Talk:Skew-supermodular list colouring

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List-edge-colouring with many colours at each node -- Tamás Király 21:15, 22 September 2010 (UTC)

An interesting special case concerns list-edge-colouring of bipartite graphs. Let [math]G=(V,E)[/math] be a bipatite graph, and k a positive integer. Is it true that if every edge has a list of k colours, then it is possible to choose a colour from the list of each edge so that every node v has at least [math]\min\{d_G(v),k\}[/math] edges of different colour incident to it?

Re: List-edge-colouring with many colours at each node -- Tamás Király (talk) 14:37, 30 May 2016 (UTC)

In their paper proving the general conjecture, Iwata and Yokoi show that this special case can be proved directly using Galvin's bipartite list-edge-colouring theorem.