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A family of subsets of a finite set S is called a delta-matroid if the following symmetric exchange axiom is satisfied:

  • If X and Y is in the family, and [math]s \in X \Delta Y[/math], then there is an element [math]t \in X \Delta Y[/math] such that [math]X \Delta \{s,t\}[/math] is in the family.

Some examples:

  • The bases of a matroid form a delta-matroid.
  • For any graph, the node sets of matchings form a delta-matroid (this is an example of an even delta-matroid: every member of the family has the same cardinality modulo 2).
  • If M is a skew-symmetric matrix, then the row subsets that give non-singular principle submatrices form a delta-matroid (linear delta-matroid).

For more information, see [1].


  1. A. Bouchet, W.H. Cunningham, Delta-matroids, jump systems, and bisubmodular polyhedra, author link.