Equitability of matroids

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Is it true that if the ground set S of a matroid M can be partitioned into 2 bases, then for any set XS there is a basis B such that SB is also a basis and |X|/2|BX||X|/2?


The matroids with the above property are called equitable. The conjecture would be a consequence of the conjecture on Cyclic orderings of matroids: if there is a cyclic ordering such that any |S|/2 consecutive elements form a basis, then it is easy to see that for any XS one of these cyclically consecutive bases has the above property.

It was shown by Fekete and Szabó [1] that graphic matroids and weakly base orderable matroids are equitable, and they also investigated related problems where equitability with respect to more than one set is required. Szabó also showed that every matroid on at most 8 elements is equitable.

Aharoni et al. [2] conjecture that the ground set S can be partitioned into 2 independent sets in two matroids M1,M2, then for any set XS there is a common independent set I such that |IX||X|/21 and |IX||SX|/21. They proved the weaker inequalities |IX|(121|V|)|X|1 and |IX|(121|V|)|SX|1.


  1. Z. Fekete, J. Szabó, Equitable partitions to spanning trees in a graph, DOI link. See also EGRES Technical Report No. 2005-03.
  2. R. Aharoni, E. Berger, D. Kotlar, R. Ziv, Fair Representation in the Intersection of Two Matroids, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 2017, DOI link.