alpar (Alpar Juttner)
0 3 0
merge default
1 file changed with 32 insertions and 18 deletions:
↑ Collapse diff ↑
Show white space 384 line context
... ...
@@ -958,442 +958,443 @@
958 958
      delete _pcost;
959 959
      delete _psupply;
960 960
      _plower = NULL;
961 961
      _pupper = NULL;
962 962
      _pcost = NULL;
963 963
      _psupply = NULL;
964 964
      _pstsup = false;
965 965
      _ptype = GEQ;
966 966
      if (_local_flow) delete _flow_map;
967 967
      if (_local_potential) delete _potential_map;
968 968
      _flow_map = NULL;
969 969
      _potential_map = NULL;
970 970
      _local_flow = false;
971 971
      _local_potential = false;
972 972

973 973
      return *this;
974 974
975 975

976 976
    /// @}
977 977

978 978
    /// \name Query Functions
979 979
    /// The results of the algorithm can be obtained using these
980 980
    /// functions.\n
981 981
    /// The \ref run() function must be called before using them.
982 982

983 983
    /// @{
984 984

985 985
    /// \brief Return the total cost of the found flow.
986 986
987 987
    /// This function returns the total cost of the found flow.
988 988
    /// The complexity of the function is O(e).
989 989
990 990
    /// \note The return type of the function can be specified as a
991 991
    /// template parameter. For example,
992 992
    /// \code
993 993
    ///   ns.totalCost<double>();
994 994
    /// \endcode
995 995
    /// It is useful if the total cost cannot be stored in the \c Cost
996 996
    /// type of the algorithm, which is the default return type of the
997 997
    /// function.
998 998
999 999
    /// \pre \ref run() must be called before using this function.
1000 1000
    template <typename Num>
1001 1001
    Num totalCost() const {
1002 1002
      Num c = 0;
1003 1003
      if (_pcost) {
1004 1004
        for (ArcIt e(_graph); e != INVALID; ++e)
1005 1005
          c += (*_flow_map)[e] * (*_pcost)[e];
1006 1006
      } else {
1007 1007
        for (ArcIt e(_graph); e != INVALID; ++e)
1008 1008
          c += (*_flow_map)[e];
1009 1009
1010 1010
      return c;
1011 1011
1012 1012

1013 1013
#ifndef DOXYGEN
1014 1014
    Cost totalCost() const {
1015 1015
      return totalCost<Cost>();
1016 1016
1017 1017
1018 1018

1019 1019
    /// \brief Return the flow on the given arc.
1020 1020
1021 1021
    /// This function returns the flow on the given arc.
1022 1022
1023 1023
    /// \pre \ref run() must be called before using this function.
1024 1024
    Flow flow(const Arc& a) const {
1025 1025
      return (*_flow_map)[a];
1026 1026
1027 1027

1028 1028
    /// \brief Return a const reference to the flow map.
1029 1029
1030 1030
    /// This function returns a const reference to an arc map storing
1031 1031
    /// the found flow.
1032 1032
1033 1033
    /// \pre \ref run() must be called before using this function.
1034 1034
    const FlowMap& flowMap() const {
1035 1035
      return *_flow_map;
1036 1036
1037 1037

1038 1038
    /// \brief Return the potential (dual value) of the given node.
1039 1039
1040 1040
    /// This function returns the potential (dual value) of the
1041 1041
    /// given node.
1042 1042
1043 1043
    /// \pre \ref run() must be called before using this function.
1044 1044
    Cost potential(const Node& n) const {
1045 1045
      return (*_potential_map)[n];
1046 1046
1047 1047

1048 1048
    /// \brief Return a const reference to the potential map
1049 1049
    /// (the dual solution).
1050 1050
1051 1051
    /// This function returns a const reference to a node map storing
1052 1052
    /// the found potentials, which form the dual solution of the
1053 1053
    /// \ref min_cost_flow "minimum cost flow" problem.
1054 1054
1055 1055
    /// \pre \ref run() must be called before using this function.
1056 1056
    const PotentialMap& potentialMap() const {
1057 1057
      return *_potential_map;
1058 1058
1059 1059

1060 1060
    /// @}
1061 1061

1062 1062
1063 1063

1064 1064
    // Initialize internal data structures
1065 1065
    bool init() {
1066 1066
      // Initialize result maps
1067 1067
      if (!_flow_map) {
1068 1068
        _flow_map = new FlowMap(_graph);
1069 1069
        _local_flow = true;
1070 1070
1071 1071
      if (!_potential_map) {
1072 1072
        _potential_map = new PotentialMap(_graph);
1073 1073
        _local_potential = true;
1074 1074
1075 1075

1076 1076
      // Initialize vectors
1077 1077
      _node_num = countNodes(_graph);
1078 1078
      _arc_num = countArcs(_graph);
1079 1079
      int all_node_num = _node_num + 1;
1080 1080
      int all_arc_num = _arc_num + _node_num;
1081 1081
      if (_node_num == 0) return false;
1082 1082

1083 1083
1084 1084
1085 1085
1086 1086

1087 1087
1088 1088
1089 1089
1090 1090
1091 1091
1092 1092

1093 1093
1094 1094
1095 1095
1096 1096
1097 1097
1098 1098
1099 1099
1100 1100
1101 1101

1102 1102
      // Initialize node related data
1103 1103
      bool valid_supply = true;
1104 1104
      Flow sum_supply = 0;
1105 1105
      if (!_pstsup && !_psupply) {
1106 1106
        _pstsup = true;
1107 1107
        _psource = _ptarget = NodeIt(_graph);
1108 1108
        _pstflow = 0;
1109 1109
1110 1110
      if (_psupply) {
1111 1111
        int i = 0;
1112 1112
        for (NodeIt n(_graph); n != INVALID; ++n, ++i) {
1113 1113
          _node_id[n] = i;
1114 1114
          _supply[i] = (*_psupply)[n];
1115 1115
          sum_supply += _supply[i];
1116 1116
1117 1117
        valid_supply = (_ptype == GEQ && sum_supply <= 0) ||
1118 1118
                       (_ptype == LEQ && sum_supply >= 0);
1119 1119
      } else {
1120 1120
        int i = 0;
1121 1121
        for (NodeIt n(_graph); n != INVALID; ++n, ++i) {
1122 1122
          _node_id[n] = i;
1123 1123
          _supply[i] = 0;
1124 1124
1125 1125
        _supply[_node_id[_psource]] =  _pstflow;
1126 1126
        _supply[_node_id[_ptarget]] = -_pstflow;
1127 1127
1128 1128
      if (!valid_supply) return false;
1129 1129

1130 1130
      // Infinite capacity value
1131 1131
      Flow inf_cap =
1132 1132
        std::numeric_limits<Flow>::has_infinity ?
1133 1133
        std::numeric_limits<Flow>::infinity() :
1134 1134
1135 1135

1136 1136
      // Initialize artifical cost
1137 1137
      Cost art_cost;
1138 1138
      if (std::numeric_limits<Cost>::is_exact) {
1139 1139
        art_cost = std::numeric_limits<Cost>::max() / 4 + 1;
1140 1140
      } else {
1141 1141
        art_cost = std::numeric_limits<Cost>::min();
1142 1142
        for (int i = 0; i != _arc_num; ++i) {
1143 1143
          if (_cost[i] > art_cost) art_cost = _cost[i];
1144 1144
1145 1145
        art_cost = (art_cost + 1) * _node_num;
1146 1146
1147 1147

1148 1148
      // Run Circulation to check if a feasible solution exists
1149 1149
      typedef ConstMap<Arc, Flow> ConstArcMap;
      ConstArcMap zero_arc_map(0), inf_arc_map(inf_cap);
1150 1151
      FlowNodeMap *csup = NULL;
1151 1152
      bool local_csup = false;
1152 1153
      if (_psupply) {
1153 1154
        csup = _psupply;
1154 1155
      } else {
1155 1156
        csup = new FlowNodeMap(_graph, 0);
1156 1157
        (*csup)[_psource] =  _pstflow;
1157 1158
        (*csup)[_ptarget] = -_pstflow;
1158 1159
        local_csup = true;
1159 1160
1160 1161
      bool circ_result = false;
1161 1162
      if (_ptype == GEQ || (_ptype == LEQ && sum_supply == 0)) {
1162 1163
        // GEQ problem type
1163 1164
        if (_plower) {
1164 1165
          if (_pupper) {
1165 1166
            Circulation<GR, FlowArcMap, FlowArcMap, FlowNodeMap>
1166 1167
              circ(_graph, *_plower, *_pupper, *csup);
1167 1168
            circ_result =;
1168 1169
          } else {
1169 1170
            Circulation<GR, FlowArcMap, ConstArcMap, FlowNodeMap>
              circ(_graph, *_plower, ConstArcMap(inf_cap), *csup);
              circ(_graph, *_plower, inf_arc_map, *csup);
1171 1172
            circ_result =;
1172 1173
1173 1174
        } else {
1174 1175
          if (_pupper) {
1175 1176
            Circulation<GR, ConstArcMap, FlowArcMap, FlowNodeMap>
              circ(_graph, ConstArcMap(0), *_pupper, *csup);
              circ(_graph, zero_arc_map, *_pupper, *csup);
1177 1178
            circ_result =;
1178 1179
          } else {
1179 1180
            Circulation<GR, ConstArcMap, ConstArcMap, FlowNodeMap>
              circ(_graph, ConstArcMap(0), ConstArcMap(inf_cap), *csup);
              circ(_graph, zero_arc_map, inf_arc_map, *csup);
1181 1182
            circ_result =;
1182 1183
1183 1184
1184 1185
      } else {
1185 1186
        // LEQ problem type
1186 1187
        typedef ReverseDigraph<const GR> RevGraph;
1187 1188
        typedef NegMap<FlowNodeMap> NegNodeMap;
1188 1189
        RevGraph rgraph(_graph);
1189 1190
        NegNodeMap neg_csup(*csup);
1190 1191
        if (_plower) {
1191 1192
          if (_pupper) {
1192 1193
            Circulation<RevGraph, FlowArcMap, FlowArcMap, NegNodeMap>
1193 1194
              circ(rgraph, *_plower, *_pupper, neg_csup);
1194 1195
            circ_result =;
1195 1196
          } else {
1196 1197
            Circulation<RevGraph, FlowArcMap, ConstArcMap, NegNodeMap>
              circ(rgraph, *_plower, ConstArcMap(inf_cap), neg_csup);
              circ(rgraph, *_plower, inf_arc_map, neg_csup);
1198 1199
            circ_result =;
1199 1200
1200 1201
        } else {
1201 1202
          if (_pupper) {
1202 1203
            Circulation<RevGraph, ConstArcMap, FlowArcMap, NegNodeMap>
              circ(rgraph, ConstArcMap(0), *_pupper, neg_csup);
              circ(rgraph, zero_arc_map, *_pupper, neg_csup);
1204 1205
            circ_result =;
1205 1206
          } else {
1206 1207
            Circulation<RevGraph, ConstArcMap, ConstArcMap, NegNodeMap>
              circ(rgraph, ConstArcMap(0), ConstArcMap(inf_cap), neg_csup);
              circ(rgraph, zero_arc_map, inf_arc_map, neg_csup);
1208 1209
            circ_result =;
1209 1210
1210 1211
1211 1212
1212 1213
      if (local_csup) delete csup;
1213 1214
      if (!circ_result) return false;
1214 1215

1215 1216
      // Set data for the artificial root node
1216 1217
      _root = _node_num;
1217 1218
      _parent[_root] = -1;
1218 1219
      _pred[_root] = -1;
1219 1220
      _thread[_root] = 0;
1220 1221
      _rev_thread[0] = _root;
1221 1222
      _succ_num[_root] = all_node_num;
1222 1223
      _last_succ[_root] = _root - 1;
1223 1224
      _supply[_root] = -sum_supply;
1224 1225
      if (sum_supply < 0) {
1225 1226
        _pi[_root] = -art_cost;
1226 1227
      } else {
1227 1228
        _pi[_root] = art_cost;
1228 1229
1229 1230

1230 1231
      // Store the arcs in a mixed order
1231 1232
      int k = std::max(int(std::sqrt(double(_arc_num))), 10);
1232 1233
      int i = 0;
1233 1234
      for (ArcIt e(_graph); e != INVALID; ++e) {
1234 1235
        _arc_ref[i] = e;
1235 1236
        if ((i += k) >= _arc_num) i = (i % k) + 1;
1236 1237
1237 1238

1238 1239
      // Initialize arc maps
1239 1240
      if (_pupper && _pcost) {
1240 1241
        for (int i = 0; i != _arc_num; ++i) {
1241 1242
          Arc e = _arc_ref[i];
1242 1243
          _source[i] = _node_id[_graph.source(e)];
1243 1244
          _target[i] = _node_id[];
1244 1245
          _cap[i] = (*_pupper)[e];
1245 1246
          _cost[i] = (*_pcost)[e];
1246 1247
          _flow[i] = 0;
1247 1248
          _state[i] = STATE_LOWER;
1248 1249
1249 1250
      } else {
1250 1251
        for (int i = 0; i != _arc_num; ++i) {
1251 1252
          Arc e = _arc_ref[i];
1252 1253
          _source[i] = _node_id[_graph.source(e)];
1253 1254
          _target[i] = _node_id[];
1254 1255
          _flow[i] = 0;
1255 1256
          _state[i] = STATE_LOWER;
1256 1257
1257 1258
        if (_pupper) {
1258 1259
          for (int i = 0; i != _arc_num; ++i)
1259 1260
            _cap[i] = (*_pupper)[_arc_ref[i]];
1260 1261
        } else {
1261 1262
          for (int i = 0; i != _arc_num; ++i)
1262 1263
            _cap[i] = inf_cap;
1263 1264
1264 1265
        if (_pcost) {
1265 1266
          for (int i = 0; i != _arc_num; ++i)
1266 1267
            _cost[i] = (*_pcost)[_arc_ref[i]];
1267 1268
        } else {
1268 1269
          for (int i = 0; i != _arc_num; ++i)
1269 1270
            _cost[i] = 1;
1270 1271
1271 1272
1272 1273
1273 1274
      // Remove non-zero lower bounds
1274 1275
      if (_plower) {
1275 1276
        for (int i = 0; i != _arc_num; ++i) {
1276 1277
          Flow c = (*_plower)[_arc_ref[i]];
1277 1278
          if (c != 0) {
1278 1279
            _cap[i] -= c;
1279 1280
            _supply[_source[i]] -= c;
1280 1281
            _supply[_target[i]] += c;
1281 1282
1282 1283
1283 1284
1284 1285

1285 1286
      // Add artificial arcs and initialize the spanning tree data structure
1286 1287
      for (int u = 0, e = _arc_num; u != _node_num; ++u, ++e) {
1287 1288
        _thread[u] = u + 1;
1288 1289
        _rev_thread[u + 1] = u;
1289 1290
        _succ_num[u] = 1;
1290 1291
        _last_succ[u] = u;
1291 1292
        _parent[u] = _root;
1292 1293
        _pred[u] = e;
1293 1294
        _cost[e] = art_cost;
1294 1295
        _cap[e] = inf_cap;
1295 1296
        _state[e] = STATE_TREE;
1296 1297
        if (_supply[u] > 0 || (_supply[u] == 0 && sum_supply <= 0)) {
1297 1298
          _flow[e] = _supply[u];
1298 1299
          _forward[u] = true;
1299 1300
          _pi[u] = -art_cost + _pi[_root];
1300 1301
        } else {
1301 1302
          _flow[e] = -_supply[u];
1302 1303
          _forward[u] = false;
1303 1304
          _pi[u] = art_cost + _pi[_root];
1304 1305
1305 1306
1306 1307

1307 1308
      return true;
1308 1309
1309 1310

1310 1311
    // Find the join node
1311 1312
    void findJoinNode() {
1312 1313
      int u = _source[in_arc];
1313 1314
      int v = _target[in_arc];
1314 1315
      while (u != v) {
1315 1316
        if (_succ_num[u] < _succ_num[v]) {
1316 1317
          u = _parent[u];
1317 1318
        } else {
1318 1319
          v = _parent[v];
1319 1320
1320 1321
1321 1322
      join = u;
1322 1323
1323 1324

1324 1325
    // Find the leaving arc of the cycle and returns true if the
1325 1326
    // leaving arc is not the same as the entering arc
1326 1327
    bool findLeavingArc() {
1327 1328
      // Initialize first and second nodes according to the direction
1328 1329
      // of the cycle
1329 1330
      if (_state[in_arc] == STATE_LOWER) {
1330 1331
        first  = _source[in_arc];
1331 1332
        second = _target[in_arc];
1332 1333
      } else {
1333 1334
        first  = _target[in_arc];
1334 1335
        second = _source[in_arc];
1335 1336
1336 1337
      delta = _cap[in_arc];
1337 1338
      int result = 0;
1338 1339
      Flow d;
1339 1340
      int e;
1340 1341

1341 1342
      // Search the cycle along the path form the first node to the root
1342 1343
      for (int u = first; u != join; u = _parent[u]) {
1343 1344
        e = _pred[u];
1344 1345
        d = _forward[u] ? _flow[e] : _cap[e] - _flow[e];
1345 1346
        if (d < delta) {
1346 1347
          delta = d;
1347 1348
          u_out = u;
1348 1349
          result = 1;
1349 1350
1350 1351
1351 1352
      // Search the cycle along the path form the second node to the root
1352 1353
      for (int u = second; u != join; u = _parent[u]) {
1353 1354
        e = _pred[u];
1354 1355
        d = _forward[u] ? _cap[e] - _flow[e] : _flow[e];
1355 1356
        if (d <= delta) {
1356 1357
          delta = d;
1357 1358
          u_out = u;
1358 1359
          result = 2;
1359 1360
1360 1361
1361 1362

1362 1363
      if (result == 1) {
1363 1364
        u_in = first;
1364 1365
        v_in = second;
1365 1366
      } else {
1366 1367
        u_in = second;
1367 1368
        v_in = first;
1368 1369
1369 1370
      return result != 0;
1370 1371
1371 1372

1372 1373
    // Change _flow and _state vectors
1373 1374
    void changeFlow(bool change) {
1374 1375
      // Augment along the cycle
1375 1376
      if (delta > 0) {
1376 1377
        Flow val = _state[in_arc] * delta;
1377 1378
        _flow[in_arc] += val;
1378 1379
        for (int u = _source[in_arc]; u != join; u = _parent[u]) {
1379 1380
          _flow[_pred[u]] += _forward[u] ? -val : val;
1380 1381
1381 1382
        for (int u = _target[in_arc]; u != join; u = _parent[u]) {
1382 1383
          _flow[_pred[u]] += _forward[u] ? val : -val;
1383 1384
1384 1385
1385 1386
      // Update the state of the entering and leaving arcs
1386 1387
      if (change) {
1387 1388
        _state[in_arc] = STATE_TREE;
1388 1389
        _state[_pred[u_out]] =
1389 1390
          (_flow[_pred[u_out]] == 0) ? STATE_LOWER : STATE_UPPER;
1390 1391
      } else {
1391 1392
        _state[in_arc] = -_state[in_arc];
1392 1393
1393 1394
1394 1395

1395 1396
    // Update the tree structure
1396 1397
    void updateTreeStructure() {
1397 1398
      int u, w;
1398 1399
      int old_rev_thread = _rev_thread[u_out];
1399 1400
      int old_succ_num = _succ_num[u_out];
Show white space 384 line context
... ...
@@ -44,296 +44,291 @@
44 44
  "    8     0    0    0    0    3\n"
45 45
  "    9     3    0    0    0    0\n"
46 46
  "   10    -2    0    0   -7   -2\n"
47 47
  "   11     0    0    0  -10    0\n"
48 48
  "   12   -20  -27    0  -30  -20\n"
49 49
50 50
51 51
  "       cost  cap low1 low2\n"
52 52
  " 1  2    70   11    0    8\n"
53 53
  " 1  3   150    3    0    1\n"
54 54
  " 1  4    80   15    0    2\n"
55 55
  " 2  8    80   12    0    0\n"
56 56
  " 3  5   140    5    0    3\n"
57 57
  " 4  6    60   10    0    1\n"
58 58
  " 4  7    80    2    0    0\n"
59 59
  " 4  8   110    3    0    0\n"
60 60
  " 5  7    60   14    0    0\n"
61 61
  " 5 11   120   12    0    0\n"
62 62
  " 6  3     0    3    0    0\n"
63 63
  " 6  9   140    4    0    0\n"
64 64
  " 6 10    90    8    0    0\n"
65 65
  " 7  1    30    5    0    0\n"
66 66
  " 8 12    60   16    0    4\n"
67 67
  " 9 12    50    6    0    0\n"
68 68
  "10 12    70   13    0    5\n"
69 69
  "10  2   100    7    0    0\n"
70 70
  "10  7    60   10    0    0\n"
71 71
  "11 10    20   14    0    6\n"
72 72
  "12 11    30   10    0    0\n"
73 73
74 74
75 75
  "source 1\n"
76 76
  "target 12\n";
77 77

78 78

79 79
enum ProblemType {
80 80
81 81
82 82
83 83
84 84

85 85
// Check the interface of an MCF algorithm
86 86
template <typename GR, typename Flow, typename Cost>
87 87
class McfClassConcept
88 88
89 89
90 90

91 91
  template <typename MCF>
92 92
  struct Constraints {
93 93
    void constraints() {
94 94
      checkConcept<concepts::Digraph, GR>();
95 95

96 96
      MCF mcf(g);
97 97

98 98
      b = mcf.reset()
99 99
100 100
101 101
102 102
             .boundMaps(lower, upper)
103 103
104 104
105 105
             .stSupply(n, n, k)
106 106
107 107
108 108
109 109
110 110
      const MCF& const_mcf = mcf;
111 111

112 112
      const typename MCF::FlowMap &fm = const_mcf.flowMap();
113 113
      const typename MCF::PotentialMap &pm = const_mcf.potentialMap();
114 114

115 115
      v = const_mcf.totalCost();
116 116
      double x = const_mcf.template totalCost<double>();
117 117
      v = const_mcf.flow(a);
118 118
      v = const_mcf.potential(n);
119 119

120 120
121 121
122 122
123 123
124 124

125 125
    typedef typename GR::Node Node;
126 126
    typedef typename GR::Arc Arc;
127 127
    typedef concepts::ReadMap<Node, Flow> NM;
128 128
    typedef concepts::ReadMap<Arc, Flow> FAM;
129 129
    typedef concepts::ReadMap<Arc, Cost> CAM;
130 130

131 131
    const GR &g;
132 132
    const FAM &lower;
133 133
    const FAM &upper;
134 134
    const CAM &cost;
135 135
    const NM &sup;
136 136
    const Node &n;
137 137
    const Arc &a;
138 138
    const Flow &k;
139 139
    Flow v;
140 140
    bool b;
141 141

142 142
    typename MCF::FlowMap &flow;
143 143
    typename MCF::PotentialMap &pot;
144 144
145 145

146 146
147 147

148 148

149 149
// Check the feasibility of the given flow (primal soluiton)
150 150
template < typename GR, typename LM, typename UM,
151 151
           typename SM, typename FM >
152 152
bool checkFlow( const GR& gr, const LM& lower, const UM& upper,
153 153
                const SM& supply, const FM& flow,
154 154
                ProblemType type = EQ )
155 155
156 156
157 157

158 158
  for (ArcIt e(gr); e != INVALID; ++e) {
159 159
    if (flow[e] < lower[e] || flow[e] > upper[e]) return false;
160 160
161 161

162 162
  for (NodeIt n(gr); n != INVALID; ++n) {
163 163
    typename SM::Value sum = 0;
164 164
    for (OutArcIt e(gr, n); e != INVALID; ++e)
165 165
      sum += flow[e];
166 166
    for (InArcIt e(gr, n); e != INVALID; ++e)
167 167
      sum -= flow[e];
168 168
    bool b = (type ==  EQ && sum == supply[n]) ||
169 169
             (type == GEQ && sum >= supply[n]) ||
170 170
             (type == LEQ && sum <= supply[n]);
171 171
    if (!b) return false;
172 172
173 173

174 174
  return true;
175 175
176 176

177 177
// Check the feasibility of the given potentials (dual soluiton)
178 178
// using the "Complementary Slackness" optimality condition
179 179
template < typename GR, typename LM, typename UM,
180 180
           typename CM, typename SM, typename FM, typename PM >
181 181
bool checkPotential( const GR& gr, const LM& lower, const UM& upper,
182 182
                     const CM& cost, const SM& supply, const FM& flow, 
183 183
                     const PM& pi )
184 184
185 185
186 186

187 187
  bool opt = true;
188 188
  for (ArcIt e(gr); opt && e != INVALID; ++e) {
189 189
    typename CM::Value red_cost =
190 190
      cost[e] + pi[gr.source(e)] - pi[];
191 191
    opt = red_cost == 0 ||
192 192
          (red_cost > 0 && flow[e] == lower[e]) ||
193 193
          (red_cost < 0 && flow[e] == upper[e]);
194 194
195 195
196 196
  for (NodeIt n(gr); opt && n != INVALID; ++n) {
197 197
    typename SM::Value sum = 0;
198 198
    for (OutArcIt e(gr, n); e != INVALID; ++e)
199 199
      sum += flow[e];
200 200
    for (InArcIt e(gr, n); e != INVALID; ++e)
201 201
      sum -= flow[e];
202 202
    opt = (sum == supply[n]) || (pi[n] == 0);
203 203
204 204
205 205
  return opt;
206 206
207 207

208 208
// Run a minimum cost flow algorithm and check the results
209 209
template < typename MCF, typename GR,
210 210
           typename LM, typename UM,
211 211
           typename CM, typename SM >
212 212
void checkMcf( const MCF& mcf, bool mcf_result,
213 213
               const GR& gr, const LM& lower, const UM& upper,
214 214
               const CM& cost, const SM& supply,
215 215
               bool result, typename CM::Value total,
216 216
               const std::string &test_id = "",
217 217
               ProblemType type = EQ )
218 218
219 219
  check(mcf_result == result, "Wrong result " + test_id);
220 220
  if (result) {
221 221
    check(checkFlow(gr, lower, upper, supply, mcf.flowMap(), type),
222 222
          "The flow is not feasible " + test_id);
223 223
    check(mcf.totalCost() == total, "The flow is not optimal " + test_id);
224 224
    check(checkPotential(gr, lower, upper, cost, supply, mcf.flowMap(),
225 225
226 226
          "Wrong potentials " + test_id);
227 227
228 228
229 229

230 230
int main()
231 231
232 232
  // Check the interfaces
233 233
234 234
    typedef int Flow;
235 235
    typedef int Cost;
    // TODO: This typedef should be enabled if the standard maps are
    // reference maps in the graph concepts (See #190).
    //typedef concepts::Digraph GR;
    typedef ListDigraph GR;
    typedef concepts::Digraph GR;
242 237
    checkConcept< McfClassConcept<GR, Flow, Cost>,
243 238
                  NetworkSimplex<GR, Flow, Cost> >();
244 239
245 240

246 241
  // Run various MCF tests
247 242
  typedef ListDigraph Digraph;
248 243
249 244

250 245
  // Read the test digraph
251 246
  Digraph gr;
252 247
  Digraph::ArcMap<int> c(gr), l1(gr), l2(gr), u(gr);
253 248
  Digraph::NodeMap<int> s1(gr), s2(gr), s3(gr), s4(gr), s5(gr);
254 249
  ConstMap<Arc, int> cc(1), cu(std::numeric_limits<int>::max());
255 250
  Node v, w;
256 251

257 252
  std::istringstream input(test_lgf);
258 253
  DigraphReader<Digraph>(gr, input)
259 254
    .arcMap("cost", c)
260 255
    .arcMap("cap", u)
261 256
    .arcMap("low1", l1)
262 257
    .arcMap("low2", l2)
263 258
    .nodeMap("sup1", s1)
264 259
    .nodeMap("sup2", s2)
265 260
    .nodeMap("sup3", s3)
266 261
    .nodeMap("sup4", s4)
267 262
    .nodeMap("sup5", s5)
268 263
    .node("source", v)
269 264
    .node("target", w)
270 265
271 266

272 267
  // A. Test NetworkSimplex with the default pivot rule
273 268
274 269
    NetworkSimplex<Digraph> mcf(gr);
275 270

276 271
    // Check the equality form
277 272
278 273
    checkMcf(mcf, mcf.supplyMap(s1).run(),
279 274
             gr, l1, u, c, s1, true,  5240, "#A1");
280 275
    checkMcf(mcf, mcf.stSupply(v, w, 27).run(),
281 276
             gr, l1, u, c, s2, true,  7620, "#A2");
282 277
283 278
    checkMcf(mcf, mcf.supplyMap(s1).run(),
284 279
             gr, l2, u, c, s1, true,  5970, "#A3");
285 280
    checkMcf(mcf, mcf.stSupply(v, w, 27).run(),
286 281
             gr, l2, u, c, s2, true,  8010, "#A4");
287 282
288 283
    checkMcf(mcf, mcf.supplyMap(s1).run(),
289 284
             gr, l1, cu, cc, s1, true,  74, "#A5");
290 285
    checkMcf(mcf, mcf.lowerMap(l2).stSupply(v, w, 27).run(),
291 286
             gr, l2, cu, cc, s2, true,  94, "#A6");
292 287
293 288
294 289
             gr, l1, cu, cc, s3, true,   0, "#A7");
295 290
    checkMcf(mcf, mcf.boundMaps(l2, u).run(),
296 291
             gr, l2, u, cc, s3, false,   0, "#A8");
297 292

298 293
    // Check the GEQ form
299 294
300 295
301 296
             gr, l1, u, c, s4, true,  3530, "#A9", GEQ);
302 297
303 298
    checkMcf(mcf, mcf.lowerMap(l2).run(),
304 299
             gr, l2, u, c, s4, true,  4540, "#A10", GEQ);
305 300
306 301
307 302
             gr, l2, u, c, s5, false,    0, "#A11", GEQ);
308 303

309 304
    // Check the LEQ form
310 305
311 306
312 307
313 308
             gr, l1, u, c, s5, true,  5080, "#A12", LEQ);
314 309
    checkMcf(mcf, mcf.lowerMap(l2).run(),
315 310
             gr, l2, u, c, s5, true,  5930, "#A13", LEQ);
316 311
317 312
318 313
             gr, l2, u, c, s4, false,    0, "#A14", LEQ);
319 314
320 315

321 316
  // B. Test NetworkSimplex with each pivot rule
322 317
323 318
    NetworkSimplex<Digraph> mcf(gr);
324 319
325 320

326 321
327 322
             gr, l2, u, c, s1, true,  5970, "#B1");
328 323
329 324
             gr, l2, u, c, s1, true,  5970, "#B2");
330 325
331 326
             gr, l2, u, c, s1, true,  5970, "#B3");
332 327
333 328
             gr, l2, u, c, s1, true,  5970, "#B4");
334 329
335 330
             gr, l2, u, c, s1, true,  5970, "#B5");
336 331
337 332

338 333
  return 0;
339 334
Show white space 384 line context
1 1
/* -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
2 2
3 3
 * This file is a part of LEMON, a generic C++ optimization library.
4 4
5 5
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2009
6 6
 * Egervary Jeno Kombinatorikus Optimalizalasi Kutatocsoport
7 7
 * (Egervary Research Group on Combinatorial Optimization, EGRES).
8 8
9 9
 * Permission to use, modify and distribute this software is granted
10 10
 * provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies. For
11 11
 * precise terms see the accompanying LICENSE file.
12 12
13 13
 * This software is provided "AS IS" with no warranty of any kind,
14 14
 * express or implied, and with no claim as to its suitability for any
15 15
 * purpose.
16 16
17 17
18 18

19 19
///\ingroup tools
20 20
21 21
///\brief DIMACS problem solver.
22 22
23 23
/// This program solves various problems given in DIMACS format.
24 24
25 25
/// See
26 26
/// \code
27 27
///   dimacs-solver --help
28 28
/// \endcode
29 29
/// for more info on usage.
30 30

31 31
#include <iostream>
32 32
#include <fstream>
33 33
#include <cstring>
34 34

35 35
#include <lemon/smart_graph.h>
36 36
#include <lemon/dimacs.h>
37 37
#include <lemon/lgf_writer.h>
38 38
#include <lemon/time_measure.h>
39 39

40 40
#include <lemon/arg_parser.h>
41 41
#include <lemon/error.h>
42 42

43 43
#include <lemon/dijkstra.h>
44 44
#include <lemon/preflow.h>
45 45
#include <lemon/matching.h>
46 46
#include <lemon/network_simplex.h>
47 47

48 48
using namespace lemon;
49 49
typedef SmartDigraph Digraph;
50 50
51 51
typedef SmartGraph Graph;
52 52

53 53
template<class Value>
54 54
void solve_sp(ArgParser &ap, std::istream &is, std::ostream &,
55 55
              DimacsDescriptor &desc)
56 56
57 57
  bool report = !ap.given("q");
58 58
  Digraph g;
59 59
  Node s;
60 60
  Digraph::ArcMap<Value> len(g);
61 61
  Timer t;
62 62
63 63
  readDimacsSp(is, g, len, s, desc);
64 64
  if(report) std::cerr << "Read the file: " << t << '\n';
65 65
66 66
  Dijkstra<Digraph, Digraph::ArcMap<Value> > dij(g,len);
67 67
  if(report) std::cerr << "Setup Dijkstra class: " << t << '\n';
68 68
69 69;
70 70
  if(report) std::cerr << "Run Dijkstra: " << t << '\n';
71 71
72 72

73 73
template<class Value>
74 74
void solve_max(ArgParser &ap, std::istream &is, std::ostream &,
75 75
               Value infty, DimacsDescriptor &desc)
76 76
77 77
  bool report = !ap.given("q");
78 78
  Digraph g;
79 79
  Node s,t;
80 80
  Digraph::ArcMap<Value> cap(g);
81 81
  Timer ti;
82 82
83 83
  readDimacsMax(is, g, cap, s, t, infty, desc);
84 84
  if(report) std::cerr << "Read the file: " << ti << '\n';
85 85
86 86
  Preflow<Digraph, Digraph::ArcMap<Value> > pre(g,cap,s,t);
87 87
  if(report) std::cerr << "Setup Preflow class: " << ti << '\n';
88 88
89 89;
90 90
  if(report) std::cerr << "Run Preflow: " << ti << '\n';
91 91
  if(report) std::cerr << "\nMax flow value: " << pre.flowValue() << '\n';  
92 92
93 93

94 94
template<class Value>
95 95
void solve_min(ArgParser &ap, std::istream &is, std::ostream &,
               DimacsDescriptor &desc)
               Value infty, DimacsDescriptor &desc)
97 97
98 98
  bool report = !ap.given("q");
99 99
  Digraph g;
100 100
  Digraph::ArcMap<Value> lower(g), cap(g), cost(g);
101 101
  Digraph::NodeMap<Value> sup(g);
102 102
  Timer ti;

103 104
  readDimacsMin(is, g, lower, cap, cost, sup, 0, desc);
  readDimacsMin(is, g, lower, cap, cost, sup, infty, desc);
  Value sum_sup = 0;
  for (Digraph::NodeIt n(g); n != INVALID; ++n) {
    sum_sup += sup[n];
  if (report) {
    std::cerr << "Sum of supply values: " << sum_sup << "\n";
    if (sum_sup <= 0)
      std::cerr << "GEQ supply contraints are used for NetworkSimplex\n\n";
      std::cerr << "LEQ supply contraints are used for NetworkSimplex\n\n";
105 118
  if (report) std::cerr << "Read the file: " << ti << '\n';

106 120
107 121
  NetworkSimplex<Digraph, Value> ns(g);
108 122
  if (sum_sup > 0) ns.problemType(ns.LEQ);
109 124
  if (report) std::cerr << "Setup NetworkSimplex class: " << ti << '\n';
110 125
  if (report) std::cerr << "Run NetworkSimplex: " << ti << '\n';
  if (report) std::cerr << "\nMin flow cost: " << ns.totalCost() << '\n';
  bool res =;
  if (report) {
    std::cerr << "Run NetworkSimplex: " << ti << "\n\n";
    std::cerr << "Feasible flow: " << (res ? "found" : "not found") << '\n';
    if (res) std::cerr << "Min flow cost: " << ns.totalCost() << '\n';
114 132
115 133

116 134
void solve_mat(ArgParser &ap, std::istream &is, std::ostream &,
117 135
              DimacsDescriptor &desc)
118 136
119 137
  bool report = !ap.given("q");
120 138
  Graph g;
121 139
  Timer ti;
122 140
123 141
  readDimacsMat(is, g, desc);
124 142
  if(report) std::cerr << "Read the file: " << ti << '\n';
125 143
126 144
  MaxMatching<Graph> mat(g);
127 145
  if(report) std::cerr << "Setup MaxMatching class: " << ti << '\n';
128 146
129 147;
130 148
  if(report) std::cerr << "Run MaxMatching: " << ti << '\n';
131 149
  if(report) std::cerr << "\nCardinality of max matching: "
132 150
                       << mat.matchingSize() << '\n';  
133 151
134 152

135 153

136 154
template<class Value>
137 155
void solve(ArgParser &ap, std::istream &is, std::ostream &os,
138 156
           DimacsDescriptor &desc)
139 157
140 158
  std::stringstream iss(static_cast<std::string>(ap["infcap"]));
141 159
  Value infty;
142 160
  iss >> infty;
143 161
144 162
145 163
      std::cerr << "Cannot interpret '"
146 164
                << static_cast<std::string>(ap["infcap"]) << "' as infinite"
147 165
                << std::endl;
148 166
149 167
150 168
151 169
152 170
153 171
    case DimacsDescriptor::MIN:
155 173
156 174
    case DimacsDescriptor::MAX:
157 175
158 176
159 177
    case DimacsDescriptor::SP:
160 178
161 179
162 180
    case DimacsDescriptor::MAT:
163 181
164 182
165 183
166 184
167 185
168 186
169 187

170 188
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
171 189
  typedef SmartDigraph Digraph;
172 190

173 191
  typedef Digraph::Arc Arc;
174 192

175 193
  std::string inputName;
176 194
  std::string outputName;
177 195

178 196
  ArgParser ap(argc, argv);
179 197
  ap.other("[INFILE [OUTFILE]]",
180 198
           "If either the INFILE or OUTFILE file is missing the standard\n"
181 199
           "     input/output will be used instead.")
182 200
    .boolOption("q", "Do not print any report")
183 201
    .boolOption("int","Use 'int' for capacities, costs etc. (default)")
184 202
185 203
186 204
    .boolOption("long","Use 'long long' for capacities, costs etc.")
187 205
188 206
189 207
    .boolOption("double","Use 'double' for capacities, costs etc.")
190 208
191 209
    .boolOption("ldouble","Use 'long double' for capacities, costs etc.")
192 210
193 211
194 212
    .stringOption("infcap","Value used for 'very high' capacities","0")
195 213
196 214

197 215
  std::ifstream input;
198 216
  std::ofstream output;
199 217

200 218
201 219
202 220
    case 2:
203 221[1].c_str());
204 222
      if (!output) {
205 223
        throw IoError("Cannot open the file for writing", ap.files()[1]);
206 224
207 225
    case 1:
208 226[0].c_str());
209 227
      if (!input) {
210 228
        throw IoError("File cannot be found", ap.files()[0]);
211 229
212 230
    case 0:
213 231
214 232
215 233
      std::cerr << ap.commandName() << ": too many arguments\n";
216 234
      return 1;
217 235
218 236
  std::istream& is = (ap.files().size()<1 ? std::cin : input);
219 237
  std::ostream& os = (ap.files().size()<2 ? std::cout : output);
220 238

221 239
  DimacsDescriptor desc = dimacsType(is);
222 240
223 241
224 242
225 243
      std::cout << "Problem type: ";
226 244
227 245
228 246
        case DimacsDescriptor::MIN:
229 247
          std::cout << "min";
230 248
231 249
        case DimacsDescriptor::MAX:
232 250
          std::cout << "max";
233 251
234 252
        case DimacsDescriptor::SP:
235 253
          std::cout << "sp";
236 254
        case DimacsDescriptor::MAT:
237 255
          std::cout << "mat";
238 256
239 257
240 258
241 259
242 260
243 261
      std::cout << "\nNum of nodes: " << desc.nodeNum;
244 262
      std::cout << "\nNum of arcs:  " << desc.edgeNum;
245 263
      std::cout << "\n\n";
246 264
247 265
248 266
249 267
250 268
  else if(ap.given("ldouble"))
251 269
    solve<long double>(ap,is,os,desc);
252 270
253 271
  else if(ap.given("long"))
254 272
    solve<long long>(ap,is,os,desc);
255 273
256 274
  else solve<int>(ap,is,os,desc);
257 275

258 276
  return 0;
259 277
0 comments (0 inline)