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CycleCanceling< GR, V, C > Class Template Reference

Detailed Description

template<typename GR, typename V, typename C>
class lemon::CycleCanceling< GR, V, C >

CycleCanceling implements three different cycle-canceling algorithms for finding a minimum cost flow [1], [24], [16]. The most efficent one is the Cancel-and-Tighten algorithm, thus it is the default method. It runs in strongly polynomial time $O(n^2 m^2 \log n)$, but in practice, it is typically orders of magnitude slower than the scaling algorithms and NetworkSimplex. (For more information, see the module page.)

Most of the parameters of the problem (except for the digraph) can be given using separate functions, and the algorithm can be executed using the run() function. If some parameters are not specified, then default values will be used.

Template Parameters
GRThe digraph type the algorithm runs on.
VThe number type used for flow amounts, capacity bounds and supply values in the algorithm. By default, it is int.
CThe number type used for costs and potentials in the algorithm. By default, it is the same as V.
Both V and C must be signed number types.
All input data (capacities, supply values, and costs) must be integer.
This algorithm does not support negative costs for arcs having infinite upper bound.
For more information about the three available methods, see Method.

#include <lemon/cycle_canceling.h>

Public Types

 Problem type constants for the run() function. More...
 Constants for selecting the used method. More...
typedef GR Digraph
 The type of the digraph.
typedef V Value
 The type of the flow amounts, capacity bounds and supply values.
typedef C Cost
 The type of the arc costs.

Public Member Functions

 CycleCanceling (const GR &graph)
 Constructor. More...

The parameters of the algorithm can be specified using these functions.

template<typename LowerMap >
CycleCancelinglowerMap (const LowerMap &map)
 Set the lower bounds on the arcs. More...
template<typename UpperMap >
CycleCancelingupperMap (const UpperMap &map)
 Set the upper bounds (capacities) on the arcs. More...
template<typename CostMap >
CycleCancelingcostMap (const CostMap &map)
 Set the costs of the arcs. More...
template<typename SupplyMap >
CycleCancelingsupplyMap (const SupplyMap &map)
 Set the supply values of the nodes. More...
CycleCancelingstSupply (const Node &s, const Node &t, Value k)
 Set single source and target nodes and a supply value. More...
Execution control

The algorithm can be executed using run().

ProblemType run (Method method=CANCEL_AND_TIGHTEN)
 Run the algorithm. More...
CycleCancelingresetParams ()
 Reset all the parameters that have been given before. More...
CycleCancelingreset ()
 Reset the internal data structures and all the parameters that have been given before. More...
Query Functions

The results of the algorithm can be obtained using these functions.
The run() function must be called before using them.

template<typename Number >
Number totalCost () const
 Return the total cost of the found flow. More...
Value flow (const Arc &a) const
 Return the flow on the given arc. More...
template<typename FlowMap >
void flowMap (FlowMap &map) const
 Copy the flow values (the primal solution) into the given map. More...
Cost potential (const Node &n) const
 Return the potential (dual value) of the given node. More...
template<typename PotentialMap >
void potentialMap (PotentialMap &map) const
 Copy the potential values (the dual solution) into the given map. More...

Public Attributes

const Value INF
 Constant for infinite upper bounds (capacities). More...

Member Enumeration Documentation

Enum type containing the problem type constants that can be returned by the run() function of the algorithm.


The problem has no feasible solution (flow).


The problem has optimal solution (i.e. it is feasible and bounded), and the algorithm has found optimal flow and node potentials (primal and dual solutions).


The digraph contains an arc of negative cost and infinite upper bound. It means that the objective function is unbounded on that arc, however, note that it could actually be bounded over the feasible flows, but this algroithm cannot handle these cases.

enum Method

Enum type containing constants for selecting the used method for the run() function.

CycleCanceling provides three different cycle-canceling methods. By default, Cancel-and-Tighten is used, which is by far the most efficient and the most robust. However, the other methods can be selected using the run() function with the proper parameter.


A simple cycle-canceling method, which uses the Bellman-Ford algorithm for detecting negative cycles in the residual network. The number of Bellman-Ford iterations is bounded by a successively increased limit.


The "Minimum Mean Cycle-Canceling" algorithm, which is a well-known strongly polynomial method [16]. It improves along a minimum mean cycle in each iteration. Its running time complexity is $O(n^2 m^3 \log n)$.


The "Cancel-and-Tighten" algorithm, which can be viewed as an improved version of the previous method [16]. It is faster both in theory and in practice, its running time complexity is $O(n^2 m^2 \log n)$.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CycleCanceling ( const GR &  graph)

The constructor of the class.

graphThe digraph the algorithm runs on.

Member Function Documentation

CycleCanceling& lowerMap ( const LowerMap &  map)

This function sets the lower bounds on the arcs. If it is not used before calling run(), the lower bounds will be set to zero on all arcs.

mapAn arc map storing the lower bounds. Its Value type must be convertible to the Value type of the algorithm.
CycleCanceling& upperMap ( const UpperMap &  map)

This function sets the upper bounds (capacities) on the arcs. If it is not used before calling run(), the upper bounds will be set to INF on all arcs (i.e. the flow value will be unbounded from above).

mapAn arc map storing the upper bounds. Its Value type must be convertible to the Value type of the algorithm.
CycleCanceling& costMap ( const CostMap &  map)

This function sets the costs of the arcs. If it is not used before calling run(), the costs will be set to 1 on all arcs.

mapAn arc map storing the costs. Its Value type must be convertible to the Cost type of the algorithm.
CycleCanceling& supplyMap ( const SupplyMap &  map)

This function sets the supply values of the nodes. If neither this function nor stSupply() is used before calling run(), the supply of each node will be set to zero.

mapA node map storing the supply values. Its Value type must be convertible to the Value type of the algorithm.
CycleCanceling& stSupply ( const Node &  s,
const Node &  t,
Value  k 

This function sets a single source node and a single target node and the required flow value. If neither this function nor supplyMap() is used before calling run(), the supply of each node will be set to zero.

Using this function has the same effect as using supplyMap() with a map in which k is assigned to s, -k is assigned to t and all other nodes have zero supply value.

sThe source node.
tThe target node.
kThe required amount of flow from node s to node t (i.e. the supply of s and the demand of t).
ProblemType run ( Method  method = CANCEL_AND_TIGHTEN)

This function runs the algorithm. The paramters can be specified using functions lowerMap(), upperMap(), costMap(), supplyMap(), stSupply(). For example,

* CycleCanceling<ListDigraph> cc(graph);
* cc.lowerMap(lower).upperMap(upper).costMap(cost)
* .supplyMap(sup).run();

This function can be called more than once. All the given parameters are kept for the next call, unless resetParams() or reset() is used, thus only the modified parameters have to be set again. If the underlying digraph was also modified after the construction of the class (or the last reset() call), then the reset() function must be called.

methodThe cycle-canceling method that will be used. For more information, see Method.
INFEASIBLE if no feasible flow exists,
OPTIMAL if the problem has optimal solution (i.e. it is feasible and bounded), and the algorithm has found optimal flow and node potentials (primal and dual solutions),
UNBOUNDED if the digraph contains an arc of negative cost and infinite upper bound. It means that the objective function is unbounded on that arc, however, note that it could actually be bounded over the feasible flows, but this algroithm cannot handle these cases.
See Also
ProblemType, Method
resetParams(), reset()
CycleCanceling& resetParams ( )

This function resets all the paramaters that have been given before using functions lowerMap(), upperMap(), costMap(), supplyMap(), stSupply().

It is useful for multiple run() calls. Basically, all the given parameters are kept for the next run() call, unless resetParams() or reset() is used. If the underlying digraph was also modified after the construction of the class or the last reset() call, then the reset() function must be used, otherwise resetParams() is sufficient.

For example,

* CycleCanceling<ListDigraph> cs(graph);
* // First run
* cc.lowerMap(lower).upperMap(upper).costMap(cost)
* .supplyMap(sup).run();
* // Run again with modified cost map (resetParams() is not called,
* // so only the cost map have to be set again)
* cost[e] += 100;
* cc.costMap(cost).run();
* // Run again from scratch using resetParams()
* // (the lower bounds will be set to zero on all arcs)
* cc.resetParams();
* cc.upperMap(capacity).costMap(cost)
* .supplyMap(sup).run();
See Also
reset(), run()
CycleCanceling& reset ( )

This function resets the internal data structures and all the paramaters that have been given before using functions lowerMap(), upperMap(), costMap(), supplyMap(), stSupply().

It is useful for multiple run() calls. Basically, all the given parameters are kept for the next run() call, unless resetParams() or reset() is used. If the underlying digraph was also modified after the construction of the class or the last reset() call, then the reset() function must be used, otherwise resetParams() is sufficient.

See resetParams() for examples.

See Also
resetParams(), run()
Number totalCost ( ) const

This function returns the total cost of the found flow. Its complexity is O(m).

The return type of the function can be specified as a template parameter. For example,
* cc.totalCost<double>();
It is useful if the total cost cannot be stored in the Cost type of the algorithm, which is the default return type of the function.
run() must be called before using this function.
Value flow ( const Arc &  a) const

This function returns the flow on the given arc.

run() must be called before using this function.
void flowMap ( FlowMap &  map) const

This function copies the flow value on each arc into the given map. The Value type of the algorithm must be convertible to the Value type of the map.

run() must be called before using this function.
Cost potential ( const Node &  n) const

This function returns the potential (dual value) of the given node.

run() must be called before using this function.
void potentialMap ( PotentialMap &  map) const

This function copies the potential (dual value) of each node into the given map. The Cost type of the algorithm must be convertible to the Value type of the map.

run() must be called before using this function.

Member Data Documentation

const Value INF

Constant for infinite upper bounds (capacities). It is std::numeric_limits<Value>::infinity() if available, std::numeric_limits<Value>::max() otherwise.