ResidualDijkstra Class Reference

Detailed Description

template<typename Graph, typename LowerMap = typename Graph::template EdgeMap<int>, typename CapacityMap = typename Graph::template EdgeMap<int>, typename CostMap = typename Graph::template EdgeMap<int>, typename SupplyMap = typename Graph::template NodeMap<int>>
class lemon::CapacityScaling< Graph, LowerMap, CapacityMap, CostMap, SupplyMap >::ResidualDijkstra

ResidualDijkstra is a special implementation of the Dijkstra algorithm for finding shortest paths in the residual network of the graph with respect to the reduced edge costs and modifying the node potentials according to the distance of the nodes.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ResidualDijkstra (const Graph &graph, const FlowMap &flow, const CapacityEdgeMap &res_cap, const CostMap &cost, const SupplyMap &excess, PotentialMap &potential, PredMap &pred)
Node run (Node s, Capacity delta=1)
 Run the algorithm from the given source node.

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