DefStandardElevator< _Elevator > Struct Template Reference

Detailed Description

template<class _Graph, class _LCapMap = typename _Graph::template EdgeMap<int>, class _UCapMap = _LCapMap, class _DeltaMap = typename _Graph::template NodeMap< typename _UCapMap::Value>, class _Traits = CirculationDefaultTraits<_Graph, _LCapMap, _UCapMap, _DeltaMap>>
template<typename _Elevator>
struct lemon::Circulation< _Graph, _LCapMap, _UCapMap, _DeltaMap, _Traits >::DefStandardElevator< _Elevator >

Named parameter for setting Elevator type. The Elevator should be standard constructor interface, ie. the graph and the maximum level should be passed to it. #include <lemon/circulation.h>

Inheritance diagram for DefStandardElevator< _Elevator >:

Inheritance graph

List of all members.

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