16 -  PotentialMap(const CoordMap& _coord, const xy<double>& _target)
    8.17 +  PotentialMap(const CoordMap& _coord, const dim2::Point<double>& _target)
    8.18      : coord(_coord), target(_target) {}
    8.20    double operator[](const Key& node) const {
    8.21 @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
    8.22    }
    8.23  private:
    8.24    const CoordMap& coord;
    8.25 -  xy<double> target;
    8.26 +  dim2::Point<double> target;
    8.27  };
    8.29  template <typename Graph, typename LengthMap, typename PotentialMap>
    8.30 @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
    8.31    typedef Graph::EdgeIt EdgeIt;
    8.32    typedef Graph::NodeIt NodeIt;
    8.33    typedef Graph::EdgeMap<double> LengthMap;
    8.34 -  typedef Graph::NodeMap<xy<double> > CoordMap;
    8.35 +  typedef Graph::NodeMap<dim2::Point<double> > CoordMap;
    8.37    SmartGraph graph;
    8.39 @@ -94,9 +94,9 @@
    8.40    GraphReader<Graph> reader(is, graph);
    8.42    CoordMap coord(graph);
    8.43 -  XMap<CoordMap> xcoord = xMap(coord);
    8.44 +  dim2::XMap<CoordMap> xcoord = xMap(coord);
    8.45    reader.readNodeMap("coordinates_x", xcoord);
    8.46 -  YMap<CoordMap> ycoord = yMap(coord);
    8.47 +  dim2::YMap<CoordMap> ycoord = yMap(coord);
    8.48    reader.readNodeMap("coordinates_y", ycoord);
    8.50    LengthMap length(graph);
     9.1 --- a/demo/strongly_connected_orientation.cc	Wed Sep 06 11:39:22 2006 +0000
     9.2 +++ b/demo/strongly_connected_orientation.cc	Thu Sep 07 13:27:16 2006 +0000
     9.3 @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
     9.4         << "to be strongly connected" << endl;
     9.6    UGraph ugraph;
     9.7 -  UGraph::NodeMap<xy<double> > coords(ugraph);
     9.8 +  UGraph::NodeMap<dim2::Point<double> > coords(ugraph);
     9.9    UGraphReader<UGraph>("strongly_connected_orientation.lgf", ugraph).
    9.10      readNodeMap("coords", coords).run();
    10.1 --- a/demo/topology_demo.cc	Wed Sep 06 11:39:22 2006 +0000
    10.2 +++ b/demo/topology_demo.cc	Thu Sep 07 13:27:16 2006 +0000
    10.3 @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
    10.4  #include <lemon/topology.h>
    10.5  #include <lemon/graph_to_eps.h>
    10.6  #include <lemon/graph_reader.h>
    10.7 -#include <lemon/xy.h>
    10.8 +#include <lemon/dim2.h>
   10.10  #include <iostream>
   10.12 @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
   10.13    typedef Graph::Node Node;
   10.15    Graph graph;
   10.16 -  Graph::NodeMap<xy<double> > coords(graph);
   10.17 +  Graph::NodeMap<dim2::Point<double> > coords(graph);
   10.19    UGraphReader<Graph>("u_components.lgf", graph).
   10.20      readNodeMap("coordinates_x", xMap(coords)).
   10.21 @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
   10.22    typedef Graph::Node Node;
   10.24    Graph graph;
   10.25 -  Graph::NodeMap<xy<double> > coords(graph);
   10.26 +  Graph::NodeMap<dim2::Point<double> > coords(graph);
   10.28    GraphReader<Graph>("dir_components.lgf", graph).
   10.29      readNodeMap("coordinates_x", xMap(coords)).
   10.30 @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
   10.31    typedef Graph::UEdge UEdge;
   10.33    Graph graph;
   10.34 -  Graph::NodeMap<xy<double> > coords(graph);
   10.35 +  Graph::NodeMap<dim2::Point<double> > coords(graph);
   10.37    UGraphReader<Graph>("u_components.lgf", graph).
   10.38      readNodeMap("coordinates_x", xMap(coords)).
   10.39 @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
   10.40    typedef Graph::UEdge UEdge;
   10.42    Graph graph;
   10.43 -  Graph::NodeMap<xy<double> > coords(graph);
   10.44 +  Graph::NodeMap<dim2::Point<double> > coords(graph);
   10.46    UGraphReader<Graph>("u_components.lgf", graph).
   10.47      readNodeMap("coordinates_x", xMap(coords)).
   10.48 @@ -163,7 +163,7 @@
   10.49    typedef Graph::UEdge UEdge;
   10.51    Graph graph;
   10.52 -  Graph::NodeMap<xy<double> > coords(graph);
   10.53 +  Graph::NodeMap<dim2::Point<double> > coords(graph);
   10.55    UGraphReader<Graph>("partitions.lgf", graph).
   10.56      readNodeMap("coordinates_x", xMap(coords)).
    11.1 --- a/lemon.spec.in	Wed Sep 06 11:39:22 2006 +0000
    11.2 +++ b/lemon.spec.in	Thu Sep 07 13:27:16 2006 +0000
    11.3 @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
    11.4  Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
    11.5  Group: Development/Libraries
    11.6  BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-root
    11.7 -# Requires: glpk
    11.8 +Requires: glpk
    11.9  # BuildRequires: glpk-devel
   11.11  %description
    12.1 --- a/lemon/Makefile.am	Wed Sep 06 11:39:22 2006 +0000
    12.2 +++ b/lemon/Makefile.am	Thu Sep 07 13:27:16 2006 +0000
    12.3 @@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
    12.4  	lemon/dag_shortest_path.h \
    12.5  	lemon/dfs.h \
    12.6  	lemon/dijkstra.h \
    12.7 +	lemon/dim2.h \
    12.8  	lemon/dimacs.h \
    12.9  	lemon/edge_set.h \
   12.10  	lemon/edmonds_karp.h \
   12.11 @@ -92,8 +93,7 @@
   12.12  	lemon/tolerance.h \
   12.13  	lemon/topology.h \
   12.14  	lemon/ugraph_adaptor.h \
   12.15 -	lemon/unionfind.h \
   12.16 -	lemon/xy.h
   12.17 +	lemon/unionfind.h
   12.19  bits_HEADERS += \
   12.20  	lemon/bits/alteration_notifier.h \
    13.1 --- a/lemon/bits/bezier.h	Wed Sep 06 11:39:22 2006 +0000
    13.2 +++ b/lemon/bits/bezier.h	Thu Sep 07 13:27:16 2006 +0000
    13.3 @@ -27,26 +27,27 @@
    13.4  ///
    13.5  ///\author Alpar Juttner
    13.7 -#include<lemon/xy.h>
    13.8 +#include<lemon/dim2.h>
   13.10  namespace lemon {
   13.11 +  namespace dim2 {
   13.13  class BezierBase {
   13.14  public:
   13.15 -  typedef xy<double> xy;
   13.16 +  typedef Point<double> Point;
   13.17  protected:
   13.18 -  static xy conv(xy x,xy y,double t) {return (1-t)*x+t*y;}
   13.19 +  static Point conv(Point x,Point y,double t) {return (1-t)*x+t*y;}
   13.20  };
   13.22  class Bezier1 : public BezierBase
   13.23  {
   13.24  public:
   13.25 -  xy p1,p2;
   13.26 +  Point p1,p2;
   13.28    Bezier1() {}
   13.29 -  Bezier1(xy _p1, xy _p2) :p1(_p1), p2(_p2) {}
   13.30 +  Bezier1(Point _p1, Point _p2) :p1(_p1), p2(_p2) {}
   13.32 -  xy operator()(double t) const
   13.33 +  Point operator()(double t) const
   13.34    {
   13.35      //    return conv(conv(p1,p2,t),conv(p2,p3,t),t);
   13.36      return conv(p1,p2,t);
   13.37 @@ -63,59 +64,60 @@
   13.39    Bezier1 revert() const { return Bezier1(p2,p1);}
   13.40    Bezier1 operator()(double a,double b) const { return before(b).after(a/b); }
   13.41 -  xy grad() const { return p2-p1; }
   13.42 -  xy norm() const { return rot90(p2-p1); }
   13.43 -  xy grad(double) const { return grad(); }
   13.44 -  xy norm(double t) const { return rot90(grad(t)); }
   13.45 +  Point grad() const { return p2-p1; }
   13.46 +  Point norm() const { return rot90(p2-p1); }
   13.47 +  Point grad(double) const { return grad(); }
   13.48 +  Point norm(double t) const { return rot90(grad(t)); }
   13.49  };
   13.51  class Bezier2 : public BezierBase
   13.52  {
   13.53  public:
   13.54 -  xy p1,p2,p3;
   13.55 +  Point p1,p2,p3;
   13.57    Bezier2() {}
   13.58 -  Bezier2(xy _p1, xy _p2, xy _p3) :p1(_p1), p2(_p2), p3(_p3) {}
   13.59 +  Bezier2(Point _p1, Point _p2, Point _p3) :p1(_p1), p2(_p2), p3(_p3) {}
   13.60    Bezier2(const Bezier1 &b) : p1(b.p1), p2(conv(b.p1,b.p2,.5)), p3(b.p2) {}
   13.61 -  xy operator()(double t) const
   13.62 +  Point operator()(double t) const
   13.63    {
   13.64      //    return conv(conv(p1,p2,t),conv(p2,p3,t),t);
   13.65      return ((1-t)*(1-t))*p1+(2*(1-t)*t)*p2+(t*t)*p3;
   13.66    }
   13.67    Bezier2 before(double t) const
   13.68    {
   13.69 -    xy q(conv(p1,p2,t));
   13.70 -    xy r(conv(p2,p3,t));
   13.71 +    Point q(conv(p1,p2,t));
   13.72 +    Point r(conv(p2,p3,t));
   13.73      return Bezier2(p1,q,conv(q,r,t));
   13.74    }
   13.76    Bezier2 after(double t) const
   13.77    {
   13.78 -    xy q(conv(p1,p2,t));
   13.79 -    xy r(conv(p2,p3,t));
   13.80 +    Point q(conv(p1,p2,t));
   13.81 +    Point r(conv(p2,p3,t));
   13.82      return Bezier2(conv(q,r,t),r,p3);
   13.83    }
   13.84    Bezier2 revert() const { return Bezier2(p3,p2,p1);}
   13.85    Bezier2 operator()(double a,double b) const { return before(b).after(a/b); }
   13.86    Bezier1 grad() const { return Bezier1(2.0*(p2-p1),2.0*(p3-p2)); }
   13.87    Bezier1 norm() const { return Bezier1(2.0*rot90(p2-p1),2.0*rot90(p3-p2)); }
   13.88 -  xy grad(double t) const { return grad()(t); }
   13.89 -  xy norm(double t) const { return rot90(grad(t)); }
   13.90 +  Point grad(double t) const { return grad()(t); }
   13.91 +  Point norm(double t) const { return rot90(grad(t)); }
   13.92  };
   13.94  class Bezier3 : public BezierBase
   13.95  {
   13.96  public:
   13.97 -  xy p1,p2,p3,p4;
   13.98 +  Point p1,p2,p3,p4;
  13.100    Bezier3() {}
  13.101 -  Bezier3(xy _p1, xy _p2, xy _p3, xy _p4) :p1(_p1), p2(_p2), p3(_p3), p4(_p4) {}
  13.102 +  Bezier3(Point _p1, Point _p2, Point _p3, Point _p4)
  13.103 +    : p1(_p1), p2(_p2), p3(_p3), p4(_p4) {}
  13.104    Bezier3(const Bezier1 &b) : p1(b.p1), p2(conv(b.p1,b.p2,1.0/3.0)), 
  13.105  			      p3(conv(b.p1,b.p2,2.0/3.0)), p4(b.p2) {}
  13.106    Bezier3(const Bezier2 &b) : p1(b.p1), p2(conv(b.p1,b.p2,2.0/3.0)),
  13.107  			      p3(conv(b.p2,b.p3,1.0/3.0)), p4(b.p3) {}
  13.109 -  xy operator()(double t) const 
  13.110 +  Point operator()(double t) const 
  13.111      {
  13.112        //    return Bezier2(conv(p1,p2,t),conv(p2,p3,t),conv(p3,p4,t))(t);
  13.113        return ((1-t)*(1-t)*(1-t))*p1+(3*t*(1-t)*(1-t))*p2+
  13.114 @@ -123,23 +125,23 @@
  13.115      }
  13.116    Bezier3 before(double t) const
  13.117      {
  13.118 -      xy p(conv(p1,p2,t));
  13.119 -      xy q(conv(p2,p3,t));
  13.120 -      xy r(conv(p3,p4,t));
  13.121 -      xy a(conv(p,q,t));
  13.122 -      xy b(conv(q,r,t));
  13.123 -      xy c(conv(a,b,t));
  13.124 +      Point p(conv(p1,p2,t));
  13.125 +      Point q(conv(p2,p3,t));
  13.126 +      Point r(conv(p3,p4,t));
  13.127 +      Point a(conv(p,q,t));
  13.128 +      Point b(conv(q,r,t));
  13.129 +      Point c(conv(a,b,t));
  13.130        return Bezier3(p1,p,a,c);
  13.131      }
  13.133    Bezier3 after(double t) const
  13.134      {
  13.135 -      xy p(conv(p1,p2,t));
  13.136 -      xy q(conv(p2,p3,t));
  13.137 -      xy r(conv(p3,p4,t));
  13.138 -      xy a(conv(p,q,t));
  13.139 -      xy b(conv(q,r,t));
  13.140 -      xy c(conv(a,b,t));
  13.141 +      Point p(conv(p1,p2,t));
  13.142 +      Point q(conv(p2,p3,t));
  13.143 +      Point r(conv(p3,p4,t));
  13.144 +      Point a(conv(p,q,t));
  13.145 +      Point b(conv(q,r,t));
  13.146 +      Point c(conv(a,b,t));
  13.147        return Bezier3(c,b,r,p4);
  13.148      }
  13.149    Bezier3 revert() const { return Bezier3(p4,p3,p2,p1);}
  13.150 @@ -148,18 +150,18 @@
  13.151    Bezier2 norm() const { return Bezier2(3.0*rot90(p2-p1),
  13.152  				  3.0*rot90(p3-p2),
  13.153  				  3.0*rot90(p4-p3)); }
  13.154 -  xy grad(double t) const { return grad()(t); }
  13.155 -  xy norm(double t) const { return rot90(grad(t)); }
  13.156 +  Point grad(double t) const { return grad()(t); }
  13.157 +  Point norm(double t) const { return rot90(grad(t)); }
  13.159    template<class R,class F,class S,class D>
  13.160    R recSplit(F &_f,const S &_s,D _d) const 
  13.161    {
  13.162 -    const xy a=(p1+p2)/2;
  13.163 -    const xy b=(p2+p3)/2;
  13.164 -    const xy c=(p3+p4)/2;
  13.165 -    const xy d=(a+b)/2;
  13.166 -    const xy e=(b+c)/2;
  13.167 -    const xy f=(d+e)/2;
  13.168 +    const Point a=(p1+p2)/2;
  13.169 +    const Point b=(p2+p3)/2;
  13.170 +    const Point c=(p3+p4)/2;
  13.171 +    const Point d=(a+b)/2;
  13.172 +    const Point e=(b+c)/2;
  13.173 +    const Point f=(d+e)/2;
  13.174      R f1=_f(Bezier3(p1,a,d,e),_d);
  13.175      R f2=_f(Bezier3(e,d,c,p4),_d);
  13.176      return _s(f1,f2);
  13.177 @@ -167,6 +169,8 @@
  13.179  };
  13.182 +
  13.183 +} //END OF NAMESPACE dim2
  13.184 +} //END OF NAMESPACE lemon
  13.186  #endif // LEMON_BEZIER_H
    14.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    14.2 +++ b/lemon/dim2.h	Thu Sep 07 13:27:16 2006 +0000
    14.3 @@ -0,0 +1,655 @@
    14.4 +/* -*- C++ -*-
    14.5 + *
    14.6 + * This file is a part of LEMON, a generic C++ optimization library
    14.7 + *
    14.8 + * Copyright (C) 2003-2006
    14.9 + * Egervary Jeno Kombinatorikus Optimalizalasi Kutatocsoport
   14.10 + * (Egervary Research Group on Combinatorial Optimization, EGRES).
   14.11 + *
   14.12 + * Permission to use, modify and distribute this software is granted
   14.13 + * provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies. For
   14.14 + * precise terms see the accompanying LICENSE file.
   14.15 + *
   14.16 + * This software is provided "AS IS" with no warranty of any kind,
   14.17 + * express or implied, and with no claim as to its suitability for any
   14.18 + * purpose.
   14.19 + *
   14.20 + */
   14.21 +
   14.22 +#ifndef LEMON_DIM2_H
   14.23 +#define LEMON_DIM2_H
   14.24 +
   14.25 +#include <iostream>
   14.26 +#include <lemon/bits/utility.h>
   14.27 +
   14.28 +///\ingroup misc
   14.29 +///\file
   14.30 +///\brief A simple two dimensional vector and a bounding box implementation 
   14.31 +///
   14.32 +/// The class \ref lemon::dim2::Point "dim2::Point" implements
   14.33 +///a two dimensional vector with the usual
   14.34 +/// operations.
   14.35 +///
   14.36 +/// The class \ref lemon::dim2::BoundingBox "dim2::BoundingBox"
   14.37 +/// can be used to determine
   14.38 +/// the rectangular bounding box of a set of
   14.39 +/// \ref lemon::dim2::Point "dim2::Point"'s.
   14.40 +///
   14.41 +///\author Attila Bernath
   14.42 +
   14.43 +
   14.44 +namespace lemon {
   14.45 +
   14.46 +  ///Tools for handling two dimensional coordinates
   14.47 +
   14.48 +  ///This namespace is a storage of several
   14.49 +  ///tools for handling two dimensional coordinates
   14.50 +  namespace dim2 {
   14.51 +
   14.52 +  /// \addtogroup misc
   14.53 +  /// @{
   14.54 +
   14.55 +  /// A simple two dimensional vector (plainvector) implementation
   14.56 +
   14.57 +  /// A simple two dimensional vector (plainvector) implementation
   14.58 +  ///with the usual vector
   14.59 +  /// operators.
   14.60 +  ///
   14.61 +  template<typename T>
   14.62 +    class Point {
   14.63 +
   14.64 +    public:
   14.65 +
   14.66 +      typedef T Value;
   14.67 +
   14.68 +      ///First co-ordinate
   14.69 +      T x;
   14.70 +      ///Second co-ordinate
   14.71 +      T y;     
   14.72 +      
   14.73 +      ///Default constructor
   14.74 +      Point() {}
   14.75 +
   14.76 +      ///Construct an instance from coordinates
   14.77 +      Point(T a, T b) : x(a), y(b) { }
   14.78 +
   14.79 +
   14.80 +      ///Conversion constructor
   14.81 +      template<class TT> Point(const Point<TT> &p) : x(p.x), y(p.y) {}
   14.82 +
   14.83 +      ///Give back the square of the norm of the vector
   14.84 +      T normSquare() const {
   14.85 +        return x*x+y*y;
   14.86 +      }
   14.87 +  
   14.88 +      ///Increment the left hand side by u
   14.89 +      Point<T>& operator +=(const Point<T>& u) {
   14.90 +        x += u.x;
   14.91 +        y += u.y;
   14.92 +        return *this;
   14.93 +      }
   14.94 +  
   14.95 +      ///Decrement the left hand side by u
   14.96 +      Point<T>& operator -=(const Point<T>& u) {
   14.97 +        x -= u.x;
   14.98 +        y -= u.y;
   14.99 +        return *this;
  14.100 +      }
  14.101 +
  14.102 +      ///Multiply the left hand side with a scalar
  14.103 +      Point<T>& operator *=(const T &u) {
  14.104 +        x *= u;
  14.105 +        y *= u;
  14.106 +        return *this;
  14.107 +      }
  14.108 +
  14.109 +      ///Divide the left hand side by a scalar
  14.110 +      Point<T>& operator /=(const T &u) {
  14.111 +        x /= u;
  14.112 +        y /= u;
  14.113 +        return *this;
  14.114 +      }
  14.115 +  
  14.116 +      ///Return the scalar product of two vectors
  14.117 +      T operator *(const Point<T>& u) const {
  14.118 +        return x*u.x+y*u.y;
  14.119 +      }
  14.120 +  
  14.121 +      ///Return the sum of two vectors
  14.122 +      Point<T> operator+(const Point<T> &u) const {
  14.123 +        Point<T> b=*this;
  14.124 +        return b+=u;
  14.125 +      }
  14.126 +
  14.127 +      ///Return the neg of the vectors
  14.128 +      Point<T> operator-() const {
  14.129 +        Point<T> b=*this;
  14.130 +        b.x=-b.x; b.y=-b.y;
  14.131 +        return b;
  14.132 +      }
  14.133 +
  14.134 +      ///Return the difference of two vectors
  14.135 +      Point<T> operator-(const Point<T> &u) const {
  14.136 +        Point<T> b=*this;
  14.137 +        return b-=u;
  14.138 +      }
  14.139 +
  14.140 +      ///Return a vector multiplied by a scalar
  14.141 +      Point<T> operator*(const T &u) const {
  14.142 +        Point<T> b=*this;
  14.143 +        return b*=u;
  14.144 +      }
  14.145 +
  14.146 +      ///Return a vector divided by a scalar
  14.147 +      Point<T> operator/(const T &u) const {
  14.148 +        Point<T> b=*this;
  14.149 +        return b/=u;
  14.150 +      }
  14.151 +
  14.152 +      ///Test equality
  14.153 +      bool operator==(const Point<T> &u) const {
  14.154 +        return (x==u.x) && (y==u.y);
  14.155 +      }
  14.156 +
  14.157 +      ///Test inequality
  14.158 +      bool operator!=(Point u) const {
  14.159 +        return  (x!=u.x) || (y!=u.y);
  14.160 +      }
  14.161 +
  14.162 +    };
  14.163 +
  14.164 +  ///Return an Point 
  14.165 +
  14.166 +  ///Return an Point
  14.167 +  ///\relates Point
  14.168 +  template <typename T>
  14.169 +  inline Point<T> make_Point(const T& x, const T& y) {
  14.170 +    return Point<T>(x, y);
  14.171 +  }
  14.172 +
  14.173 +  ///Return a vector multiplied by a scalar
  14.174 +
  14.175 +  ///Return a vector multiplied by a scalar
  14.176 +  ///\relates Point
  14.177 +  template<typename T> Point<T> operator*(const T &u,const Point<T> &x) {
  14.178 +    return x*u;
  14.179 +  }
  14.180 +
  14.181 +  ///Read a plainvector from a stream
  14.182 +
  14.183 +  ///Read a plainvector from a stream
  14.184 +  ///\relates Point
  14.185 +  ///
  14.186 +  template<typename T>
  14.187 +  inline std::istream& operator>>(std::istream &is, Point<T> &z) {
  14.188 +    char c;
  14.189 +    if (is >> c) {
  14.190 +      if (c != '(') is.putback(c);
  14.191 +    } else {
  14.192 +      is.clear();
  14.193 +    }
  14.194 +    if (!(is >> z.x)) return is;
  14.195 +    if (is >> c) {
  14.196 +      if (c != ',') is.putback(c);
  14.197 +    } else {
  14.198 +      is.clear();
  14.199 +    }
  14.200 +    if (!(is >> z.y)) return is;
  14.201 +    if (is >> c) {
  14.202 +      if (c != ')') is.putback(c);
  14.203 +    } else {
  14.204 +      is.clear();
  14.205 +    }
  14.206 +    return is;
  14.207 +  }
  14.208 +
  14.209 +  ///Write a plainvector to a stream
  14.210 +
  14.211 +  ///Write a plainvector to a stream
  14.212 +  ///\relates Point
  14.213 +  ///
  14.214 +  template<typename T>
  14.215 +  inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Point<T>& z)
  14.216 +  {
  14.217 +    os << "(" << z.x << ", " << z.y << ")";
  14.218 +    return os;
  14.219 +  }
  14.220 +
  14.221 +  ///Rotate by 90 degrees
  14.222 +
  14.223 +  ///Returns its parameter rotated by 90 degrees in positive direction.
  14.224 +  ///\relates Point
  14.225 +  ///
  14.226 +  template<typename T>
  14.227 +  inline Point<T> rot90(const Point<T> &z)
  14.228 +  {
  14.229 +    return Point<T>(-z.y,z.x);
  14.230 +  }
  14.231 +
  14.232 +  ///Rotate by 180 degrees
  14.233 +
  14.234 +  ///Returns its parameter rotated by 180 degrees.
  14.235 +  ///\relates Point
  14.236 +  ///
  14.237 +  template<typename T>
  14.238 +  inline Point<T> rot180(const Point<T> &z)
  14.239 +  {
  14.240 +    return Point<T>(-z.x,-z.y);
  14.241 +  }
  14.242 +
  14.243 +  ///Rotate by 270 degrees
  14.244 +
  14.245 +  ///Returns its parameter rotated by 90 degrees in negative direction.
  14.246 +  ///\relates Point
  14.247 +  ///
  14.248 +  template<typename T>
  14.249 +  inline Point<T> rot270(const Point<T> &z)
  14.250 +  {
  14.251 +    return Point<T>(z.y,-z.x);
  14.252 +  }
  14.253 +
  14.254 +  
  14.255 +
  14.256 +  /// A class to calculate or store the bounding box of plainvectors.
  14.257 +
  14.258 +  /// A class to calculate or store the bounding box of plainvectors.
  14.259 +  ///
  14.260 +  ///\author Attila Bernath
  14.261 +  template<typename T>
  14.262 +    class BoundingBox {
  14.263 +      Point<T> bottom_left, top_right;
  14.264 +      bool _empty;
  14.265 +    public:
  14.266 +      
  14.267 +      ///Default constructor: creates an empty bounding box
  14.268 +      BoundingBox() { _empty = true; }
  14.269 +
  14.270 +      ///Construct an instance from one point
  14.271 +      BoundingBox(Point<T> a) { bottom_left=top_right=a; _empty = false; }
  14.272 +
  14.273 +      ///Were any points added?
  14.274 +      bool empty() const {
  14.275 +        return _empty;
  14.276 +      }
  14.277 +
  14.278 +      ///Make the BoundingBox empty
  14.279 +      void clear() {
  14.280 +        _empty=1;
  14.281 +      }
  14.282 +
  14.283 +      ///Give back the bottom left corner
  14.284 +
  14.285 +      ///Give back the bottom left corner.
  14.286 +      ///If the bounding box is empty, then the return value is not defined.
  14.287 +      Point<T> bottomLeft() const {
  14.288 +        return bottom_left;
  14.289 +      }
  14.290 +
  14.291 +      ///Set the bottom left corner
  14.292 +
  14.293 +      ///Set the bottom left corner.
  14.294 +      ///It should only bee used for non-empty box.
  14.295 +      void bottomLeft(Point<T> p) {
  14.296 +	bottom_left = p;
  14.297 +      }
  14.298 +
  14.299 +      ///Give back the top right corner
  14.300 +
  14.301 +      ///Give back the top right corner.
  14.302 +      ///If the bounding box is empty, then the return value is not defined.
  14.303 +      Point<T> topRight() const {
  14.304 +        return top_right;
  14.305 +      }
  14.306 +
  14.307 +      ///Set the top right corner
  14.308 +
  14.309 +      ///Set the top right corner.
  14.310 +      ///It should only bee used for non-empty box.
  14.311 +      void topRight(Point<T> p) {
  14.312 +	top_right = p;
  14.313 +      }
  14.314 +
  14.315 +      ///Give back the bottom right corner
  14.316 +
  14.317 +      ///Give back the bottom right corner.
  14.318 +      ///If the bounding box is empty, then the return value is not defined.
  14.319 +      Point<T> bottomRight() const {
  14.320 +        return Point<T>(top_right.x,bottom_left.y);
  14.321 +      }
  14.322 +
  14.323 +      ///Set the bottom right corner
  14.324 +
  14.325 +      ///Set the bottom right corner.
  14.326 +      ///It should only bee used for non-empty box.
  14.327 +      void bottomRight(Point<T> p) {
  14.328 +	top_right.x = p.x;
  14.329 +	bottom_left.y = p.y;
  14.330 +      }
  14.331 + 
  14.332 +      ///Give back the top left corner
  14.333 +
  14.334 +      ///Give back the top left corner.
  14.335 +      ///If the bounding box is empty, then the return value is not defined.
  14.336 +      Point<T> topLeft() const {
  14.337 +        return Point<T>(bottom_left.x,top_right.y);
  14.338 +      }
  14.339 +
  14.340 +      ///Set the top left corner
  14.341 +
  14.342 +      ///Set the top left corner.
  14.343 +      ///It should only bee used for non-empty box.
  14.344 +      void topLeft(Point<T> p) {
  14.345 +	top_right.y = p.y;
  14.346 +	bottom_left.x = p.x;
  14.347 +      }
  14.348 +
  14.349 +      ///Give back the bottom of the box
  14.350 +
  14.351 +      ///Give back the bottom of the box.
  14.352 +      ///If the bounding box is empty, then the return value is not defined.
  14.353 +      T bottom() const {
  14.354 +        return bottom_left.y;
  14.355 +      }
  14.356 +
  14.357 +      ///Set the bottom of the box
  14.358 +
  14.359 +      ///Set the bottom of the box.
  14.360 +      ///It should only bee used for non-empty box.
  14.361 +      void bottom(T t) {
  14.362 +	bottom_left.y = t;
  14.363 +      }
  14.364 +
  14.365 +      ///Give back the top of the box
  14.366 +
  14.367 +      ///Give back the top of the box.
  14.368 +      ///If the bounding box is empty, then the return value is not defined.
  14.369 +      T top() const {
  14.370 +        return top_right.y;
  14.371 +      }
  14.372 +
  14.373 +      ///Set the top of the box
  14.374 +
  14.375 +      ///Set the top of the box.
  14.376 +      ///It should only bee used for non-empty box.
  14.377 +      void top(T t) {
  14.378 +	top_right.y = t;
  14.379 +      }
  14.380 +
  14.381 +      ///Give back the left side of the box
  14.382 +
  14.383 +      ///Give back the left side of the box.
  14.384 +      ///If the bounding box is empty, then the return value is not defined.
  14.385 +      T left() const {
  14.386 +        return bottom_left.x;
  14.387 +      }
  14.388 + 
  14.389 +      ///Set the left side of the box
  14.390 +
  14.391 +      ///Set the left side of the box.
  14.392 +      ///It should only bee used for non-empty box
  14.393 +      void left(T t) {
  14.394 +	bottom_left.x = t;
  14.395 +      }
  14.396 +
  14.397 +      /// Give back the right side of the box
  14.398 +
  14.399 +      /// Give back the right side of the box.
  14.400 +      ///If the bounding box is empty, then the return value is not defined.
  14.401 +      T right() const {
  14.402 +        return top_right.x;
  14.403 +      }
  14.404 +
  14.405 +      ///Set the right side of the box
  14.406 +
  14.407 +      ///Set the right side of the box.
  14.408 +      ///It should only bee used for non-empty box
  14.409 +      void right(T t) {
  14.410 +	top_right.x = t;
  14.411 +      }
  14.412 +
  14.413 +      ///Give back the height of the box
  14.414 +
  14.415 +      ///Give back the height of the box.
  14.416 +      ///If the bounding box is empty, then the return value is not defined.
  14.417 +      T height() const {
  14.418 +        return top_right.y-bottom_left.y;
  14.419 +      }
  14.420 +
  14.421 +      ///Give back the width of the box
  14.422 +
  14.423 +      ///Give back the width of the box.
  14.424 +      ///If the bounding box is empty, then the return value is not defined.
  14.425 +      T width() const {
  14.426 +        return top_right.x-bottom_left.x;
  14.427 +      }
  14.428 +
  14.429 +      ///Checks whether a point is inside a bounding box
  14.430 +      bool inside(const Point<T>& u){
  14.431 +        if (_empty)
  14.432 +          return false;
  14.433 +        else{
  14.434 +          return ((u.x-bottom_left.x)*(top_right.x-u.x) >= 0 &&
  14.435 +              (u.y-bottom_left.y)*(top_right.y-u.y) >= 0 );
  14.436 +        }
  14.437 +      }
  14.438 +  
  14.439 +      ///Increments a bounding box with a point
  14.440 +      BoundingBox& add(const Point<T>& u){
  14.441 +        if (_empty){
  14.442 +          bottom_left=top_right=u;
  14.443 +          _empty = false;
  14.444 +        }
  14.445 +        else{
  14.446 +          if (bottom_left.x > u.x) bottom_left.x = u.x;
  14.447 +          if (bottom_left.y > u.y) bottom_left.y = u.y;
  14.448 +          if (top_right.x < u.x) top_right.x = u.x;
  14.449 +          if (top_right.y < u.y) top_right.y = u.y;
  14.450 +        }
  14.451 +        return *this;
  14.452 +      }
  14.453 +  
  14.454 +//       ///Sums a bounding box and a point
  14.455 +//       BoundingBox operator +(const Point<T>& u){
  14.456 +//         BoundingBox b = *this;
  14.457 +//         return b += u;
  14.458 +//       }
  14.459 +
  14.460 +      ///Increments a bounding box with another bounding box
  14.461 +      BoundingBox& add(const BoundingBox &u){
  14.462 +        if ( !u.empty() ){
  14.463 +          this->add(u.bottomLeft());
  14.464 +	  this->add(u.topRight());
  14.465 +        }
  14.466 +        return *this;
  14.467 +      }
  14.468 +  
  14.469 +      ///Sums two bounding boxes
  14.470 +      BoundingBox operator +(const BoundingBox& u){
  14.471 +        BoundingBox b = *this;
  14.472 +        return b.add(u);
  14.473 +      }
  14.474 +
  14.475 +
  14.476 +      ///Intersection of two bounding boxes
  14.477 +      BoundingBox operator &(const BoundingBox& u){
  14.478 +        BoundingBox b;
  14.479 +	b.bottom_left.x=std::max(this->bottom_left.x,u.bottom_left.x);
  14.480 +	b.bottom_left.y=std::max(this->bottom_left.y,u.bottom_left.y);
  14.481 +	b.top_right.x=std::min(this->top_right.x,u.top_right.x);
  14.482 +	b.top_right.y=std::min(this->top_right.y,u.top_right.y);
  14.483 +	b._empty = this->_empty || u._empty ||
  14.484 +	  b.bottom_left.x>top_right.x && b.bottom_left.y>top_right.y;
  14.485 +        return b;
  14.486 +      }
  14.487 +
  14.488 +    };//class Boundingbox
  14.489 +
  14.490 +
  14.491 +  ///Map of x-coordinates of a dim2::Point<>-map
  14.492 +
  14.493 +  ///\ingroup maps
  14.494 +  ///
  14.495 +  template<class M>
  14.496 +  class XMap 
  14.497 +  {
  14.498 +    M& _map;
  14.499 +  public:
  14.500 +
  14.501 +    typedef typename M::Value::Value Value;
  14.502 +    typedef typename M::Key Key;
  14.503 +    ///\e
  14.504 +    XMap(M& map) : _map(map) {}
  14.505 +    Value operator[](Key k) const {return _map[k].x;}
  14.506 +    void set(Key k,Value v) {_map.set(k,typename M::Value(v,_map[k].y));}
  14.507 +  };
  14.508 +    
  14.509 +  ///Returns an \ref XMap class
  14.510 +
  14.511 +  ///This function just returns an \ref XMap class.
  14.512 +  ///
  14.513 +  ///\ingroup maps
  14.514 +  ///\relates XMap
  14.515 +  template<class M> 
  14.516 +  inline XMap<M> xMap(M &m) 
  14.517 +  {
  14.518 +    return XMap<M>(m);
  14.519 +  }
  14.520 +
  14.521 +  template<class M> 
  14.522 +  inline XMap<M> xMap(const M &m) 
  14.523 +  {
  14.524 +    return XMap<M>(m);
  14.525 +  }
  14.526 +
  14.527 +  ///Constant (read only) version of \ref XMap
  14.528 +
  14.529 +  ///\ingroup maps
  14.530 +  ///
  14.531 +  template<class M>
  14.532 +  class ConstXMap 
  14.533 +  {
  14.534 +    const M& _map;
  14.535 +  public:
  14.536 +
  14.537 +    typedef typename M::Value::Value Value;
  14.538 +    typedef typename M::Key Key;
  14.539 +    ///\e
  14.540 +    ConstXMap(const M &map) : _map(map) {}
  14.541 +    Value operator[](Key k) const {return _map[k].x;}
  14.542 +  };
  14.543 +    
  14.544 +  ///Returns a \ref ConstXMap class
  14.545 +
  14.546 +  ///This function just returns an \ref ConstXMap class.
  14.547 +  ///
  14.548 +  ///\ingroup maps
  14.549 +  ///\relates ConstXMap
  14.550 +  template<class M> 
  14.551 +  inline ConstXMap<M> xMap(const M &m) 
  14.552 +  {
  14.553 +    return ConstXMap<M>(m);
  14.554 +  }
  14.555 +
  14.556 +  ///Map of y-coordinates of a dim2::Point<>-map
  14.557 +    
  14.558 +  ///\ingroup maps
  14.559 +  ///
  14.560 +  template<class M>
  14.561 +  class YMap 
  14.562 +  {
  14.563 +    M& _map;
  14.564 +  public:
  14.565 +
  14.566 +    typedef typename M::Value::Value Value;
  14.567 +    typedef typename M::Key Key;
  14.568 +    ///\e
  14.569 +    YMap(M& map) : _map(map) {}
  14.570 +    Value operator[](Key k) const {return _map[k].y;}
  14.571 +    void set(Key k,Value v) {_map.set(k,typename M::Value(_map[k].x,v));}
  14.572 +  };
  14.573 +
  14.574 +  ///Returns an \ref YMap class
  14.575 +
  14.576 +  ///This function just returns an \ref YMap class.
  14.577 +  ///
  14.578 +  ///\ingroup maps
  14.579 +  ///\relates YMap
  14.580 +  template<class M> 
  14.581 +  inline YMap<M> yMap(M &m) 
  14.582 +  {
  14.583 +    return YMap<M>(m);
  14.584 +  }
  14.585 +
  14.586 +  template<class M> 
  14.587 +  inline YMap<M> yMap(const M &m) 
  14.588 +  {
  14.589 +    return YMap<M>(m);
  14.590 +  }
  14.591 +
  14.592 +  ///Constant (read only) version of \ref YMap
  14.593 +
  14.594 +  ///\ingroup maps
  14.595 +  ///
  14.596 +  template<class M>
  14.597 +  class ConstYMap 
  14.598 +  {
  14.599 +    const M& _map;
  14.600 +  public:
  14.601 +
  14.602 +    typedef typename M::Value::Value Value;
  14.603 +    typedef typename M::Key Key;
  14.604 +    ///\e
  14.605 +    ConstYMap(const M &map) : _map(map) {}
  14.606 +    Value operator[](Key k) const {return _map[k].y;}
  14.607 +  };
  14.608 +    
  14.609 +  ///Returns a \ref ConstYMap class
  14.610 +
  14.611 +  ///This function just returns an \ref ConstYMap class.
  14.612 +  ///
  14.613 +  ///\ingroup maps
  14.614 +  ///\relates ConstYMap
  14.615 +  template<class M> 
  14.616 +  inline ConstYMap<M> yMap(const M &m) 
  14.617 +  {
  14.618 +    return ConstYMap<M>(m);
  14.619 +  }
  14.620 +
  14.621 +
  14.622 +  ///Map of the \ref Point::normSquare() "normSquare()" of an \ref Point "Point"-map
  14.623 +
  14.624 +  ///Map of the \ref Point::normSquare() "normSquare()" of an \ref Point "Point"-map
  14.625 +  ///\ingroup maps
  14.626 +  ///
  14.627 +  template<class M>
  14.628 +  class NormSquareMap 
  14.629 +  {
  14.630 +    const M& _map;
  14.631 +  public:
  14.632 +
  14.633 +    typedef typename M::Value::Value Value;
  14.634 +    typedef typename M::Key Key;
  14.635 +    ///\e
  14.636 +    NormSquareMap(const M &map) : _map(map) {}
  14.637 +    Value operator[](Key k) const {return _map[k].normSquare();}
  14.638 +  };
  14.639 +    
  14.640 +  ///Returns a \ref NormSquareMap class
  14.641 +
  14.642 +  ///This function just returns an \ref NormSquareMap class.
  14.643 +  ///
  14.644 +  ///\ingroup maps
  14.645 +  ///\relates NormSquareMap
  14.646 +  template<class M> 
  14.647 +  inline NormSquareMap<M> normSquareMap(const M &m) 
  14.648 +  {
  14.649 +    return NormSquareMap<M>(m);
  14.650 +  }
  14.651 +
  14.652 +  /// @}
  14.653 +
  14.654 +  } //namespce dim2
  14.655 +  
  14.656 +} //namespace lemon
  14.657 +
  14.658 +#endif //LEMON_DIM2_H
    15.1 --- a/lemon/eps.cc	Wed Sep 06 11:39:22 2006 +0000
    15.2 +++ b/lemon/eps.cc	Thu Sep 07 13:27:16 2006 +0000
    15.3 @@ -69,13 +69,13 @@
    15.4      init(x1,y1,x2,y2);
    15.5    }
    15.7 -  EpsDrawer::EpsDrawer(std::ostream &os,xy<double> s) : local_stream(false),
    15.8 +  EpsDrawer::EpsDrawer(std::ostream &os,dim2::Point<double> s) : local_stream(false),
    15.9  							out(os)
   15.10    {
   15.11      init(0.0,0.0,s.x,s.y);
   15.12    }
   15.14 -  EpsDrawer::EpsDrawer(std::ostream &os,xy<double> a, xy<double> b) :
   15.15 +  EpsDrawer::EpsDrawer(std::ostream &os,dim2::Point<double> a, dim2::Point<double> b) :
   15.16      local_stream(false),
   15.17      out(os)
   15.18    {
   15.19 @@ -97,14 +97,14 @@
   15.20      init(x1,y1,x2,y2);
   15.21    }
   15.23 -  EpsDrawer::EpsDrawer(const std::string &name,xy<double> s) :
   15.24 +  EpsDrawer::EpsDrawer(const std::string &name,dim2::Point<double> s) :
   15.25      local_stream(true),
   15.26      out(*new std::ofstream(name.c_str()))
   15.27    {
   15.28      init(0.0,0.0,s.x,s.y);
   15.29    }
   15.31 -  EpsDrawer::EpsDrawer(const std::string &name,xy<double> a, xy<double> b) :
   15.32 +  EpsDrawer::EpsDrawer(const std::string &name,dim2::Point<double> a, dim2::Point<double> b) :
   15.33      local_stream(true),
   15.34      out(*new std::ofstream(name.c_str()))
   15.35    {
    16.1 --- a/lemon/eps.h	Wed Sep 06 11:39:22 2006 +0000
    16.2 +++ b/lemon/eps.h	Thu Sep 07 13:27:16 2006 +0000
    16.3 @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
    16.4  #include<fstream>
    16.5  #include<sstream>
    16.6  #include<lemon/color.h>
    16.7 -#include<lemon/xy.h>
    16.8 +#include<lemon/dim2.h>
   16.10    ///\ingroup eps_io
   16.11    ///\file
   16.12 @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
   16.13      ///
   16.14      ///\c s determines the upper
   16.15      ///right corner of the bounding box. The lower left corner is (0,0).
   16.16 -    EpsDrawer(std::ostream &os,xy<double> s);
   16.17 +    EpsDrawer(std::ostream &os,dim2::Point<double> s);
   16.18      ///\e
   16.20      ///The generated file is put to \c os.
   16.21 @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
   16.22      ///\c a and \c b
   16.23      /// determine the lower left and the upper right corners of
   16.24      ///the bounding box, respectively.
   16.25 -    EpsDrawer(std::ostream &os,xy<double> a, xy<double> b);
   16.26 +    EpsDrawer(std::ostream &os,dim2::Point<double> a, dim2::Point<double> b);
   16.27      ///\e
   16.29      ///The generated picture is put to the file \c name.
   16.30 @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
   16.31      ///
   16.32      ///\c s determines the upper
   16.33      ///right corner of the bounding box. The lower left corner is (0,0).
   16.34 -    EpsDrawer(const std::string &name,xy<double> s);
   16.35 +    EpsDrawer(const std::string &name,dim2::Point<double> s);
   16.36      ///\e
   16.38      ///The generated picture is put to the file \c name.
   16.39 @@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
   16.40      ///\c a and \c b
   16.41      /// determine the lower left and the upper right corners of
   16.42      ///the bounding box, respectively.
   16.43 -    EpsDrawer(const std::string &name,xy<double> a, xy<double> b);
   16.44 +    EpsDrawer(const std::string &name,dim2::Point<double> a, dim2::Point<double> b);
   16.46  //     template<class T> EpsDrawer(std::ostream &os,BoundingBox<T> b) 
   16.47  //     template<class T> EpsDrawer(std::ostream &os,BoundingBox<T> b);
   16.48 @@ -168,22 +168,22 @@
   16.49      EpsDrawer &circle(double x,double y, double r);
   16.51      ///Draw a line
   16.52 -    template<class T> EpsDrawer &line(xy<T> p1,xy<T> p2) 
   16.53 +    template<class T> EpsDrawer &line(dim2::Point<T> p1,dim2::Point<T> p2) 
   16.54      {
   16.55        return line(p1.x,p1.y,p2.x,p2.y);
   16.56      }
   16.57      ///Draw a line from the current point
   16.58 -    template<class T> EpsDrawer &lineTo(xy<T> p)
   16.59 +    template<class T> EpsDrawer &lineTo(dim2::Point<T> p)
   16.60      {
   16.61        return lineTo(p.x,p.y);
   16.62      }
   16.63      ///Move the current point
   16.64 -    template<class T> EpsDrawer &moveTo(xy<T> p)
   16.65 +    template<class T> EpsDrawer &moveTo(dim2::Point<T> p)
   16.66      {
   16.67        return moveTo(p.x,p.y);
   16.68      }
   16.69      ///Draw a circle
   16.70 -    template<class T> EpsDrawer &circle(xy<T> p, double r)
   16.71 +    template<class T> EpsDrawer &circle(dim2::Point<T> p, double r)
   16.72      {
   16.73        return circle(p.x,p.y,r);
   16.74      }
   16.75 @@ -296,7 +296,7 @@
   16.76      ///\param col Color of the node. The default color is white
   16.77      ///\param brd Color of the node border. The default color is black
   16.78      template<class T>
   16.79 -    EpsDrawer &node(NodeShapes t, xy<T> pos, double r,
   16.80 +    EpsDrawer &node(NodeShapes t, dim2::Point<T> pos, double r,
   16.81  		    Color col=WHITE, Color brd=BLACK)
   16.82      {
   16.83        return node(t,pos.x,pos.y,r,col,brd);
   16.84 @@ -305,7 +305,7 @@
   16.85      ///Translate the coordinate system
   16.86      EpsDrawer &translate(double x,double y);
   16.87      ///Translate the coordinate system
   16.88 -    template<class T> EpsDrawer &translate(xy<T> p)
   16.89 +    template<class T> EpsDrawer &translate(dim2::Point<T> p)
   16.90      {
   16.91        return translate(p.x,p.y);
   16.92      }
   16.93 @@ -316,7 +316,7 @@
   16.94      ///Scale the coordinate system
   16.95      EpsDrawer &scale(double s) { return scale(s,s); }
   16.96      ///Scale the coordinate system
   16.97 -    template<class T> EpsDrawer &scale(xy<T> p)
   16.98 +    template<class T> EpsDrawer &scale(dim2::Point<T> p)
   16.99      {
  16.100        return scale(p.x,p.y);
  16.101      }
  16.102 @@ -336,7 +336,7 @@
  16.103      EpsDrawer &operator<<(double d);
  16.104      ///Print a coordinate at the current point
  16.105      template<class T>
  16.106 -    EpsDrawer &operator<<(xy<T> p) 
  16.107 +    EpsDrawer &operator<<(dim2::Point<T> p) 
  16.108      {
  16.109        out << "((" << p.x << ',' << p.y <<")) show\n";
  16.110        return *this;
    17.1 --- a/lemon/graph_to_eps.h	Wed Sep 06 11:39:22 2006 +0000
    17.2 +++ b/lemon/graph_to_eps.h	Thu Sep 07 13:27:16 2006 +0000
    17.3 @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
    17.4  #include <cmath>
    17.6  #include<lemon/bits/invalid.h>
    17.7 -#include<lemon/xy.h>
    17.8 +#include<lemon/dim2.h>
    17.9  #include<lemon/maps.h>
   17.10  #include<lemon/color.h>
   17.11  #include<lemon/bits/bezier.h>
   17.12 @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
   17.14    std::ostream& os;
   17.16 -  typedef ConstMap<typename Graph::Node,xy<double> > CoordsMapType;
   17.17 +  typedef ConstMap<typename Graph::Node,dim2::Point<double> > CoordsMapType;
   17.18    CoordsMapType _coords;
   17.19    ConstMap<typename Graph::Node,double > _nodeSizes;
   17.20    ConstMap<typename Graph::Node,int > _nodeShapes;
   17.21 @@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
   17.22    DefaultGraphToEpsTraits(const G &_g,std::ostream& _os=std::cout,
   17.23  			  bool _pros=false) :
   17.24      g(_g), os(_os),
   17.25 -    _coords(xy<double>(1,1)), _nodeSizes(.01), _nodeShapes(0),
   17.26 +    _coords(dim2::Point<double>(1,1)), _nodeSizes(.01), _nodeShapes(0),
   17.27      _nodeColors(WHITE), _edgeColors(BLACK),
   17.28      _edgeWidths(1.0), _edgeWidthScale(0.003),
   17.29      _nodeScale(1.0), _xBorder(10), _yBorder(10), _scale(1.0),
   17.30 @@ -313,7 +313,7 @@
   17.31         g.target(e)==g.source(f));
   17.32    }
   17.33    template<class TT>
   17.34 -  static std::string psOut(const xy<TT> &p) 
   17.35 +  static std::string psOut(const dim2::Point<TT> &p) 
   17.36      {
   17.37        std::ostringstream os;	
   17.38        os << p.x << ' ' << p.y;
   17.39 @@ -337,7 +337,8 @@
   17.40    ///Sets the map of the node coordinates
   17.42    ///Sets the map of the node coordinates.
   17.43 -  ///\param x must be a node map with xy<double> or \ref xy "xy<int>" values. 
   17.44 +  ///\param x must be a node map with dim2::Point<double> or
   17.45 +  ///\ref dim2::Point "dim2::Point<int>" values. 
   17.46    template<class X> GraphToEps<CoordsTraits<X> > coords(const X &x) {
   17.47      dontPrint=true;
   17.48      return GraphToEps<CoordsTraits<X> >(CoordsTraits<X>(*this,x));
   17.49 @@ -669,7 +670,7 @@
   17.50    GraphToEps<T> &copyright(const std::string &t) {_copyright=t;return *this;}
   17.52  protected:
   17.53 -  bool isInsideNode(xy<double> p, double r,int t) 
   17.54 +  bool isInsideNode(dim2::Point<double> p, double r,int t) 
   17.55    {
   17.56      switch(t) {
   17.57      case CIRCLE:
   17.58 @@ -736,10 +737,10 @@
   17.60      double diag_len = 1;
   17.61      if(!(_absoluteNodeSizes&&_absoluteEdgeWidths)) {
   17.62 -      BoundingBox<double> bb;
   17.63 +      dim2::BoundingBox<double> bb;
   17.64        for(NodeIt n(g);n!=INVALID;++n) bb.add(mycoords[n]);
   17.65        if (bb.empty()) {
   17.66 -	bb = BoundingBox<double>(xy<double>(0,0));
   17.67 +	bb = dim2::BoundingBox<double>(dim2::Point<double>(0,0));
   17.68        }
   17.69        diag_len = std::sqrt((bb.bottomLeft()-bb.topRight()).normSquare());
   17.70        if(diag_len<EPSILON) diag_len = 1;
   17.71 @@ -747,10 +748,10 @@
   17.72        if(!_absoluteEdgeWidths) _edgeWidthScale*=diag_len;
   17.73      }
   17.75 -    BoundingBox<double> bb;
   17.76 +    dim2::BoundingBox<double> bb;
   17.77      for(NodeIt n(g);n!=INVALID;++n) {
   17.78        double ns=_nodeSizes[n]*_nodeScale;
   17.79 -      xy<double> p(ns,ns);
   17.80 +      dim2::Point<double> p(ns,ns);
   17.81        switch(_nodeShapes[n]) {
   17.82        case CIRCLE:
   17.83        case SQUARE:
   17.84 @@ -760,16 +761,16 @@
   17.85  	break;
   17.86        case MALE:
   17.87  	bb.add(-p+mycoords[n]);
   17.88 -	bb.add(xy<double>(1.5*ns,1.5*std::sqrt(3.0)*ns)+mycoords[n]);
   17.89 +	bb.add(dim2::Point<double>(1.5*ns,1.5*std::sqrt(3.0)*ns)+mycoords[n]);
   17.90  	break;
   17.91        case FEMALE:
   17.92  	bb.add(p+mycoords[n]);
   17.93 -	bb.add(xy<double>(-ns,-3.01*ns)+mycoords[n]);
   17.94 +	bb.add(dim2::Point<double>(-ns,-3.01*ns)+mycoords[n]);
   17.95  	break;
   17.96        }
   17.97      }
   17.98      if (bb.empty()) {
   17.99 -      bb = BoundingBox<double>(xy<double>(0,0));
  17.100 +      bb = dim2::BoundingBox<double>(dim2::Point<double>(0,0));
  17.101      }
  17.103      if(_scaleToA4)
  17.104 @@ -870,7 +871,8 @@
  17.105  	double sc= std::min((A4HEIGHT-2*A4BORDER)/bb.height(),
  17.106  		  (A4WIDTH-2*A4BORDER)/bb.width());
  17.107  	os << ((A4WIDTH -2*A4BORDER)-sc*bb.width())/2 + A4BORDER << ' '
  17.108 -	   << ((A4HEIGHT-2*A4BORDER)-sc*bb.height())/2 + A4BORDER << " translate\n"
  17.109 +	   << ((A4HEIGHT-2*A4BORDER)-sc*bb.height())/2 + A4BORDER
  17.110 +	   << " translate\n"
  17.111  	   << sc << " dup scale\n"
  17.112  	   << -bb.left() << ' ' << -bb.bottom() << " translate\n";
  17.113        }
  17.114 @@ -879,7 +881,8 @@
  17.115  	double sc= std::min((A4HEIGHT-2*A4BORDER)/bb.width(),
  17.116  		  (A4WIDTH-2*A4BORDER)/bb.height());
  17.117  	os << ((A4WIDTH -2*A4BORDER)-sc*bb.height())/2 + A4BORDER << ' '
  17.118 -	   << ((A4HEIGHT-2*A4BORDER)-sc*bb.width())/2 + A4BORDER  << " translate\n"
  17.119 +	   << ((A4HEIGHT-2*A4BORDER)-sc*bb.width())/2 + A4BORDER 
  17.120 +	   << " translate\n"
  17.121  	   << sc << " dup scale\n90 rotate\n"
  17.122  	   << -bb.left() << ' ' << -bb.top() << " translate\n";	
  17.123  	}
  17.124 @@ -904,42 +907,43 @@
  17.125  	    sw+=_edgeWidths[*e]*_edgeWidthScale+_parEdgeDist;
  17.126  	  sw-=_parEdgeDist;
  17.127  	  sw/=-2.0;
  17.128 -	  xy<double> dvec(mycoords[g.target(*i)]-mycoords[g.source(*i)]);
  17.129 +	  dim2::Point<double>
  17.130 +	    dvec(mycoords[g.target(*i)]-mycoords[g.source(*i)]);
  17.131  	  double l=std::sqrt(dvec.normSquare()); 
  17.132  	  ///\todo better 'epsilon' would be nice here.
  17.133 -	  xy<double> d(dvec/std::max(l,EPSILON));
  17.134 - 	  xy<double> m;
  17.135 -// 	  m=xy<double>(mycoords[g.target(*i)]+mycoords[g.source(*i)])/2.0;
  17.136 +	  dim2::Point<double> d(dvec/std::max(l,EPSILON));
  17.137 + 	  dim2::Point<double> m;
  17.138 +// 	  m=dim2::Point<double>(mycoords[g.target(*i)]+mycoords[g.source(*i)])/2.0;
  17.140 -//  	  m=xy<double>(mycoords[g.source(*i)])+
  17.141 +//  	  m=dim2::Point<double>(mycoords[g.source(*i)])+
  17.142  // 	    dvec*(double(_nodeSizes[g.source(*i)])/
  17.143  // 	       (_nodeSizes[g.source(*i)]+_nodeSizes[g.target(*i)]));
  17.145 - 	  m=xy<double>(mycoords[g.source(*i)])+
  17.146 + 	  m=dim2::Point<double>(mycoords[g.source(*i)])+
  17.147  	    d*(l+_nodeSizes[g.source(*i)]-_nodeSizes[g.target(*i)])/2.0;
  17.149  	  for(typename std::vector<Edge>::iterator e=i;e!=j;++e) {
  17.150  	    sw+=_edgeWidths[*e]*_edgeWidthScale/2.0;
  17.151 -	    xy<double> mm=m+rot90(d)*sw/.75;
  17.152 +	    dim2::Point<double> mm=m+rot90(d)*sw/.75;
  17.153  	    if(_drawArrows) {
  17.154  	      int node_shape;
  17.155 -	      xy<double> s=mycoords[g.source(*e)];
  17.156 -	      xy<double> t=mycoords[g.target(*e)];
  17.157 +	      dim2::Point<double> s=mycoords[g.source(*e)];
  17.158 +	      dim2::Point<double> t=mycoords[g.target(*e)];
  17.159  	      double rn=_nodeSizes[g.target(*e)]*_nodeScale;
  17.160  	      node_shape=_nodeShapes[g.target(*e)];
  17.161 -	      Bezier3 bez(s,mm,mm,t);
  17.162 +	      dim2::Bezier3 bez(s,mm,mm,t);
  17.163  	      double t1=0,t2=1;
  17.164  	      for(int i=0;i<INTERPOL_PREC;++i)
  17.165  		if(isInsideNode(bez((t1+t2)/2)-t,rn,node_shape)) t2=(t1+t2)/2;
  17.166  		else t1=(t1+t2)/2;
  17.167 -	      xy<double> apoint=bez((t1+t2)/2);
  17.168 +	      dim2::Point<double> apoint=bez((t1+t2)/2);
  17.169  	      rn = _arrowLength+_edgeWidths[*e]*_edgeWidthScale;
  17.170  	      rn*=rn;
  17.171  	      t2=(t1+t2)/2;t1=0;
  17.172  	      for(int i=0;i<INTERPOL_PREC;++i)
  17.173  		if((bez((t1+t2)/2)-apoint).normSquare()>rn) t1=(t1+t2)/2;
  17.174  		else t2=(t1+t2)/2;
  17.175 -	      xy<double> linend=bez((t1+t2)/2);	      
  17.176 +	      dim2::Point<double> linend=bez((t1+t2)/2);	      
  17.177  	      bez=bez.before((t1+t2)/2);
  17.178  // 	      rn=_nodeSizes[g.source(*e)]*_nodeScale;
  17.179  // 	      node_shape=_nodeShapes[g.source(*e)];
  17.180 @@ -956,7 +960,7 @@
  17.181  		 << bez.p2.x << ' ' << bez.p2.y << ' '
  17.182  		 << bez.p3.x << ' ' << bez.p3.y << ' '
  17.183  		 << bez.p4.x << ' ' << bez.p4.y << " curveto stroke\n";
  17.184 -	      xy<double> dd(rot90(linend-apoint));
  17.185 +	      dim2::Point<double> dd(rot90(linend-apoint));
  17.186  	      dd*=(.5*_edgeWidths[*e]*_edgeWidthScale+_arrowWidth)/
  17.187  		std::sqrt(dd.normSquare());
  17.188  	      os << "newpath " << psOut(apoint) << " moveto "
  17.189 @@ -982,7 +986,7 @@
  17.190  	if((!_undirected||g.source(e)<g.target(e))&&_edgeWidths[e]>0
  17.191  	   &&g.source(e)!=g.target(e))
  17.192  	  if(_drawArrows) {
  17.193 -	    xy<double> d(mycoords[g.target(e)]-mycoords[g.source(e)]);
  17.194 +	    dim2::Point<double> d(mycoords[g.target(e)]-mycoords[g.source(e)]);
  17.195  	    double rn=_nodeSizes[g.target(e)]*_nodeScale;
  17.196  	    int node_shape=_nodeShapes[g.target(e)];
  17.197  	    double t1=0,t2=1;
    18.1 --- a/lemon/grid_ugraph.h	Wed Sep 06 11:39:22 2006 +0000
    18.2 +++ b/lemon/grid_ugraph.h	Thu Sep 07 13:27:16 2006 +0000
    18.3 @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
    18.4  #include <lemon/bits/base_extender.h>
    18.5  #include <lemon/bits/graph_extender.h>
    18.7 -#include <lemon/xy.h>
    18.8 +#include <lemon/dim2.h>
   18.10  ///\ingroup graphs
   18.11  ///\file
   18.12 @@ -381,15 +381,15 @@
   18.14      typedef ExtendedGridUGraphBase Parent;
   18.16 -    /// \brief Map to get the indices of the nodes as xy<int>.
   18.17 +    /// \brief Map to get the indices of the nodes as dim2::Point<int>.
   18.18      ///
   18.19 -    /// Map to get the indices of the nodes as xy<int>.
   18.20 +    /// Map to get the indices of the nodes as dim2::Point<int>.
   18.21      class IndexMap {
   18.22      public:
   18.23        /// \brief The key type of the map
   18.24        typedef GridUGraph::Node Key;
   18.25        /// \brief The value type of the map
   18.26 -      typedef xy<int> Value;
   18.27 +      typedef dim2::Point<int> Value;
   18.29        /// \brief Constructor
   18.30        ///
   18.31 @@ -400,7 +400,7 @@
   18.32        ///
   18.33        /// The subscript operator.
   18.34        Value operator[](Key key) const {
   18.35 -	return xy<int>(graph.row(key), graph.col(key));
   18.36 +	return dim2::Point<int>(graph.row(key), graph.col(key));
   18.37        }
   18.39      private:
    19.1 --- a/lemon/hypercube_graph.h	Wed Sep 06 11:39:22 2006 +0000
    19.2 +++ b/lemon/hypercube_graph.h	Thu Sep 07 13:27:16 2006 +0000
    19.3 @@ -275,13 +275,13 @@
    19.4      ///\code
    19.5      /// const int DIM = 3;
    19.6      /// HyperCubeGraph graph(DIM);
    19.7 -    /// xy<double> base[DIM];
    19.8 +    /// dim2::Point<double> base[DIM];
    19.9      /// for (int k = 0; k < DIM; ++k) {
   19.10      ///   base[k].x = rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0);
   19.11      ///   base[k].y = rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0);
   19.12      /// } 
   19.13 -    /// HyperCubeGraph::HyperMap<xy<double> > 
   19.14 -    ///   pos(graph, base, base + DIM, xy<double>(0.0, 0.0));
   19.15 +    /// HyperCubeGraph::HyperMap<dim2::Point<double> > 
   19.16 +    ///   pos(graph, base, base + DIM, dim2::Point<double>(0.0, 0.0));
   19.17      ///\endcode
   19.18      ///
   19.19      /// \see HyperCubeGraph
    20.1 --- a/lemon/lemon_reader.h	Wed Sep 06 11:39:22 2006 +0000
    20.2 +++ b/lemon/lemon_reader.h	Thu Sep 07 13:27:16 2006 +0000
    20.3 @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
    20.4  #include <lemon/bits/utility.h>
    20.5  #include <lemon/bits/item_reader.h>
    20.7 -#include <lemon/xy.h>
    20.8 +#include <lemon/dim2.h>
   20.10  #include <lemon/concept_check.h>
   20.11  #include <lemon/concept/maps.h>
   20.12 @@ -183,21 +183,21 @@
   20.13      };
   20.15      template <typename Map>
   20.16 -    struct Ref<XMap<Map> > { 
   20.17 -      typedef XMap<Map> Type;
   20.18 +    struct Ref<dim2::XMap<Map> > { 
   20.19 +      typedef dim2::XMap<Map> Type;
   20.20      };
   20.21      template <typename Map>
   20.22 -    struct Arg<XMap<Map> > { 
   20.23 -      typedef const XMap<Map>& Type;
   20.24 +    struct Arg<dim2::XMap<Map> > { 
   20.25 +      typedef const dim2::XMap<Map>& Type;
   20.26      };
   20.28      template <typename Map>
   20.29 -    struct Ref<YMap<Map> > { 
   20.30 -      typedef YMap<Map> Type;
   20.31 +    struct Ref<dim2::YMap<Map> > { 
   20.32 +      typedef dim2::YMap<Map> Type;
   20.33      };
   20.34      template <typename Map>
   20.35 -    struct Arg<YMap<Map> > { 
   20.36 -      typedef const YMap<Map>& Type;
   20.37 +    struct Arg<dim2::YMap<Map> > { 
   20.38 +      typedef const dim2::YMap<Map>& Type;
   20.39      };
    21.1 --- a/lemon/lemon_writer.h	Wed Sep 06 11:39:22 2006 +0000
    21.2 +++ b/lemon/lemon_writer.h	Thu Sep 07 13:27:16 2006 +0000
    21.3 @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
    21.4  #include <lemon/bits/item_writer.h>
    21.5  #include <lemon/bits/utility.h>
    21.6  #include <lemon/maps.h>
    21.7 -#include <lemon/xy.h>
    21.8 +#include <lemon/dim2.h>
   21.10  #include <lemon/concept_check.h>
   21.11  #include <lemon/concept/maps.h>
   21.12 @@ -173,21 +173,21 @@
   21.13      };
   21.15      template <typename Map>
   21.16 -    struct Ref<XMap<Map> > { 
   21.17 -      typedef XMap<Map> Type;
   21.18 +    struct Ref<dim2::XMap<Map> > { 
   21.19 +      typedef dim2::XMap<Map> Type;
   21.20      };
   21.21      template <typename Map>
   21.22 -    struct Ref<ConstXMap<Map> > { 
   21.23 -      typedef ConstXMap<Map> Type;
   21.24 +    struct Ref<dim2::ConstXMap<Map> > { 
   21.25 +      typedef dim2::ConstXMap<Map> Type;
   21.26      };
   21.28      template <typename Map>
   21.29 -    struct Ref<YMap<Map> > { 
   21.30 -      typedef YMap<Map> Type;
   21.31 +    struct Ref<dim2::YMap<Map> > { 
   21.32 +      typedef dim2::YMap<Map> Type;
   21.33      };
   21.34      template <typename Map>
   21.35 -    struct Ref<ConstYMap<Map> > { 
   21.36 -      typedef ConstYMap<Map> Type;
   21.37 +    struct Ref<dim2::ConstYMap<Map> > { 
   21.38 +      typedef dim2::ConstYMap<Map> Type;
   21.39      };
    22.1 --- a/lemon/polynomial.h	Wed Sep 06 11:39:22 2006 +0000
    22.2 +++ b/lemon/polynomial.h	Thu Sep 07 13:27:16 2006 +0000
    22.3 @@ -76,11 +76,11 @@
    22.4      ///The calculation will be done using type \c R.
    22.5      ///The following examples shows the usage of the template parameter \c R.
    22.6      ///\code
    22.7 -    ///  Polynomial<xy<double> > line(1);
    22.8 -    ///  line[0]=xy<double>(12,25);
    22.9 -    ///  line[1]=xy<double>(2,7);
   22.10 +    ///  Polynomial<dim2::Point<double> > line(1);
   22.11 +    ///  line[0]=dim2::Point<double>(12,25);
   22.12 +    ///  line[1]=dim2::Point<double>(2,7);
   22.13      ///  ...
   22.14 -    ///  xy<double> d = line.subst<xy<double> >(23.2);
   22.15 +    ///  dim2::Point<double> d = line.subst<dim2::Point<double> >(23.2);
   22.16      ///\endcode
   22.17      ///
   22.18      ///\code
    23.1 --- a/lemon/xy.h	Wed Sep 06 11:39:22 2006 +0000
    23.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    23.3 @@ -1,654 +0,0 @@
    23.4 -/* -*- C++ -*-
    23.5 - *
    23.6 - * This file is a part of LEMON, a generic C++ optimization library
    23.7 - *
    23.8 - * Copyright (C) 2003-2006
    23.9 - * Egervary Jeno Kombinatorikus Optimalizalasi Kutatocsoport
   23.10 - * (Egervary Research Group on Combinatorial Optimization, EGRES).
   23.11 - *
   23.12 - * Permission to use, modify and distribute this software is granted
   23.13 - * provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies. For
   23.14 - * precise terms see the accompanying LICENSE file.
   23.15 - *
   23.16 - * This software is provided "AS IS" with no warranty of any kind,
   23.17 - * express or implied, and with no claim as to its suitability for any
   23.18 - * purpose.
   23.19 - *
   23.20 - */
   23.21 -
   23.22 -#ifndef LEMON_XY_H
   23.23 -#define LEMON_XY_H
   23.24 -
   23.25 -#include <iostream>
   23.26 -#include <lemon/bits/utility.h>
   23.27 -
   23.28 -///\ingroup misc
   23.29 -///\file
   23.30 -///\brief A simple two dimensional vector and a bounding box implementation 
   23.31 -///
   23.32 -/// The class \ref lemon::xy "xy" implements
   23.33 -///a two dimensional vector with the usual
   23.34 -/// operations.
   23.35 -///
   23.36 -/// The class \ref lemon::BoundingBox "BoundingBox" can be used to determine
   23.37 -/// the rectangular bounding box of a set of \ref lemon::xy "xy"'s.
   23.38 -///
   23.39 -///\author Attila Bernath
   23.40 -
   23.41 -
   23.42 -namespace lemon {
   23.43 -
   23.44 -  /// \addtogroup misc
   23.45 -  /// @{
   23.46 -
   23.47 -  /// A simple two dimensional vector (plainvector) implementation
   23.48 -
   23.49 -  /// A simple two dimensional vector (plainvector) implementation
   23.50 -  ///with the usual vector
   23.51 -  /// operators.
   23.52 -  ///
   23.53 -  ///\note As you might have noticed, this class does not follow the
   23.54 -  ///\ref naming_conv "LEMON Coding Style" (it should be called \c Xy
   23.55 -  ///according to it). There is a stupid Hungarian proverb, "A kiv&eacute;tel
   23.56 -  ///er&otilde;s&iacute;ti a szab&aacute;lyt" ("An exception
   23.57 -  ///reinforces a rule", which is
   23.58 -  ///actually a mistranslation of the Latin proverb "Exceptio probat regulam").
   23.59 -  ///This class is an example for that.
   23.60 -  ///\author Attila Bernath
   23.61 -  template<typename T>
   23.62 -    class xy {
   23.63 -
   23.64 -    public:
   23.65 -
   23.66 -      typedef T Value;
   23.67 -
   23.68 -      ///First co-ordinate
   23.69 -      T x;
   23.70 -      ///Second co-ordinate
   23.71 -      T y;     
   23.72 -      
   23.73 -      ///Default constructor
   23.74 -      xy() {}
   23.75 -
   23.76 -      ///Construct an instance from coordinates
   23.77 -      xy(T a, T b) : x(a), y(b) { }
   23.78 -
   23.79 -
   23.80 -      ///Conversion constructor
   23.81 -      template<class TT> xy(const xy<TT> &p) : x(p.x), y(p.y) {}
   23.82 -
   23.83 -      ///Give back the square of the norm of the vector
   23.84 -      T normSquare() const {
   23.85 -        return x*x+y*y;
   23.86 -      }
   23.87 -  
   23.88 -      ///Increment the left hand side by u
   23.89 -      xy<T>& operator +=(const xy<T>& u) {
   23.90 -        x += u.x;
   23.91 -        y += u.y;
   23.92 -        return *this;
   23.93 -      }
   23.94 -  
   23.95 -      ///Decrement the left hand side by u
   23.96 -      xy<T>& operator -=(const xy<T>& u) {
   23.97 -        x -= u.x;
   23.98 -        y -= u.y;
   23.99 -        return *this;
  23.100 -      }
  23.101 -
  23.102 -      ///Multiply the left hand side with a scalar
  23.103 -      xy<T>& operator *=(const T &u) {
  23.104 -        x *= u;
  23.105 -        y *= u;
  23.106 -        return *this;
  23.107 -      }
  23.108 -
  23.109 -      ///Divide the left hand side by a scalar
  23.110 -      xy<T>& operator /=(const T &u) {
  23.111 -        x /= u;
  23.112 -        y /= u;
  23.113 -        return *this;
  23.114 -      }
  23.115 -  
  23.116 -      ///Return the scalar product of two vectors
  23.117 -      T operator *(const xy<T>& u) const {
  23.118 -        return x*u.x+y*u.y;
  23.119 -      }
  23.120 -  
  23.121 -      ///Return the sum of two vectors
  23.122 -      xy<T> operator+(const xy<T> &u) const {
  23.123 -        xy<T> b=*this;
  23.124 -        return b+=u;
  23.125 -      }
  23.126 -
  23.127 -      ///Return the neg of the vectors
  23.128 -      xy<T> operator-() const {
  23.129 -        xy<T> b=*this;
  23.130 -        b.x=-b.x; b.y=-b.y;
  23.131 -        return b;
  23.132 -      }
  23.133 -
  23.134 -      ///Return the difference of two vectors
  23.135 -      xy<T> operator-(const xy<T> &u) const {
  23.136 -        xy<T> b=*this;
  23.137 -        return b-=u;
  23.138 -      }
  23.139 -
  23.140 -      ///Return a vector multiplied by a scalar
  23.141 -      xy<T> operator*(const T &u) const {
  23.142 -        xy<T> b=*this;
  23.143 -        return b*=u;
  23.144 -      }
  23.145 -
  23.146 -      ///Return a vector divided by a scalar
  23.147 -      xy<T> operator/(const T &u) const {
  23.148 -        xy<T> b=*this;
  23.149 -        return b/=u;
  23.150 -      }
  23.151 -
  23.152 -      ///Test equality
  23.153 -      bool operator==(const xy<T> &u) const {
  23.154 -        return (x==u.x) && (y==u.y);
  23.155 -      }
  23.156 -
  23.157 -      ///Test inequality
  23.158 -      bool operator!=(xy u) const {
  23.159 -        return  (x!=u.x) || (y!=u.y);
  23.160 -      }
  23.161 -
  23.162 -    };
  23.163 -
  23.164 -  ///Return an xy 
  23.165 -
  23.166 -  ///Return an xy
  23.167 -  ///\relates xy
  23.168 -  template <typename T>
  23.169 -  inline xy<T> make_xy(const T& x, const T& y) {
  23.170 -    return xy<T>(x, y);
  23.171 -  }
  23.172 -
  23.173 -  ///Return a vector multiplied by a scalar
  23.174 -
  23.175 -  ///Return a vector multiplied by a scalar
  23.176 -  ///\relates xy
  23.177 -  template<typename T> xy<T> operator*(const T &u,const xy<T> &x) {
  23.178 -    return x*u;
  23.179 -  }
  23.180 -
  23.181 -  ///Read a plainvector from a stream
  23.182 -
  23.183 -  ///Read a plainvector from a stream
  23.184 -  ///\relates xy
  23.185 -  ///
  23.186 -  template<typename T>
  23.187 -  inline std::istream& operator>>(std::istream &is, xy<T> &z) {
  23.188 -    char c;
  23.189 -    if (is >> c) {
  23.190 -      if (c != '(') is.putback(c);
  23.191 -    } else {
  23.192 -      is.clear();
  23.193 -    }
  23.194 -    if (!(is >> z.x)) return is;
  23.195 -    if (is >> c) {
  23.196 -      if (c != ',') is.putback(c);
  23.197 -    } else {
  23.198 -      is.clear();
  23.199 -    }
  23.200 -    if (!(is >> z.y)) return is;
  23.201 -    if (is >> c) {
  23.202 -      if (c != ')') is.putback(c);
  23.203 -    } else {
  23.204 -      is.clear();
  23.205 -    }
  23.206 -    return is;
  23.207 -  }
  23.208 -
  23.209 -  ///Write a plainvector to a stream
  23.210 -
  23.211 -  ///Write a plainvector to a stream
  23.212 -  ///\relates xy
  23.213 -  ///
  23.214 -  template<typename T>
  23.215 -  inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const xy<T>& z)
  23.216 -  {
  23.217 -    os << "(" << z.x << ", " << z.y << ")";
  23.218 -    return os;
  23.219 -  }
  23.220 -
  23.221 -  ///Rotate by 90 degrees
  23.222 -
  23.223 -  ///Returns its parameter rotated by 90 degrees in positive direction.
  23.224 -  ///\relates xy
  23.225 -  ///
  23.226 -  template<typename T>
  23.227 -  inline xy<T> rot90(const xy<T> &z)
  23.228 -  {
  23.229 -    return xy<T>(-z.y,z.x);
  23.230 -  }
  23.231 -
  23.232 -  ///Rotate by 180 degrees
  23.233 -
  23.234 -  ///Returns its parameter rotated by 180 degrees.
  23.235 -  ///\relates xy
  23.236 -  ///
  23.237 -  template<typename T>
  23.238 -  inline xy<T> rot180(const xy<T> &z)
  23.239 -  {
  23.240 -    return xy<T>(-z.x,-z.y);
  23.241 -  }
  23.242 -
  23.243 -  ///Rotate by 270 degrees
  23.244 -
  23.245 -  ///Returns its parameter rotated by 90 degrees in negative direction.
  23.246 -  ///\relates xy
  23.247 -  ///
  23.248 -  template<typename T>
  23.249 -  inline xy<T> rot270(const xy<T> &z)
  23.250 -  {
  23.251 -    return xy<T>(z.y,-z.x);
  23.252 -  }
  23.253 -
  23.254 -  
  23.255 -
  23.256 -  /// A class to calculate or store the bounding box of plainvectors.
  23.257 -
  23.258 -  /// A class to calculate or store the bounding box of plainvectors.
  23.259 -  ///
  23.260 -  ///\author Attila Bernath
  23.261 -  template<typename T>
  23.262 -    class BoundingBox {
  23.263 -      xy<T> bottom_left, top_right;
  23.264 -      bool _empty;
  23.265 -    public:
  23.266 -      
  23.267 -      ///Default constructor: creates an empty bounding box
  23.268 -      BoundingBox() { _empty = true; }
  23.269 -
  23.270 -      ///Construct an instance from one point
  23.271 -      BoundingBox(xy<T> a) { bottom_left=top_right=a; _empty = false; }
  23.272 -
  23.273 -      ///Were any points added?
  23.274 -      bool empty() const {
  23.275 -        return _empty;
  23.276 -      }
  23.277 -
  23.278 -      ///Make the BoundingBox empty
  23.279 -      void clear() {
  23.280 -        _empty=1;
  23.281 -      }
  23.282 -
  23.283 -      ///Give back the bottom left corner
  23.284 -
  23.285 -      ///Give back the bottom left corner.
  23.286 -      ///If the bounding box is empty, then the return value is not defined.
  23.287 -      xy<T> bottomLeft() const {
  23.288 -        return bottom_left;
  23.289 -      }
  23.290 -
  23.291 -      ///Set the bottom left corner
  23.292 -
  23.293 -      ///Set the bottom left corner.
  23.294 -      ///It should only bee used for non-empty box.
  23.295 -      void bottomLeft(xy<T> p) {
  23.296 -	bottom_left = p;
  23.297 -      }
  23.298 -
  23.299 -      ///Give back the top right corner
  23.300 -
  23.301 -      ///Give back the top right corner.
  23.302 -      ///If the bounding box is empty, then the return value is not defined.
  23.303 -      xy<T> topRight() const {
  23.304 -        return top_right;
  23.305 -      }
  23.306 -
  23.307 -      ///Set the top right corner
  23.308 -
  23.309 -      ///Set the top right corner.
  23.310 -      ///It should only bee used for non-empty box.
  23.311 -      void topRight(xy<T> p) {
  23.312 -	top_right = p;
  23.313 -      }
  23.314 -
  23.315 -      ///Give back the bottom right corner
  23.316 -
  23.317 -      ///Give back the bottom right corner.
  23.318 -      ///If the bounding box is empty, then the return value is not defined.
  23.319 -      xy<T> bottomRight() const {
  23.320 -        return xy<T>(top_right.x,bottom_left.y);
  23.321 -      }
  23.322 -
  23.323 -      ///Set the bottom right corner
  23.324 -
  23.325 -      ///Set the bottom right corner.
  23.326 -      ///It should only bee used for non-empty box.
  23.327 -      void bottomRight(xy<T> p) {
  23.328 -	top_right.x = p.x;
  23.329 -	bottom_left.y = p.y;
  23.330 -      }
  23.331 - 
  23.332 -      ///Give back the top left corner
  23.333 -
  23.334 -      ///Give back the top left corner.
  23.335 -      ///If the bounding box is empty, then the return value is not defined.
  23.336 -      xy<T> topLeft() const {
  23.337 -        return xy<T>(bottom_left.x,top_right.y);
  23.338 -      }
  23.339 -
  23.340 -      ///Set the top left corner
  23.341 -
  23.342 -      ///Set the top left corner.
  23.343 -      ///It should only bee used for non-empty box.
  23.344 -      void topLeft(xy<T> p) {
  23.345 -	top_right.y = p.y;
  23.346 -	bottom_left.x = p.x;
  23.347 -      }
  23.348 -
  23.349 -      ///Give back the bottom of the box
  23.350 -
  23.351 -      ///Give back the bottom of the box.
  23.352 -      ///If the bounding box is empty, then the return value is not defined.
  23.353 -      T bottom() const {
  23.354 -        return bottom_left.y;
  23.355 -      }
  23.356 -
  23.357 -      ///Set the bottom of the box
  23.358 -
  23.359 -      ///Set the bottom of the box.
  23.360 -      ///It should only bee used for non-empty box.
  23.361 -      void bottom(T t) {
  23.362 -	bottom_left.y = t;
  23.363 -      }
  23.364 -
  23.365 -      ///Give back the top of the box
  23.366 -
  23.367 -      ///Give back the top of the box.
  23.368 -      ///If the bounding box is empty, then the return value is not defined.
  23.369 -      T top() const {
  23.370 -        return top_right.y;
  23.371 -      }
  23.372 -
  23.373 -      ///Set the top of the box
  23.374 -
  23.375 -      ///Set the top of the box.
  23.376 -      ///It should only bee used for non-empty box.
  23.377 -      void top(T t) {
  23.378 -	top_right.y = t;
  23.379 -      }
  23.380 -
  23.381 -      ///Give back the left side of the box
  23.382 -
  23.383 -      ///Give back the left side of the box.
  23.384 -      ///If the bounding box is empty, then the return value is not defined.
  23.385 -      T left() const {
  23.386 -        return bottom_left.x;
  23.387 -      }
  23.388 - 
  23.389 -      ///Set the left side of the box
  23.390 -
  23.391 -      ///Set the left side of the box.
  23.392 -      ///It should only bee used for non-empty box
  23.393 -      void left(T t) {
  23.394 -	bottom_left.x = t;
  23.395 -      }
  23.396 -
  23.397 -      /// Give back the right side of the box
  23.398 -
  23.399 -      /// Give back the right side of the box.
  23.400 -      ///If the bounding box is empty, then the return value is not defined.
  23.401 -      T right() const {
  23.402 -        return top_right.x;
  23.403 -      }
  23.404 -
  23.405 -      ///Set the right side of the box
  23.406 -
  23.407 -      ///Set the right side of the box.
  23.408 -      ///It should only bee used for non-empty box
  23.409 -      void right(T t) {
  23.410 -	top_right.x = t;
  23.411 -      }
  23.412 -
  23.413 -      ///Give back the height of the box
  23.414 -
  23.415 -      ///Give back the height of the box.
  23.416 -      ///If the bounding box is empty, then the return value is not defined.
  23.417 -      T height() const {
  23.418 -        return top_right.y-bottom_left.y;
  23.419 -      }
  23.420 -
  23.421 -      ///Give back the width of the box
  23.422 -
  23.423 -      ///Give back the width of the box.
  23.424 -      ///If the bounding box is empty, then the return value is not defined.
  23.425 -      T width() const {
  23.426 -        return top_right.x-bottom_left.x;
  23.427 -      }
  23.428 -
  23.429 -      ///Checks whether a point is inside a bounding box
  23.430 -      bool inside(const xy<T>& u){
  23.431 -        if (_empty)
  23.432 -          return false;
  23.433 -        else{
  23.434 -          return ((u.x-bottom_left.x)*(top_right.x-u.x) >= 0 &&
  23.435 -              (u.y-bottom_left.y)*(top_right.y-u.y) >= 0 );
  23.436 -        }
  23.437 -      }
  23.438 -  
  23.439 -      ///Increments a bounding box with a point
  23.440 -      BoundingBox& add(const xy<T>& u){
  23.441 -        if (_empty){
  23.442 -          bottom_left=top_right=u;
  23.443 -          _empty = false;
  23.444 -        }
  23.445 -        else{
  23.446 -          if (bottom_left.x > u.x) bottom_left.x = u.x;
  23.447 -          if (bottom_left.y > u.y) bottom_left.y = u.y;
  23.448 -          if (top_right.x < u.x) top_right.x = u.x;
  23.449 -          if (top_right.y < u.y) top_right.y = u.y;
  23.450 -        }
  23.451 -        return *this;
  23.452 -      }
  23.453 -  
  23.454 -//       ///Sums a bounding box and a point
  23.455 -//       BoundingBox operator +(const xy<T>& u){
  23.456 -//         BoundingBox b = *this;
  23.457 -//         return b += u;
  23.458 -//       }
  23.459 -
  23.460 -      ///Increments a bounding box with another bounding box
  23.461 -      BoundingBox& add(const BoundingBox &u){
  23.462 -        if ( !u.empty() ){
  23.463 -          this->add(u.bottomLeft());
  23.464 -	  this->add(u.topRight());
  23.465 -        }
  23.466 -        return *this;
  23.467 -      }
  23.468 -  
  23.469 -      ///Sums two bounding boxes
  23.470 -      BoundingBox operator +(const BoundingBox& u){
  23.471 -        BoundingBox b = *this;
  23.472 -        return b.add(u);
  23.473 -      }
  23.474 -
  23.475 -
  23.476 -      ///Intersection of two bounding boxes
  23.477 -      BoundingBox operator &(const BoundingBox& u){
  23.478 -        BoundingBox b;
  23.479 -	b.bottom_left.x=std::max(this->bottom_left.x,u.bottom_left.x);
  23.480 -	b.bottom_left.y=std::max(this->bottom_left.y,u.bottom_left.y);
  23.481 -	b.top_right.x=std::min(this->top_right.x,u.top_right.x);
  23.482 -	b.top_right.y=std::min(this->top_right.y,u.top_right.y);
  23.483 -	b._empty = this->_empty || u._empty ||
  23.484 -	  b.bottom_left.x>top_right.x && b.bottom_left.y>top_right.y;
  23.485 -        return b;
  23.486 -      }
  23.487 -
  23.488 -    };//class Boundingbox
  23.489 -
  23.490 -
  23.491 -  ///Map of x-coordinates of an xy<>-map
  23.492 -
  23.493 -  ///\ingroup maps
  23.494 -  ///
  23.495 -  template<class M>
  23.496 -  class XMap 
  23.497 -  {
  23.498 -    M& _map;
  23.499 -  public:
  23.500 -
  23.501 -    typedef typename M::Value::Value Value;
  23.502 -    typedef typename M::Key Key;
  23.503 -    ///\e
  23.504 -    XMap(M& map) : _map(map) {}
  23.505 -    Value operator[](Key k) const {return _map[k].x;}
  23.506 -    void set(Key k,Value v) {_map.set(k,typename M::Value(v,_map[k].y));}
  23.507 -  };
  23.508 -    
  23.509 -  ///Returns an \ref XMap class
  23.510 -
  23.511 -  ///This function just returns an \ref XMap class.
  23.512 -  ///
  23.513 -  ///\ingroup maps
  23.514 -  ///\relates XMap
  23.515 -  template<class M> 
  23.516 -  inline XMap<M> xMap(M &m) 
  23.517 -  {
  23.518 -    return XMap<M>(m);
  23.519 -  }
  23.520 -
  23.521 -  template<class M> 
  23.522 -  inline XMap<M> xMap(const M &m) 
  23.523 -  {
  23.524 -    return XMap<M>(m);
  23.525 -  }
  23.526 -
  23.527 -  ///Constant (read only) version of \ref XMap
  23.528 -
  23.529 -  ///\ingroup maps
  23.530 -  ///
  23.531 -  template<class M>
  23.532 -  class ConstXMap 
  23.533 -  {
  23.534 -    const M& _map;
  23.535 -  public:
  23.536 -
  23.537 -    typedef typename M::Value::Value Value;
  23.538 -    typedef typename M::Key Key;
  23.539 -    ///\e
  23.540 -    ConstXMap(const M &map) : _map(map) {}
  23.541 -    Value operator[](Key k) const {return _map[k].x;}
  23.542 -  };
  23.543 -    
  23.544 -  ///Returns a \ref ConstXMap class
  23.545 -
  23.546 -  ///This function just returns an \ref ConstXMap class.
  23.547 -  ///
  23.548 -  ///\ingroup maps
  23.549 -  ///\relates ConstXMap
  23.550 -  template<class M> 
  23.551 -  inline ConstXMap<M> xMap(const M &m) 
  23.552 -  {
  23.553 -    return ConstXMap<M>(m);
  23.554 -  }
  23.555 -
  23.556 -  ///Map of y-coordinates of an xy<>-map
  23.557 -    
  23.558 -  ///\ingroup maps
  23.559 -  ///
  23.560 -  template<class M>
  23.561 -  class YMap 
  23.562 -  {
  23.563 -    M& _map;
  23.564 -  public:
  23.565 -
  23.566 -    typedef typename M::Value::Value Value;
  23.567 -    typedef typename M::Key Key;
  23.568 -    ///\e
  23.569 -    YMap(M& map) : _map(map) {}
  23.570 -    Value operator[](Key k) const {return _map[k].y;}
  23.571 -    void set(Key k,Value v) {_map.set(k,typename M::Value(_map[k].x,v));}
  23.572 -  };
  23.573 -
  23.574 -  ///Returns an \ref YMap class
  23.575 -
  23.576 -  ///This function just returns an \ref YMap class.
  23.577 -  ///
  23.578 -  ///\ingroup maps
  23.579 -  ///\relates YMap
  23.580 -  template<class M> 
  23.581 -  inline YMap<M> yMap(M &m) 
  23.582 -  {
  23.583 -    return YMap<M>(m);
  23.584 -  }
  23.585 -
  23.586 -  template<class M> 
  23.587 -  inline YMap<M> yMap(const M &m) 
  23.588 -  {
  23.589 -    return YMap<M>(m);
  23.590 -  }
  23.591 -
  23.592 -  ///Constant (read only) version of \ref YMap
  23.593 -
  23.594 -  ///\ingroup maps
  23.595 -  ///
  23.596 -  template<class M>
  23.597 -  class ConstYMap 
  23.598 -  {
  23.599 -    const M& _map;
  23.600 -  public:
  23.601 -
  23.602 -    typedef typename M::Value::Value Value;
  23.603 -    typedef typename M::Key Key;
  23.604 -    ///\e
  23.605 -    ConstYMap(const M &map) : _map(map) {}
  23.606 -    Value operator[](Key k) const {return _map[k].y;}
  23.607 -  };
  23.608 -    
  23.609 -  ///Returns a \ref ConstYMap class
  23.610 -
  23.611 -  ///This function just returns an \ref ConstYMap class.
  23.612 -  ///
  23.613 -  ///\ingroup maps
  23.614 -  ///\relates ConstYMap
  23.615 -  template<class M> 
  23.616 -  inline ConstYMap<M> yMap(const M &m) 
  23.617 -  {
  23.618 -    return ConstYMap<M>(m);
  23.619 -  }
  23.620 -
  23.621 -
  23.622 -  ///Map of the \ref xy::normSquare() "normSquare()" of an \ref xy "xy"-map
  23.623 -
  23.624 -  ///Map of the \ref xy::normSquare() "normSquare()" of an \ref xy "xy"-map
  23.625 -  ///\ingroup maps
  23.626 -  ///
  23.627 -  template<class M>
  23.628 -  class NormSquareMap 
  23.629 -  {
  23.630 -    const M& _map;
  23.631 -  public:
  23.632 -
  23.633 -    typedef typename M::Value::Value Value;
  23.634 -    typedef typename M::Key Key;
  23.635 -    ///\e
  23.636 -    NormSquareMap(const M &map) : _map(map) {}
  23.637 -    Value operator[](Key k) const {return _map[k].normSquare();}
  23.638 -  };
  23.639 -    
  23.640 -  ///Returns a \ref NormSquareMap class
  23.641 -
  23.642 -  ///This function just returns an \ref NormSquareMap class.
  23.643 -  ///
  23.644 -  ///\ingroup maps
  23.645 -  ///\relates NormSquareMap
  23.646 -  template<class M> 
  23.647 -  inline NormSquareMap<M> normSquareMap(const M &m) 
  23.648 -  {
  23.649 -    return NormSquareMap<M>(m);
  23.650 -  }
  23.651 -
  23.652 -  /// @}
  23.653 -
  23.654 -
  23.655 -} //namespace lemon
  23.656 -
  23.657 -#endif //LEMON_XY_H
    24.1 --- a/test/Makefile.am	Wed Sep 06 11:39:22 2006 +0000
    24.2 +++ b/test/Makefile.am	Thu Sep 07 13:27:16 2006 +0000
    24.3 @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
    24.4  	test/counter_test \
    24.5  	test/dfs_test \
    24.6  	test/dijkstra_test \
    24.7 +	test/dim_test \
    24.8  	test/edge_set_test \
    24.9  	test/graph_adaptor_test \
   24.10  	test/graph_test \
   24.11 @@ -39,8 +40,7 @@
   24.12  	test/test_tools_pass \
   24.13  	test/time_measure_test \
   24.14  	test/ugraph_test \
   24.15 -	test/unionfind_test \
   24.16 -	test/xy_test
   24.17 +	test/unionfind_test
   24.19  if HAVE_GLPK
   24.20  check_PROGRAMS += test/lp_test test/mip_test
   24.21 @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@
   24.22  test_counter_test_SOURCES = test/counter_test.cc
   24.23  test_dfs_test_SOURCES = test/dfs_test.cc
   24.24  test_dijkstra_test_SOURCES = test/dijkstra_test.cc
   24.25 +test_dim_test_SOURCES = test/dim_test.cc
   24.26  test_edge_set_test_SOURCES = test/edge_set_test.cc
   24.27  test_graph_adaptor_test_SOURCES = test/graph_adaptor_test.cc
   24.28  test_graph_test_SOURCES = test/graph_test.cc
   24.29 @@ -82,7 +83,6 @@
   24.30  test_time_measure_test_SOURCES = test/time_measure_test.cc
   24.31  test_ugraph_test_SOURCES = test/ugraph_test.cc
   24.32  test_unionfind_test_SOURCES = test/unionfind_test.cc
   24.33 -test_xy_test_SOURCES = test/xy_test.cc
   24.35  test_lp_test_SOURCES = test/lp_test.cc
   24.36  test_lp_test_CXXFLAGS = $(GLPK_CFLAGS) $(CPLEX_CFLAGS)
    25.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    25.2 +++ b/test/dim_test.cc	Thu Sep 07 13:27:16 2006 +0000
    25.3 @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
    25.4 +/* -*- C++ -*-
    25.5 + *
    25.6 + * This file is a part of LEMON, a generic C++ optimization library
    25.7 + *
    25.8 + * Copyright (C) 2003-2006
    25.9 + * Egervary Jeno Kombinatorikus Optimalizalasi Kutatocsoport
   25.10 + * (Egervary Research Group on Combinatorial Optimization, EGRES).
   25.11 + *
   25.12 + * Permission to use, modify and distribute this software is granted
   25.13 + * provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies. For
   25.14 + * precise terms see the accompanying LICENSE file.
   25.15 + *
   25.16 + * This software is provided "AS IS" with no warranty of any kind,
   25.17 + * express or implied, and with no claim as to its suitability for any
   25.18 + * purpose.
   25.19 + *
   25.20 + */
   25.21 +
   25.22 +#include <lemon/dim2.h>
   25.23 +#include <iostream>
   25.24 +#include "test_tools.h"
   25.25 +
   25.26 +using namespace std;
   25.27 +using namespace lemon;
   25.28 +int main()
   25.29 +{
   25.30 +
   25.31 +  cout << "Testing classes `dim2::Point' and `dim2::BoundingBox'." << endl;
   25.32 +
   25.33 +  typedef dim2::Point<int> Point;
   25.34 +	
   25.35 +	Point seged;
   25.36 +	Point a(1,2);
   25.37 +	Point b(3,4);
   25.38 +
   25.39 +	seged = a+b;
   25.40 +	check(seged.x==4 && seged.y==6, "Wrong vector addition");
   25.41 +
   25.42 +	seged = a-b;
   25.43 +	check(seged.x==-2 && seged.y==-2, "a-b");
   25.44 +
   25.45 +	check(a.normSquare()==5,"Wrong norm calculation");
   25.46 +	check(a*b==11, "a*b");
   25.47 +
   25.48 +	int l=2;
   25.49 +	seged = a*l;
   25.50 +	check(seged.x==2 && seged.y==4, "a*l");
   25.51 +
   25.52 +	seged = b/l;
   25.53 +	check(seged.x==1 && seged.y==2, "b/l");
   25.54 +
   25.55 +	typedef dim2::BoundingBox<int> BB;
   25.56 +	BB doboz1;
   25.57 +	check(doboz1.empty(), "It should be empty.");
   25.58 +	
   25.59 +	doboz1.add(a);
   25.60 +	check(!doboz1.empty(), "It should not be empty.");
   25.61 +	doboz1.add(b);
   25.62 +
   25.63 +	check(doboz1.bottomLeft().x==1 && 
   25.64 +	      doboz1.bottomLeft().y==2 &&
   25.65 +	      doboz1.topRight().x==3 && 
   25.66 +	      doboz1.topRight().y==4,  
   25.67 +	      "added points to box");
   25.68 +
   25.69 +	seged.x=2;seged.y=3;
   25.70 +	check(doboz1.inside(seged),"It should be inside.");
   25.71 +
   25.72 +	seged.x=1;seged.y=3;
   25.73 +	check(doboz1.inside(seged),"It should be inside.");
   25.74 +
   25.75 +	seged.x=0;seged.y=3;
   25.76 +	check(!doboz1.inside(seged),"It should not be inside.");
   25.77 +
   25.78 +	BB doboz2(seged);
   25.79 +	check(!doboz2.empty(),
   25.80 +	      "It should not be empty. Constructed from 1 point.");
   25.81 +
   25.82 +	doboz2.add(doboz1);
   25.83 +	check(doboz2.inside(seged),
   25.84 +	      "It should be inside. Incremented a box with another one.");
   25.85 +}
    26.1 --- a/test/polynomial_test.cc	Wed Sep 06 11:39:22 2006 +0000
    26.2 +++ b/test/polynomial_test.cc	Thu Sep 07 13:27:16 2006 +0000
    26.3 @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
    26.4   */
    26.6  #include <lemon/polynomial.h>
    26.7 -#include <lemon/xy.h>
    26.8 +#include <lemon/dim2.h>
    26.9  #include <iostream>
   26.10  #include "test_tools.h"
    27.1 --- a/test/xy_test.cc	Wed Sep 06 11:39:22 2006 +0000
    27.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    27.3 @@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
    27.4 -/* -*- C++ -*-
    27.5 - *
    27.6 - * This file is a part of LEMON, a generic C++ optimization library
    27.7 - *
    27.8 - * Copyright (C) 2003-2006
    27.9 - * Egervary Jeno Kombinatorikus Optimalizalasi Kutatocsoport
   27.10 - * (Egervary Research Group on Combinatorial Optimization, EGRES).
   27.11 - *
   27.12 - * Permission to use, modify and distribute this software is granted
   27.13 - * provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies. For
   27.14 - * precise terms see the accompanying LICENSE file.
   27.15 - *
   27.16 - * This software is provided "AS IS" with no warranty of any kind,
   27.17 - * express or implied, and with no claim as to its suitability for any
   27.18 - * purpose.
   27.19 - *
   27.20 - */
   27.21 -
   27.22 -#include <lemon/xy.h>
   27.23 -#include <iostream>
   27.24 -#include "test_tools.h"
   27.25 -
   27.26 -using namespace std;
   27.27 -using namespace lemon;
   27.28 -int main()
   27.29 -{
   27.30 -
   27.31 -  cout << "Testing classes `xy' and `boundingbox'." << endl;
   27.32 -
   27.33 -	typedef xy<int> XY;
   27.34 -	
   27.35 -	XY seged;
   27.36 -	XY a(1,2);
   27.37 -	XY b(3,4);
   27.38 -
   27.39 -	seged = a+b;
   27.40 -	check(seged.x==4 && seged.y==6, "Wrong vector addition");
   27.41 -
   27.42 -	seged = a-b;
   27.43 -	check(seged.x==-2 && seged.y==-2, "a-b");
   27.44 -
   27.45 -	check(a.normSquare()==5,"Wrong norm calculation");
   27.46 -	check(a*b==11, "a*b");
   27.47 -
   27.48 -	int l=2;
   27.49 -	seged = a*l;
   27.50 -	check(seged.x==2 && seged.y==4, "a*l");
   27.51 -
   27.52 -	seged = b/l;
   27.53 -	check(seged.x==1 && seged.y==2, "b/l");
   27.54 -
   27.55 -	typedef BoundingBox<int> BB;
   27.56 -	BB doboz1;
   27.57 -	check(doboz1.empty(), "It should be empty.");
   27.58 -	
   27.59 -	doboz1.add(a);
   27.60 -	check(!doboz1.empty(), "It should not be empty.");
   27.61 -	doboz1.add(b);
   27.62 -
   27.63 -	check(doboz1.bottomLeft().x==1 && 
   27.64 -	      doboz1.bottomLeft().y==2 &&
   27.65 -	      doboz1.topRight().x==3 && 
   27.66 -	      doboz1.topRight().y==4,  
   27.67 -	      "added points to box");
   27.68 -
   27.69 -	seged.x=2;seged.y=3;
   27.70 -	check(doboz1.inside(seged),"It should be inside.");
   27.71 -
   27.72 -	seged.x=1;seged.y=3;
   27.73 -	check(doboz1.inside(seged),"It should be inside.");
   27.74 -
   27.75 -	seged.x=0;seged.y=3;
   27.76 -	check(!doboz1.inside(seged),"It should not be inside.");
   27.77 -
   27.78 -	BB doboz2(seged);
   27.79 -	check(!doboz2.empty(),
   27.80 -	      "It should not be empty. Constructed from 1 point.");
   27.81 -
   27.82 -	doboz2.add(doboz1);
   27.83 -	check(doboz2.inside(seged),
   27.84 -	      "It should be inside. Incremented a box with another one.");
   27.85 -}