GraphToEps< T > Class Template Reference

Detailed Description

template<class T>
class lemon::GraphToEps< T >

Helper class to implement the named parameters of graphToEps()
Is 'helper class' a good name for this?

Useful new features.

  • Linestyles: dotted, dashed etc.
  • A second color and percent value for the lines.
Follow PostScript's DSC. Use own dictionary.
#include <lemon/graph_to_eps.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  NodeShapes {
  CIRCLE = 0, SQUARE = 1, DIAMOND = 2, MALE = 3,
  FEMALE = 4
 Node shapes. More...

Public Member Functions

template<class X >
GraphToEps< CoordsTraits< X > > coords (const X &x)
 Sets the map of the node coordinates.
template<class X >
GraphToEps< NodeSizesTraits< X > > nodeSizes (const X &x)
 Sets the map of the node sizes.
template<class X >
GraphToEps< NodeShapesTraits< X > > nodeShapes (const X &x)
 Sets the map of the node shapes.
template<class X >
GraphToEps< NodeTextsTraits< X > > nodeTexts (const X &x)
 Sets the text printed on the nodes.
template<class X >
GraphToEps< NodePsTextsTraits
< X > > 
nodePsTexts (const X &x)
 Inserts a PostScript block to the nodes.
template<class X >
GraphToEps< EdgeWidthsTraits< X > > edgeWidths (const X &x)
 Sets the map of the edge widths.
template<class X >
GraphToEps< NodeColorsTraits< X > > nodeColors (const X &x)
 Sets the map of the node colors.
template<class X >
< NodeTextColorsTraits< X > > 
nodeTextColors (const X &x)
 Sets the map of the node text colors.
template<class X >
GraphToEps< EdgeColorsTraits< X > > edgeColors (const X &x)
 Sets the map of the edge colors.
GraphToEps< T > & nodeScale (double d)
 Sets a global scale factor for node sizes.
GraphToEps< T > & autoNodeScale (bool b=true)
 Turns on/off the automatic node width scaling.
GraphToEps< T > & absoluteNodeSizes (bool b=true)
 Turns on/off the absolutematic node width scaling.
GraphToEps< T > & negateY (bool b=true)
 Negates the Y coordinates.
GraphToEps< T > & preScale (bool b=true)
 Turn on/off prescaling.
GraphToEps< T > & edgeWidthScale (double d)
 Sets a global scale factor for edge widths.
GraphToEps< T > & autoEdgeWidthScale (bool b=true)
 Turns on/off the automatic edge width scaling.
GraphToEps< T > & absoluteEdgeWidths (bool b=true)
 Turns on/off the absolutematic edge width scaling.
GraphToEps< T > & scale (double d)
 Sets a global scale factor for the whole picture.
GraphToEps< T > & border (double b)
 Sets the width of the border around the picture.
GraphToEps< T > & border (double x, double y)
 Sets the width of the border around the picture.
GraphToEps< T > & drawArrows (bool b=true)
 Sets whether to draw arrows.
GraphToEps< T > & arrowLength (double d)
 Sets the length of the arrowheads.
GraphToEps< T > & arrowWidth (double d)
 Sets the width of the arrowheads.
GraphToEps< T > & scaleToA4 ()
 Scales the drawing to fit to A4 page.
GraphToEps< T > & enableParallel (bool b=true)
 Enables parallel edges.
GraphToEps< T > & parEdgeDist (double d)
 Sets the distance.
GraphToEps< T > & hideEdges (bool b=true)
 Hides the edges.
GraphToEps< T > & hideNodes (bool b=true)
 Hides the nodes.
GraphToEps< T > & nodeTextSize (double d)
 Sets the size of the node texts.
GraphToEps< T > & distantColorNodeTexts ()
 Sets the color of the node texts to be different from the node color.
GraphToEps< T > & distantBWNodeTexts ()
 Sets the color of the node texts to be black or white and always visible.
GraphToEps< T > & nodePsTextsPreamble (const char *str)
 Gives a preamble block for node Postscript block.
GraphToEps< T > & undirected (bool b=true)
 Sets whether the the graph is undirected.
GraphToEps< T > & bidir (bool b=true)
 Sets whether the the graph is directed.
GraphToEps< T > & title (const std::string &t)
 Sets the title.
GraphToEps< T > & copyright (const std::string &t)
 Sets the copyright statement.
void run ()
 Draws the graph.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum NodeShapes

Node shapes

MALE  = 3

Member Function Documentation

GraphToEps<CoordsTraits<X> > coords ( const X &  x  )  [inline]

Sets the map of the node coordinates.

x must be a node map with dim2::Point<double> or dim2::Point<int> values.

GraphToEps<NodeSizesTraits<X> > nodeSizes ( const X &  x  )  [inline]

Sets the map of the node sizes

x must be a node map with double (or convertible) values.

GraphToEps<NodeShapesTraits<X> > nodeShapes ( const X &  x  )  [inline]

Sets the map of the node shapes. The availabe shape values can be found in enum NodeShapes.

x must be a node map with int (or convertible) values.
See also:

GraphToEps<NodeTextsTraits<X> > nodeTexts ( const X &  x  )  [inline]

Sets the text printed on the nodes

x must be a node map with type that can be pushed to a standard ostream.

GraphToEps<NodePsTextsTraits<X> > nodePsTexts ( const X &  x  )  [inline]

With this command it is possible to insert a verbatim PostScript block to the nodes. The PS current point will be moved to the centre of the node before the PostScript block inserted.

Before and after the block a newline character is inserted so you don't have to bother with the separators.

x must be a node map with type that can be pushed to a standard ostream.
See also:
Offer the choise not to move to the centre but pass the coordinates to the Postscript block inserted.

GraphToEps<EdgeWidthsTraits<X> > edgeWidths ( const X &  x  )  [inline]

Sets the map of the edge widths

x must be a edge map with double (or convertible) values.

GraphToEps<NodeColorsTraits<X> > nodeColors ( const X &  x  )  [inline]

Sets the map of the node colors

x must be a node map with Color values.
See also:

GraphToEps<NodeTextColorsTraits<X> > nodeTextColors ( const X &  x  )  [inline]

Sets the map of the node text colors

x must be a node map with Color values.
See also:

GraphToEps<EdgeColorsTraits<X> > edgeColors ( const X &  x  )  [inline]

Sets the map of the edge colors

x must be a edge map with Color values.
See also:

GraphToEps<T>& nodeScale ( double  d  )  [inline]

Sets a global scale factor for node sizes.

If nodeSizes() is not given, this function simply sets the node sizes to d. If nodeSizes() is given, but autoNodeScale() is not, then the node size given by nodeSizes() will be multiplied by the value d. If both nodeSizes() and autoNodeScale() are used, then the node sizes will be scaled in such a way that the greatest size will be equal to d.

See also:


GraphToEps<T>& autoNodeScale ( bool  b = true  )  [inline]

Turns on/off the automatic node width scaling.

See also:

GraphToEps<T>& absoluteNodeSizes ( bool  b = true  )  [inline]

Turns on/off the absolutematic node width scaling.

See also:

GraphToEps<T>& negateY ( bool  b = true  )  [inline]

Negates the Y coordinates.

More docs.

GraphToEps<T>& preScale ( bool  b = true  )  [inline]

By default graphToEps() rescales the whole image in order to avoid very big or very small bounding boxes.

This (p)rescaling can be turned off with this function.

GraphToEps<T>& edgeWidthScale ( double  d  )  [inline]

Sets a global scale factor for edge widths.

If edgeWidths() is not given, this function simply sets the edge widths to d. If edgeWidths() is given, but autoEdgeWidthScale() is not, then the edge withs given by edgeWidths() will be multiplied by the value d. If both edgeWidths() and autoEdgeWidthScale() are used, then the edge withs will be scaled in such a way that the greatest width will be equal to d.

GraphToEps<T>& autoEdgeWidthScale ( bool  b = true  )  [inline]

Turns on/off the automatic edge width scaling.

See also:

GraphToEps<T>& absoluteEdgeWidths ( bool  b = true  )  [inline]

Turns on/off the absolutematic edge width scaling.

See also:

GraphToEps<T>& scale ( double  d  )  [inline]

Sets a global scale factor for the whole picture

GraphToEps<T>& border ( double  b  )  [inline]

Sets the width of the border around the picture

GraphToEps<T>& border ( double  x,
double  y 
) [inline]

Sets the width of the border around the picture

GraphToEps<T>& drawArrows ( bool  b = true  )  [inline]

Sets whether to draw arrows

GraphToEps<T>& arrowLength ( double  d  )  [inline]

Sets the length of the arrowheads

GraphToEps<T>& arrowWidth ( double  d  )  [inline]

Sets the width of the arrowheads

GraphToEps<T>& scaleToA4 (  )  [inline]

Scales the drawing to fit to A4 page

GraphToEps<T>& enableParallel ( bool  b = true  )  [inline]

Enables parallel edges

GraphToEps<T>& parEdgeDist ( double  d  )  [inline]

Sets the distance

GraphToEps<T>& hideEdges ( bool  b = true  )  [inline]

Hides the edges

GraphToEps<T>& hideNodes ( bool  b = true  )  [inline]

Hides the nodes

GraphToEps<T>& nodeTextSize ( double  d  )  [inline]

Sets the size of the node texts

GraphToEps<T>& distantColorNodeTexts (  )  [inline]

Sets the color of the node texts to be as different from the node color as it is possible

GraphToEps<T>& distantBWNodeTexts (  )  [inline]

Sets the color of the node texts to be black or white according to which is more different from the node color

GraphToEps<T>& nodePsTextsPreamble ( const char *  str  )  [inline]

Gives a preamble block for node Postscript block.

See also:

GraphToEps<T>& undirected ( bool  b = true  )  [inline]

Sets whether the the graph is undirected

GraphToEps<T>& bidir ( bool  b = true  )  [inline]

Sets whether the the graph is directed. Use it to show the undirected edges as a pair of directed ones.

GraphToEps<T>& title ( const std::string &  t  )  [inline]

Sets the title of the generated image, namely it inserts a %Title: DSC field to the header of the EPS file.

GraphToEps<T>& copyright ( const std::string &  t  )  [inline]

Sets the copyright statement of the generated image, namely it inserts a %Copyright: DSC field to the header of the EPS file.

Multiline copyright notice could be supported.

void run (  )  [inline]

Like other functions using named template parameters, this function calles the algorithm itself, i.e. in this case it draws the graph.

better 'epsilon' would be nice here.

better 'epsilon' would be nice here.

better 'epsilon' would be nice here.

better 'epsilon' would be nice here.

Generated on Thu Jun 4 04:04:30 2009 for LEMON by  doxygen 1.5.9