lemon Directory Reference

Detailed Description

This is the base directory of lemon includes, so each include file must be prefixed with this, e.g.



directory  bits
 Implementation helper files.
directory  concepts
 Concept descriptors and checking classes.


file  arg_parser.cc
file  arg_parser.h
 A tools to parse command line arguments.
file  base.cc
 Some basic non inline function and static global data.
file  bellman_ford.h
 BellmanFord algorithm.
file  bfs.h
 Bfs algorithm.
file  bin_heap.h
 Binary Heap implementation.
file  bipartite_matching.h
 Maximum matching algorithms in bipartite graphs.
file  bpugraph_adaptor.h
 Several graph adaptors.
file  bucket_heap.h
 Bucket Heap implementation.
file  cancel_and_tighten.h
 Cancel and Tighten algorithm for finding a minimum cost flow.
file  capacity_scaling.h
 Capacity scaling algorithm for finding a minimum cost flow.
file  circulation.h
 Push-prelabel algorithm for finding a feasible circulation.
file  color.cc
 Color constants.
file  color.h
 Tools to manage RGB colors.
file  concept_check.h
file  config.h
file  cost_scaling.h
 Cost scaling algorithm for finding a minimum cost flow.
file  counter.h
 Tools for counting steps and events.
file  csp.h
 Algorithm for the Resource Constrained Shortest Path problem.
file  cycle_canceling.h
 Cycle-canceling algorithm for finding a minimum cost flow.
file  dag_shortest_path.h
 DagShortestPath algorithm.
file  dfs.h
 Dfs algorithm.
file  dijkstra.h
 Dijkstra algorithm.
file  dim2.h
 A simple two dimensional vector and a bounding box implementation.
file  dimacs.h
 DIMACS file format reader.
file  dinitz_sleator_tarjan.h
 Implementation the dynamic tree data structure of Sleator and Tarjan.
file  dist_log.h
 Measure a Distribution.
file  dynamic_tree.h
 The dynamic tree data structure of Sleator and Tarjan.
file  edge_set.h
 EdgeSet classes.
file  edmonds_karp.h
 Implementation of the Edmonds-Karp algorithm.
file  elevator.h
 Elevator class.
file  eps.cc
file  eps.h
 Simple tool to create .eps files.
file  error.h
 Basic exception classes and error handling.
file  euler.h
 Euler tour.
file  fib_heap.h
 Fibonacci Heap implementation.
file  floyd_warshall.h
 FloydWarshall algorithm.
file  fredman_tarjan.h
 FredmanTarjan algorithm to compute minimum spanning forest.
file  full_graph.h
 FullGraph and FullUGraph classes.
file  goldberg_tarjan.h
 Implementation of the preflow algorithm.
file  gomory_hu_tree.h
 Gomory-Hu cut tree in undirected graphs.
file  graph_adaptor.h
 Several graph adaptors.
file  graph_reader.h
 Lemon Graph Format reader.
file  graph_to_eps.h
 Simple graph drawer.
file  graph_utils.h
 Graph utilities.
file  graph_writer.h
 Lemon Graph Format writer.
file  grid_ugraph.h
 GridUGraph class.
file  hao_orlin.h
 Implementation of the Hao-Orlin algorithm.
file  hypercube_graph.h
 HyperCubeGraph class.
file  iterable_maps.h
 Maps that makes it possible to iterate through the keys having a certain value.
file  johnson.h
 Johnson algorithm.
file  kruskal.h
file  lemon_reader.h
 Lemon Format reader.
file  lemon_writer.h
 Lemon Format writer.
file  list_graph.h
 ListGraph, ListUGraph classes.
file  lp.h
 Defines a default LP solver.
file  lp_base.cc
 The implementation of the LP solver interface.
file  lp_base.h
 The interface of the LP solver interface.
file  lp_cplex.cc
 Implementation of the LEMON-CPLEX lp solver interface.
file  lp_cplex.h
 Header of the LEMON-CPLEX lp solver interface.
file  lp_glpk.cc
 Implementation of the LEMON-GLPK lp solver interface.
file  lp_glpk.h
 Header of the LEMON-GLPK lp solver interface.
file  lp_skeleton.cc
 A skeleton file to implement LP solver interfaces.
file  lp_skeleton.h
 A skeleton file to implement LP solver interfaces.
file  lp_soplex.cc
 Implementation of the LEMON-SOPLEX lp solver interface.
file  lp_soplex.h
 Header of the LEMON-SOPLEX lp solver interface.
file  lp_utils.cc
file  lp_utils.h
file  map_iterator.h
 Iterators on the maps.
file  maps.h
 Miscellaneous property maps.
file  math.h
 Some extensions to the standard cmath library.
file  matrix_maps.h
 Maps indexed with pairs of items.
file  max_matching.h
 Maximum matching algorithms in undirected graph.
file  min_cost_arborescence.h
 Minimum Cost Arborescence algorithm.
file  min_cost_flow.h
 An efficient algorithm for finding a minimum cost flow.
file  min_cost_max_flow.h
 An efficient algorithm for finding a minimum cost maximum flow.
file  min_mean_cycle.h
 Howard's algorithm for finding a minimum mean directed cycle.
file  mip_cplex.cc
 Implementation of the LEMON-CPLEX mip solver interface.
file  mip_cplex.h
 Header of the LEMON-CPLEX mip solver interface.
file  mip_glpk.cc
 Implementation of the LEMON-GLPK mip solver interface.
file  mip_glpk.h
 Header of the LEMON-GLPK mip solver interface.
file  nagamochi_ibaraki.h
 Maximum cardinality search and minimum cut in undirected graphs.
file  nauty_reader.h
 Nauty file reader.
file  network_simplex.h
 Network simplex algorithm for finding a minimum cost flow.
file  path.h
 Classes for representing paths in graphs.
file  path_utils.h
 Classes for representing paths in graphs.
file  planarity.h
 Planarity checking, embedding, drawing and coloring.
file  polynomial.h
 A simple class implementing polynomials.
file  pr_bipartite_matching.h
 Push-prelabel maximum matching algorithms in bipartite graphs.
file  preflow.h
 Implementation of the preflow algorithm.
file  prim.h
 Prim algorithm to compute minimum spanning tree.
file  radix_heap.h
 Radix Heap implementation.
file  radix_sort.h
 Radix sort.
file  random.cc
 Instantiation of the Random class.
file  random.h
 Mersenne Twister random number generator.
file  refptr.h
 A reference counted pointer implementation.
file  simann.h
 Simulated annealing framework.
file  smart_graph.h
 SmartGraph and SmartUGraph classes.
file  static_graph.h
file  steiner.h
 Algorithm for the 2-approximation of Steiner Tree problem.
file  sub_graph.h
file  suurballe.h
 An algorithm for finding edge-disjoint paths between two nodes having minimum total length.
file  tabu_search.h
 TabuSearch algorithm.
file  time_measure.h
 Tools for measuring cpu usage.
file  tolerance.h
 A basic tool to handle the anomalies of calculation with floating point numbers.
file  topology.h
 Topology related algorithms.
file  ugraph_adaptor.h
 Several graph adaptors.
file  unionfind.h
 Union-Find data structures.
file  vmap.h
 Virtual map support.

Generated on Thu Jun 4 04:06:57 2009 for LEMON by  doxygen 1.5.9