The Egres Open site is a combinatorial optimization research forum maintained by the Egerváry Research Group (EGRES). Its aim is twofold: on one hand, it is a regularly updated survey of open problems and potential research projects that are of particular interest to the Egres group. On the other hand, it is intended as an open discussion forum for the combinatorial optimization community.
Anyone interested in combinatorial optimization can become an active user by creating an account on the site. Every page is accompanied by a discussion page, where users may freely discuss the topic of the page. These forums are not moderated and everyone is encouraged to contribute new ideas or suggest improvements.
The non-discussion pages are written by members of the Egres group. They are classified by categories: Open problems (divided into several categories, see the bottom of the taskbar on the left), Theorems, Definitions, and Surveys (corresponding to the open problem categories).
- The Theorem and Definition pages provide background information that can be cited in open problems and surveys.
- The surveys summarize possible research directions in several topics. These surveys will be updated and extended as new questions and results arise.
- The most important content of the site is in the Open Problem pages. Each page addresses a specific problem and its ramifications. Partial results and related problems may appear on the discussion page.
Other, auxiliary pages on the site are classified by their Namespaces.
- Pages in the Help namespace contain information for users of the site. See Help:Contents for links. There is also a Help:Notation page that explains mathematical notation used on this site .
- Pages in the Egres namespace (except for this one) are intended mainly for members of the Egres group. These can be accessed through the Community Portal.
- Pages in the Special namespace are special wiki pages containing information about recent changes, users, etc. These can be accessed via the Special pages link in the toolbox to the left.
Please visit the Help:Contents for more details.
If you have any questions about the site, you can contact us at .