bipartite_matching.h File Reference

Detailed Description

The pr_bipartite_matching.h file also contains algorithms to solve maximum cardinality bipartite matching problems.
#include <functional>
#include <lemon/bin_heap.h>
#include <lemon/maps.h>
#include <iostream>


class  MaxBipartiteMatching< BpUGraph >
 Bipartite Max Cardinality Matching algorithm. More...
struct  MaxWeightedBipartiteMatchingDefaultTraits< _BpUGraph, _WeightMap >
 Default traits class for weighted bipartite matching algoritms. More...
class  MaxWeightedBipartiteMatching< _BpUGraph, _WeightMap, _Traits >
 Bipartite Max Weighted Matching algorithm. More...
class  UninitializedParameter
 Exception for uninitialized parameters. More...
struct  DefHeap< H, CR >
struct  DefStandardHeap< H, CR >
 Named parameter for setting heap and cross reference type with automatic allocation More...
struct  MinCostMaxBipartiteMatchingDefaultTraits< _BpUGraph, _CostMap >
 Default traits class for minimum cost bipartite matching algoritms. More...
class  MinCostMaxBipartiteMatching< _BpUGraph, _CostMap, _Traits >
 Bipartite Min Cost Matching algorithm. More...
class  UninitializedParameter
 Exception for uninitialized parameters. More...
struct  DefHeap< H, CR >
struct  DefStandardHeap< H, CR >
 Named parameter for setting heap and cross reference type with automatic allocation More...


namespace  lemon
 The namespace of LEMON.


template<typename BpUGraph >
int maxBipartiteMatching (const BpUGraph &graph)
 Maximum cardinality bipartite matching.
template<typename BpUGraph , typename MatchingMap >
int maxBipartiteMatching (const BpUGraph &graph, MatchingMap &matching)
 Maximum cardinality bipartite matching.
template<typename BpUGraph , typename MatchingMap , typename BarrierMap >
int maxBipartiteMatching (const BpUGraph &graph, MatchingMap &matching, BarrierMap &barrier)
 Maximum cardinality bipartite matching.
template<typename BpUGraph , typename WeightMap , typename MatchingMap >
WeightMap::Value maxWeightedBipartiteMatching (const BpUGraph &graph, const WeightMap &weight, MatchingMap &matching)
 Maximum weighted bipartite matching.
template<typename BpUGraph , typename WeightMap , typename MatchingMap >
WeightMap::Value maxWeightedMaxBipartiteMatching (const BpUGraph &graph, const WeightMap &weight, MatchingMap &matching)
 Maximum weighted maximum cardinality bipartite matching.
template<typename BpUGraph , typename CostMap , typename MatchingMap >
CostMap::Value minCostMaxBipartiteMatching (const BpUGraph &graph, const CostMap &cost, MatchingMap &matching)
 Minimum cost maximum cardinality bipartite matching.

Generated on Thu Jun 4 04:03:10 2009 for LEMON by  doxygen 1.5.9