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StaticDigraph Class Reference

Detailed Description

StaticDigraph is a highly efficient digraph implementation, but it is fully static. It stores only two int values for each node and only four int values for each arc. Moreover it provides faster item iteration than ListDigraph and SmartDigraph, especially using OutArcIt iterators, since its arcs are stored in an appropriate order. However it only provides build() and clear() functions and does not support any other modification of the digraph.

Since this digraph structure is completely static, its nodes and arcs can be indexed with integers from the ranges [0..nodeNum()-1] and [0..arcNum()-1], respectively. The index of an item is the same as its ID, it can be obtained using the corresponding index() or id() function. A node or arc with a certain index can be obtained using node() or arc().

This type fully conforms to the Digraph concept. Most of its member functions and nested classes are documented only in the concept class.

This class provides constant time counting for nodes and arcs.

See Also

#include <lemon/static_graph.h>

Inherits DigraphExtender< Base >.

Public Member Functions

 StaticDigraph ()
 Constructor. More...
int nodeNum () const
 Number of nodes. More...
int arcNum () const
 Number of arcs. More...
template<typename Digraph , typename NodeRefMap , typename ArcRefMap >
void build (const Digraph &digraph, NodeRefMap &nodeRef, ArcRefMap &arcRef)
 Build the digraph copying another digraph. More...
template<typename ArcListIterator >
void build (int n, ArcListIterator begin, ArcListIterator end)
 Build the digraph from an arc list. More...
void clear ()
 Clear the digraph. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static Node node (int ix)
 The node with the given index. More...
static Arc arc (int ix)
 The arc with the given index. More...
static int index (Node node)
 The index of the given node. More...
static int index (Arc arc)
 The index of the given arc. More...

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

StaticDigraph ( )

Default constructor.

Member Function Documentation

static Node node ( int  ix)

This function returns the node with the given index.

See Also
static Arc arc ( int  ix)

This function returns the arc with the given index.

See Also
static int index ( Node  node)

This function returns the index of the the given node.

See Also
static int index ( Arc  arc)

This function returns the index of the the given arc.

See Also
int nodeNum ( ) const

This function returns the number of nodes.

int arcNum ( ) const

This function returns the number of arcs.

void build ( const Digraph &  digraph,
NodeRefMap &  nodeRef,
ArcRefMap &  arcRef 

This function builds the digraph copying another digraph of any kind. It can be called more than once, but in such case, the whole structure and all maps will be cleared and rebuilt.

This method also makes possible to copy a digraph to a StaticDigraph structure using DigraphCopy.

digraphAn existing digraph to be copied.
nodeRefThe node references will be copied into this map. Its key type must be Digraph::Node and its value type must be StaticDigraph::Node. It must conform to the ReadWriteMap concept.
arcRefThe arc references will be copied into this map. Its key type must be Digraph::Arc and its value type must be StaticDigraph::Arc. It must conform to the WriteMap concept.
If you do not need the arc references, then you could use NullMap for the last parameter. However the node references are required by the function itself, thus they must be readable from the map.
void build ( int  n,
ArcListIterator  begin,
ArcListIterator  end 

This function builds the digraph from the given arc list. It can be called more than once, but in such case, the whole structure and all maps will be cleared and rebuilt.

The list of the arcs must be given in the range [begin, end) specified by STL compatible itartors whose value_type must be std::pair<int,int>. Each arc must be specified by a pair of integer indices from the range [0..n-1]. The pairs must be in a non-decreasing order with respect to their first values. If the k-th pair in the list is (i,j), then arc(k-1) will connect node(i) to node(j).

nThe number of nodes.
beginAn iterator pointing to the beginning of the arc list.
endAn iterator pointing to the end of the arc list.

For example, a simple digraph can be constructed like this.

* std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > arcs;
* arcs.push_back(std::make_pair(0,1));
* arcs.push_back(std::make_pair(0,2));
* arcs.push_back(std::make_pair(1,3));
* arcs.push_back(std::make_pair(1,2));
* arcs.push_back(std::make_pair(3,0));
*, arcs.begin(), arcs.end());
void clear ( )

This function erases all nodes and arcs from the digraph.