Talk:Equitability of matroids

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Missing condition -- Dion 21:33, 23 January 2010 (UTC)

In this conjecture, the set B should probably be required to be both a base and the complement of a base. Indeed, otherwise the conjecture would (trivially) be true by taking a base-cobase and moving one exchange at a time to its complement.

Re: Missing condition -- Tamás Király 18:40, 24 January 2010 (UTC)

Thanks, you are right. I corrected the conjecture.

True for hypergraphic matroids -- Tamás Király 10:37, 25 February 2011 (UTC)

It is very easy to see that hypergraphic matroids are equitable. Let H=(V,E) be a hypergraph whose edge set can be partitioned into two bases: B and E-B. Then for every hyperedge eE we can choose a graph edge ee such that B (the chosen graph edges for hyperedges in B) and (EB) are forests with the same components. Thus the circuit matroid of the graph G=(V,E') can be partitioned into 2 bases. We know that this circuit matroid is equitable; but this clearly implies that the hypergraphic matroid is also equitable, since for any base in the circuit matroid, the corresponding hyperedges form a base in the hypergraphic matroid too.

Stronger corollary -- Tamás Király (talk) 13:44, 15 July 2015 (UTC)

If the conjecture is true, then the following, seemingly stronger statement is also true:

If the ground set S of a matroid M can be partitioned into k bases, then for any set XS there is a partition B1,,Bk into k bases such that |X|/k|BiX||X|/k for every i.

Indeed, consider a partition B1,,Bk into k bases such that ki=1|(|BiX||X|/k)| is minimal. We can assume that |B1X||BkX|. If B1,,Bk does not satisfy the conditions, then we can use the equitability w.r.t. X of the matroid M restricted to B1Bk, to obtain B1 and Bk such that |BkX||B1X|<|BkX||B1X|. This contradicts the choice of B1,,Bk.