Local edge-connectivity

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Undirected graphs

Let G=(V,E) be an undirected graph. For [math]u,v \in V[/math], the local edge-connectivity between u and v, denoted by [math]\lambda_G(u,v)[/math], is the maximum number of edge-disjoint paths between u and v. By Menger's theorem, this equals the minimum number of edges whose removal disconnects u and v (or with other words the minimum degree of a set separating u and v).

More generally, if we have a non-negative capacity function c on the edges, then the local edge-connectivity between u and v, [math]\lambda_c(u,v)[/math], is the minimum total capacity of edges whose removal disconnects u and v.

A local edge-connectivity requirement is a non-negative symmetric function [math]r: V \times V \to {\mathbb Z}[/math]. The graph G=(V,E) satisfies the requirement if [math]\lambda_G(u,v) \geq r(u,v)[/math] for any pair u,v of distinct nodes.

Local edge-connectivity can be computed using network flows.

Gomory-Hu tree

An important property of local edge-connectivity in undirected graphs is the existence of a Gomory-Hu tree. We state the result for the more general capacitated case. Let G=(V,E) be an undirected graph, and [math]c: E \to {\mathbb R}_+[/math] a non-negative capacity function. A tree T=(V,F) (not necessarily a subgraph of G) is a Gomory-Hu tree for c if for each edge [math]uv \in F[/math], [math]\lambda_c(u,v)[/math] equals the total capacity of edges in G that go between the two components of (V,F-uv). It follows that for any pair of nodes s,t, [math]\lambda_c(s,t)[/math] equals the minimum of [math]\lambda_c(u,v)[/math] where u and v are adjacent nodes on the path from s to t in T.

Gomory and Hu[1] proved that a Gomory-Hu tree always exists. Currently the fastest algorithm for computing the tree has expected running time Õ(mL)[2] where L is the maximum local edge-connectivity.


Local edge-connectivity for hypergraphs can be defined similarly. A path between nodes s and t in a hypergraph H=(V,E) is an alternating sequence of nodes and edges [math]s=v_0,e_1,v_1,e_2,\dots,e_k,v_k=t[/math] where there is no repetition and nodes [math]v_{i-1}[/math] and [math]v_i[/math] belong to hyperedge [math]e_i[/math] (i=1,...,k). The local edge-connectivity [math]\lambda_G(u,v)[/math] between nodes u and v is the maximum number of hyperedge-disjoint paths between u and v. This equals the minimum number of hyperedges whose removal disconnects u and v.

Directed graphs

Let D=(V,A) be a directed graph. For [math]u,v \in V[/math], the local arc-connectivity (or simply local edge-connectivity) from u to v, denoted by [math]\lambda_D(u,v)[/math], is the maximum number of arc-disjoint directed paths from u to v. By Menger's theorem, this equals the minimum number of arcs that cover every directed u-v path (equivalently, the minimum in-degree of a set containing v and excluding u).

More generally, if we have a non-negative capacity function c on the edges, then the local arc-connectivity from u to v, [math]\lambda_c(u,v)[/math], is the minimum total capacity of edges that cover every directed u-v path.

A local arc-connectivity requirement is a non-negative function [math]r: V \times V \to {\mathbb Z}[/math] (note that here the symmetry of r is not assumed). The digraph D=(V,A) satisfies the requirement if [math]\lambda_D(u,v) \geq r(u,v)[/math] for any pair u,v of distinct nodes.

Local arc-connectivity can be computed using network flows.


  1. R. E. Gomory, T. C. Hu, Multi-terminal network flows, J. Soc. Indust. Appl. Math. 9 (1961), 551-570.Doi link.
  2. R. Hariharan, T. Kavitha, D. Panigrahi, A. Bhalgat, An Õ(mn) Gomory-Hu tree construction algorithm for unweighted graphs, Proceedings of 39th STOC (2007), 605-614. Doi link.