Complexity of computing the rotor-router action

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Let [math]G[/math] be an undirected graph. What is the complexity of computing the rotor-router action of the sandpile group of [math]G[/math] on the spanning trees of [math]G[/math]?


  • The rotor-router action has been defined by Holroyd et al. [1].
  • This problem is a special case of computing the halting configuration of the rotor-routing game. More precisely, we need to be able to solve the following problem: Let [math]D[/math] be the directed graph where we substitute each (undirected) edge of [math]G[/math] by two oppositely directed edges, then we delete the out-edges of a fixed root vertex [math]q[/math]. Suppose that a chip-and-rotor configuration is given on [math]D[/math] where the number of chips is nonnegative outside [math]q[/math]. What is the halting configuration of the rotor-routing game on this input?
  • It can be checked in polynomial time whether a given sandpile group element [math]x[/math] sends a given spanning tree [math]T[/math] to another given spanning tree [math]T'[/math]. [2]


  1. A. E. Holroyd, L. Levine, K. Mészáros, Y. Peres, J. Propp, D. B. Wilson, Chip-Firing and Rotor-Routing on Directed Graphs, Progress in Probability (2008) DOI link, Author Link
  2. L. Tóthmérész, Algorithmic aspects of rotor-routing and the notion of linear equivalence, Discrete Applied Mathematics Volume 236, 19 February 2018, Pages 428-437 DOI link