Detailed Description
This group describes some data structures implemented in LEMON in order to make it easier to implement combinatorial algorithms.
Classes |
class | BinHeap< _Prio, _ItemIntMap, _Compare > |
| A Binary Heap implementation. More...
class | BucketHeap< _ItemIntMap, minimize > |
| A Bucket Heap implementation. More...
class | SimpleBucketHeap< _ItemIntMap, minimize > |
| A Simplified Bucket Heap implementation. More...
class | Elevator< Graph, Item > |
| Class for handling "labels" in push-relabel type algorithms. More...
class | LinkedElevator< Graph, Item > |
| Class for handling "labels" in push-relabel type algorithms. More...
class | FibHeap< _Prio, _ItemIntMap, _Compare > |
| Fibonacci Heap. More...
class | UnionFind< _ItemIntMap > |
| A Union-Find data structure implementation. More...
class | UnionFindEnum< _ItemIntMap > |
| A Union-Find data structure implementation which is able to enumerate the components. More...
class | ExtendFindEnum< _ItemIntMap > |
| A Extend-Find data structure implementation which is able to enumerate the components. More...
class | HeapUnionFind< _Value, _ItemIntMap, _Comp > |
| A Union-Find data structure implementation which is able to store a priority for each item and retrieve the minimum of each class. More...
Files |
file | bin_heap.h |
| Binary Heap implementation.
file | bucket_heap.h |
| Bucket Heap implementation.
file | elevator.h |
| Elevator class.
file | fib_heap.h |
| Fibonacci Heap implementation.
file | radix_heap.h |
| Radix Heap implementation.
file | unionfind.h |
| Union-Find data structures.