BellmanFord< _Graph, _LengthMap, _Traits > Class Template Reference
[Shortest Path algorithms]

Detailed Description

template<typename _Graph, typename _LengthMap, typename _Traits>
class lemon::BellmanFord< _Graph, _LengthMap, _Traits >

This class provides an efficient implementation of Bellman-Ford algorithm. The edge lengths are passed to the algorithm using a ReadMap, so it is easy to change it to any kind of length.

The Bellman-Ford algorithm solves the shortest path from one node problem when the edges can have negative length but the graph should not contain cycles with negative sum of length. If we can assume that all edge is non-negative in the graph then the dijkstra algorithm should be used rather.

The maximal time complexity of the algorithm is $ O(ne) $.

The type of the length is determined by the Value of the length map.

_Graph The graph type the algorithm runs on. The default value is ListGraph. The value of _Graph is not used directly by BellmanFord, it is only passed to BellmanFordDefaultTraits.
_LengthMap This read-only EdgeMap determines the lengths of the edges. The default map type is Graph::EdgeMap<int>. The value of _LengthMap is not used directly by BellmanFord, it is only passed to BellmanFordDefaultTraits.
_Traits Traits class to set various data types used by the algorithm. The default traits class is BellmanFordDefaultTraits<_Graph,_LengthMap>. See BellmanFordDefaultTraits for the documentation of a BellmanFord traits class.
Balazs Dezso
#include <lemon/bellman_ford.h>

List of all members.

Query Functions

The result of the BellmanFord algorithm can be obtained using these functions.
Before the use of these functions, either run() or start() must be called.

typedef PredMapPath< Graph,
Path path (Node t)
 Gives back the shortest path.
Value dist (Node v) const
 The distance of a node from the root.
Edge predEdge (Node v) const
 Returns the 'previous edge' of the shortest path tree.
Node predNode (Node v) const
 Returns the 'previous node' of the shortest path tree.
const DistMapdistMap () const
 Returns a reference to the NodeMap of distances.
const PredMappredMap () const
 Returns a reference to the shortest path tree map.
bool reached (Node v)
 Checks if a node is reachable from the root.


class  ActiveIt
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struct  DefDistMap
struct  DefOperationTraits
struct  DefPredMap
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class  UninitializedParameter
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Public Types

typedef _Traits::Graph Graph
 The type of the underlying graph.
typedef _Traits::LengthMap::Value Value
 The type of the length of the edges.
typedef _Traits::LengthMap LengthMap
 The type of the map that stores the edge lengths.
typedef _Traits::PredMap PredMap
 The type of the map that stores the last edges of the shortest paths.
typedef _Traits::DistMap DistMap
 The type of the map that stores the dists of the nodes.
typedef _Traits::OperationTraits OperationTraits
 The operation traits.

Public Member Functions

 BellmanFord (const Graph &_graph, const LengthMap &_length)
 ~BellmanFord ()
BellmanFordlengthMap (const LengthMap &m)
 Sets the length map.
BellmanFordpredMap (PredMap &m)
 Sets the map storing the predecessor edges.
BellmanForddistMap (DistMap &m)
 Sets the map storing the distances calculated by the algorithm.
Execution control
The simplest way to execute the algorithm is to use one of the member functions called run(...).
If you need more control on the execution, first you must call init(), then you can add several source nodes with addSource(). Finally start() will perform the actual path computation.

void init (const Value value=OperationTraits::infinity())
void addSource (Node source, Value dst=OperationTraits::zero())
 Adds a new source node.
bool processNextRound ()
 Executes one round from the Bellman-Ford algorithm.
bool processNextWeakRound ()
 Executes one weak round from the Bellman-Ford algorithm.
void start ()
 Executes the algorithm.
bool checkedStart ()
 Executes the algorithm and checks the negative cycles.
void limitedStart (int num)
 Executes the algorithm with path length limit.
void run (Node s)
 Runs BellmanFord algorithm from node s.
void run (Node s, int num)
 Runs BellmanFord algorithm with limited path length from node s.

Private Member Functions

void create_maps ()
 Creates the maps if necessary.

Private Attributes

const Graphgraph
 Pointer to the underlying graph.
const LengthMaplength
 Pointer to the length map.
 Pointer to the map of predecessors edges.
bool local_pred
 Indicates if _pred is locally allocated (true) or not.
 Pointer to the map of distances.
bool local_dist
 Indicates if _dist is locally allocated (true) or not.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

BellmanFord ( const Graph _graph,
const LengthMap _length 
) [inline]

_graph the graph the algorithm will run on.
_length the length map used by the algorithm.

Member Function Documentation

BellmanFord& lengthMap ( const LengthMap m  )  [inline]

Sets the length map.


BellmanFord& predMap ( PredMap m  )  [inline]

Sets the map storing the predecessor edges. If you don't use this function before calling run(), it will allocate one. The destuctor deallocates this automatically allocated map, of course.


BellmanFord& distMap ( DistMap m  )  [inline]

Sets the map storing the distances calculated by the algorithm. If you don't use this function before calling run(), it will allocate one. The destuctor deallocates this automatically allocated map, of course.


void init ( const Value  value = OperationTraits::infinity()  )  [inline]

Initializes the internal data structures.

void addSource ( Node  source,
Value  dst = OperationTraits::zero() 
) [inline]

Adds a new source node. The optional second parameter is the initial distance of the node. It just sets the distance of the node to the given value.

bool processNextRound (  )  [inline]

If the algoritm calculated the distances in the previous round exactly for all at most $ k $ length path lengths then it will calculate the distances exactly for all at most $ k + 1 $ length path lengths. With $ k $ iteration this function calculates the at most $ k $ length path lengths.

The paths with limited edge number cannot be retrieved easily with path() or predEdge() functions. If you need the shortest path and not just the distance you should store after each iteration the predMap() map and manually build the path.
true when the algorithm have not found more shorter paths.

bool processNextWeakRound (  )  [inline]

If the algorithm calculated the distances in the previous round at least for all at most k length paths then it will calculate the distances at least for all at most k + 1 length paths. This function does not make it possible to calculate strictly the at most k length minimal paths, this is why it is called just weak round.

true when the algorithm have not found more shorter paths.

void start (  )  [inline]

init() must be called and at least one node should be added with addSource() before using this function.
This method runs the BellmanFord algorithm from the root node(s) in order to compute the shortest path to each node. The algorithm computes
  • The shortest path tree.
  • The distance of each node from the root(s).

bool checkedStart (  )  [inline]

init() must be called and at least one node should be added with addSource() before using this function.
This method runs the BellmanFord algorithm from the root node(s) in order to compute the shortest path to each node. The algorithm computes
  • The shortest path tree.
  • The distance of each node from the root(s).

false if there is a negative cycle in the graph.

void limitedStart ( int  num  )  [inline]

init() must be called and at least one node should be added with addSource() before using this function.
This method runs the BellmanFord algorithm from the root node(s) in order to compute the shortest path lengths with at most num edge.

The paths with limited edge number cannot be retrieved easily with path() or predEdge() functions. If you need the shortest path and not just the distance you should store after each iteration the predMap() map and manually build the path.
The algorithm computes
  • The predecessor edge from each node.
  • The limited distance of each node from the root(s).

void run ( Node  s  )  [inline]

This method runs the BellmanFord algorithm from a root node s in order to compute the shortest path to each node. The algorithm computes

  • The shortest path tree.
  • The distance of each node from the root.

Note: is just a shortcut of the following code.

void run ( Node  s,
int  num 
) [inline]

This method runs the BellmanFord algorithm from a root node s in order to compute the shortest path with at most len edges to each node. The algorithm computes

  • The shortest path tree.
  • The distance of each node from the root.

Note:, num) is just a shortcut of the following code.

Path path ( Node  t  )  [inline]

Gives back the shortest path.

The t should be reachable from the source.

Value dist ( Node  v  )  const [inline]

Returns the distance of a node from the root.

run() must be called before using this function.
If node v in unreachable from the root the return value of this funcion is undefined.

Edge predEdge ( Node  v  )  const [inline]

For a node v it returns the 'previous edge' of the shortest path tree, i.e. it returns the last edge of a shortest path from the root to v. It is INVALID if v is unreachable from the root or if v=s. The shortest path tree used here is equal to the shortest path tree used in predNode().

run() must be called before using this function.

Node predNode ( Node  v  )  const [inline]

For a node v it returns the 'previous node' of the shortest path tree, i.e. it returns the last but one node from a shortest path from the root to /v. It is INVALID if v is unreachable from the root or if v=s. The shortest path tree used here is equal to the shortest path tree used in predEdge().

run() must be called before using this function.

const DistMap& distMap (  )  const [inline]

Returns a reference to the NodeMap of distances.

run() must be called before using this function.

const PredMap& predMap (  )  const [inline]

Returns a reference to the NodeMap of the edges of the shortest path tree.

run() must be called before using this function.

bool reached ( Node  v  )  [inline]

Returns true if v is reachable from the root.

run() must be called before using this function.

Generated on Thu Jun 4 04:03:19 2009 for LEMON by  doxygen 1.5.9