EdgeLookUp< G > Class Template Reference
[Graph MapsBasic Graph Utilities]

Detailed Description

template<class G>
class lemon::EdgeLookUp< G >

Using this class, you can find an edge in a graph from a given source to a given target in time O(log d), where d is the out-degree of the source node.

It is not possible to find all parallel edges between two nodes. Use AllEdgeLookUp for this purpose.

This class is static, so you should refresh() (or at least refresh(Node)) this data structure whenever the graph changes. This is a time consuming (superlinearly proportional (O(mlogm)) to the number of edges).
G The type of the underlying graph.
See also:


#include <lemon/graph_utils.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 EdgeLookUp (const Graph &g)
void refresh (Node n)
 Refresh the data structure at a node.
void refresh ()
 Refresh the full data structure.
Edge operator() (Node s, Node t) const
 Find an edge between two nodes.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

EdgeLookUp ( const Graph &  g  )  [inline]


It builds up the search database, which remains valid until the graph changes.

Member Function Documentation

void refresh ( Node  n  )  [inline]

Build up the search database of node n.

It runs in time O(dlogd), where d is the number of the outgoing edges of n.

Reimplemented in AllEdgeLookUp< G >.

void refresh (  )  [inline]

Build up the full search database. In fact, it simply calls refresh(n) for each node n.

It runs in time O(mlogD), where m is the number of the edges of n and D is the maximum out-degree of the graph.

Reimplemented in AllEdgeLookUp< G >.

Edge operator() ( Node  s,
Node  t 
) const [inline]

Find an edge between two nodes in time O(logd), where d is the number of outgoing edges of s.

s The source node
t The target node
An edge from s to t if there exists, INVALID otherwise.
If you change the graph, refresh() must be called before using this operator. If you change the outgoing edges of a single node n, then refresh(n) is enough.

Generated on Thu Jun 4 04:04:45 2009 for LEMON by  doxygen 1.5.9