Hoffman-Kruskal theorem

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The theorem of Hoffman and Kruskal [1] is a characterization of totally unimodular matrices in terms of integrality of polyhedra defined by the matrices.

Theorem. An integer matrix [math]A \in {\mathbb Z}^{m \times n}[/math] is totally unimodular if and only if for every [math]b \in {\mathbb Z}^m[/math], the polyhedron [math]\{x \in {\mathbb R}^n: Ax \leq b, x \geq 0\}[/math] is integral, i.e. all of its vertices are integral.


  1. A.J. Hoffman, J.B. Kruskal, Integral Boundary Points of Convex Polyhedra, Linear Inequalities and Related Systems (H.W. Kuhn and A.J. Tucker, eds.), Princeton University Press, 1956, pp. 223–246. Reprinted in 50 Years of Integer Programming 1958-2008, DOI link, pdf link